We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we as responsible citizens of this community need to address in a rational and responsible way?
IS IT TRUE recently that an endorsement and solicitation letter was recently mailed to potential voters asking them to vote for three EVSC board incumbents?  …   the author of this letter identifies six (6) extremely well known civic leaders signed this letter and urge you to vote for Andy Guarino, Chris Kiefer, and Rance Ossenberg?   …that the names of the six (6) individuals that signed the endorsement and financial solicitation letter were: Bob Jones-CEO at Old National Bank; Linda White-Newburgh Resident and Community Volunteer; Harold Calloway-President of USI Board of Trustees; Brian D. Hancock-ONI RIsk Partners; Brad Ellsworth-Community Volunteer and Patrick A. Shoulders-EVSC Legal Counsel?
IS IT TRUE the author of the above letter also asks that you send your checks for the above School Board members to Supporting Strong Schools, Post Box 916, Evansville Ind., 47706?  …we are told that address of Supporting Strong Schools, Post Box 916, Evansville Ind., 47706 is the law offices of Ziemer, Stayman, Weitzel, and Shoulders?  …we wonder if this political action committee is registered with the local County Clerks office?  …that candidates for schools board offices don’t have to file a campaign finance report unless they receive more than $500 from political contributions or make more than $500 in expenditures?
IS IT TRUE we would like to point out to the Supporting Strong Schools political action committee that there are 8 very well qualified individuals running for EVSC School board in the upcoming November general election?  …they are: District 1(Vote for 1) -Chris Kiefer and Jean Webb; District 2 (Vote for 2) -Ann M Ennis, R. Clark Exmeyer and Andy Guarino; School Board At-Large (Vote for 1)-David Hollingsworth, Melissa Moore, and Rance Ossenberg?
IS IT TRUE we hear that nepotism is alive and well at the EVSC? …we are told that the EVSC Communications Department has a new hire in their mist?  …it is none other than the son of the EVSC Superintendent of Schools?
IS IT TRUE we respectfully request that the incumbent school board members running for re-election (Andy Guarino, Chris Kiefer, and Rance Ossenberg) attend future debate events of school board candidates?  …we are told that the public would like to know what they have done during this year to correct the 7 EVSC elementary schools from receiving an “F” rating in the coming year?
IS IT TRUE every time we see a Chris Kiefer, Andy Guarino, and Rance Ossenberg political signs in a supporter yard we also see a Mike Duckworth for County Commissioner next to them?
IS IT TRUE members of the Vanderburgh County school board were elected to be “good stewards of the public trust” and not the stewards of the Superintendent of Schools?
IS IT TRUE we wonder when the silent majority of Vanderburgh County is going to rise up and challenge the “good old boy’s political network” in Vanderburgh County?
IS IT TRUE at last night City Council meeting Justin Elpers, Dan McGinn and John  Hayden who voted “no” on an amendment to give “SWIRCA And More” an additional $50,000 from the 2019 budget?  …this amendment passed Council by a 6 to 3 vote?  … that Eplers, McGinn, and Hayden predicts that other non-profit groups will be coming before City Council and ask them for additional taxpayer dollars to cover their financial shortfalls in 2019?  …our opinion is that they may be spot on?
IS IT TRUE that the Councilmen Justin Elpers and Jonn Hayden amendment to the 2019 Budget to pay down Hospitalization debt was tabled at last nights City Council meeting?  …that City Council received a verbal commitment from the Winnecke Administration that a large portion of the Hospitalization debt will be paid off at the end of 2018?  …all we can say about this “is seeing is believing”?
IS IT TRUE it looks like members of Evansville City Council has once again allowed members of the Winnecke Administration to continue to kick the budget deficit down the road?
IS IT TRUE at last nights City Council meeting the acting Director of Echo Housing give his normal “Everything at Echo Housing Is Wonderful” speech? …he announced that ECHO Housing has a new Board of Director member but forgot to tell City Council who this person is? …if he ever decides to leave Echo Housing we know he could do well in the used car business?
Todays READERS POLL question is: Do you feel its time for the taxpayers of this community to start holding our public officials accountable for their bad business decisions.
Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.
If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us at City-County Observer@live.com.


  1. Gallup: With Donald Trump at Helm, GOP Rises to Highest Approval Rating in Nearly a Decade

    “GOP favorability, at 45 percent, is higher than Democrats’ 44 percent. Gallup says the surge in Republicans’ support level–a nine percent rise among the public since last September–is the highest rating the party has had since when the GOP took the House majority it still maintains, in January 2011, after the 2010 midterm elections. Back then, in January 2011, Republicans had a 47 percent approval rating but have slipped below 45 percent ever since. That means the GOP, under Trump, has surged to its highest approval rating in seven years. “…

    “The new polling statistics showing Republicans on the rise among the American people come a year and a half into President Trump’s administration, as the establishment media bears down on the government in nearly every respect–and as Democrats aim to derail virtually anything they can from their minority perches in both the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives. The latest iteration of this is the Senate Democrats’ effort to stop the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court to replace retired Justice Anthony Kennedy, but Democrats on both sides of Capitol Hill have aggressively fought Trump’s policies and nominees at every turn, from economic to security to social policies and everything in between.”


      • barry hussein the media and the rest of you clowns have been laughing @ MAGA since he started his run for PRESIDENT……………keep laughing fools…………real working hard playing hard AMERICANS are without a doubt laughing all the way to the BANK……….GOD BLESS MAGA TRUMP AND HIS BEAUTIFUL FAMILY……………

  2. Hey, this is Steve from the VIP. I though I would take the liberty of adding to your questions if you don’t mind…

    IS IT TRUE that local residents are constantly and consistently disturbed by the current state of affairs in local government, education, and media… but no one seems to want to get involved until and unless it affects them directly?

    IS IT TRUE that our community sits idly by while a minuscule number of people who call themselves, “activists” pulls the weight of the investigations, publications and challenges with little to no reward, while such activists are hoping and wishing others would simply get involved?

    IS IT TRUE that if more people joined the efforts of the faithful few, that this community would be changed for the better, and those in power would be held accountable to the wishes of the people they claim to represent?

    IS IT TRUE that those who are working tirelessly in the trenches need the help of the readers of the CCO and the VIP to attend meetings, to ask questions, to insist changes, and to make a difference?

    IS IT TRUE that if readers only sit back and read articles without rising up to do something about the injustices in the community that these injustices and more will only continue and only increase?

    IS IT TRUE that these questions are not rhetorical, but beg for a physical and strategic response from YOU, the reader?


    Local entities like the CCO and the VIP need you to become the activists who are not readers only, but do-ers also. Help us make a difference. Reaching out to us and expressing your availability is the first step. Thank you.

    • Thanks, Steve for supporting ‘Good Public Policy.”

      We highly recommend that you take time to read the VIP news. Steve has been a friend and supporter of the CCO for years and we thank him for that.

      CCO Editor

  3. More from the all tolerant liberal left and party of Senator Donnelley:
    Far Left Mob that Harassed Ted Cruz and Wife at Restaurant Posts Threats to Judge Kavanaugh and President Trump

    On Monday night Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and his wife were chased from a DC restaurant by far-left protesters who declared that he is a “fascist” for his support of Brett Kavanaugh.

    The unhinged leftists were chanting “we believe survivors” while they screamed at the senator during dinner with his wife at Fiola.

    The protesters were blocking his wife from exiting, prompting Cruz to ask the mob to allow his wife to leave.

    This far left group of hooligans cheered their violent confrontation as a huge success.

    Late last night the group “Smash Racism DC” later posted threats to Brett Kavanaugh and President Donald Trump.

    While our interruption does not compare in scale to the interruptions his actions as a Senator have had on millions of American lives, we hope that it reminds Cruz and others like him that they are not safe from the people they have hurt. This is a message to Ted Cruz, Bret Kavanaugh, Donald Trump and the rest of the racist, sexist, transphobic, and homophobic right-wing scum: You are not safe. We will find you. We will expose you. We will take from you the peace you have taken from so many others.


  4. I like the “Good Public Policy” concept. The good old boy network is everywhere in local, county and national networks. The actions by the mayor and council are a joke. Zero, zip, nada on responsibility and community well being. Look at the mistakes that have been made in all city financial matters. The EVSC, even more responsibility. The Peter principle us alive and well. It has always been a system that thrived on who you knew or were related to. This is why the system has and is failing our county. No discipline, no accountability and always have their hand out!!!! Our kids and grand kids need more and we should hold the EVSC’s feet to the fire and demand action. Seven (7) schools getting an F rating. Unreal. I want board membership are stewards of the children and not the Superintendent and his money spending habits. No reason 7 schools should be failing.

  5. Now, look at the circus in the Senate of the United States. Another stall tactic by Dr Ford’ s Democratic liberal lawyers. They are destroying their client! She is set to testify Thursday, but yet again, the legal minds are complaining once again. Grassley has an obligation to say no. Either testify or don’t, but we are moving forward. The FBI will not and cannot investigate. The local authorities, which have jurisdiction, gave never been contacted. No time line, no location and zero witnesses. Law enforcement cannot investigate with those parameters. Same applies to the New Yorker story. Zero, zip nada. I would not want my daughter thrown into this debacle of political games. I also would be just as livid if it was my son being accused in this political circus. Remember all this crap in November.

    • STA, well said. Here is a link to an article that shows the damage cased by the insane Democrat partisan kooks:
      “The circus that Democrats are putting on for all the world to witness is a display of partisanship that should disgust even the casual observer, regardless of party. Shockingly, as disgusting as their blatant disregard for the integrity of the Supreme Court confirmation process is, it’s not even close to the clear and present danger that their immediate presumption of guilt for Judge Kavanaugh poses to our nation’s boys and young men.

      Parents of boys must understand the brave new world Democrats are attempting to usher in and the legitimate threats it poses to their sons’ futures – their reputations, college and career prospects, and general welfare.

      Democrats’ instantaneous presumption of guilt for Judge Kavanaugh is setting a new standard for sexual assault allegations wherein they should be accepted simply for having been made. Moreover, the allegations are to be believed, despite lacking any semblance of credible evidence, solely for having been made by a woman….

      Parents, set aside the partisanship and the hyper-polarization that exist in our modern discourse and consider for a moment if this were your son.

      A girl comes forward accusing your son of sexual assault. The case she lays out contains minimal evidence with fuzzy, uncorroborated details and zero recollection at all of many foundational material facts. Two of the only three people the girl claims are in a position to corroborate the allegation issue patent denials, and the only person with whom the incident was disclosed prior to a public accusation against your son contradicts key facts of the allegation. The accuser has a demonstrable history during that period of her life of underage intoxication, and your son unequivocally denies that the situation ever occurred. When the authorities offer to hear her testimony, she issues a list of demands designed to obscure your son’s quest for the truth and unfairly prejudice the investigation significantly in her favor. To compound matters, failure by your son to disprove these allegations will result in him losing everything – his reputation, friends, college admission prospects, scholarships, and career opportunities, along with an infinite amount of additional harm.

      Parents, does this sound right to you? Does this sound like blind justice that presumes innocence until proven guilty? Does this sound like a society that you want your sons to be forced to navigate as they live their lives?

      It certainly isn’t the world I want my three boys to grow up in, yet if the Democrats are allowed to continue establishing this precedent while they pursue an unconstitutional obstructionism of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation process, that’s exactly the world our boys will be forced to grow up in.

      Parents, if there was ever a time to get off the sidelines – to pull our heads out of the sand that’s been shoveled around them by the mainstream media – the time is now.

      Democrats are presently claiming that even the mere questioning of the facts of Christine Ford’s accusation is somehow a sexist attack on her by a misogynistic patriarchal society.

      As a society – as parents – we cannot allow this kind of mob rule to prevail, for doing so will radically alter and significantly darken the future for our children by instituting a new de facto American legal standard based on the presumption of guilt.

      Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/09/parents_of_boys_should_be_outraged_at_democrats.html#ixzz5S95e76xf
      Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

  6. I left the dems during the jimmy carter fiasco…………peanut “Americas best years are behind us we need everyone to set their thermostats to 65″…………………..if a dem held on after barry hussein “you did not build that”…………..”Americas best days are behind us”………………” them jobs never coming back what does Trump have aaaaaaa magic ummmmmmmmmm wand or ummmm something”………………..and now without a doubt a complete disgrace the demon dems are destroying a good man and his family Mr. kavenaugh…………what a disgrace to continue to be a dem………GOD BLEES MAGA TRUMP…………….

  7. Left is beyond desperate. Now they have Stormy’s lawyer saying he has clients who will claim Kavanaugh is a pervert. Well, I call bullshit on him. Not a bigger reason to despise lawyers than Avenatti. If his lips are moving, it is a bold face lie. The Dems are so desperate that they are trying to destroy a brilliant jurist, well, he does not agree with many of the Libtards ideas, and his wife and daughters. Biggest problem of all, and if every male isn’t afraid, is that according to the Libtards, all you have to do is accuse and you, MALE, are guilty. How many of you males are sexual predators, how many of you work in an environment of mixed company. According to the Dems, especially the witch from Hawaii, is claim it and it is so. You cannot just claim it, you have to have the facts. Nada, zip, zero proof of any wrong doing. You college parents with boys, does it scare you. It by God had better.

  8. Today’s poll was an interesting one. We tried to hold our politicians accountable and it doesn’t seem to work. We got rid of Jonathon for winnecke and he continued Jonathon’s policies. There is no accountiblity, both local parties are working against us. The democrats say they won’t run anyone against Winnecke, why should they run someone against a politician they already own? It appears that onb is in the democrat’s pocket, German American offered the city a better deal on their money but was turned down. ETFU is sounding like a better deal everyday with their 3% vertical and good non political service.

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