Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE December 24, 2012

IS IT TRUE December 24, 2012


IS IT TRUE that our first wish today is to wish all of our readers a Merry Christmas and peaceful Holiday Season?

IS IT TRUE our second wish is that there will be no crime in Evansville today so that we have nothing to report in tomorrow’s EPD Activity Report?…48 hours of peace should be practiced every Christmas season and if we can manage it for 48 hours we can manage it indefinitely?

IS IT TRUE our third wish is for local government to have a competent 2013 and to keep the peace among each other?…we truly hope that our elected officials will refrain from calling each other names during the next year?

IS IT TRUE our fourth wish is for the President of the United States and the Congress to figure out how to work together constructively and with respect?…we hope that the dug in positions based very much on hateful ideologies can be compromised for the good of the American republic?

IS IT TRUE our fifth wish is for people to take responsibility for their own actions and to resolve to fix any messes that they make without pointing the fingers of blame in any direction that does not involve taking personal responsibility?

IS IT TRUE our last wish is for our little pal SNEGAL to be caged for all of the next year because much of what ails our society is the practice of being “sneaky but legal”?

IS IT TRUE if these five Christmas wishes are granted we may be out of business in 2013?


  1. Merry Christmas to you mr. Editor , may SNEGAL get busted this year and see what a 4×10 cell looks like Merry Christmas to all

  2. How about a wish that the bloggers on this site and others refrain from calling each other names.
    Merry Christmas
    Jack Waldroup

  3. Merry Christmas to all moles, writers and posters. May all the doors of the Civic Center fall off their hinges and the light pour in and truth and knowledge flow out.

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