Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE? December 21, 2011 “Will there be Charges Filed over this Bull?”

IS IT TRUE? December 21, 2011 “Will there be Charges Filed over this Bull?”


IS IT TRUE? December 21, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission has called a “special meeting” for December 28th, 2011 at 10 AM in Room #307 of the Civic Center?…that no agenda has been released so we must engage in some speculation?…that maybe we will learn the identity of the “MAGICAL MYSTERY DEVELOPER” that supposedly already has a contract in place to assume the agreement between the ERC and City Centre Properties LLC to turn the Vintage McCurdy Hotel into an apartment building?…that the ERC would have to give their blessing to any such agreement and maybe 5th 3rd Bank who holds the first mortgage would too?

IS IT TRUE that it would be even more sinister after Christa Lockyear stood on behalf of the Kunkel Group before the Evansville City Council Monday night stating that the details of a binding contract would occur under the Winnecke Administration turns out to be incorrect?…that there are those who expect that a binding agreement will be jammed through before the end of the year and this may only surprise the 8 members of the Evansville City Council who pulled the wool over their own eyes by voting for the supposed “unnecessary, non-binding, resolution with no legal standing” on Monday night?…that only Republican City Councilman Dan McGinn had the presence of mind and good sense to call for the resolution to be brought before the 2012 City Council?…that if the ERC meeting turns out to be for the purpose of announcing a signed binding agreement that there will be absolutely no credibility left for the 4 departing and 4 returning members of the 2011 Evansville City Council?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #13 has told us from a high level of authority that the Department of Justice has been in Evansville conducting an investigation of the hiring practices of the Weinzapfel Administration in the Evansville Police Department and the Evansville Fire Department?…that these investigations have been going on without much fanfare for roughly one year?…that this news is worthy of mass media and paparazzi but we are willing to bet that not a TV station or the Courier will have the courage to report this news?

IS IT TRUE that this is yet another BALL AND CHAIN hoisted onto the Winnecke Administration by the sloppiness and secrecy of the Weinzapfel Administration?…that the collateral damages are starting to stack up as incoming Police Chief Billy Bolin and Fire Chief Mike Connelly getting fitted for their first BALL AND CHAIN that is not related to their core jobs?…that we would all be better off if the entire Weinzapfel Administration would just go to sleep for the next 10 days?

IS IT TRUE that President Barack Obama on a recent segment of “60 Minutes” when asked to reflect on his presidency so far volunteered where he thinks his administration ranks against other presidents?…that in the foreign policy department President Obama ranks himself somewhere in the top four and only mentioned the possibility that Presidents Franklin Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, and Lyndon Johnson as “possible” equals?…that President Obama is really putting himself into the winners circle with some presidents who have stood the test of time and in the cases of FDR and Lincoln who were literally cast into situations where the truly transformed or saved the United States?…that many would say that President Obama needs to have his “MIRROR MIRROR ON THE WALL” moment with a more realistic version of self evaluation?…that it has been opined many times that President Obama was elected to repair the economy which he really can’t claim much tangible progress with?…that the most memorable magic trick is the one where “creating jobs” miraculously morphed into the term “saved or created jobs” so the president with a healthy ego can claim to have saved pretty much any job that he choose to?


  1. I respectfully disagree with your assessment of President Obama. The test question in presidential politics is an established “Do you feel better off than you did four years ago?” For this writer, the answer is a resounding “YES!!!” Let’s recap:
    1) Healthcare became the law of the land (needs tweaking, but, like it or not, it was done);
    2) Official unemployment is down from the over 10% he inherited;
    3) Osama Bin Ladin is dead;
    4) Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is also dead
    Just to name a few….

    • Hey Adam,

      1)Healthcare became law?….. The Supreme court will decide this.
      2)Official unemployment is down from the 10% he inherited?….. Maybe we should start counting the people who quit looking for work.
      3)Osama Bin Ladin is dead!…..So far that’s the only statement you have made that is true…….He’s dead because of the awesome military that Obama inherited.
      4)Don’t ask, don’t tell is also dead…..What a legacy!

      And no! I am not better off than I was four years ago.


      August 22, 2011 6:34 PM

      National debt has increased $4 trillion under Obama

      * * * * * * * * *

      Are you feeling better about that?

      * * * * * * * * *

      Seasonal workers for the Christmas holidays raised the unemployment figure slightly. Those same workers will be rejoining the ranks of the unemployed in January.

      * * * * * * * * *

      Are you feeling better about that?

      * * * * * * * * *

      Don’t ask, don’t tell?

      * * * * * * * * *

      I thought that was the motto of the Securities and Exchange Commission

      * * * * * * * * *

  2. Are you kidding? The ERC that fouled up both the McCurdy and Executive Inn projects is now having a “special meeting” on Dec. 28? Unless they are doing the only honorable thing and resigning en mass for their gross incompetence, this meeting needs to be cancelled. Mayor Elect Winnecke should go public and request they cancel the meeting so he can appoint competent members to start the next year. Hasn’t the ERC done enough damage to the City over the last 4 years. Truly outrageous. Keep on this CCO and let’s hope to hear from Mr. Winnecke on this.

  3. No worries, this will be another “Opus One Orgy”, toasts all around re: making it through another year (with no indictments).

  4. The totally incompetent and clueless ERC calling a special meeting at the end of the year is the last candy bar they leave in the swimming pool for the City taxpayers. Have some self-respect and just resign. Please.

  5. This should make all taxpayers mad at what hopefully will be the last attempted ram down scam from the regime.

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