IS IT TRUE? December 17, 2011 Another Film to be Made in Evansville


IS IT TRUE? December 17, 2011 Another Film to be Made in Evansville

IS IT TRUE that Mole #22 tells us that there is an effort being undertaken to make a very relevant documentary film and that Evansville has already been chosen as the city where the filming will take place?…that a casting call has already gone out for a very specific profile of actors and extras that according to national statistics Evansville is the best place in the country to be able to attract this profile?…that we are sure that Madonna will not be coming to town but that Rosie O’Donnell fits the profile quite well so she may land a role along with Rosanne Barr who also fits the profile and has a history with a sitcom that featured some Evansville places in its sign on?

IS IT TRUE that Morgan Spurlock is the independent director who is preparing to come to Evansville to do a documentary?…that Mr. Spurlock was nominated for an Academy Award in 2005 for his 2004 documentary film called “SuperSize Me”?…that Spurlock in SuperSize Me documented how his body reacted to eating at McDonalds every day for a month?…that during that month he ate at McDonalds for 3 meals a day and tried every item on their menu multiple times?…that during that month Mr. Spurlock gained 24½ lbs. (11.1 kg), a 13% body mass increase, a cholesterol level of 230, and experienced mood swings, sexual dysfunction, and fat accumulation in his liver?…that it took Spurlock fourteen months to lose the weight gained from his experiment using a vegan diet supervised by his future wife, a chef who specializes in gourmet vegan dishes.

IS IT TRUE that last year’s distinction as “THE MOST OBESE CITY IN AMERICA” is what inspired Mr. Spurlock to choose Evansville as the location for his next documentary on how bad eating habits and sedentary lifestyles are affecting the United States?…that this documentary will be about “LIVING IN THE OBESITY CAPITAL OF AMERICA” and that the specific profile that is being sought is OBESE men, women, and children?…that as much as getting national exposure in a cinematic way can help a city this will not be flattering to the City of Evansville?…that if this documentary serves as a WAKE UP CALL to the people of Evansville and the city government that in the long run there may be some good things that will come from what will certainly be a humiliating experience?

IS IT TRUE that public health is something that the City of Evansville should advocate for?…that during the last 8 years that we have been treated to a Mayor and a City Council that refused to strengthen a smoking ordinance and turned entire city busses into billboards for McDonalds?…that we anticipate that the Winnecke Administration will be much more active in promoting health that Mayor Weinzapfel ever was?…that we should each ask the question “am I healthier than I was 8 years ago” when evaluating the performance of the outgoing administration in this critical area?…that this film will be a memorial to the neglect of public health that is part of the legacy of the Weinzapfel Administration?


  1. In a recent article about EVSC, there was a note regarding renewing a contract with Pepsi products for the school children. This is disgraceful!!

    Kids should not be given access to soft drinks during school hours. They are juiced up enough on “energy drinks” (cafeine) and sugar as it is. Let’s at least take the responsibility of removing these high calorie, low nutrient beverages from our schools.

    Many school systems have taken this step but many still retain this very poor practice because of the profit schools make from the sale of soft drinks. Such activity is truly making money off the poor health and obese condition of our children. Shame on Evansville !!!!!

  2. I saw Morgan at UK several years back when he came there to discuss his documentary. I’m glad he’s coming to town. One little known tidbit about his film: The apartment complex he filmed in is on the former grounds of Ebbets Field.

  3. Oh, get off your high horse. Pepsi, and the other companies, sell water and other healthier beverages. Most of the soft drinks are sold at athletic events where adults and kids are present. Most administrators don’t allowed sugared soft drinks to be sold during the school day. Terrible display of ignorance!

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