We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUEâ€Â will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
IS IT TRUE that  last year the lawmakers of the State of Indiana set the stage for all governments at the state and local level to start getting less of the casino tax known in and around Evansville as “boat money”?…back when casino gambling was approved it was going to be the “manna from heaven” that funded education?  …in recent years our elected officials declared that those dollars could be redirected to help pay for infrastructure?…here we are more than 20 plus years later our city officials borrowed $25 million against future “boat money” to pay for fun and games projects that will not impact the economy any more than Weinzapfel’s Ford Center did?
IS IT TRUE seeing the pictures of the inside of the Ford Center during the last Thunderbolts hockey game was really disheartening? Â …that lack attendance at the Thunderbolts hockey games so far this year has greatly affected overall concession profits? Â …it’s obvious after paying for the Ford Center crew, it is virtually impossible that the Ford Center made any money during the Thunderbolts hockey games? Â …we would like to point out that the Ford Center really is a very nice facility and the crew that runs it works hard and does a good job?
IS IT TRUE that the sheriff’s department completed an investigation literally should be a candidate crime to be included in as an episode of CIS?…this time it took the brain trust of law Southwest Indiana law enforcement to dig deep into their bag of tricks to use DNA analysis to catch a voyeuristic fool who sought his fortune by stealing 30 pairs of ladies panties?…this dimwit not only stole panties but he left notes for USI coeds that made them think he was watching them?…this is a case of high technology meets a dimwit with a very strange fetish?…come to think of it this perp would make a better character in “Criminal Minds” because the mind of a note leaving panty thief is one worth studying?.
IS IT TRUE that last week the  “Readers Poll” question was “Who was the most effective City Council member in 2018? …that 337 people voted in this poll?  …that Justin Elpers won this poll be receiving 96 votes?  …Dr. Dan Adams was a close second with 79 votes?
IS IT TRUEÂ that a recent “Readers Poll” question asks “Who was the most effective Vanderburgh County Council member in 2018”? Â ….225 people voted in this poll?…that Jim Raben lead the poll by receiving 77 votes and Tom Shelter, Jr. was a distance second with 29 votes?
IS IT TRUE that ECHO Housing Corp. just turned a vacant warehouse at 101 N. Garvin St. into 27 one-bedroom units of housing for the chronically homeless.  …this project cost $6.1 million dollars? …we wonder how many two bedrooms Habitat type homes that ECHO could have built with this $6.1 million dollar of Federal and State grants earmarked for housing for the homeless and economically disadvantaged of this area? …the answer is around 100 homes?
IS IT TRUE that last week a CCO reader had a problem with his car? Â …he called Hamrick Towing and was extremely surprised how quickly they showed up? Â …the Hamrick’s tow truck driver was extremely professional and knowledgeable? Â …instead of towing the car off to storage the driver decided that the car battery needed a quick jump which saved him a towing fee? …if you have a problem with your vehicle and has to be towed call Hamrick Towing, Evansville?
Todays“Readers Poll†question is: Do you feel that the four (4) people running for a seat on Evansville City Council that work for the same business will cause them problems at the ballot box?
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Re: Concession “profits” at the Ford Center.
Who profits from them? Bet it’s not the city.
Who wants to pay $7.75 for a beer?
With respect to the new low income housing units that over $200,000 per unit of taxpayer dollars was spent on why is there any surprise. When you get federal assistance you dance to the federal tune. That tune was written by the machine that pays $700 for a hammer. Here is some advice. Never hire someone or some entity that pays $700 for a hammer to build a shelter of any kind.
Don’t fall into the Seattle trap of spending $100,000 per homeless person either. Here is a reference for those who think more government is the answer to the homeless problem.
Excellent points
Joe when weinzapfel was mayor they renovated the old safe house off of 1st Ave for homeless at a cost of 237.5 thousand dollars per unit ,,,I don’t remember the project name however I know it was HUD
Creeping Sharia law, liberal Supreme Court Judges would support this in the United States:
“The German Federal Supreme Court has made a new ruling on a child marriage case which could have implications on the way child marriages conducted legally overseas are treated in the country.
The ruling comes from a case involving a Syrian man who was separated from his underage “wife†when the pair arrived in Germany as asylum seekers in August 2015, Die Welt reports.
The pair, cousins, were married in February 2015 while the man was aged 21 and the girl aged only 14 in a marriage procedure that was done under sharia legally in Syria but was considered invalid by German authorities where the marriage age was 16 at the time.
After his “wife†had been taken into separate care due to her status as a minor, the Syrian man complained to German courts which initially granted him weekend access to her with a district court claiming the marriage had not been forced….
The case was then sent up to the Federal Supreme Court which has now ruled that the marriage between the pair should be examined on the basis of its legal status in Syria. Such cases in the future should be looked at on an individual basis, the court said, instead of a blanket refusal to recognise them — as was the procedure previously.
Since the height of the migrant crisis in 2015, Germany has seen a huge surge in the number of child marriage cases with at least 1,000 cases being known as far back as 2016.
The ACLU, always working to undermine traditional American values:
“ACLU Files Lawsuit Over Public Library’s Drag Queen Story Time Ban”
The ACLU also specializes in filing lawsuits to remove Nativity scenes from Christmas displays and forcing trans-gendered bathrooms.
One half of the advancement of the 25 mil was ran through the General Fund without authority from the Council and spent within six months!
TV magazine TV Guide went after actor Chris Pratt calling him “problematic†because he is a Christian who likes hunting and traditional American Values.
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