Home Is It True “IS IT TRUE?” December 2, 2024

“IS IT TRUE?” December 2, 2024


We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way.

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IS IT TRUE that Evansville broke from tradition by placing an artificial tree at the Civic Center to serve as the city’s official Christmas tree? …that the move has drawn a fair share of criticism from traditionalists? …that some of the same people complaining this year lost their minds over the decorating job done on the official tree last year? …that there are people who will complain about anything? …that while we prefer a natural tree, we have to admit that the artificial one looks very festive?

IS IT TRUE that the Vanderburgh County Republican Party will not have to meet to select the replacement for County Auditor Brian Gerth? …that Deputy Auditor Theresa Bassemier is the sole applicant for the position, thereby eliminating the need for a vote of Precinct Committeemen? …that those who want to oust County GOP Chairman Mike Duckworth will have to wait until the March party reorganization meeting? …that the party has not held a meeting of PCs since calls were made for Duckworth’s removal early this year? …that it is unlikely that any meetings of the PCs will be called before March 1?

IS IT TRUE that the GD Ritzeys Fantasy of Lights kicked off during Thanksgiving weekend? …that riding through Garvin Park to see the lights is an affordable way to put the family in a holiday mood? …that volunteers from local labor unions do the monumental task of setting up all of the light displays? …that we want to thank the members of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 16 (IBEW), International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, DC 91, Ironworkers Local Union 103, IUOE Local 181 – Operating Engineers, Laborers Local 561, Teamsters Local 215, UA Local 136 Plumbers & Steamfitters?

IS IT TRUE that the 911 Gives Hope will be this coming weekend in the Eastside Walmart parking lot? …thar area first responders will volunteer their time to collect toys that will be distributed to hospitalized children? …that people in the Evansville area are remarkably generous?

IS IT TRUE that we all must be on the lookout for Grinch’s? …that this time of year, people are looking for opportunities to make an illegal dollar?

IS IT TRUE that seasonal depression is common around the holidays? …that if you or someone you know is in need of help with your emotional well-being, you should seek professional help? …that assistance is available by calling 2-1-1?

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