IS IT TRUE August 23, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE August 23, 2012

IS IT TRUE that a computer model that concentrates on the electoral college and uses important economic inputs from all 50 states individually is predicting a Romney electoral landslide of 320 – 218?…this computer model predicts that the popular vote will be won by Romney by a margin of 52.9% to 47.1%?…this model has successfully predicted every presidential election since 1980 including the 1980 and 1992 elections when credible 3rd Party candidates ran strong?…this model even predicted a popular vote victory for then Vice President Al Gore in 2000 while predicting that George Bush would defeat Gore in the electoral vote and become president?…the authors of this algorithm are political science professors Kenneth Bickers of CU-Boulder and Michael Berry of CU Denver?…their model predicts Romney victories in nearly every one of the states currently considered as swing states, including North Carolina, Virginia, New Hampshire, Colorado, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida?…that Dr. Bickers states that this election prediction model “suggest that presidential elections are about big things and the stewardship of the national economy, and that they are not about gaffes, political commercials or day-to-day campaign tactics?…if Obama wins this election this will be the first time in 32 years that this prediction model has missed a presidential race?…a link to the article in its entirety is right below?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission just released the agenda for Fridays special meeting that has been called?…the topic of discussion at this special meeting is exclusively dedicated to work and leases at the Old Post Office?…that it is good to see that something of substance will once again be happening in that beautiful old building?

IS IT TRUE that the Federal Reserve sent another strong signal that it is preparing new steps to boost the recovery?…the notes of the late July meeting are saying that stimulus would be needed “fairly soon” unless the economy shows substantially stronger growth?…that there is no economic model from the government or the private sector that is predicting any recovery at all for the rest of this year much less a robust recovery that is necessary to promote strong growth?…this fiscal year will be the 4th year in a row and only the 4th time in the history of the United States that the deficit is larger than $1 Trillion?…that with spending habits like this we should not hold our breath waiting for growth to appear?

IS IT TRUE that on Wednesday August 22nd at 5:55 pm the Courier and Press has finally published an article on Boscoe France who was crowned the national champion blues guitarist in Los Angeles Saturday night?…over 90 hours elapsed before the CP found a national championship by a local artist to be newsworthy?…the CCO not only reported it in real time but had a writer at the event?…that cup stacking and a mean owl both made the CP before Boscoe did?…this oversight or symptom of oblivion is enough to make ones head spin?

IS IT TRUE that Boscoe France would be a logical and practical headline act for the WC Handy Blues Fest in Henderson for 2013?…the organizers for the Blues Fest should be signing up Boscoe and his band to headline their event right now because this time next year he will most likely be touring the country like Joe Bonamassa and being paid megabucks to play?…the WC Handy Blues Fest would be a perfect place for the tri-state to celebrate Boscoe’s talents and to attract out of town visitors to the event to watch him play along with the always excellent musicians they have?


  1. Although I agree that the C&P’s reporting of Boscoe France’s accomplishment is rather late, there would have been no one from the CCO at the national champion blues guitarist competition if it would’ve been held in Memphis, NYC or a million other places. Don’t confuse coincidence/convenience with going to the ends of the earth to cover a story.

  2. I bet CCO have “MOLES” in Memphis, Detroit, Chicago, New York, Nashville, Louisville, Knoxville, Indy, Gary, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Iowa, Missouri, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Florida and 37 foreign countries that would had been willing to cover Boscoe accomlishment if asked by CCO!

    Convenience isn’t the issue but contacts are.

  3. Good post tea anyone.

    I totally agree with you because all the CCO has to do is ask for a Press Pass and they would be able to send someone to cover the event.

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