IS IT TRUE the “Right of the People To Peaceably To Assemble And To Petition The Government For A Redress Of Grievances Is Guaranteed”? …this is the fundamental means by which meaningful change is achieved?

IS IT TRUE that a peaceful, positive and hopeful group is planning to follow the “CALL TO ASSEMBLE”? …this group has the desire, the right, the duty to stand up for “HONEST OPEN GOVERNANCE” that has the best interests of the Citizenry in mind?

IS IT TRUE out going City Councilman Conor O’Daniel recently stated that the practice of out of town firms donating money to elected officials campaigns, and then awarded City contracts is a legally acceptable practice?  …in our world this is called “INFLUENCE PEDDLING which is an unacceptable act?

IS IT TRUE that the local Citizenry has seen enough of broken political promises, financial shell games and wasteful spending?  …the policy of directing so much of our precious and scarce resources into the Downtown Districts, has left most of Evansville in shambles?

IS IT TRUE if you watch last nights City Council meeting on Cable TV Channel 12 you would had seen an arrogant City Councilman trying to stop citizens of this community from asking questions about Governmental issues that concern them? …in our opinion At Large City Councilman Jonathan Weaver arrogant and elitists attitude will cost him votes in the upcoming election?

IS IT TRUE  that while City Leaders are  freely spending Millions of Dollars on Municipal projects in the Downtown District but our streets are barely passable and the sidewalks are  in deplorable condition? …City wide the Parks are in serious disrepair?

IS IT TRUE that spending $15 Million Dollars on the North Main Street Bike-Way project will do little if anything to fix the  blight problems in the NORTH MAIN  area?

IS IT TRUE we still find 3rd Ward City Council candidate Anna Hargis’s  “Tweet” that the Downtown Convention Hotel being delayed for a year has costs the taxpayers $13 million dollars in losses interesting? …we can’t wait for City Council candidate and the Director of Big Brother and Sisters,  Anna Hargis, CPA, to give us a detailed breakdown of the $13 million dollars losses of the delayed Hotel?  …we would like to hear from Ms. Hargis who or what caused the Hotel delay? …we can’t wait when Ms. Hargis addresses the “CALL TO ASSEMBLE” group in September and present documented facts and figures that her “Tweeted” statement are correct?

IS IT TRUE in November 28, 2014, remarks made by 1st Ward City Councilman Dan McGinn on the Council floor that  “any repair costs caused by the Johnson Control water meter project is part of the expense that a home owner should expect to pay”? …Mr. McGinn also stated he is presently putting new windows and a roof on his Eastside home and this is also part of expenses of being a home owner?  …Councilman McGinn should understand there are a lot of sub-standard housing in Evansville and that many home owner’s can’t afford to pay the unexpected water line repair costs he speaks of in such a cavalier manner?

Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”.  Don’t miss reading today’s FEATURE articles because they are always an interesting read.  

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. I took Conor’s comment about out-of-town political contributions to mean that they were LEGALLY acceptable. I think he was speaking as an attorney, not endorsing the practice but merely saying it isn’t unlawful.
    IIT that the McCurdy project’s bank has” postponed” closing the deal with the Kunkel Group? No reason for the “delay” was given, but I expect it will take place on the 32nd of August.

    • The progress downtown is winning voter approval among a large majority of the electorate. It is why both Winnecke and Riecken in the Mayor’s election support it.
      Some don’t like it. They want the money for parks in their neighborhood.

        • I can’t believe you are questioning the progress downtown. After all, there have been multiple ground breakings.

    • What was it Local and Llordie gave up (of yours) to enable Kunkel to get to this latest point of nothingness on the McCurdy? Forgave an $800,000 lien (a loan to a previous owner/developer) on the hotel? Didn’t pursue the steep penalties at around $5000/mo. that could have accrued due to Kunkel’s neglect of the property? Kunkel still can’t get a loan?

      It’s a real shame that grand old hotel fell into the clutches of the Winnecke administration and their pet developers.

      Suit up Winnecke, don your Hollywood sunglasses, man your shovel. It’s time for some distraction.

      • “Llordie” I do love your creativity.

        Just remember, unemployed politicians never die, they just become college directors.

    • Elkaybee, Is that the Day (32, August) the Federal government prints money to hand out for public projects to those whose management style is to stick it in their own pocket and then wait for the next handout? I thought they did that every day but maybe I was wrong. It is kind of like the city blighted housing issue. DMD does not really want to fix neighborhood blight because it looks good for getting more money they can then spend on other things. The council has been duped if they think the River Boat Demolition funds have been spent on just residential demolitions.

  2. Weaver and Coures are two of the most arrogant, condescending public officials anywhere.

    • You can vote both of then out in November! Just don’t cast a vote for Weaver in the Council-At-Large race, and don’t vote to keep Little Llord Lloyd as mayor.

  3. The ‘progress’ downtown is artificial, done with public money but no public input. Downtown is dead and isn’t coming back. There is no valid measurement of public satisfaction or disapproval of the money dump now in progress for our blighted downtown, to pretend otherwise is simply untrue. Citing a council primary would be a typical defense they would offer to the lack of public endorsement of what they are doing. They couldn’t give that corner at 4th & Main, in the heart of old downtown, away. That would have embarrassed an administration that still had the ability to feel shame. No self respecting restaurateur would touch it. Tamale Wagon Tammy wouldn’t park her cart there.

    Those big projects that are so dear to contractors and the stooges they put in office leave a lot of room for graft. Once Coures loses his nose, his ability to sniff out hidden money, I fear all is lost. The city must invest in saline misters for Mister Local to ensure he stays on the hunt. To guarantee that payroll is met.

    • Are you saying that things are going as planned? The Mc Curdy’s fate was decided in the Hotel deal. Kind of like the contract that the seats had to be removed from Roberts Stadium when the Ford contract was signed. I still cant get over they had a tasks force to re-purpose Roberts after knowing the seats had to be removed. Host events with standing room only maybe.

      • I do have a sense of foreboding about the future of Mesker Amphitheatre since Winnie is appointing a “task farce” to decide. That was the first step toward the end of Roberts Stadium.

  4. CCO Staff

    Thank you very much for your noticing the problem with Weaver and his comments last night trying to shut-out citizens from addressing the City Council. His arrogance and egotism is an insult to those of us who wish to interact with our elected public officials during the time period the City Council has setup for public comments.

    His comments last night and the asinine and haughty way he tried to bully and shut down citizens who took the time to make the trip to the City Council meetings to speak during the open remark period just shows what an arrogant jerk he can be.

    And I think Dr. Adams did an admirable job in whacking Weaver and his juvenile attempt at censoring the citizens who were there to speak. He did a fine job at trying to educate Weaver on the First Amendment and citizen rights to address their government.

    Weaver is an embarrassment to the Evansville City Council and the city at large. The sooner he is relegated back to just messing with being a realtor the better.

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