Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE? February 10, 2012

IS IT TRUE? February 10, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? February 10, 2012

IS IT TRUE that just as the City County Observer predicted that there is a mass of resignations coming from officers of the Vanderburgh County Democrat Central Committee?…that Evansville City Council President and Party Vice Chairman Connie Robinson was first to step up and submit her resignation closely followed by Chairman Mark Owen with his resignation that like Robinson’s was effective immediately?…that the next 20 hours will be quite interesting because the Mole Nation tells us that at least 4 more departures are coming whether by voluntary resignation or forced resignation?…that this is all happening because 8th District Democrat Chairman Anthony Long sent out a letter calling a meeting for 1:00 PM Friday for the purpose of seeking solutions to end the infighting, bickering, and bipolar behavior which the Vanderburgh County Democrats have been exhibiting for several years now?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer would like to thank the outgoing Democrats for engaging in enough antics to drive lots of traffic to this website?…that without Democrat tomfoolery our rise to be the most read news website in greater Evansville may have taken many years?…that we also thank and commend Anthony Long for calling a meeting that hopefully will result in a strong and rational Democrat Party in Evansville’s future?…that having as much bitterness and backbiting as has been come to be expected recently is not good for attracting good talent into the Democrat gene pool?…that if you think about it, it would really take a candidate that likes dirty politics and loves a good beating to even throw their hat into the ring?…that we hope to see the child’s play at the Evansville City Council end in 2016 if not before?

IS IT TRUE that the Board Member and Chairman of the Evansville Merit Commission might have a conflict of interest problem in hearing the Al Lindsey case?….that Tim Hubert is an active attorney with the Evansville law firm, ZIEMER, STAYMAN, WEITZEL AND SHOULDERS who is representing the City of Evansville Fire Department in this matter?…that the above firm is also the official law firm that represents the City of Evansville in all legal matters?

IS IT TRUE that we are waiting to hear if any other witnesses to the Democrat BoozeFest at the Maingate Bar have been asked for their opinion on what it is that Captain Al Lindsey was drinking on the night of January 23rd?…that including Al’s admission of drinking Mountain Dew that makes 4 different stories from this most esteemed and unimpaired group of unimpeachable witnesses?…that we wish that this could have been filmed for a competition entry to the “Three Stooges Film Festival”?…that it could be titled “What did Al Drink” and would be as hilarious as the “Who’s on First Routine from long ago?

IS IT TRUE that we have just learned that our friend Les Shively has not made the final cut to become a member of the Indiana Supreme Court?…that we congratulate Les on being on the list and wish him well with his law practice going forward?…that we would pay good money for Les to be on WGBF 1280 am tomorrow with Joe Wallace do discuss the circling of the drain of the Vanderburgh County Democrat Central Committee?…the term “round the bowl and down the hole” is a filling description of the last GATE that this cast of characters will use to make their exit?