IS IT TRUE? December 5, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? December 5, 2011

IS IT TRUE that at the time of this writing that 84% of the respondents to the City County Observer poll believe that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission is on the eve of offering a contract to one of the bidders on the downtown Convention Hotel WITHOUT regard to the VETTING that has been paid for?…that this 84% actually believe that the ERC will move forward with no favorable opinion from Hunden Strategic Partners whom they paid to VET the bidders?…that in a separate poll 77% of the voters expressed the opinion that the Evansville City Council will rubber stamp whatever they are presented as their last act of 2011?…that the comments during the last 48 hours resulted in more removals in any such period in the history of the CCO?

IS IT TRUE that the voters of these polls are counting on Evansville City Councilman John Friend, CPA to actually use his CPA skills on behalf of the voters of Evansville and do some VETTING of his own?…that Councilman Friend is the most qualified member of the City Council when it comes to accounting skills and is expected to use those skills to make sure that the taxpayer’s money is not squandered?…that Councilman Friend should use these skills to do some VETTING around town on both Prime Lodging and Kunkel to see how they conduct their business in advance of any vote to fund the downtown Convention Hotel project?…that in the case of an ERC that is determined to do something without backup the Councilman John Friend, CPA may be the last line of defense for the taxpayers of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #7 tells us that the incoming Winnecke Administration has settled on a new Chief of Police?…that Mole #7 tells us that the name of Billy Bolin will be announced soon as our new City of Evansville Chief of Police?…that having some experience with Officer Bolin the CCO is pleased to support him over what we are sure was a well qualified group of candidates under consideration?…that we will commission our cartoonist upon the formal announcement to do a drawing of Mayor Elect Winnecke and Chief Bolin in a surveillance vehicle that looks more like a Brinks truck full of high tech equipment than an Abrams tank?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Icemen drew a respectable crowd of 2,605 to the Ford Center another victory last night in what was a very wet day?…that sometime today 2011 will become the wettest year on record for Evansville when the previous record for rain is passed?…that all of the water has been good for the plants but bad for the allergies?

IS IT TRUE that former Knight Township Trustee Linda Durham’s Chief Deputy Tonda Pauley is once again on the public payroll?…that Ms. Durham’s assistant is now working in the Evansville City Garage under the leadership of Ed Ziemer?…that Ms. Pauley has been reported by the Courier and Press to have a civil judgment for more than $3,300 against her from her time in service of Ms. Durham?…that the CCO wonders just how many applicants there were for this job, what the qualifications were, and what the vetting criteria was for hiring?—ev_knighttownship/


  1. Didn’t the Icemen business model call for an average attendance of 3,500, and if so, why would 2,605 be “respectable” ? Just asking. I noticed that the UE Aces crowd of 5,xxx was also called “respectable”. Is that word now being used in a different context ? 50 % of capacity is now worthy of respect ?

    • Biscuit….it’s all a matter of perception, if the Ice Guys need “average” attendance of 3500 and they hit 2600 it could be said it’s respectable…but at some point they are going to have to hit some 4000-5000 numbers to average out the numbers, if they don’t….well, based on the number of patrons that followed the Icemen at Swonder (1500?) I think that is where the context of “respectable” is coming from, it could be said that they are building a following in the Ford Arena and it takes time to do that.

      Of course the flip side is how many tickets are they giving away to hit the 2600 number? that would tell the story… six months to a year we will have a true picture of the Ford Center and if there is a profit anywhere to be seen, the first few months of it’s existence is all just glossy gushy gooey optimism, once everyone who wanted to go see a act there has went and the optimism has died down we will see if it’s a money maker or yet another white elephant like the Centre.


    • 2,605 is an improvement from last year and when averaged with some higher numbers from days that the rain was not coming down they still have a 3,500 or so average. We are most impressed that the Icemen have gone out and gotten some good players and are competitive in their league. As for UE the 5,000 number is on par with how they did at Roberts. We are with blanger that the totals for the year will tell if the Ford Center has done anything positive for the attendance. If it does nothing in the first couple of years that will not be a good sign. With such a facility one would hope for near sellouts for UE and a growing fanbase for hockey that grows to be 7000 or so per game.

  2. C and P may have indicated a civil judgment but check again. All matters concerning Ms Pauley have been dismissed by the attorney general and she has not been criminally charged with wrongdoing. She is an excellent employee and is deserving of this position

    • Have you paid for the chicken dinner yet there Mr. Secretary Councilman Elect? Lots of bull can get covered up after the fact with a bag of money.

    • Mr. O’Daniel,
      I realize that an attorney’s spin is just part of you by now, but please, please have some respect for those of us who have put in our time, worked honestly, run businesses etc. We have done so with excellent records that did not have to be “forgiven” or have charges “dismissed”. Just because she had a previous government job, did she get priority over other very qualified candidates or is she so outstanding that she overwhelmed everyone and was therefore hired?

      • Exactly! How was this job advertise? How many applicants were there? Why was Ms. Pauley chosen from what should have been a big field of candidates in an economy like this one? Did Ms. Pauley even have an iterview or was her application pulled out for Ziemer to hire? All valid questions for the patronage republic.

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