IS IT TRUE in a predictable pre-election move the Vanderburgh County Council announces plans to cut about $3.5 million from the proposed 2017 budget?  …the President of the County Council Angela Koehler Lindsey, R-At-Large said one reason for the budget increasing is because of a projected 12% increase in costs of health insurance costs? … get ready for County Council members to start making conservative comments why they must cut $3 million plus from the proposed 2017 budget? …this is a developing story so let the political show begin?

IS IT TRUE that the projected 12% increase in County employee health insurance by the Vanderburgh County Council for this coming year may also cause the Evansville City Council major budget challenges?  …we wonder was this one of the reasons why City Council Finance Chairman Dan McGinn tried to sneak through a resolution to reduce the 2017 Homestead Tax from 8% to 6% because the City need the money to pay for the projected increased of city employee health insurance?

IS IT TRUE it look like a former member of Evansville City Council warning that major increases in the city employees heath insurance is on the horizon and shall cause serious budget woes in the future was spot on?  …let the political finger pointing begin?

IS IT TRUE CCO poster Ruffus B made the following comments we found interesting and worth re-posting?
…. he stated the following: “Sources close to the Controller’s office indicate that when Russ without Council’s approval transferred 12.5 million from the Riverboat fund into the General Fund it prevented the GF from going negative by $6 million. Unfortunately, this was clearly noticeable in the Annual Financial Statements that were given to McGinn and Hargis. Now, at June 30, 2016, the GF indicates 3.9 mil but if the 12.5 mil was properly repaid to the Riverboat funds the GF is negative by 8.2 mil ..but Russ Failed to properly transfer 7.5 million into the Hospitalization Fund because that fund is NEGATIVE by 7.5 million.”

IS IT TRUE nine Vanderburgh County jail inmates were formally charged for their alleged roles in a “jailhouse riot” on July 26? … all of the defendants charges including counts of aiding, inducing or causing battery to a public safety officer, resisting law enforcement and rioting? …we hope that the Judge throws the book at these idiots? …we are extremely pleased with the public statement made by Vanderburgh County Sheriff Dave Wedding that “We’re going to run the jail, the inmates aren’t.”? …all we can tell the Sheriff Wedding is the heck with political correctness and tell it like it is?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that another back room political patronage deal may be in the making?  …we have been told that the deal is concerning the hiring of two new employees for the newly created Evansville Land Bank?  …we hear that at least one Land Bank applicant has solid record of landing political patronage positions in Vanderburgh County proper?  …we wonder why these positions haven’t been publicly advertised so qualified unemployed citizens of Evansville could apply for these well paying positions?  …we hope that city officials well do proper vetting of all applicants of the Evansville Land Bank?  ..if you are interested in applying for the above positions please contract DMD Director Kelly Coures or his assistant Jane Reel soon as possible?

IS IT TRUE we would like to welcome William Wolkoff from Cleveland, Ohio to the staff of Channel TV 44 and Evansville?   …William was a News Content Specialist at WXIX-TV Cincinnati? … Wolkoff says, “Evansville is my kind of town, I grew up in a blue-collar town where nothing is given and everything is earned”?  …William is a graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a Bachelor’s in Electronic Media?

FOOTNOTE:  Todays READERS POLL question is: Should City Council Finance Chairman Dan McGinn and Controller Russ Lloyd Jr start speaking out on the 2017 budget shortfalls?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. Four young people shot when two groups of people meet.
    I guess, gone are the days when “fist flown”, and everyone lived another day!
    Could it be possible that “idle hands” are “too lazy”, to once was the way differences were resolved?

    • Guns are just too easily accessible, and all it takes is one of them to end a good old-fashioned fist fight. It isn’t laziness. There are still plenty of fights, it’s just that too often somebody has a gun and decides to “win.”

    • Guns ARE too easily accessible, but I personally think it’s more our culture of casual violence to blame. From the national policy level on down, use of violence to solve problems is de rigueur. Add in a YouTube culture of street fight voyeurism at the ground level, and you have a perfect storm. You can get assaulted for looking at somebody the wrong way, or ‘dissin’ somebody in myriad (and ever-changing) ways. An accidental bump in line at the movies can get you stabbed or shot. It’s ridiculous.

      FWIW, some of the more horrific trauma runs I’ve made were the result of ‘simple’ fist fights. It ain’t like it is in the movie, with The Duke and the bandido exchanging fisticuffs for 5 minutes with only a bloody nose to show for it. The human face doesn’t react well to getting repeatedly smacked with hard objects….

      • You’re right about the casual violence in our culture. I know that the experts all say it is not directly due to video gaming. I do think a lot of it falls on the shoulders of parents who stopped parenting and hired an electronic babysitter to keep the kids out of their hair while they were online, though. Kids learn coping skills and ethics by interacting with good examples, and that interaction has been greatly reduced.

        • Concur. I am probably one of the first generation to grow up with video games (ancient tech by today’s standard, but Atari and other systems were prevalent throughout my later childhood), and don’t think X-ers are any more prone to violence than any other generation. That said, first person shooters didn’t really come into their own until I was in college, and they certainly weren’t as realistic as today’s games.

          We should all also keep in mind that, histrionics aside, we are living in a time in the U.S. which has very low violent crime, as a whole. The non-stop coverage given to violent stories is a function of ‘if it bleeds, it leads’ journalism more than it is an indicator of non-stop, overwhelming violence flooding our streets.

  2. Unless I am mistaken insurance for employees is a requirement in the ACA.
    Bike paths and land banks are not.
    We have a choice of building bigger jail, witch we will fill up in short order or we can stop arresting people for every $5 and $10 dollar crime. I have heard we have 10,000 back warrants we can jail people for as needed. So filling a new jail should be no problem.

    • Back in the day when Catherine Fanello was the President of the Vandy Commissioners, debate raged over the size of the current jail ..the then County Council led by Jim Raben refused to increase the size even though if increased the County would have been able to charge fees to the Feds for containing fed inmates therein we need to build another facility?

    • I believe state law has change since it was built where the county now is required to keep
      a “certain segment” in house, instead of moving them to the state level of prisons as in the past.
      This may be one way the state has a surplus, but the cost has been past to the counties!

  3. Moles from the Civic Center have indicated that the Health Care issues is front and center in the conference room of Winnecke. The individuals responsible for developing a course of action have been working night and day for answers course is the provision in the ACA legislation that allows the employer to withhold 9.5% of the employees’ wages as their portion of the cost ..the other problem is in 2017, all grandfathered plans which is the case with Evansville must adhere to the ACA requirements ..Now, the average City employee contributes around $65 per month ..this provision would increase the contribution an average of $235 to a level of $300.

    According to Annual Financial Statement of 2015, the City cost of health care was reported at approx. $26 mil ..and according to the National health care data, an increase in 2017 could impact that cost by $5 to 6 million. Remember that in addition to the health care, this upcoming budget must deal with the millions required to update the 911 equipment ..oh, Butterfly McGinn and Anna Hargis probably forgot about this???

    • Maybe the following article will summarize the coming storm:

      etna Will Not Expand Obamacare Business in 2017
      Published August 02, 2016 Health Care Reuters

      Aetna Inc said on Tuesday that it no longer planned to expand its Obamacare business next year and would sell some Medicare Advantage assets as it fights to gain antitrust regulators’ approval for its takeover of Humana Inc .

      The U.S. health insurer, which is losing money on the plans it sells in 15 states to individuals on exchanges created under President Barack Obama’s national healthcare law, said it also was looking at whether it should continue to offer the contracts.

      The company’s reassessment of Obamacare follows an April announcement by UnitedHealth Group Inc that it would largely exit the individual insurance market in 2017 and as other large insurers, including Humana and Anthem Inc, are expressing concern about the losses they are incurring from it.

      Aetna’s potential retreat increases pressure on the exchanges to ensure consumers have enough affordable options, said Fitch Ratings analyst Mark Rouck. “It’s fair to say the results from the exchange business have been worse than people expected,” he said.

      Gary Claxton, director of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation’s Health Care Marketplace Project, said the federal government was working on changes aimed at attracting more insurers, including altering a risk-adjustment program.

      “I don’t think (Aetna’s decision) changes the tenor of the overall situation,” he said. “It’s challenged. There are reasons for people to worry, but there are also reasons to be optimistic.”

      U.S. Department of Health and Human Services spokeswoman Marjorie Connolly said the exchanges would continue to thrive as insurers compete for consumers’ business.

      “Consumers coming back to shop for 2017 will continue to have a robust set of choices,” Connolly said in a statement.

      Aetna’s re-evaluation is a departure from its stance at the beginning of the year, when Chief Executive Officer Mark Bertolini said he believed the insurer had an obligation to stick with the public health exchange market.

      What has changed, he said, is that patients who signed up for Aetna’s exchange plans in 2016 have proved to be much sicker than those who enrolled the year before.

      “Because the whole pool is so ill, there’s so much utilization,” Bertolini said in an interview. “Everybody’s losing money.”

      Aetna said its exchange-based plans for individuals had a pretax operating loss of $200 million in the second quarter, and it projected the loss from that business would exceed $300 million by year-end. It had initially expected to break even on the plans.


      The company’s review of its exchange business also comes as Aetna prepares for a court battle against the U.S. Department of Justice, which in July sued to block the proposed $33 billion purchase of Humana on grounds that it would harm competition across the country. The department has also moved to stop Anthem’s planned acquisition of Cigna Corp.

      Asked about the timing of Aetna’s Obamacare re-evaluation, Bertolini said people seeking care through the exchange products need coverage, but the company also has an obligation to its 23 million other customers who need to have a solvent insurer.

      In May, Humana also said it was considering ending the sale of Obamacare individual plans in some states in 2017 to stem losses there.

      Aetna said the $117 million deal with Molina addressed a major concern of the Justice Department in its challenge to the Humana acquisition by giving older people more options for Medicare coverage.

      Molina Healthcare Inc plans to buy a portfolio of about 290,000 Medicare Advantage members in 21 states from Aetna and Humana.

      Aetna reported higher-than-expected quarterly revenue and earnings on Tuesday as membership grew in its government business, which sells Medicare and Medicaid plans.

      Shares of Aetna were up 1.3 percent at $115.90 in afternoon trading.

      The insurer affirmed its full-year outlook for operating earnings of $7.90 to $8.10 a share.

      Aetna’s medical benefit ratio, the percentage of premiums spent on claims, rose to 82.4 percent from 81.1 percent a year earlier as medical costs increased in the Obamacare business.

      Net income rose 8 percent to $790.8 million, or $2.23 per share.

      Excluding special items, Aetna earned $2.21 per share, exceeding the analysts’ average estimate of $2.12, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

      Revenue rose about 5 percent to $15.95 billion, beating Wall Street expectations of $15.69 billion. (Reporting by Amrutha Penumudi in Bengaluru and Susan Kelly in Chicago; Additional reporting by Diane Bartz in Washington; Editing by Lisa Von Ahn) . .

    • All increases in health insurance rates since the advent of the ACA should be passed directly to the employees. It was after all the people of this country who sanctioned the ACA by electing the team that passed it without reading it. Let the consequences of paying for the inefficiencies of government lie with those who voted for it. That is what private business is doing so why not public employees.

      • “Smith said the district’s health insurance costs have increased by 512% since 1997”. – EVSC Superintendent David Smith April 23, 2014

        Should the employees have absorbed all of that also Wallace?

        “EVSC Superintendent David Smith said it doesn’t happen often when he can say everybody wins when it comes to health insurance. Smith told school board members they are “the envy of many, not only in our community, but across the nation” for keeping insurance premiums flat for three years without drastically changing the benefits and services.”

        “I know of no other time of my tenure with EVSC — that is now 35 years — where we will go three years with no premium increase and no reduction in terms of benefit levels or service to our employees,” he said. “And I think that is simply phenomenal.” – July 11, 2016

        If I had anything to do with Vanderburgh County I’d dig into the health insurance mess but that’s not my problem. I’m now on Medicare thank God and ObamaCare has helped extend its’ solvency until 2029.

        Did you say about a year ago that your employer pays for your health care?

        Libertarian town hall on at 9 Eastern tonight on CNN.

        Don’t miss it….

        • Joe Wallace’s comment today is born, not out of analysis…not out of critical thinking or solution seeking skills… is born solely out of frustration.
          He is a YES or NO guy, then he moves on. Engineer/programmer mentality.
          He is capable of critical thinking of course…..but today’s comment is knee-jerk reactionary frustration.
          If Joe indeed seeks efficiency in the marketplace for healthcare solutions – in the absence of high consolidation of providers and insurers – it can only be found in a single-payer solution. But we have highly consolidated industries in healthcare…..and w/out competition, a market-based solution as he seems to desire…is not coming anytime soon.
          The ACA was created “by the guy in the ring, doing the deed” and Joe’s comment is a lazy attempt from the arena stands “that the strong man is stumbling.” The ACA needs to evolve to more cost-efficient means….it needs to change, but the larger effort is to try to control costs.
          Shovel it on to employees…this is little other than a frustration comment from a day-to-day binary solution solving brain.

      • I can speak as a public employee (at least within my bargaining unit) that we ARE paying for increased insurance costs, albeit not always through premium increases. Most facets of our city insurance are simply not considered negotiable items any more, and recent contracts have been of the ‘we won’t increase premiums if you’ll agree to a lower (or no) wage increase or similar other reduction to another area of your contract….’ It ends up being a zero-sum game, where an increase in one type of compensation (salary or benefits) is balanced with a subsequent decrease in another type of compensation.

        No complaints here, mind you, it’s just the reality of being a dude who works for a living.

        • Although I realize ObamaCare could stand a lot of improvements, it just pisses me off when someone wants to blame everything wrong with our health care process in this country on it.

          It is vital to our economy that your wage increase not be ate up by health care inflation Delta because 70% of the economy is generated by people exactly like you spending money.

          Health care inflation has been a drag on our economy for some time now and is going to be the greatest driver of our national debt if not controlled.

          And I know one particular Party that has NEVER EVER passed one bill or made one legitimate suggestion to help control it.

          Forget ISIS, focus on a real problem Congress.

          Yeah buddy….

      • Great points Joe. Most of this is lost on the people that have been indoctrinated by socialist/progressives into believing that private corporations that make profits are evil, when in fact they empower workers and are models of efficiency when properly run given ever evolving business and technology advances. Unlike bloated governments that always survive regardless of inefficiency, private businesses perish in free enterprise if they cant efficiently proved products to consumers at attractive value. Econ 101.

        • Joe,
          If their industry is so consolidated, however, they can charge monopoly prices.
          You remember that the next time someone tries to enforce the Sherman Anti-Trust Act…in an effort to preserve a sufficient number of competitors to efficiently drive low prices to the buyer’s marketplace.
          Adam Smith economics is successful when there is an open, free market with lots of competitors.
          Demanding the preservation of “lots of competitors” is in fact the opposite of socialism.
          How many hospitals are in Evansville, Joe? How many?
          And what should the “buyers in the marketplace” do when there is only a monopoly for them to negotiate with?

  4. If Russ Lloyd, Jr was the CFO of a publicly traded corporation, the alleged accounting irregularities as pointed out in the last Audited report issued by the SBOA would subject him to a securities investigation under the Sarbanes-Oxley federal provisions together with Winnecke as a corporate CEO. So, when the budget process begins in a couple of weeks, Butterfly together with the only CPA on council namely Anna Hargis will be given the financial statements as of June 30, 2016 indicating that the General Fund has $3.9 million but in actuality, the number is NEGATIVE in the tune of $16.1 million (3.9 minus 12.5 minus 7.5).

    • If John Gregg is elected Governor, they may be called on to answer for the irregularities. If we have Holcomb and Winnecke pal Suzanne Crouch are in Indy, forget it.

      • WOW. What an excellent point ELKAYBEE.

        She is 100% right.
        IF people are concerned about the financial shenanigans with the Winnecke administration….IF they are indeed seeking accountability as the CCO Editor keeps demanding….LKB’s point on this today is unassailable.

        • Well it’s right in front of our eyes. GOP does not put other GOP in jail. The best thing about a two party system is that one party will fight the other party and send other party members to jail.

          Having a Democrat in the Governor’s office will help control the wild spending and bad reporting in the city which is being run by the GOP Mayor and his lackeys

          So LBK is absolutely right. Elect Greg and the City’s Mayor and it’s X Mayor may be in big trouble for overspending and false reporting and accounting practices..

          • This gives me hope for the future. If Coyotehunter realizes one Party control sucks, then there is hope.


      • I’d like to think she’d be marginally more accountable if she headed the ticket. As you alluded to, she can work in the background now if they get elected and do things she couldn’t, or wouldn’t dare, do as governor. Holcomb’s never been elected to anything, Scowlin’ Mad Pence is his patron, if that tells you anything.

        It is our duty to elect John Gregg as Indiana’s next governor. It’ll have the ancillary effect of making Indiana seem that much more inhospitable to something like Scowlin’ Mad when he heads back jobless on November 9th. It’ll also possibly have that vaunted trickle-down effect that some so love to champion, but this time on Evansville’s politics. Maybe even tearing the curtain off Evansville’s financial health or lack thereof.

      • When the executive and legislative branch is control by
        the same party, you lose a lot of the check & balance
        that makes better government!

      • That makes a lot of sense. Winnecke can stay here and cover things up and his friend can take care of things there. I was going to vote for Gregg, and then thought maybe I’d go for the local gal. I’m just sticking with Gregg. We don’t need for Winnie to have a hand in things up state.

      • Dear Press overlooked the Supplemental Report ..this is exactly what the Winnecke team hoped ..the SBOA was politically pressed to omitted the information within the Supplemental from the main Audited Report. They even omitted the fact that during the exit conference that the General Fund was overdrawn ten of the twelve months of the audit period addition, the lead auditor stated directly to Winnecke that “your budgets are NOT balanced” and to enphasize what Dan Hadden said, “you need to implement a spending plan” which Schaefer replied, “you need to go into debt to see prosperity” ..tell that to the Obama Adm ..double the debt as President and see the slowest recover since 1949 ..

    • (…uh, Press….why not just say “I am afraid to talk about Donald Trump” ? It’s so obvious you are.)

      • Reprobate Representative Tim Huelskamp bought it last night in Kansas. The Trump Effect at work.

          • Spotty wants to be sent in to pinch-hit if Trump steps down. There is no reason to believe that he will step down. He’s addicted to adoring crowds, an addict who does not want to quit his drug of choice. It appears that his followers are even wanting him to talk about issues, but he’ll never do that. He doesn’t think this election is about anything other than HIM and his magnificent mane of hair, topped off by his gorgeous orangeness.

            Word is out that the party’s “heavy-hitters,” like Yelling Rudy Guiliani, and Lover Boy Newt Gingrich are going to stage an intervention. It may, at best, get him on message for a few days. In the end, it will be useless. It is always useless to try to stop an addict from using, unless the addict wants to stop.

  5. The wheels are coming off Agent Orange’s bus. Reince Preibus is sounding around for a replacement if they can get him to step down. He is now alienating the very congressional people, like Eddie Munster, that the next president will need to be able to work with.

    This is very entertaining to watch. Agent Orange has snatched defeat from the maw of defeat. He has dug all the way to China and is still digging. The best thing about it is it’ll continue until they figure out how to show him the door. ‘Purple Heart’ Drumpf has always been an oddball, probably dating to before they had to ship him off to ‘military school’ to learn how to behave. It didn’t take.

  6. Out of curiosity, I pose the following hypothetical:

    If the three major elected bodies (City Council, County Commission, and County Council), all of which are part-time positions of only a few hours per month, no longer were given free health insurance, how much would that save per year?

    A majority (if not all) of the members of these three elected bodies have full-time jobs that provide health insurance and benefits. By allowing the elected officials to decline health insurance coverage at their employer (an ACA provision) because they have benefits provided via their elected office, they are saving anywhere from $100-$750 per month in payments for their health insurance.

    When was the provision for health insurance to elected part-time positions become a benefit?

    • I don’t know how much it would save, but it should be done before the Homestead Tax Credit is touched. Every little bit counts. The order for the penguin order should be cancelled, too. We can’t afford to keep them cool.

        • If he orders them bow ties so he can show them off to his friends as so many little Fred Astaires, it’ll be time for … Old Yeller to carry the funding mechanism to the council. If they are Emperor Penguins somehow the circle is completing itself.

    • Classy it is not just elected part time positions that get provided insurance. Positions such as part time attorneys, deputy prosecutors and public defenders are some of the others that receive insurance. We are probably talking about at least $10,000 for each part timer that government is paying in insurance premiums. I don’t know if part time government employees can include their families in the insurance plans or not, but if they are allowed that can increase the cost to government by several thousand dollars per employee for a family plan. When I last worked for the County in 2011 they were paying $12000.00 yearly for me and my wife.

  7. Nate Silver has chilling predictions for Republicans regarding the projected electoral map.

    Silver took to his website (FiveThirtyEight) this week updating his map of the general election between Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican hopeful Donald Trump.

    Based on current polling, the outcome isn’t even close, and there are still over three months until the General Election.

    His predictions for the 2016 presidential contest are broken down into three categories.

    Polls-only forecast – What polls alone tell us about Nov. 8
    Polls-plus forecast – What polls, the economy and historical data tell us about Nov. 8
    Now-cast – Who would win an election today

    Any way he looks at the figure, Nate Silver shows Hillary Clinton running away with the election.

    The Polls-only forecast shows Clinton winning 66.1% to 33.9%; the Polls-plus shows little change with Clinton taking 65.4% to 34.6%.

    And the Now-cast shows Clinton annihilating Trump by a margin of 83.5% to 16.5%.

    Silver’s current figures also show Clinton winning the popular vote by a margin of 48.1% to 42.6% with Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson receiving approximately 7.9%. No figures were displayed for Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

    Silver also presented some “Crazy and not-so-crazy scenarios,” as follows:

    Here are the chances we’ll see these election outcomes.

    Electoral College deadlock no candidate gets 270 electoral votes 0.3%
    Recount at least one decisive state within 0.5 ppt 5.2%

    Clinton wins popular vote 88.1%
    Trump wins popular vote 11.9%

    Clinton wins popular vote but loses Electoral College 5.3%
    Trump wins popular vote but loses Electoral College 0.6%

    Johnson wins at least one electoral vote 4.3%

    Clinton majority wins at least 50 percent of the vote 27.8%
    Trump majority wins at least 50 percent of the vote 0.8%

    Clinton landslide double-digit popular vote margin 16.8%
    Trump landslide double-digit popular vote margin 0.3%

    elkaybee, should we try and crowdfund a crying towel for PAK? He would still need to provide his own beer to cry into

    • He claims he’s a conservative. He’d find a free towel insulting, so he can use his own. There are so many racist old white men in this town, they may cause a CSO event with their tears.

      • PRESSANYKEY is not a conservative.
        He is not a Republican.
        (Neither is Donald Trump. He is a Democrat. Always has been. Its why he isn’t interested in helping Republicans in their local and state races. Trump’s always been a Democrat.)
        What is Press?
        Pressanykey is an old, angry, frustrated white male…and he dislikes all immigrants, people of different faith backgrounds and any ethnics who are different than him. All of Trump’s voters fit that profile. And Trump knows this…and is trying to appeal exclusively to them.

        • It appears that Trump is back on the leash for now, but just to demonstrate how highly he thinks of his Chumps for Trump, he walked out onto the stage and immediately puked two lies on them.
          First, he said his campaign is more unified than ever before. I guess he’s heard about the intervention being planned by the biggest has-beens he has supporting him and this is his way of letting them know it’s a waste of time.
          Then he told the Chumps a “yuuuuuuuuuge” whopper. He said that the polls have him leading in Florida. That hasn’t been true since the first week of June. He went on to say he is leading in Ohio and tied in Pennsylvania, also untrue.

        • Silver’s book, The Signal and the Noise is excellent. I read it when it came out a few years ago and might read it again. I will buy you a copy if you’ll read it.

          • Thanks, but I got the ebook version about a year ago. I’m too much of a polling geek to miss out on

  8. Seems the famous folk singer Woody Guthrie had some contact with Agent Orange’s flawed father. Also seems the Orange didn’t fall too far from the tree.

    ‘Donald Trump has the confidence man’s ability to embed nuggets of truth in a welter of lies. The Donald’s father, Frederick “Fred” Trump, was also quite a hustler, accused of overbilling the federal government $3.7 million on the Beach Haven apartment complex, a huge windfall in 1950. Woody Guthrie, the famous folk singer, was one of Fred Trump’s tenants, and he wrote bitter songs about his racist landlord, “Old Man Trump,” accusing him of discriminating against black Americans. Fred Trump was arrested at a KKK rally in 1927, and both he and his famous son have been accused of racism, violating the Fair Housing Act, bribing politicians, and using eminent domain to condemn the houses of small property owners. During his run for the presidency, Donald Trump has been weeping “crocodile tears” for disabled vets, after having worked very hard to sweep them from the streets around his ritzy Trump Tower for the last twenty years. ‘

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