Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE August 21, 2012

IS IT TRUE August 21, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE August 21, 2012

IS IT TRUE when it comes to the debt of the federal government that the ratio that matters is debt to revenue?…that number has leapt upward from 165 percent in 2008 to 262 percent this year, according to figures from the International Monetary Fund?… among developed economies, only Ireland and Spain have seen a bigger deterioration.

IS IT TRUE that in the last 4 plus years the Evansville Utilities Department has spent about $4.5 Million on soft costs? …that soft costs are defined as engineering, lawyers, accounting, and IT costs?

IS IT TRUE that last week the Civic Center was under attacked by fleas? …that makes the Civic Center being under attack by fleas and “moles” so far this month?…the people who run the Civic Center may be able to invest in deadly chemicals to rid the place of fleas but the MOLES ARE FOREVER?

IS IT TRUE we wonder if the County is still paying for the empty space that once housed the County jail? …if this information is correct the Vanderburgh County taxpayers have paid the Vanderburgh County Building Authority millions of dollars for this space since it was vacated by the Sheriff’s Department?…if we can convince all of the County Council members to attend and stay at a budget hearing they just might be able to find an answer to stop this extremely costly tax drain on our county budget?

IS IT TRUE we just learned that EVSC has a new tenant that just located on the old North High School Campus?…we would like someone one to explain what kind of Academy did the EVSC brain trust locate there?…we wonder why every school in Vanderburgh County taught on the elementary school level is called an Academy?…we wonder why all the other school systems in the region simply call their schools elementary schools?…that calling a building an international academy does not make the people in it international or academic?…that calling Forrest Gump a genius does not make him a genius?…that putting the slowest kid in a school in a T-shirt that says state champion on it does not make this kid a state champion?…that playing the name change game doesn’t really change anything but the name?

IS IT TRUE that liberal publication and historical Obama supporter Newsweek Magazine sort of shocked the political world with its cover article in it’s most recent issue?…the title article on the just released issue of Newsweek by Niall Ferguson is titled “Hit the Road Barack, Why We Need a New President”?…there is a link to the story at the end of today’s IS IT TRUE?…that one particular excerpt from this Newsweek article the following reads nearly like an indictment?

“In his inaugural address, Obama promised “not only to create new jobs, but to lay a new foundation for growth.” He promised to “build the roads and bridges, the electric grids, and digital lines that feed our commerce and bind us together.” He promised to “restore science to its rightful place and wield technology’s wonders to raise health care’s quality and lower its cost.” And he promised to “transform our schools and colleges and universities to meet the demands of a new age.” Unfortunately the president’s scorecard on every single one of those bold pledges is pitiful.”

IS IT TRUE that this is a radical departure from the 2008 campaign when candidate Obama was on the cover six times with some of the most adoring articles imaginable that surely aided President Obama’s ascension to the White House?…that when your biggest fans start telling you it is time to go that there are serious problems with the campaign’s message and performance?…that is the time ever comes when Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, and Chris Matthews stand up and sing “Hit the Road Barack” that the party really will be over?…that in spite of the defection of Newsweek that the election remains statistically tied and that just because “Hit the Road Barack” is on the cover there is still not a hoard of starry eyed mindless zombies filling football stadiums for Mitt Romney?…that it seems as though the American people and even the liberal media are finally starting to see past the facade of President Obama but that at the same time the Romney Ryan ticket is not inspiring the disturbed, underemployed masses to embrace their brand of hope and change the way President Obama’s supporters did in 2008?



  1. Just because B.O. is not a good President, doesn’t mean that M.R. will be any better.

    • I think Romney-Ryan will be more of a team effort. I think that is why Mitt Romney chose Paul Ryan. Both have their strong suits, and combined they offer the best alternative to the present situation.


    • You got that right. The trouble with Barack is we KNOW we are heading for hell in a hand basket and with Romney we just are not sure. Better to take a chance where there is hope and change one more time. This time around the hope and change is Romney. Barack did not deliver.

    • This Newsweek article is a must read!! Excellent honest writing! The Romney/Paul team can and will turn the economy around. Everyone is afraid of the budget cuts that must take place. I think Obama fears Paul as he is an extremely intelligent man with the only plan that stands a chance. It sickens me though how the liberals have wrongly stated his stand on reform such as Medicare and Social Security.

      The biggest question is WHY is everyone afraid of Obama? Are they afraid of appearing unfashionable, racist, what is the deal really? He hasn’t done anything but drag this country down!

      • Paul Ryan voted for the bailouts. Romney supported them.

        Enough said.

        Keep drinking the Kool Aid, bub.

        • Is this the Brad that is a Republican Precinct Committeeman saying this? You need to switch parties big Guy!

    • Obama had his chance and failed. At least with Romney, we would have a legitimate and compentent VPOTUS, in Ryan.

      Face it, Biden is a complete BUFFOON!

      Imagine the state of this country, if Joe Biden were ever be in charge.

      • Chain Gang Biden as President makes about as much sense as electing Rodney Dangerfield. Time to start rattling chains at his speeches.

        • I believe BO placed Biden on ticket to offer such an unremarkable alternative that no one would ever consider impeachment for fear of how much worse off we would be with the number two guy……

          • I think Obama put Biden on the ticket in 2008 to lend a Senatorial air of foreign relations knowledge to balance the voter’s perception of McCain in the same regard. Since 2008, Obama and Hillary Clinton have proven their own knack and expertise in foreign relations.

    • I don’t disagree, B.O. had his chance and didn’t deliver. I just wish there was a better alternative.

      • Most of my pals got caught up into Obamamania last time. Only a few are still under his spell and they are not advertising it with bumper stickers or shirts. It is sort of a stigma this time around to still be in the tank for Obama. The real tragedy is the guy didn’t even make an honest effort with the economy. What a wasted 4 years. We really are worse off than we were four years ago. McCain prolly would have done a little better.

        • I work in Palm Springs, CA which is truly a liberal democrat town in a liberal democrat state, not to be confused with Evansville democrats who are not real democrats at all. I just jogged down Palm Canyon Drive and was only able to spot 2 Obama bumper stickers out of hundreds of cars. There were actually more Romney stickers and a big sign in a yard for Ron Paul. Four years ago when I visited, Obama stickers were as prevalent in Palm Springs as Kentucky Wildcat shirts in Henderson during the Final Four. Obama will carry this town by a wide margin. The interesting thing is that no one is talking about it or sporting campaign paraphernalia. I have not seen even one yard sign. There is a stigma associated with vocally supporting the President for this to be the case. In my workplace and my wife’s workplace there is exactly one person who admits to supporting Obama out of about 25 people. Many are vocally against him.

          • Best thing that can possibly happen right now is Ron Paul people win their lawsuit against the RNC for trying to unseat his delegates from States like Massachusetts, Maine and Louisiana and Romney chokes on a ham sandwich and dies. Then maybe we will have a real Convention with some real debates about where our Party should be heading.

          • Joe: I know PS has a lot of wealthy residents, so I was not surprised to find this on Wiki:


            Palm Springs is located in California’s 45th congressional district, which has a Cook PVI (Partisan Voting Index) of R +3 (Republican +3%)[113] and is represented by Republican Mary Bono Mack.


            • I know Mary and she is quite Republican. The 45th district is made up of 700,000 people mostly in the Coachella Valley. Palm Springs has a population of under 50,000 of those 700,000 and is very Democrat centric. Every member of the City Council and the Mayor are Democrats. That is not the case for the other 8 cities in the valley.

        • Don’t forget, McCain, just like Obama, Romney, Ryan, and Bush all supported the bailouts. In fact, both he and Obama were falling over themselves to come off the campaign trail in October 2008 to attend a Washington conference in vocal support of the first Bush baillout.

          To me, this is a very easy litmus test, guys… Anyone who could have possibly supported the bailouts either didn’t understand economics enough to know that bankruptcy was the necessary CURE for the problems we were facing, or they did the wrong thing on purpose so their buddies on Wall Street, in the auto unions, and in the major banks would have their debts forgiven.

          Now I see many so called “tea party” people holding their noses and getting behind Romney and Ryan as if they will swoop in and save the day.. And they want to complain about Obama zombies?

  2. If the County is still paying for the empty jail, maybe we could dust off Option C for that one as well… It’s a pretty good skeleton key.

    As for Newsweek and Obama… It’s good the left is finally coming out of it’s “yes we can” stupor and seeing what a fake this guy always was. While they were out of commission in their Lotus-Eating, Clockwork Orange chair feedback loop fantasy, we missed a golden opportunity to actually elect a guy who would have ended the wars and brought our troops home instead of expanding them into Libya and Yemen and further eating into our civil liberties.

    Am I pissed off at the left for being a bunch of useless, Collectivist imbeciles? Yes. Am I pissed off at my Party for thinking that nominating the grand progenitor of Obamacare and a supporter of bailouts was a great way to combat Obmacare and bailouts? Yes. Am I pissed off at the “tea party” for not jumping behind Ron Paul when they had the chance and instead wasting their time and energy with Federal Reserve and bailout proponents like Herman Cain and holier-than-thou theocrats like Rick Santorum? You bet your ass I am. Of all the groups involved, you’d think they would have known better. Now a lot of those people are cheerleading for Romney and our Convention isn’t even over yet. Spineless, self-serving slimeballs, the lot of them.

  3. I know there’s some kind of academy at the Old North H.S but I wonder if they are using the gymnasium and field as well?

    The gymnasium needs to be prevented from demolition by neglect. It’s design is spot on of what Roberts looked like pre-90/91 renovations. That’s because it was designed by Ralph Legeman who happens to be a resident of Evansville and holds the patent for the Indiana field house design.

    Now, we have to go to Kansas City to get architects like Populous (formerly HOK Sport), AECOM (formerly Ellerbe Beckett), and HKS to do this kind of work. Any memorial for Roberts and Legeman should be at this building, not on a soul-less dog park.

  4. Joe: Thanks for the info on Palm Springs. I think I was confusing it in my mind with Rancho Mirage and the Annenberg era.


    • I live in Rancho Mirage less than a half mile from the Annenberg’s Sunnylands estate.

  5. Are any of these anti-Obama posters women? If so, what are you thinking? Yes, the President didn’t accomplish everything but as a woman do you really want Romney/Ryan and the Republican party running your lives? My family and friends are voting for Obama, again. You know, the ‘trickle down theory’ doesn’t really work in your favor?

      • I’ve been called many things but ‘slow learner’ has never been one of them. I’m a liberal, I don’t believe Obama is taking our guns away, he is trying to work his way in a hostile Republican atmosphere that only knows how to utter the word ‘no’. I am a woman that will not stand for a bunch of ignorant men with their Stepford wives to decide my future healthcare, the future of my children and grand children’s healthcare. Do your homework. This Republican party is trying its very best to take us back to a time when women had no rights concerning her body. It’s not all about jobs. It’s also about women’s place in society. They keep saying what’s really the truth. It’s continually leaks right out of their mouths. When someone tells you who they are; believe them.

        • Looks like old divide and conquer has worked his magic on you. While Romney believes in the sanctity of life I have not heard him talking about overturning Roe v Wade.

          Personally, I would like to see it overturned. My grandkids are the light of my life.


  6. The EVSC uses the buzzwords, “academy, excellence, innovative, innovation or international” in an attempt to convince the parents, kids and even the teachers that they are providing cutting edge education in our schools. Words of one or two syllables are of little use to them in their effort to create a facade of intellectual excellence. Unfortunately, the Glenwood Academy is receiving $2 mil. per year because it has been designated as one of the lowest achieving schools in the state.

    Have they moved all the AIS school to Old North HS? Some of the tenants in the Old North building are part of the same group that has been shuffled from pillar to post since Bertram arrived. It is the group that started out at Stanley Hall, kids who WANT to graduate, but don’t do well in regular classroom settings or can’t work out a schedule of a job and classes. Many have had a rough hand dealt to them, such as having to help support their family, stepping up and taking responsibility for their actions and trying to take care of their own family or simply want to break the cycle of poverty that is around them.

    From Stanley Hall they were moved to the SICTC(vocational center)and a million dollars spent to renovate one wing for their classrooms and a break room with a refrigerator and microwave. Their name was changed to School of Academic and Career Development(SACD). They were required to provide their own transportation and lunch. Meeting those requirements indicates the amount of dedication these students have. While attending classes at the SICTC about 10% of them chose to enroll in afternoon vocational courses, in hopes of better employment when they graduate.

    Bertram then moved them to the Harwood School building, the first “Academy of Innovative Studies”, with the Learning Center(Special Education, Christa McAuliffe Alternative School, and Henry Reis Alternative School students. The Alternative students are disciplinary problems or students in juvenile detention. He spent another $1.5 to $2 million on more on additional re-renovations and equipment for his mini-high school which is to foster innovative problem solving and entrepreneurial skills in a select group without books and using student driven class subjects.

    This is a link to a story about the creation of the AIS from 2010:


    They are not mentioning the fate of the Harwood building. Are they going to use it for the Learning Center, the Alternative students or sell it to the church next door?

    I suspect the real reason for the move may be to satisfy the insurers of the Old North HS building. There has already been a break-in and some vandalism. Insurance companies do not like to cover unoccupied buildings. If it is left empty, the insurance rate will surely increase. Where are those eager buyers Joe Kiefer has claimed are out there? Even the Support Services building across Stringtown Rd. remains empty.

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