Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE JANUARY 8, 2018



We hope that todays “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we as responsible citizens of this community need to address in a rational and responsible way?”

IS IT TRUE at tonights City Council meeting a new slate of officers will be elected for 2018? …we hear that the new leadership makeup of City Council will be totally different then in years past? …we wouldn’t be surprised if 6th Ward Councilmen Jim Brinkmeyer (D) is elected council president?  …we hear that At-Large City Councilman Dr Dan Adams (D) could be elected council vice president? …we wouldn’t be surprise that At-Large Councilmen Jonathan Weaver (D) is appointed to chair the powerful Finance and Budget committee?  …we expect key committee appointments will be given to Democrats?

IS IT TRUE that three years ago the Evansville ERC bought a vacant and dilapidated former drug store building located on North Main Street? …it’s been alleged that the Evansville Department of Metropolitan Development gave the Dialysis Clinic a 10 year lease? …the Evansville ERC purchased the former vacant and dilapidated CVS Drug store building for $535,000 in December 2014?  …that the ERC now has decided to put this building on the marketing so they can recoup the money they spent on acquiring  it? …at last Wednesdays Evansville Redevelopment Commission’s meeting the board approved an expense of up to $6,000 for two appraisals of this building so they can determine a sale price for this newly renovated  building? …that the DMD Executive Director, Kelly Coures stated that city’s asking price for the building will be determined by these two appraisals?  …that DMD Director Courses alleges that DaVita Clinic has invested about $1 million to renovate the building so it can use as a kidney dialysis center?  …that the Evansville ERC purchased the former CVS building for a whooping $535,000 and the renovation costs was stated to be around $1 million dollars?  … does this means that the sales price of this building should now be around $1,535.000? …its rumored that the Evansville ERC has given the Dialysis Clinic a 10 year lease for $2,000 a month?  …we wonder what intelligent investor would purchase this property located on North Main for $1,535,000 with a guarantee gross monthly income of $2,000 for 10 years? …that Evansville ERC and Dialysis Clinic are both not-for-profits entities and don’t pay any property taxes? …we wonder if this could be considered to be a “Sneaky But Legal” deal?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that the makeup of the 2018 Board Of Directors of the Vanderburgh County Convention and Visitors Bureau will have several new faces? …it looks like a couple of past board members of the Vanderburgh County Convention and Visitors Bureau didn’t reappointed?  …looks like “PIG GATE” may have caused them reappointment problems?

IS IT TRUE that on Wednesday January 3, 2018, Evansville Police Chief Billy Bolin, Vanderburgh County Sheriff Dave Wedding and Mayor Lloyd Winnecke held a press conference to address the murderous rampage that has taken over Evansville during the last 3 months?…the concern and confusion on their faces when discussing this unusual chain of events was obvious and the people of Evansville that the CCO has spoken with are feeling the same concerns and confusion?

IS IT TRUE that Chief Bolin was clear that the murders have been mostly drug related and that those who choose to participate in drug deals in Evansville at this time have a much higher chance of being shot than at any time in history? …the CCO certainly wants to see this situation brought under control and hope to see Evansville return to the friendly city on the Ohio River were murder was once a rare occurrence?

IS IT TRUE that there was an article in the Courier and Press that has been passed around the social media world regarding the upcoming election to represent the 8th District of Indiana in the United States House of Representatives?…much to many people’s surprise former Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel’s picture was included in the article?  …that this article was hinting the possibility that the former Mayor who tried to get sent to Washington back in his younger political days is being encourage to throw his hat into the political ring once again? …for those who may consider the former Mayor to be the Democrat Party’s great hope to defeat Congressman Larry Bucshon, its important to point out Mr. Weinzapfel has made a several questionable political decisions while he was Mayor of Evansville that he will have to defend on the campaign trail? …some of these questionable political decisions made by Mayor Weinzapfel inspired us to invent the character “SNEGAL”? …for those who may have forgotten “SNEGAL” that stands for “SNEAKY BUT LEGAL”?

IS IT TRUE if former Evansville Mayor and current Chancellor of Ivy Tech-Evansville, Jonathan Weinzapfel becomes a candidate for the 8th District Congressional seat he must defeat a popular and well funded Terre Haute attorney William Tanoos in the May 8, 2018 Democratic primary?

IS IT TRUE that a “SNEAKY BUT LEGAL” political decisions that Mayor Weinzapfel initiated and orchestrated occurred in the spring of 2009 was when he organized a behind closed door meeting of just the right mix of individuals in an attempt to quietly “TAKE AWAY THE HOMESTEAD TAX CREDIT” from the people of Vanderburgh County? …this unacceptable political move was first exposed by the City County Observer and was overturned by then Governor Mitch Daniels in the nick of time before Weinzapfel and his cadre of conspirators took away your Homestead Tax Credit forever?…if approved this would have cost the people of Vanderburgh County roughly $5 Million per year?…since that sneaky political trick happened 8 tax cycles ago, our exposure of this clandestine treachery has saved the Vanderburgh County taxpayers about $40 Million and is one of the CCO’s proudest moments?…nearly every public official who was in on this sneaky political trick has either been defeated or left office including Weinzapfel? …Mayor Winnecke is the only politician to survive the “SNEAKY BUT LEGAL” Homestead Tax Grab?

IS IT TRUE when Weinzapfel didn’t support Rick Davis for Evansville Mayor in the primary and general elections it lead to the fracturing of the Vanderburgh Democrat Party in a way that put Republican Mayor Lloyd Winnecke in the Mayor’s office? …that many Rick Davis supporters will never forgive Mr. Weinzapfel for not supporting Mr. Davis for Mayor?

IS IT TRUE during the last several weeks that Mr Weinzapfel was in office he quietly pushed for the approved of (without fanfare) a $50 million water smart meter project that was funded by future water and sewer rate increases?  …several people questioned this decision because the new smart meters were installed on a water delivery system that was over a 100 years old? ..this project wasn’t put out for formal competitive bid and the installation of the smart water meters contract was awarded to a local labor union?

Todays “Readers Poll” question is: If the general election was held today for 8th District Congressmen who would you vote for?

Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE FILES, CHANNEL 44 NEWS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS”.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.

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EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any readers comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City County Observer or our advertisers


  1. Weinzapfel for Congress is something that should never ever happen. The CP mentioned last week that he still has $450,000 in a political fund. I remember he had $750,000 when he left office. What happened to the other $300,000?

  2. Don’t forget the wretched state Mayor Weinzepfel allowed the EFD fleet to degrade to when he put off essential apparatus and station maintenance to save money for his fun and games projects, nor his proposal to close two of the busiest fire stations in the City because they provided too much ‘redundancy’. Ironically, one of those stations (Station 10) is the hose house with primary responsibility for the Jimtown/Jacobsville neighborhoods, which now are getting all sorts of love and affection from Mayor Winnecke. If our local officials don’t like the optics of having shuttered storefronts and abandoned houses dotting this part of town, imagine if you also had to drive by a deserted, overgrown fire station on your way to the new multi-million dollar scooter highway running up North Main Street?

    ALSO, are we supposed to be consoled that most of the violent crime in Evansville is of the dirtbag on dirtbag variety? I don’t exactly wail and gnash my teeth when I hear about drug dealers and gangbangers offing each other, but no residents should have to duck and cover to avoid the ‘to whom it may concern’ bullets that fly from these incidents. There are indirect effects of crime ridden neighborhoods as well – – I can thank my lucky stars that I’m not an intended target while still being upset at declining property values, the unwillingness of business to locate to high crime municipalities, a population in exodus from once decent neighborhoods, etc…

    • The reason that Evansville was robbing one fire engine to get parts for the other had to do with the Ford Center failing to pay for its own bond payments. Weinzapfel’s consultants Chema projected that the Ford Center would cover its costs. It isn’t even close. They pay the note from the casino fund which was supposed to take care of things like fire engines a police cars. The City of Evansville is suffering to the tune of nearly $10 Million per year because Weinzapfel’s folly didn’t perform as planned.

      The sucker also said that a hotel would come to downtown with no incentive if we just build an arena. How wrong did that turn out to be. Between 6 years of bond payments, operating losses, and the handout given to the Doubletree, Weinzapfel’s delusions have already cost close to $100 Million and the number gets bigger every year. $100 Million for fun and games nonsense plus trying to rob the taxpayers of another $5 Million per year by taking the Homestead tax credit? Even Congress can’t afford a spendthrift like him.

  3. Yale professor and clinical psychiatrist Dr. Bandy X. Lee has warned that President Donald Trump may bring about the “extinction of the human species” because of his mental instability….According to the American Psychiatric Association’s Goldwater Rule, members may not comment on the psychological health of someone they haven’t actually examined, but Lee said she doesn’t believe that her evaluation of the President’s mental health violates the rule.


    The Goldwater rule is the informal name given to Section 7 in the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) Principles of Medical Ethics[1] that states it is unethical for psychiatrists to give a professional opinion about public figures they have not examined[further explanation needed] in person, and from whom they have not obtained consent to discuss their mental health in public statements.[2] It is named after presidential candidate Barry Goldwater.[3][4]

    The issue arose in 1964 when Fact published the article “The Unconscious of a Conservative: A Special Issue on the Mind of Barry Goldwater”.[3][5] The magazine polled psychiatrists about U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater and whether he was fit to be president.[6][7] The editor, Ralph Ginzburg, was sued for libel in Goldwater v. Ginzburg where Goldwater won $75,000 (approximately $592,000 today) in damages.[3]


    Friends, the loony left has always asserted that any non-liberal has a mental disorder. It’s from their old and tired playbook.

    • Liberal! This is not a liberal point of view! Conservatives across America assert Donald Trump is mentally unstable. Conservative GOP Senators throughout Congress have said this each month now for over 6 months!
      Hell! Conservatives in his own White House!! assert Trump is unstable, that he is child-like and mentally deteriorating every day. They went on-the-record and said that! His own Staff!!
      But the people who marched at Charlottesville? They think he is fine of course. But these same people get their news from Russia Today and wear Nazi arm-bands. Those people? No wonder. They’re nuts.
      The new and upcoming Conservative GOP Senator from Utah, preparing to start a 6 year term, HE has been totally clear that Trump is a mental danger to the country. This ain’t no liberal thang Joe Buddy.

      • Turn off your MSNBC. Whine, whine,whine. Your beloved Hillary lost, even with the main stream media working overtime to ensure the fix was in. Suck it up Willy as jobs increase, stocks are up and ISIS is getting wiped out.

        • The idea that JoeBiden is a conservative is funky poop.

          He is really defensive these days cause Trumps problems ain’t go nothing to do with liberal/conservative.

          Trumps problem is the law is after him. Joe knows that. And he’s scared.

      • Here’s more evidence that democrats, now devolved into the current loony leftists and ANTIFA terrorists, and their media toadies, have long participated in these hysterical insanity claims and collusion with the enemy claims against Republicans. As Yogi said, it’s deja vu all over again, change Confederites to Republicans:

        “During the campaign of 1864, Lincoln was tagged with every filthy name in the political lexicon, from ape to ghoul to traitor. Midway through his first term, his detractors accused his wife of collaborating with Confederates, a charge which compelled the President to appear, uninvited, before a Senate committee which was secretly considering the allegations [and swear to his wife’s innocence.]…..”Candidate Lincoln, according to Pro-South Democrats, would lead the country straight into insanity.”


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