IT TRUE that are hearing the Mayor is looking at requiring the city taxpayers to pay for special paper bags to pick up leaves and yard waste starting in January, 2013?…we hear that the taxpayers shall be charged a special fee to use these special paper yard waste bags? …we are wondering how unemployed people of this community are going to pay for a city mandated paper bags to pick yard waste?…we also are told that the city will not allow us to use plastic bags starting January 1, 2013 to put our leaves and yard waste in?…this is a step in the right direction from an environmental perspective as verified across the country in store that ask “paper or plastic†to encourage the use of paper so plastic does not get into landfills?…the next step in grocery shopping reusable bags so no bag goes to a landfill?…what would be great is for people to recognize such things and to be environmentally conscious without having any government mandate things that seem petty?…that a cognizant population needs fewer laws than a disrespectful society and that cognizance is something worth striving for?
IS IT TRUE that a study commissioned by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has concluded that people in nearly every corner of the earth are living longer but having to deal with more discomforts and diseases than ever too?…life expectancies into the 80’s are not uncommon among the industrialized nations?…this also would mean that people consume more and more medical services and need much more money in retirement?…this study is the latest validation that programs like Social Security and Medicare which are grouped in the USA under the term entitlements must adapt to these longer life spans and accelerated consumption of medical treatments?…the answer to making these programs solvent and sustainable are simple to implement for a population that has the will to do so?…as life spans increase the retirement age should be increasing with them such that the taxes collected over ones working life are in balance with the cash and medical services consumed during retirement?…today these programs and not sustainable and are getting less so every year?…this would be an opportune time for our President and the Congress to burn up some brain cells and do some simple ARITHMETIC to find a sustainable solution to this looming problem?
IS IT TRUE that the Vanderburgh County Assessor’s website is still reporting that the owner of record of the McCurdy Hotel is City Centre Properties LLC of Carmel, IN?…that the Vanderburgh County Treasurer’s website however indicates that the owner is McCurdy Developments LLC located at 510 Main Street in Evansville, IN?…at long last it also indicates that the property taxes on this parcel are CURRENT?…this is a bit of good news for the McCurdy but sure makes the Assessor’s office look like the move at a snail’s pace?
IS IT TRUE that it has now been 14 days since the deadline has passed for the City of Evansville to submit a plan to the EPA to correct the combined sewer overflow problem so that raw sewage is not discharged into the Ohio River?…the City after 2 full years without filing a plan has asked for a 6 month extension but the people of Evansville have not been advised whether or not the extension has been granted so the threat of fines is delayed as well?
IS IT TRUE that we are wondering if the balancing of the books for the City of Evansville which we hope will happen this year will reflect a debt to the City of $186,000 by Earthcare Energy that is CURRENT?…this little ticking time bomb just keeps paying enough every month to keep from defaulting but will turn into a pumpkin sometime in 2014?…we also wonder if debts are placed on the books when companies that were granted tax abatements and incentives fail to earn them?…a good report to the people of Evansville detailing just how much has been handed out that never was earned would open some eyes wide?…we are betting conservatively that this number is into the 7 figure range?
Living longer does not mean healthier. When you survive a formerly fatal disease, you will get a later, different (or recurrence) disease.
Indiana Secretary of State
Current Information
Entity Legal Name:
Entity Address:
General Entity Information:
Control Number: 2011122100199
Status: Active
Entity Type: Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Entity Creation Date: 12/19/2011
Entity Date to Expire:
Entity Inactive Date:
This entity is current with Business Entity Report(s).
There are no other names on file for this Entity.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The 510 Main Street address is of course Kunkel’s business address.
Registered Agent(name, address, city , state , zip):
221 NW 5TH ST
Principals(name, address, city, state, zip – when provided)
This Limited Liability Company Has Managers.
Date Filed Effective Date Type
12/19/2011 12/19/2011 Articles of Organization
Mark Fine of RFPJ represents the Kunkel Group.
Since Center City paid $30.K to get current on the property taxes, if Kunkel does indeed own the building now, and it is current on property taxes, can we expect that the original incentive package is still in place for Mr. Kunkel’s use?
Or does Center City Properties LLC still owe the City of Evansville some money?
So the city that is wading earlobe deep in a $500 million EPA cesspool is worried about how I bag my leaves?
Wait…Aren’t we supposed to get splendiferous new 96-gallon wheeled receptacles for curbside collection of trash and yard waste, and separate receptacles for curbside collection of recyclables? And isn’t this supposed to decrease the costs to Allied Waste and the city residents???
Yeah, like you said, “wait.” Just wait and see.
“IT TRUE that are hearing the Mayor is looking at requiring the city taxpayers to pay for special paper bags to pick up leaves and yard waste starting in January, 2013?…we hear that the taxpayers shall be charged a special fee to use these special paper yard waste bags?”
As a home owner, taxpayer, and yard cleanup guy (my own yard), I’ll just do what I’d rather do and that’s just let the leaves lay on the ground and provide mulch for my yard, the mayor can stick his bags where the sun doesn’t shine….anyone else get the feeling this mayor is totally off his rocker?
He is a little man in a big job and concentrating on the things he understands. That so far is confined to dance videos, picking up trash, and now what to bag leaves in. The scary thing is that Winnecke is smarter than many members of the city council.
That’s really not a comforting thought.
Will these mandatory leaf bags have smiley faces, rainbows and unicorns?
LMAO! CCO really needs a “like” button!
If the City truly wants to develop a sustainable leaf and lawn waste disposal program, how about this:
Schedule leaf and lawn waste pickup days similarly to large item disposable waste days we now have.
Then when an area of the town is scheduled for leaf and lawn waste pickup, property owners would have all their loose leaf and compostable lawn waste gathered curbside. The City’s contractor would vacuum it all into waste trucks, and transport it to the area adjacent to the eastside treatment facility, grind it, compost it, and sell it as garden soil.
Then if property owners wished to dispose of leaf and lawn waste outside of the scheduled pickup days, they could transport the waste to the composting site themselves, or have to leave it curbside in the recyclable paper bags as mandated by the City.
In Owensboro, the basic $12.00 sanitation fee includes leaf collection. Owensboro provides loose-leaf collection services from October 26 until February 15. Loose leaves are collected curbside by large vacuum trucks. Leaves that are bagged or placed in containers are collected year-round on normal trash days.
It’s also done like this in Mt. Vernon ( Vac trucks)
Excellent idea Mr Jeffers…..
I do believe Henderson had such a program at one time, but I think now they just provide FREE bags for their taxpayers who choose to bag their leaves.
Is there anyway we can get you moved from your office into like the mayors chief of staff position? your ideas seem to have a very logical point of reference compared to the….well BS emanating from Howdy Doody.
I’m retiring, and not looking for a full time job … especially one such as chief of staff that requires working more than 40 hours! Besides, I think Steve is doing a great job considering the leftover dookie piles he and Lloyd have stepped into.
Fair enough……thank you Sir, hope you enjoy retirement looking forward to it myself in a few years.
Why hasn’t that wunnerful mayor started a campaign encouraging people to carry their trash home and put it in their own trash cans? Why should others pick up their leavings? Aren’t there littering ordinances on the books of the city?
Will people be permitted to put leaves in trashcans that they already possess? Where will you put the dirt and rubble from the gutters that you have to clean up? Wait until they get a couple bags of wet leaves that have been sitting out for a week and the bottom falls out. They often are too lazy to come down my deadend street and pick up my branches and leaves for a couple weeks.
I wonder how much “W” will make off the paper bag contract. There has to be some financial renumeration for him.
Too bad Winnecke wasn’t elected trashman instead of mayor. Primo example of the Peter Principal at work.
Leaf disposal bags could be manufactured from biodegradable mesh rather than paper. They’d look something like supersized mesh onion bags, I suppose.
What I want to know is whoever thought it was a good idea to rake up good organic material and put it in a plastic bag? Is ridiculous. Whatever happened to piling it up and burning it? Or composting? Some of the same people who religiously walk their yards with gas powered leaf blowers that do a WORSE job than a rake will bag this stuff up and throw it away, then they’ll go to the home store and buy artificial fertilizer. Idiots.
I mulch all leaves directly into the yard, and top it off with a light sprinkling of agricultural lime, and a heavier dose of pelletized gypsum. Leaves and grass clippings are free nitrogen and organic material.
Any surplus leaves, like if I have to blow them out from around the foundation and they are layered too thickly to mow, get toted over to the tomato patch and mulched up there. In fact, I now have what you call a “lasagna garden” … layers of organic material composted in place. I’ve gone totally no-till in the tomato patch.
I think we should start calling our State Senators and demanding we arm a certain percentage of all school faculty. They should be trained in crisis management and paid extra for their trouble. There would need to be regulations on how the weapons were stored, but this is preferable to disarming everyone in schools and expecting this sort of thing to never happen again. It doesn’t make sense. Banning weapons won’t work, so let’s think about the alternatives.
I fail to understand why idiots like you have the ability to type, let alone rant and blather. STFU and show some respect
Why are you always so rude and angry? Get back on your meds.
Brad, remember, the principal and some staff were in a meeting when they heard the shots. One person stayed behind to call 911 and the rest rushed out to see what was going on. All but the person who was making the 911 call lost their lives.
Would it have made a difference if the principal or others had a gun locked up and unloaded as most claim is safest in the realm of children? Could they have reached one in time or had the nerve to kill another person?
It is a tragedy of the nth degree. Having guns in elementary schools is unrealistic. We have liason officers in the EVSC schools and a fortune in grant money spent on security devices. However, if no one is monitoring the screens or the entrances, anyone can still walk in.
Educators have enough pressure already. Having a Permit to Carry should not be a requirement of getting a teaching contract.
I didn’t say locked up and unloaded. A locked up, unloaded gun is no use to anyone. There needs to be a percentage of armed faculty on school grounds at all times who are trained in crisis management. Their guns should be kept on their person AL ALL TIMES. They should get extra pay for this responsibility. They should pass all the same background checks currently required to get a handgun or concealed carry license in the State of Indiana.
Waiting for something like this to happen here is nonsense. Gun control is likewise nonsense. As for Truth Squad…what about wanting to curb future events like this is disrespectful? Grow up.
Brad, why not hire police officers who are trained to also teach for school staffing? They wouldn’t need too many credits to learn a subject and follow a predetermined curriculum. Why not teach our kids to fear everyone they don’t know? Why not give our kids kevlar helmets and vests to wear at school? Should the kids assume that anyone carrying a weapon is to be trusted? How will they know who is “good” and who is “bad”?
Let’s ban attendance at athletic events and large public gatherings as it is too difficult to protect the kids from a possible loose cannon. Forget the revenue stream, our kids would be safe. Let’s watch those events from home and send our “like” clicks instead of cheers and applause. Let everyone watch the “games”, concerts, lectures and other currently public events in the shelter of their homes on their streaming video shown on their HDTV. Eliminate the socializing.
Of course the construction industry would have no need to build huge arenas with expansive seating, simply playing areas and equipment/dressing rooms, as it would be too dangerous for people to attend. Tough on the economy, but hey, we would be safer if we didn’t venture out of the nest.
In this case, no one was watching the school door. He walked right in.
The schools need doors that require someone to recognize the person requesting entry and “buzz” them in. If they can’t come in, they can’t reek carnage of this magnitude.
This school may have a system requiring an ID card be “swiped” before the door opened. But, this kid had already killed his Mother, who was a teacher at this school, and could have had her ID card and gained admittance without notice. Nothing is totally fail-safe, not any part of life.
There is no explanation for these events or why the anger in the perpetrators is directed at strangers. Why don’t we recognize the anger inside these children and address it when they are young? Because it is easier to spend our time on those who are bright and untroubled and feel successful as we watch them do what they could have done without our attention.
The one thread throughout these stories are the shooters are very unhappy and angry people. They have no one to help them or can’t reach out to anyone who can. Maybe they are ashamed of their failings, mental illness or pressures, when all around them seem to be successful. Maybe they have had a sudden onset of depression or schizophrenia and don’t realize how ill they are. They don’t know how! Maybe they haven’t learned the social skills that permit them to be part of the world they they are observing from outside.
Frustration, mental illness, immaturity, unrealistic expectations of what to expect from others are all factors that could be behind this. But, it is easy to obtain weapons and ammunition and mimic what is seen on TV and in video games. No emotion, just action.
These events are shocking and appalling. They blot out all else in the news. They don’t happen often, but are devastating, like tornadoes, tsunamis, hurricanes and earthquakes. As the media finds a new tragedy to get your attention, they will move on and the public will be distracted by some new headline. You know that.
As cold as it sounds, the number of schools and families affected are miniscule, when you count the number of schools and students in the United States and consider how many do NOT have things like this happen. Losing a child is horrible, no matter how it happens. Unless you have had that experience, you have no clue to the devastating pain a parent suffers. I do.
Random acts of violence are just that, random and meaningless. Don’t go kneejerk in response. More guns are not the answer. You grow up. Weapons manufacturing is BIG business in the USA. They are going to keep making more guns than any one person needs. They don’t care who gets killed as long as they make money.
You cannot truly control anything in your life. It is the ultimate of conceit to believe you can. Removing the tools to inflict pain is a good place to start, not setting up an OK Corral scenario in every school. Collateral damage is no different from deliberate killing.
YOU grow up.
I am not gonna touch this rant with a 10 foot pole. You got so far off what I was saying you might as well have been typing from the space station.
For a rational debate, feel free to comment on my article in the Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/brad-linzy/second-amendment-gun-sandy-hook_b_2312565.html?just_reloaded=1
How about this. You can buy any weapon you wish. Ammo too. But if you own a high volume assaunt weapon, you have to wear an exploding collar, like in that movie “Wedlock” (originally titled “Deadlock”). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wedlock_(film)
The collar will communicate with a chip in your assault weapons and chips in all public buildings. Unless you are a police officer, active duty military, etc., your collar explodes if you approach a school or movie theatre carrying a loaded assault weapon.
Agree Brad, gun control is not working. Arm school personnel. We all at schools go through extensive background checks. I know I would carry and I would defend the kids and school with my life against this stuff!!!!
Could you print the agreement between the city and Waste Management so we can see for ourselves what is required and what the Mayor/City Council is permitted to do.
I have read much information or mis-information that I would like to read for myself what is in the contract.
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