IS IT TRUE? December 8, 2011 Part 2


IS IT TRUE? December 8, 2011

IS IT TRUE that John Corzine former Governor of New Jersey and the beneficiary of several pre-election Air Force One visits in his re-election campaign now has a new quote attributed to him over the bankruptcy of the company he headed after being defeated by Chris Christie?…that his words now “I simply don’t know where the money is” when questioned about what happened with MF Global which is becoming a second round of Lehman Brothers meltdown?…that the CCO wonders just how many elected officials on all levels would have to utter the words, “I simply don’t know where the money is” if they were pressed to reveal what is going on with their budgets and stashes?

IS IT TRUE the rank and file political types from both parties are quietly talking among themselves concerning the Mayor Elect’s decision to openly push Vectren Executives as members of his transaction and swearing in team?…that one wonders why he would open embrace anybody as important members of his political team and advisors from Vectren since he should be aware of the negative opinions that the masses presently have towards this company? …now all eyes shall be focused on how many individuals from Vectren shall show up on his final campaign financial report?…that many of the Mayor Elect’s supporters are extremely disappointed that he didn’t take a strong public stance against the proposed fee increases sought by Vectren?…that maybe the finance report will shed light on why he didn’t?

IS IT TRUE that the selection for the new Evansville Chief of Police is all but over?… that all eyes are turning to whom shall be selected as the next Assistant Chief?…you can expect an interesting candidate to be selected that shall please many of the Rank and File?

IS IT TRUE it’s be reported that there a good pool of qualified candidates are vying to become the next Evansville Fire Chief?…that no one should be surprised to hear that a past Fire Chief shall be one of the two finalists for this position? …that you can rest assure that the present Evansville Fire Chief and his key people should begin to start packing his office to return to the ranks?…that we predict whoever is selected as the next Evansville Fire Chief the old way of back room political wheeling and dealing are over?…you should not be surprised to hear that the new Fire Chief shall make an extremely popular pick as his Assistant Fire Chief?

IS IT TRUE that the political star of Vanderburgh County Sheriff Eric Williams seems to have taken a tumble last night with some of the caucus votes going to Crooks instead of Skates?…that the reason given for this was because Sheriff Williams signed the “best friends for life” pact supporting Democrat City Councilwoman Connie Robinson’s endorsement of Mayor Elect Lloyd Winnecke?…that the 24 who chose Crooks may have been a majority for Mr. Skates if it had not been for the 23 who supported a party officer who supported a Republican….that all actions have consequences and Sheriff Williams will have a consequence along with the other 22 who pinky shook to support Councilwoman Robinson?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO now has it on good authority that there is no details commemorated in a bound folder that would be called a study by Hunden Strategic Partners?…that there is indeed a powerpoint presentation that said very little about one of the bidders and said very little that would be encouraging about the other bidder?…that maybe Sara Miller was on to something when she was deliberating on how to vote?


  1. There is no “both parties”, there is only the “establishment party”. You elected an establishment candidate. What did you expect? SSDD


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