“IS IT TRUE” JuLY 28 , 2024

We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address rationally and responsibly.
City-County Observer Comment Policy: Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will be tolerated and will be removed from our site.”
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language and/or insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
IS IT TRUE that Evansville Mayor Stephanie Terry has earned high marks and acclaim for selecting Lindsay Locasto as the Deputy Mayor of Evansville?
IS IT TRUE that we are told that Mayor Stephanie Terry’s delay in making key Department head appointments to her administration has left many political observers puzzled and disappointed?  …that one would think that she would have announced by now who she has selected as her Staff Attorney, DMD Director, EWSU Director, and Police and Fire Chiefs. …that we are told that she is going to surprise the masses with her selections?
IS IT TRUE that we already know that many people will be amazed when Mayor Terry announces who she has selected as the CEO of the EWSU and the Building Commissioner?
IS IT TRUE that we predict that 2024 will be an interesting year in local politics? …with numerous up and down-ballot seats up for grabs, we also predict that the 2024 election cycle shall be full of political drama and surprises.  …it looks like the days of the political power brokers controlling the outcome of elections like the “PATRONS OF ARGENTINA” did in the 1950s may be coming to a glorious ending.
IS IT TRUE we are told that several local Union leaders are extremely disappointed for being excluded from the discussion and decision-making process concerning the appointment of the new building Commissioner?
IS IT TRUE that we predict that 2024 will be an interesting year in local politics? …with numerous up and down-ballot seats up for grabs, we also predict that the 2024 election cycle shall be full of political drama and surprises.  …it looks like the days of the political power brokers controlling the outcome of elections like the “PATRONS OF ARGENTINA” did in the 1950s may be coming to a glorious ending.

IS IT TRUE that Mayor Terry recently announced that the State Board Of Accounts is currently conducting a financial audit of the outgoing Winnecke administration?  …that we are pleased that Mayor Terry is also going to have a financial review of their own as a part of her 100-day review in office?

IS IT TRUE that we can give Mayor Terry some advance results of her 100-day financial status review of the city right now?  ..that the answer is that Evansville is currently over 1 billion dollars in debt and facing hundreds of millions of dollars of additional debt because of numerous unfinished big-ticket capital projects located throughout Evansville and has little “Raining Day Funds” left in the city coffers?

IS IT TRUE that we have been told that someone who is employed in a position of responsibility at Evansville Parks and Rec recently decided to spend 1 1/2 million dollars on a new state-of-the-art kitchen for the C K Newson Center located in Evansville?… we wonder how the Evansville Parks Commission can afford to spend a million and a half dollars on a new state of the art kitchen since the public was told that the city park coffers were almost empty?

IS IT TRUE we are told that members of the Evansville City Council may not be very collaborative despite an 8 to 1 Democratic majority?

IS IT TRUE that Indiana State Senator Vaneta Becker has been serving her constituents with dignity, honesty, and class over the years?

IS IT TRUE that our outstanding Vanderburgh County Coroner Steve Lockyear will retire because of term limits?  …that Mr. Lockyears is considered one of the top Coroners in Indiana?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville City Council person  Missy Mosby is considered by many people living in Evansville to be the best-elected official in meeting the needs of her constituents?

IS IT TRUE that we are extremely impressed with the outstanding job that the former Evansville Communications Director, Noah Stubbs did for Mayor Winnecke? …that we wish him well in his new position with Center Point Energy?

IS IT TRUE that we are pleased to announce that “Explore Evansville” creative and hard-working CEO, Alexis Berggren, has just renewed a three-year employment contract extension by her board?

IS IT TRUE that we have been told that the extremely competent and likable Vanderburgh County Treasurer Dottie Thomas will soon be announcing that she is running for the Vanderburgh County Clerk position once it becomes vacant?

IS IT TRUE that we give 5 cheers to ONEP CEO Nick Wallace, Ginger Harper-Markerting Director, and Emily Kemper-Ticket Supervisor for doing an outstanding job in their positions at the ONEP? … we also thank the Old National Events Plaza staff for doing an incredible job?

IS IT TRUE that we have been told by several political movers and shakers that the outgoing Evansville City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr. is considering announcing that he’s running for the Vanderburgh County Recorder position after he leaves the City Controller at the end of this month?

IS IT TRUE that at the end of County Recorder Debbie Stuckey’s term, she is planning to retire from politics and enjoy life?  …that Debbie has served us well and is an extremely competent and caring public servant and will be missed at the Civic Center?

IS IT TRUE that Carol Coudret, Environmental Health Specialist for the Vanderburgh County Health Department is doing a credible job in keeping our readers informed concerning the important happening at the Health Department?

IS IT TRUE that Kalah Hirsch, Records Specialist, and Asst. IDACS Coordinator for the Evansville Police Department is doing a credible job in providing us with the daily EPD Activity Report on time.

IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny and when the government fears the people we have Liberty!
Today’s Readers Poll” question is: HOW DO YOU RATE THE JOB THE MAYOR TERRYS TRANSITION TEAM IS DOING?  …we bet today’s “IS IT TRUE “ remarks will generate many comments in our “Comment Section”?
Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “OBITUARIES, BIRTHDAYS, AND HOT JOBS” posted in our daily online paper.
 Oh, you now can subscribe to the CCO daily at no cost.
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