IS IT TRUE August 24, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE August 24, 2012

IS IT TRUE that today’s EPD Activity Report is another long one checking in at 15 pages with a whole range of crimes committed by locals?…that it seems as though STEALING things from others is a habit that some Evansvillians just can’t seem to break?…that STEALING goes hand in hand with drug abuse and that METH is a problem that is out of control?…that we wish to thank everyone who is working to try to blunt this problem but in reality it is the meth head’s responsibility to seek help?…when or if the Meth problem starts to diminish the STEALING will slow down as well?

IS IT TRUE that we are wondering what has happened to the gateway programs that were supposed to make in particular the entrance to Evansville from the airport coming down 41 North a more appealing drive?…that northern corridor is defined by grass that is so tall that a city inspector could cite the medians and both sides for exceeding the allowable limit?…the same old billboards, empty industrial buildings, random semi-trailers left in parking lots, no-tell motels, and of course a big new jail are still the welcome route to the City of Evansville?…once one turns onto the Lloyd Expressway it gets even worse looking more like Detroit than comfort should allow?…that despite the sincere and diligent efforts off Mayor Winnecke and the chicken fat gang the litter is still one of the dominant characteristics that sticks into the mind of visitors?…this problem will only be fixed when the pride of community that some places still have sets in here?

IS IT TRUE Mitt Romney announced a plan yesterday that he claims will make America energy independent by 2020?…this plan appears to leverage the known natural assets that we know we have like natural gas, coal, oil, etc. to accomplish energy independence?…the big departure from the status quo that the Romney plan will put into place is that each state will be the decision maker regarding things like drilling and mining?…one of the important things to manage correctly in a less regulated country will be what happens on the vast federally owned lands?…that energy independence is becoming a strategic necessity to be able to function in the modern world?…with gasoline once again approaching $4 per gallon and with the tarnished reputation of renewable technologies like wind and solar that is part of the fallout from failed stimulus investments it seems as though fossil fuel managed responsibly is the only bridge to energy independence available to us?

IS IT TRUE opening up competition across state borders and allowing consumers to make decisions to save money by choosing when to buy energy would also contribute to energy independence?…that wholesale electricity prices change continuously and typically vary from as low as a fraction of a cent per kWh to over $1 per kWh during a 24 hour cycle?…the archaic pricing plans of the utilities and the commissions that regulate them do not allow consumers to benefit from this phenomena by doing things like running appliances at night?…the Solyndra debacle has soured many private investors on energy technologies which is starving development efforts of much needed cash in energy storage and renewable?…the well meaning but misguided regulations and investments made by the Obama Administration are to a large extent the driver behind the malaise in the renewable area?…this is just one more example of why government needs to get out of the way of business and people when it comes to commercialization efforts?…that government has a good track record on basic research but seems to botch up every commercialization effort it touches?

IS IT TRUE the states in traditional fossil energy production like North Dakota and Texas have been the source of much of the job growth during the last 4 years?…if what has happened in those states is any indication of what private business can do to jump start the economy then a responsible bridge to a future of energy independence that involves a short term focus on fossil fuels should really help slay the recession monster?…we should still keep up the research in renewable energy and dream of a day when the schemes like Solyndra can become dreams of clean yet cost effective energy?…as long as people in small one bedroom apartments in Evansville are getting energy bills of nearly $200 per month and rising energy prices will continue to blunt investment and lifestyles?


  1. With regard to the Editor’s timely and appropriate comments on the unsightly condition of U.S. 41 North, between State Road 57 and the Lloyd Expressway, yes it’s time for Evansville to clean up its act a bit.

    Our airport board has spent a lot of effort and money beautifying the airport entrance and airport campus. Vistors who fly into Evansville are greeted with a tidy and pleasant environment UNTIL they drive down S.R. 57 and U.S. 41 into the city. Yes, many conscientous private owners have kept their properties well maintained, but the State, the Railroad, and several other property owners have let their rights-of-way and land grow up in weeds, scrubby or dead trees, and the ground often is strewn with trash. Except for the effort by the Sheriff and his day crews, INDOT just mows over top of the litter, grinding it into smaller scraps that then blow about and spread the unsightliness even farther abroad.

    Speaking of INDOT, could they possibly have picked a worse time to start a paving project at the intersection of U.S. 41 and S.R. 57? Hey guys, it’s FROG FOLLIES WEEKEND! Wake up!

    Yeah, INDOT (who could easily be mistaken for IDIOT) is out there grinding down pavement, raising huge clouds of dust, and reducing northbound traffic to one lane. This morning, cars and semi trucks were backed up from S.R. 57 all the way south to Lynch Road, bumper to bumper, moving at a snail’s pace. Guess what else was in that line of dusty traffic? A hundred or more Froggers trying to get their antique street rods up 41 North to the fairgrounds.

    Welcome to Evansville, Froggers!

  2. That intersection being worked on at this time is a perfect example of the folly of “central planning” .

    Any time humans have abdicated planning and responsibility to a “central planning” authority which they believe to be smarter than the people right there where it’s going on ; Bad Things Happen.

    How were those poor INDOT planners to know when the Frog Follies were going on?
    They were up in Indy thinking “how the hell can I get out of Indy ?”

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