IS IT TRUE DECEMBER 28 and 29, 2015


IS IT TRUE the Haynes Corner Montrose/ Maybelle apartments and a commercial corner lot were purchased by the DMD/Brownfields in 2012 for $350,000 with CDBG monies?  ….that we wonder who paid to demolish the commercial storage building on the neighboring lot that is owned by the DMD/Brownfields?  …we now hear that DMD/Brownfields is now considering using public money to subsided the commercial development of this corner lot?

IS IT TRUE the high end Maybelle and Montrose apartments located at Haynie’s Corner that being remodeled by a private developer and will rent for around $900 per month?

IS IT TRUE  you don’t need to be a rocket scientist or even an alleged Community Development expert to figure out why we have so many blighted properties in Evansville need to be fixed? …the answer is DMD/Brownfield is paying to much money on purchasing commercial properties and not enough on blighted homes?  …that it appears that Evansville’s special interest groups and politically connected people are sucking up all the financial resources that were intended to fight blight in Evansville’s?  … its time for the taxpayers  to take a public stance against the wasteful spending habits of DMD, ERC and Brownsfields Corp.?

IS IT TRUE DMD also purchased the vacant and dilapidated CVS building located on North Main for a whooping $535,000?  …the DMD has cut a deal to lease this building to ECHO Housing who in return is going to lease it to another not-for-profit organization?  …we wonder if any employee of DMD will use their own personal money to purchase this building for a future commercial development?

IS IT TRUE It appears that  search for a new IVT TECH President is over? …it;s obvious that Lt. Governor Sue Ellspermann will be appointed the next President of IVY TECH statewide?

IS IT TRUE that Chancellor of IVY TECH-Evansville and former Mayor Jonathan Wienzapfel desire to be appointed as the next President of IVY TECH was taken away by a back room political deal between Governor Pence and the IVY TECH Board of Governors?

IS IT TRUE we hear that the powers that be in Indy would like to see Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke to replace Lt. Governor Sue Ellspermann as Governor Pence re-election running mate?

IS IT TRUE we hear that many Democratic political movers and shakers would like for John Gregg  to tab State Representative Gail Riecken as his running mate?  …we predict that John Gregg will select someone from Northern Indiana with strong union ties to be his running mate?

IS IT TRUE if John Gregg thinks he can be elected the next Governor of Indiana by winning Vanderburgh County he is totally misguided?  …the thought that the local Union leadership can deliver a strong vote in Vanderburgh County for a State wide candidate is long over?  …Vanderburgh County is now safely in the Republicans party control thanks to the Unions and turncoats Democrats?

IS IT TRUE todays “Readers Poll” questions; Do you feel that George Lumley effort in exposing DMD and Brownsfields bad business decisions is worthwhile?


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