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IS IT TRUE? February 1, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? February 1, 2012

IS IT TRUE that by a four to one margin the voters in the City County Observer readers poll are expressing the opinion that it is not appropriate or acceptable for a MAJORITY of the members of the Evansville City Council to gather offsite?…that even if they are talking about grandkids, basketball, and church as many people in Evansville do in social gatherings that a group of them that constitute a voting majority sitting together outside of the council chambers looks to regular people like dirty deeds are being done?…that it will look doubly bad if in any forthcoming vote the six members of the City Council who were gathered at the Maingate Bar on Monday night after the City Council meeting vote together as a block?…that at least on one particular sensitive issue the group of council members that was enjoying each other’s company last night are on the record with diametrically opposite opinions?…that in the case of at least one of the revelers that two opinions have come out of the same mouth so we will see which one shows up to vote?

IS IT TRUE that it has not yet been revealed which member of the City Council called the Office of Mayor Winnecke to tell on Councilman Lindsey for consuming alcohol?…that the CCO wonders why Mayor Winnecke as opposed to the President of the City Council or the Fire Chief was the yard duty of choice to tell on Councilman Lindsey?…that the last thing that is needed is for the Mayor’s Office to be the Sergeant at Arms for the City Council and Vice Versa?…that the one office that did not need to have any of these issues thrown into their lap was Mayor Winnecke’s office?

IS IT TRUE that the Right to Work bill is expected to pass the Indiana Senate and be presented to Governor Daniels for his signature before the Super Bowl?…that we do not want or need any disruptions in the street during the week of the Super Bowl over Right to Work that would reflect poorly on the State of Indiana?…that like this or not Right to Work is the wave of the future in the United States and that Indiana will be better off for leading the Midwest as opposed to lagging in adopting something that truly is inevitable?…that now that this passes into law we will all see that it will not cause immediate damage to workers wages and benefits?…that we shall also see that there will not be factories magically appearing in corn fields either?…that Right to Work is a tool that will allow economic developers across Indiana to compete for 100% of the projects that are out there to compete for as opposed to the roughly 65% that we have been able to bid on without Right to Work?…that the first targets will be expanding companies from Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, and Kentucky all of which have not adopted Right to Work laws?

IS IT TRUE that the world’s largest gathering of Venture Capitalists with an eye to invest in clean, green, and renewable energy projects will be meeting for the next three days about 2 miles from where this is being written?…that the former publisher but frequent contributor to the City County Observer Joe Wallace will be representing the California Innovation Hub for Renewable Energy at this forum?…that the attendees represent well over $2 Billion of investment capital looking for a place to be deployed?…that there is at least one Indiana company under consideration by some of these firms?


  1. Joe, what event is this on the Venture Capitalists, please. What name is it. How GREAT you get to attend this event. ENERGY projects is what is creating a Buzz all over the nation. It is helping the state of Ohio get out of their 2008 Financial Crisis malaize. The State of Ohio is doing a lot of new ENERGY related projects, whipping other states in the USA.
    Thanks, please give the name of the Event you are speaking about and the town it is in. Already, you are making an impact….isn’t it something where here in this area, this Region, to “them” it is more important to remain and be C Average, while the rest of us are working with folks of “A” Calibre and helping to make America, again, the Greatest Nation to live in. How about that, guy! Funny how things turn about, eh, GREAT!

    • Here is a link Mary. During the first night we secured a commitment with Autodesk to provide up to $150,000 of engineering design software with training for $50 to any of our client companies who ask for it. There were investors representing well over a Billion just at the opening dinner of 20 people that included the top executives of the National Renewable Energy Labs, Google’s Renewable Energy Group, and over 10 Venture Capital firms.


      • THANKS! Joe, that was the kind of event I was going for last year when the past Mayor, my Stalkers, and Mayor’s cronies worked to shoot down what they could…..I had the contacts to come…..they only held back the town, again, as all C average folks do. This coming time, my Strategy is far different. When you have the Mayor’s chosen departments that can’t come from fear of losing their jobs, it only hurts the town. I’m glad that Owensboro, Kentucky, had such a good first year….another scoot by the past Mayor for my event to happen there…he was just a CRAZY person. Towns saw him for what he was. Well, The Event here happened!!! This holds back our town, the pettiness. If you all ever need my second page of the Design I had for the Greyhound Bus Station, I can email it to you…..3 components in it are what I paid for several years ago, for this new Bicentennial Park. WOW!!! that guy had stupid nerve. It would be interesting to see what others had on their paid Designs stolen. Anyway, this year I’m going to strategize doing my Renewable Energy Event a lot differently, even the Wind guy here/solar, was bad mouthing me because it didn’t seem like ‘his idea’…..well, Joe, I talk to many, many folks in the USA, and we don’t have NEAR what I see in the rest of the Nation. Get real. You see what is the cream of the crop, there in California on ENERGY related things. Marvelous. Ohio is doing far more that what we’re doing. In time, their possible projects will be like George Jetson compared to a lot of areas in the USA. THANKS! for info on website. Have Fun!!!


    Beltway Confidential
    January 31, 2012

    The ACLU is not pleased with Facebook’s “sentiment analysis tool” that provides data exclusive to Politico.

    Citing three concerns, Christopher Calabrese of the ACLU’s Legislative Office, argues that Facebook should justify the use of users private communications for analysis.

    Facebook revealed earlier this month that every post and comment by a U.S. user containing information about presidential candidates will now be fed through a sentiment analysis tool. According to the announcement, Facebook shares that information exclusively with Politico.

    Calabrese notes that, “many users may not want to be part of any ‘sentiment analysis’ or poll, and might “feel hesitant” to share their opinion regarding any candidate. Also a concern to the ACLU, Facebook failed to reveal “any mention of user consent anywhere” in their announcement of the project.

    Finally, the ACLU mentioned that Facebook may one day share this information with political campaigns, who would use it to target advertising, manipulate voter data, or shape political messaging.

    “We place a premium on political speech in the United States and debating candidates’ positions and merits,” wrote Calabrese. “Because Facebook has become one of the central forums for political debate it has a duty to clearly disclose any practices that threaten to distort that discussion.”

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Is Facebook participating in social networking, or is this more on the order of “social engineering”? It seems that everyone nowadays is ready to violate individual privacy rights for the almighty dollar. What is Politico paying Facebook to pass along their client’s personal conversations?


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