IS IT TRUE? February 1, 2011 PART 2 (Timing is Critical)


IS IT TRUE? February 1, 2011 PART 2

IS IT TRUE that the unedited six page memo published yesterday by the City County Observer that Mayor Weinzapfel sent to the entire Evansville City Council was dated January 31, 2011 and was distributed via email to the entire Council?…that this document contained 698kBytes of data?

IS IT TRUE that a six page memo of the same title was sent by Mayor Weinzapfel to only five members of the Evansville Council on Friday January 28, 2011?…that the members of Council who were sent this official memorandum by Mayor Weinzapfel three days before the other 4 members of Council were Curt John, B. J. Watts, Missy Mosby, Connie Robinson, and John Friend?…that John Friend actually served as the Mayor’s appointment on the Advisory Committee that was tasked to make the recommendation on who should manage the new Evansville Arena?

IS IT TRUE that all nine members of the Evansville City Council are elected by their respective constituents?…that each member of the City Council has one vote to cast in the best interest of their constituents?…that it is right and fair that all official memorandums sent by the Office of the Mayor of Evansville should be sent to ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS at the same time?…that we are puzzled at the purpose behind the Mayor’s decision to dole the information out to certain members of the Evansville City Council four days before a critical vote of the Redevelopment Commission?…that the other four members of the City Council had less than 24 hours to formulate an opinion about this critical decision?

IS IT TRUE that five votes can carry the vote on the Evansville City Council?…that the five members of the City Council who got the official memorandum on Friday are the block that seldom departs from Mayor Weinzapfel’s wishes?…that the four members of the Evansville City Council who were surprised by such a memo on Monday are the four who are more inclined to ask the tough questions instead of capitulating to the Mayor’s demands?…that we would really appreciate an explanation for this “divide and conquer” manipulation of the timing of the release of critical information by the Mayor?

IS IT TRUE that this tactic is both condescending and insulting to both groups of the Evansville City Council?…that it is insulting to be considered to be in someone else’s pocket?…that it is equally insulting to withhold information from elected officials hired by the people of Evansville to watch after their interests?…that the OFFICE OF THE MAYOR OF EVANSVILLE STILL BELONGS TO THE PEOPLE OF EVANSVILLE?…that it is about time that the current occupant of that office starts to treat both the Office of Mayor that he is privileged to be an elected steward over and the members of the Evansville City Council with the respect that they deserve?


  1. is it true that the monday following all this coming out is the 5th monday of the month, therefore no city council meeting, leaving a full week for the furor to die down before they have to appear in public? Timing may indeed be everything

  2. You are wasting your breath on Weinzapfel. The Bright side? Just 11 months till the “King” is gone..and some of his “concubines” will lose in 2011’s Spring Primary election and some in the Fall’s General election as well.

    • hopefully you are correct, but it is information like this that will help defeat machine politics and their minions

  3. Keep these 5 names in mind they are the disease along with Weinzapfel, Winnecke and Tornatta and we the voters will be the cure.

  4. Maybe it would be best if someone would just call his hand. Should he be removed “for cause” over the illegal use of river boat funds for Barnett’s employment contract?

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