Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE: August 25, 2011

IS IT TRUE: August 25, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE: August 25, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the subject of the value and competitiveness of the Evansville Regional Airport comes up from time to time with respect to our regions attractiveness to businesses with customers that are further away than a reasonable drive?…that would include just about any business other than locally owned in-person service businesses?…that everyone seems to agree that an airport with competitive pricing and a reasonable flight schedule would be a good thing for business and tourism?…that it is business followed by tourism that will either lead this region out of the recession or not?…that a study was released today regarding the competitiveness of the nation’s 100 largest airports?…that Evansville did not make the list of the 100 largest airports so a good goal would be to use the statistics reported and see what it will take to actually get our EVV onto the list of the largest 100 airports?

IS IT TRUE that the there seems to be two indicators of non-competitiveness in airports from the perspective of good pricing?…that one of those is being a hub airport that is dominated by a single carrier in what could be called a “localized monopoly”?…that very large airports that are localized monopolies like Houston’s Bush Airport, Cincinnati, Washington Dulles, and Dallas-Fort Worth all made the most expensive list with average fares that exceed $430 per flight?…that the average of all of the largest 100 is $356 so that $430 and up amounts to a 21% premium to feed the monopoly?…that Houston Bush at $477 is a 34% premium to the average and a full 169% ahead of the small Atlantic City Airport that won the award for least expensive flights of the largest 100 airports?

IS IT TRUE that the other indicator of non-competitiveness is exemplified by the #2 most expensive Huntsville, AL airport?…that the kiss of death for Huntsville is that it is a small market with no economy carrier like Southwest Airlines and is an easy drive to two big airports (Nashville and Birmingham) that offer very competitive fares?…that the situation at Huntsville describes the situation right here in Evansville?…that the article went on to state that a traveler could usually save $100 by driving for 2 hours, get more convenient flights, etc. etc. etc.?…that the Huntsville airport’s dilemma’s in establishing competitiveness sound very much like EVV’s challenges?…that it would be interesting to see the numbers for EVV and get a feel for exactly where we would be if we were in the largest 100?

IS IT TRUE that Huntsville, AL went after the Volkswagen plant that eventually chose Chattanooga with a vengeance?…that Huntsville officials consider their non-competitive airport as a factor that lead to Chattanooga being chosen over Huntsville?…that Evansville has felt that sting before when Mead Johnson Nutritionals chose Chicago for their headquarters over Evansville where they have had a substantial operation for about a century?…that EVV officials know these things and that the important piece of information that we wish to convey is to the people of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer encourages people and businesses here to use the Evansville Airport (EVV) whenever possible even if the fare is a little higher and it means having a three hour layover instead of a one hour layover?…that if you think things are a little higher and more challenging now, imagine life without an airport?…that without a local airport with commercial service that we may actually lose existing jobs and future opportunities?…that when you think about it, paying an extra $100 to support EVV as opposed to driving 6 hours and paying more for parking is not even a great economic decision?…that we do understand if you are a family of 5 or if there is a 20 hour layover that money and convenience dictates your decision?…that we stand by our encouragement to use EVV and believe that a $100 or even in some cases a $200 premium is WORTH IT?


  1. These are airports, not just a privately run enterprise.

    Those “premiums”, may just be increased cost of doing business due to the many governmental factors involved. Or, like Evansville, these airports might also have gotten into side business engagements… like running golf courses?

    I can just imagine the blurb for Evansville… Unfortunately, some of the additional ticket price may be attributed to a slow down in green fees this year…

  2. I could not agree more. The additional (from my experience) $70-$110 of a ticket is far outweighed by the conveniences that EVV offers. Inexpesive on-site parking, no long lines at TSA, fast check in, short walks to terminals, and small clean jets that whisk you into the overall airline system fast and easy. The icing on the cake for me? Upon arrival back to EVV from a long business trip, or a hectic fun-filled vacation, to be able to walk to my car, and be home in less than 20 min. That is the true value of EVV.

  3. I think an airport is just another business entity trying to make money.
    Its location,schedule,etc. are its assets.
    EVV is very convenient,clean,and nice.
    With the cost of a drive,maybe a hotel,and the time factor,it can be the buying-decision winner.

    That said,if weather enters the picture it can be a problem.
    As in , you can make it back to your hub and still have to drive to Evansville.Or, your outbound flight can’t get to the hub.

    Of course, that’s true of any connection.

  4. The advantages of EVV are only apparent to someone who lives here. Traveling to EVV makes it very unattractive (from elsewhere). The car rentals are a mess, lack of taxi’s and few amenities makes the airport rank low.

    The airport needs to be redesigned for modern security. The restaurant needs to be inside the secure area. There also needs to be an incentive paid so that a taxi will always be waiting at the terminal. The last thing we want is an executive showing up unprepared, wondering when he will get a ride to a meeting.

    As said in a recent report we need jetways engineered for modern, small jets. In the redesign, put in jetways. Nothing says hick like walking down the stairs when you land here.

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