IS IT TRUE? December 13, 2010


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? December 13, 2010

IS IT TRUE that Senator and former Indiana Governor Evan Bayh announced that he will not be making a run for the Indiana Governor’s office in 2012?….that Senator Bayh cited his desire to devote himself to fatherhood during his twins teenage years as one big reason that he chose not to run?…that we admire the Senator’s dedication to being the best parent that he can be and for setting a solid life example for others who may be in 24/7 types of careers?

IS IT TRUE that a literal herd of Democratic politicians popped the cork on champagne bottles at the sound of that announcement”….that the wannabe list for the Democratic nomination for Indiana Governor went up by double figures today?….that one of those Democrats is none other than Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel?….that now he has all of the information he needs to make his choice for what to do with his own career in the near future?…that we anxiously await his upcoming announcement and wish him wisdom in choosing his own next step?

IS IT TRUE that Indiana House Bill 1588 concerning the increase of the Vanderburgh County Innkeepers tax rate also addresses the creation of the Convention and Visitor Commission Board of Directors? …in the section (IC 6-9-2.5-2) of this bill that (section d) states a member of the commission may be removed for cause by his appointing authority? …. you may be able to see the entire bill by going to Legislative Services Agency listed on the General Assembly Home Page?

IS IT TRUE that “MOLE 3” predicts on or about December 21, 2010 the Mayor will call a press conference to announce that he has selected local group of investors to award the Arena Hotel project to? …. that you can expect the Mayor to ask the City and County governmental officials to put tax incentive money towards this extremely needed capital project? …that if this really happens that we will commend the Mayor for finally awarding a large capital project to a “Home Owned and Home Grown” business entity?

IS IT TRUE you can expect the Vanderburgh County Commissioners to not re-nominate the Chairman of the Evansville Visitors and Convention Bureau? ….that may not be the only EVCB Commissioner that may not be re-appointed by our elected Vanderburgh County office holders?

IS IT TRUE that two Evansville City Council candidates are teaming up for a political fundraiser on December 19, 2010? …. that Al Lindsey and Patrick McBride shall have an all you can eat “RED HOT CHILI” political fund raiser at the Local Firefighters 357 Union Hall at 1065 West Lloyd Expressway between noon and 5:00 p.m.?…. that the cost for this event is a mere $10.00?… that the City County Observer shall put in our publication similar information of any other Evansville City Council candidates political fund raisers?

IS IT TRUE that Representative Riecken intends to introduce two bills in the next session of the Indiana House of Representative that are designed to make the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission more accountable to the voters of Indiana?….that offering electrical power at a competitive price to comparable areas that compete for jobs is one of the most important issues to prospective outside investors?…that Fort Smith, Arkansas and Cleveland, Tennessee both have electricity rates that are more than 40% less than Vectren offers?….that both of these cities have Whirlpool plants that are expanding in the USA instead of closing the doors?


  1. Lindsey and McBride fund raiser. One can’t decide what house he wants to live or vote, the other just doesn’t vote.

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