IS IT TRUE November 3, 2015


IS IT TRUE we want to congratulate Mayor Winnecke and Gail Riecken for conducting a spirited campaign?  …we are glad that this election will be finally over this evening?

IS IT TRUE we made a mistake when we reference that the location of the proposed Dog Park was going to be located at the old Roberts Stadium property?  …posted below is the correct information pertaining to the proposed Dog Park?

IS IT TRUE the location of a much anticipated new dog park for the city was announced Sunday afternoon, as Mayor Winnecke was joined by a group of enthusiastic dog owners at the site of the future dog park on Evansville State Hospital property. The site is near the center of the park property on land already owned by the City of Evansville. The goal is to use zero tax dollars on the project and rely on private and corporate donations. The large area is surrounded by trees and is close to parking. The trees will serve as a natural buffer to noise, and when full of leaves they will provide shade and help shield the area from view to make it more private.

IS IT TRUE attached below is the official voting centers for tomorrows 2015 General Election?


Bethel United Church of Christ,   3029 N. Green  River Rd.

Calvary Temple Assembly of God,  5050  N.  First Ave.

Fairlawn United Methodist Church,  2001  Parker Dr.

Grace Baptist Church, 1200 N. Garvin St.

Memorial Baptist Church, 605 Canal St.

Methodist Temple, 2109 Lincoln Ave.

Nativity Catholic Church,   3635  Pollack  Ave.

New Bethel Southern Baptist Church,  4301  Broadway Ave.

Northeast  Park Baptist Church,  1215 N.  Boeke  Rd.

Salvation Army, 1040 N. Fulton Ave.

Southern Indiana Career & Technical Center,  1901 Lynch  Rd.

St. James United Methodist Church, 3111 Hillcrest Terrace

St. John’s East United Church,  7000  Lincoln Ave.

Washington Square Mall, 1138 Washington Sq.

Zion Church Educational  Building,  1800  S. Governor  St.

Previously, a voter was required to vote at the polling place within the precinct they resided. Now, a voter can choose to vote at any Vote Center that is convenient for them.

On Election Day, November 3, 2015, the polls open at 6:00 AM and close at 6:00 PM. If you need information about a voter’s registration, you can call the Voter’s Registration Office at (812) 435-5223. For other election questions, you can call the Election Office at (812) 435-5122.

IS IT TRUE we wonder why EPD is patrolling Warrick County?

IS IT TRUE we hear that DMD Director Coures is now pushing his buddies to support Michell Mercer for one of the At-large City Council seats?  ,,,political wisdom suggests by doing so Courses puts his buddy Jonathan Weaver at risk of not being re-elected?

IS IT TRUE that todays “Readers Poll” ask “Who do you endorse to become the next Mayor of Evansville”?


  1. “There is a power in public opinion in this country, and I thank God for it: for it is the most honest and best of all powers-which will not tolerate an incompetent or unworthy man to hold in his weak or wicked hands the lives and fortunes of his fellow citizens”. (Martin Van Buren, 8th President, 1782-1862)

    Live long and prosper CCO, and thanks for providing the public square.

  2. Now that it’s election day, I hope that the election signs will be removed by campaign volunteers, home owners, business owners, and anyone who sees them in public areas. They no longer serve any purpose and are just causing an eye sore.

  3. I’m probably preaching to the choir here, because the CCO readers are more interested and involved than most people, but if you haven’t already done it, PLEASE VOTE!

  4. I’ve got to vote early from now on. I can no longer stand being swarmed by these pieces of trash.

  5. The weather’s gonna be cool but dry enough this weekend to clear some waterways of brush. Before winter sets in. Good day to vote today. Good luck.

  6. In regards to the At-Large race we have the turncoat Adams who now tries to straddle the fence of his anti-machine decent past and his now machine loving how many ways can I be seen with Winnecke present.

    Then we have the well documented and discussed Jack Schriber.

    Then we have a back stabbing narcissistic drunken creep

    And to round out the illustrious crowd we have know nothing RTL nut bag who will want to emulate her higher ups by shutting down the city because there is a PP in town

    To paraphrase the newest internet message board catch phrase.

    Kill yourself Evansville

  7. Just noticed Ken Haynie “tweeted” about voting locations to vote for winnecke. Maybe if Winnecke is re elected he’s promised to revive the earth care deal? Wow!

    • The Tri-State gnome page has a real stupid story up this morning trying to smear Friend over a bad deal with the wind turbine blade outfit that backed out of a deal, basically per lousy archaic throughput logistics. One thing in the report there are other political figures tossed into the fray as well, the screen shot of Friend during the first of it there is none other than Weaver standing right next to him, maybe today you all can lose that creep, Friend isn’t running so what’s the whole point of the dirge. You sure have a rotten mainstream media in that town, if anyone is to blame for all the BS that’s blowing holes in your economy maybe its the cheap shot biased media BS.

      • Weaver will be standing, on all fours, even after the Pulse. Just like the cockroaches. It’s one of the few possible explanations. Another: his treatment of women strikes a welcome chord with enough voters to return him to office. He begins to resemble a Duncan Yo-Yo in that respect but not quite as smart. Not as smart as a vintage Duncan Imperial anyway.

      • Someday…..SOMEDAY, you’re gonna have to come up with a better excuse than
        “…it’s the mainstream media’s fault.”
        It is tired and old.
        And the excuse of losers.

        • Sure, that’s why they broke the Schriber story just before election and kept it front page for days. Now moveon.

          • They’da won either way man, ever heard of a caucus? Phe’shaw…………what a stupid comment.

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