IS IT TRUE August 21, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE August 21, 2011

IS IT TRUE that we are pleased that the Evansville Courier and Press has finally put the fact that Vectren has the overwhelmingly highest rates in the State of Indiana on its front page and above the fold?…that in the body of the article one learns that Vectren’s residential rate is 55% above the average for the State of Indiana and even as much as 288% higher than the lowest cost places?…that the headline in the hardcopy was “Vectren sets pace on utility billing”?…that on first blush for headline surfers it would be easy to conclude that they were announcing a new and improved way to send you a bill?…that at least the online headline reflects the body of the article which is unfortunately that Vectren’s customers are paying a tremendous premium for electricity as compared to the rest of Indiana?…that the City County Observer has been doing our best to educate the public to the reality of this monopolistic reaming for over a year now?…that we are quite pleased and impressed that the local flagship news agency has finally awakened from their coma to help us educate the public about this situation?

IS IT TRUE that the numbers with respect to Henderson were ignored in the Courier article but have been written about extensively in the CCO?…that Evansville competes for people and businesses with Henderson as they are very similar cities?…that Vectren’s residential rates when compared to Henderson’s are roughly 212% higher than they are across the money saving bridge?…that from a consumer perspective that such a difference would never survive a free market challenge?…that if a gallon of gas that is $3.50 in Evansville could be bought for $1.18 in Henderson that everyone would be well served to cross the bridge to buy gas?…that if $200 worth of groceries in an Evansville market could be purchased in Henderson for $67.26 that everyone would be well served to shop for food across the money saving bridge?…that the only thing that allows Vectren to “have their way” with the residents of SW Indiana is the Indiana State Legislature that sanctions this monopoly?

IS IT TRUE that if you are an average customer using about 1,000 kWh per month then over the course of one year you will be paying about $1,200 more for electricity than you would if you lived in Henderson?…that if you enjoy being treated like this then you should remain silent and write the checks?…that if you think this is a travesty and you want to make your opinion known that you should contact your elected officials repeatedly and let them know what you think?…that a good plan could be to send letters to your elected officials monthly when you pay your Vectren bill?…that 140,000 letters per month would get your elected representatives attention?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville competes with Henderson for jobs too?…that SW Indiana has been fixated on attracting manufacturing jobs for as long as most of us can remember?…that manufacturing using massive amounts of electricity?…that for all practical purposes that to an outside entity Evansville and Henderson are the same community?…that Evansville and Henderson use the same airport, roads, infrastructure, and retail businesses?…that if you are an outside entity that has decided to move to “Evansville” and are deciding where to locate that when you see that electricity is TRIPLE the PRICE in Indiana that your choice will probably be to choose Henderson?…that may explain to a large extent why the manufacturing base in Vectren’s territory has been shrinking faster than the population of the City of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that contrary to popular belief that Toyota and AK Steel our two largest attraction projects in the last 20 years are NOT VECTREN CUSTOMERS?…that we are not surprised by this?…that they are both about as close to Evansville as you can get without being in Vectren’s territory?…that we encourage you to read the Courier article for more details?


  1. IS IT TRUE that the biggest story in the Courier & Press today (Sunday, 8/22/2011) was the Editorial in which the Arena project’s unquestioned support by the C&P has finally been revealed ? Is it true that Mizzell Stewart did not listen to the words of Indiana Attorney General in the recent Public Access forum hosted by the C&P in which AG Greg Zoeller cautioned the participants that our political system in America is built on distrust (hence the ‘checks & balances’) ? That the participants should ” only trust your government a little bit” ? Is it true that Mizzell Stewart and the C&P have violated the public’s trust by utterly failing to question the manner in which this project has been conducted ? That objectivity in reporting is one of the tenets of good journalism ? That “freedom of the press” is pretty damn important ? Is it true that this way-too-cozy and unquestioned relationship between City Hall and the C&P has gotten to the point that reporters for the C& P have been ordered to “back off” of writing about the Arena/Hotel goings on ? Is it true that one reporter who started to try to hold City Hall accountable left town ? To mock those people who speak out and want the truth behind the actions is all too convenient for the C&P, who won’t go near those stories, and especially when hiding behind the ‘Editoral’ shield. It finally dawned on me this morning: one reason we have such a weak City Government is the complete failure of the C&P, for many people the ONLY newspaper in the City, to hold accountable or even question the leaders. The C&P holds them to no high standard, everything is AOK in River City ! Thank you, CCO, for filling the enormous void left by the sorry ass C&P !

    • Yes, Beerguy it is TRUE!
      The CCO traffic verifies the thirst for Knowledge,—the Truth, and where Evansville’s citizenery can find it!

  2. Perhaps the CCO will author a form letter that can be downloaded or copied & pasted from this site along with a list of addresses to send it to? I think a lot more people would send something if they were helped along with the process.

  3. Citizens Action Coalition of Indiana

    At the July meeting of UNOE, United Neighborhoods, Kerwin Olsen from CITACT spoke of the alarming rates that Hoosiers pay for utitlites. The CITACT agency, which wants to be a consumer advocate for people concerning utility rates, believes that Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, IURC, is pro utility and anti-consumer. They regulate all utility services to Hoosiers. Vectren has raised rates 70% since 2003. So where does the trail lead from Vectren offices to IURC??

    Rep Gail Reicken was in attendance and introduced him. He tasked her to go back to session and make changes to how IURC regulates rates.

    I believe some follow-up here would be beneficial.

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