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IS IT TRUE that the suppression of EREP not allowing Libertarian Michael Dauaghty to participate in their upcoming debates is an assault against the Constitution of the United States?  …that we feel that EREP’s decision not to allow Mr. Dauaghty to participate in their upcoming Mayoral debates is not only discriminatory but an act of elitism?
IS IT TRUE that the State of Indiana always has all three (3) political parties in their debates for governor, senate, etc.? … that when there were District 8 Representative debates, all three party candidates were invited to participate?
IS IT TRUE that the City Of Evansville has an annual budget of $480 million? …that the Evansville City Council approves the annual operating budgets? …that the Mayor of Evansville is responsible for using the budgeted money to pay the bills and create economic activities within the budget restraints of the City Government?  …that the Evansville City Controller is responsible for ensuring that the spending of our tax dollars will meet the stringent criteria of complying with auditing principles?  …if the above City officials did their financial due diligence then why can’t the City borrow Municipal Bonds for future capital projects?
IS IT TRUE back in the day the voters considered the majority
of elected officials to be “Good Stewards Of The Public Trust”?  …that today many elected officials are not considered by the voters as “Good Stewards Of The Public Trust”?  …that it looks like political patronage, self-serving greed, corruption, and nepotism have finally taken their toll?
IS IT TRUE that a late great professor from the University of Evansville once said, “Come to the revolution all of this $%#! will cease?”…the obsession with fun and game spending is what has led the sheep to this unsustainable abyss?
IS IT TRUE that the CCO gives five (5) cheers to the Teamsters  Local 215 for establishing the Taft-Hartley Scholarship Fund?  ..that since 1998 the fund has awarded many millions of dollars in Scholarships to deserving students?
IS IT TRUE that fiscal conservative and former Evansville  City Councilmen Justin Elpers said: “that the Evansville health insurance plan is supposed to be self-funded by employee copays and deductibles, but what we have seen over the last five years is that the self-funded plan is not self-funded,”  …that now Vanderburgh County Commissioner Elpers also commented, “That’s why we see the imbalance in the City’s employee Insurance Plan.”  …that the CCO feels that now Vanderburgh County Commissioner Elpers’s comments concerning the above Healthcare plan are spot on?
IS IT TRUE we are told that the EVSC officials have authority under the “Tememory Loan Resolution” to draw down millions of dollars in loans to help defray current operating expenses?  that we are now told that the practice of EVSC Administration applying for and receiving a “Temporary Loan Warrant” may have been going on for many years? …we look forward to the Superintendent  Of Schools, Dr. David Smith making a public statement clarifying the number of years that the school system has participated in making the “Temporary Loans” program.  …that we also wonder if any of the “Temporary Loan” money was ever used to fund any capital projects.
IS IT TRUE that we are pleased with the way that the good folks at local TV Channel 14 are providing the masses with up-to-date local news, weather, and sports?  …we are so impressed by the way they are providing current and accurate news that we have included Channel 14 TV in our 2021 advertising budget.
IS IT TRUE that the Evansville city employee’s hospitalization fund has been insufficiently funded over several years? …that the city’s hospitalization fund, from which city employee medical claims are paid, has had a negative balance of several millions of dollars over the last several years?  …that we are now hearing that the city’s hospitalization fund will continue to be an issue in the proposed 2021 City budget?
IS IT TRUE that we wonder what the Board Of Directors of the Evansville Museum has done with the multi-million dollar “PICASSO On Glass” painting?
IS IT TRUE that the most important issues for Vanderburgh County and Evansville today are the COVID-19 pandemic and the economy?  …we feel that the majority of our elected officials and medical experts realize this?
IS IT TRUE when well-credentialed scientists cannot make prediction better than a dart-flinging monkey, what is an intellectually challenged elected official to do?…the answer is to panic and makes edicts that are then overturned time and again because most politicians are literally in way over their heads?… the official position of seemly of some government officials has gone from “Corona will never come to so please come visit us for a virus-safe holiday” to “wear a mask but we are not going to do anything about it if you don’t”? …the litany of inconsistencies has shaken people’s faith in the ability of government to know right from left or up from down?
IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny?  …when the Government fears the people we have Liberty?
IS IT TRUE that we are proud of the success of the Ivy Tech LPN Nursing students because every year they achieve an extremely high pass rate for their LPN State tests? …that we would like to congratulate Ivy Tech-Evansville faculty for preparing the LPN student to pass these extremely challenging tests?
IS IT TRUE we get a kick out of career politicians when are they talking to the masses about race issues and political, social, economic, judicial, and police injustices? …it’s even more intriguing when career politicians masterfully try to convince the masses that they understand and feel their grief, they understand their economic plight and suffering caused by racial injustice and institutional racism.
IS IT TRUE when small-town politicians that preside over an increasing crime rate and a mediocre economy that gets national attention, every pissant politician who rides in parades hearing “Hail to the Chief” in their mind catches “Buttigieg Derangement Syndrome”?…we hope that this political disorder won’t be contagious enough to infect the thinking of a few current local elected officials?
IS IT TRUE that several people are wondering if the City stopped building the waterfront Skate Park because of cash flow problems?