IS IT TRUE? December 15, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? December 15, 2011

IS IT TRUE that Mayor Elect Lloyd Winnecke and his Transition Team rolled out one of the most anticipated announcements of Billy Bolin as the new Evansville Police Chief who then revealed his choice of Chris Pugh as Assistant Chief of Police?…that Chief Bolin is well known and respected not only for his police work but as one of the organizational and management forces behind the Guns & Hoses event?…that Guns & Hoses packed over 7,000 people in Roberts Stadium last year raising a reported $60,000+ for charity?…that as expected Bolin came out planning the coming assault Evansville’s meth problem?…that clearly acknowledged the severity of the meth problem and expressed his support to make pseudoephedrine a prescription based substance?…that this is a position that is supported by the City County Observer and by results driven data from other locales that have taken what may seem like a drastic step?

IS IT TRUE that that the first step to solving a problem is to acknowledge and define it?…that in a world and particularly in an administration that has tended to minimize problems with smiles, ad campaigns, and photo ops, that over the past 8 years things in general and particularly with criminal activity have really gotten worse in Evansville?…that part of the reason for that is “head in the sand” politics that is contagious to the population?…that in a place where meth labs are at some of the highest levels in the nation, criminal activity has magnified in the city parks, and has a growing gang problem for local leaders to sit around like parrots saying things like “it’s a great place to raise kids” or “we got a great quality of life” is just poppycock?…that it is refreshing to see an appointment to police chief that will point to a problem, make the seriousness clear to everyone, and immediately start formulating a solution?…that the CCO would like to congratulate our new leaders of law enforcement Billy Bolin and Chris Pugh and to thank Mayor Elect Winnecke and his Transition Team for making a great choice?…that decisions like this are the foundation for having an Evansville in 4 years that is better than Evansville is today?

IS IT TRUE that another announcement is coming this morning at 10:00 o’clock?…that we will know at that time who Mayor Elect Winnecke will be tapping to succeed Keith Jarboe as the next Fire Chief of the City of Evansville?…that the Mole Nation is buzzing with anticipation and probing for information on this appointment and is split as to who the winner may be?…that the names of Captain Mike Connelly and former Fire Chief Mike Humphrey keep rattling around in the Mole minds?…that both of these gentlemen have support within the rank and file and have career track records that scream competence and integrity so the moles are expected to be please with either appointment?…that the new assassin Mole #7 called Mole #3 in Florida for a powwow on which really has the inside tract and that the conclusion based on a technicality that Mole #3 remembers leads the Alpha Moles to predict that the people of Evansville will be introduced to Fire Chief Connelly at today’s news conference?

IS IT TRUE that we are anticipating some more announcements of appointments and that the next one may be Director of Transportation and Services?…that we publish that because Mole #24 has observed the current director Mr. Ed Ziemer packing some boxes in his office?…that the CCO has great admiration for Mr. Ziemer and would like to thank him for his years of service to the City of Evansville?…that we expect those boxes will not be moved very far as Mr. Ziemer has a few more good years of service left in him before a well deserved retirement at the time of his choosing?

IS IT TRUE that the Mole Nation tells us that there are 4 candidates vying to replace Tom Barnett as the Director of Metropolitan Development?…that Mr. Barnett being a driven agent of action is not packing anything yet preferring to spend his efforts jamming through another 25 houses in the Front Door Pride area to set Mayor Elect Winnecke’s agenda for him?…that this is a decision that can and should wait until after the inauguration and that Mr. Barnett should concentrate either on keeping the job he has or searching for another one should there be a change made in his status by the Winnecke Administration?

IS IT TRUE that one position that is not the subject of the Mole Nation is the position currently held by Dan Schall as the Director of Parks and Recreation?…that as we have written in the past Mr. Schall may be the right guy for this job in he has the right orders and the right boss?…that one thing for sure is that the Director of Parks and Recreation needs some new marching orders as the parks of Evansville have gone dramatically downhill during the last 8 years?


  1. I for one am fed up with Evansville’s do-nothing Police Department. I live in an area where drug dealers loiter in their automobiles at night, illegally selling addictive painkillers such as oxycontin to over-worked health care workers and God only knows who else. I have complained to the Police Department without any results. It is blatantly obvious that the orders came down from Whiny-Zapple a long time ago to let the pushers make their money and let the addicts slowly kill themselves. I am counting the days until our mayor assumes the title of Most Corrupt Ex-Politician in the History of Evansville.

  2. Everything is looking better for the EFD and the City, with the departure of the Worst Fire Chief in anyone’s memory,
    Keith Jarboe.

    • I’d agree with you Crash…..but we’ll see what position Jarboe tries to put himself in before the big switch, it’s a given he won’t be riding the back of a fire truck…..he’s loyal to the machine I’m sure there will be compensation for his services. 😉


        • That would be best for the department (so I’m told) and it’ll take Connelly a year or better to repair the damage to the department and try to boost moral among the ranks, but Jarboe has been a good drone for the machine and has other aspirations. I’d look for a move to a district/battalion chief position so he can stay in the lime light and continue to work his magic…heck maybe even run for union president! LMAO.


  3. The Lloyd Winnecke administration is off to a good start by selecting good people and not merely party hacks. Time to appoint Russ Lloyd Jr. as City Controller to keep up this positive momentum, something that has been noticeably lacking for years from the lame duck regime.

  4. Is it true the appointment of Mike Duckworth to fill Ed Ziemer’s position is soon to be announced?

    It is true the former Mayor Russ Lloyd Jr. required the resignation of Duckworth from the EVSC School Board of Trustees before he would appoint him to a position in the city?

    It is true the Duckworth is currently holding two lucative, taxpayer funded, positions in violation of Indiana State Law. He should have resigned from the EVSC School Board of Trustees EACH time he accepted a higher paying position with the city or county. He is a repeat violator.

    Is it true that Mayor=elect Winnecke will have the ethical backbone to demand Duckworth surrender the School Board seat if he wishes to work for the city?

    Is it true this will be Winnecke’s first test to prove he can run city government openly and in compliance with Indiana State laws?

    We can only wait, hope and see.

    • NoMoDoh

      Where in the state law does it say it is illegal for Duckworth to be on the EVSC School Board and also be incharge of the County Garage? You are not correct.

  5. I heard Cliff Weaver or Mike Humphrey will be selected as Fire Chief. But, I am not in any loops of firefighters, so we will see.

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