We hope that todays IS IT TRUE will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we as responsible citizens of this community need to address in a rational and responsible way?
IS IT TRUE the plans for the Vanderburgh County Public Safety Foundation event to be held on August 23, 2017 at the steps of the Veterans Memorial Coliseum is really coming together?  …during the next several weeks you will be receiving more detailed information about this most worthily public event?

IS IT TRUE earlier today that Marion Superior Court Judge Heather Welch awarded $128 million dollars in damages to the STATE OF INDIANA in a court order handed down by her today? … the state terminated IBM’s contract in 2009 claiming the company’s performance was poor?  …the State claimed that IBM breached a contract commitment to modernize  the delivery of welfare services for the Family and Social Services Administration?  …this decision will be appealed by IBM?

IS IT TRUE speaking of poverty please the additional IS IT TRUES in todays CCO?

IS IT TRUE that according to the publication Human Progress, 2016 was the first year in human history when 1% of the population owned more wealth than the remaining 99%?…in spite of that the number of people in the world who lived in absolute poverty is lower than it has ever been?

IS IT TRUE today 6 Billion of the 6.5 Billion people on earth do not live in poverty while the other 500 Million do?…that the ration of people not in poverty to those who are is at an all time high of 12?…just 40 years ago in 1977 was the first year that the critical ratio was one meaning an equal number of people were in and out of poverty?

IS IT TRUE historically the ration has been about 3 people in poverty for every one that is not?…this means that insofar as raising people out of poverty is concerned during the period of time since World War 2 the ratio of those out of poverty to those who are in poverty has improved by 3,500 percent?

IS IT TRUE this  progress is attributed in whole to the massive creation of wealth that widespread industrialization and the information age have made possible?…the very wealth that drives the resentment between the 1% and the 99% is what generated the resources to reduce poverty?

IS IT TRUE people at all economic levels need to start looking at how they live and cease obsessing over where they are in the fictitious ranking of wealth?…one small bite of an ever expanding pie is much better than having nearly all of a static pie?

IS IT TRUE from a lifestyle perspective, a low wage worker today lives better and more securely than a wealthy person 100 years ago?…with the invention of things like modern medicine, refrigeration, industrialized farming, electronics, transportation and housing, one of today’s less fortunate live a better life than the so called robber barons like Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Vanderbilt?

IS IT TRUE the time is now to wake up and smell the roses?…with only 500 million still living in poverty, down from 1.8 Billion in 1970 when poverty hit its peak, we can literally eliminate poverty in another 20 years?…that won’t keep the obsession with pecking order in check though because envy seems to be at the very root of human nature?

Todays “READERS POLL” question is: Would you like to know what it’s going to cost to repair the road mistake on the North Main street project?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.

If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County or call 812-774-9011.

EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted by our reader’s in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City County Observer or our advertisers.


  1. “S IT TRUE today 6 Billion of the 6.5 Billion people on earth do not live in poverty while the other 500 Million do?…that the ration of people not in poverty to those who are is at an all time high of 12?…” This does not make sense…Is it true that it is the other way around?…Doc

  2. Regarding your poll question, yes I would like to know what the repair cost will be but more important to me is who will bear the expense to do it. I see where councilman Adams had a comment this morning on here, perhaps he could shed a little on the subject.

    • VO5, spot on. The poor taxpayers should be provided the cost and who will pay for repairing a road built too narrow. Really, how could they not know the minimum width for a City street?? We may find the late addition of the silly flower planters on the street side of the shopping cart path, is what caused all the trouble.

  3. Poverty is a subjective term. The definition of poverty is constantly being changed and is always different from one country to the next. Hence, any derived comparison is at best meaningless and, at worst, an erroneous basis for speculation as to it’s cause or resolving.

  4. Drove Main today. Tire marks on the curbs. I was so obvious the road is too narrow and the bike path entirely too wide., Government- omg! Winnecke admin-,we’re waiting for answers- who blew this one

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