IS IT TRUE August 16, 2013
IS IT TRUE there are some very powerful people in Evansville both inside and outside of political circles who have contacted us to express their utter disbelief that Jack Pate, the Publisher of the Evansville Courier and Press is a member of the Evansville Regional Business Committee?…each and every one of these people have also expressed an understanding of why the Courier Press has been so overtly supportive of nearly everything that the recent Mayor’s of Evansville have advocated for after learning of Mr. Pate’s membership in this manipulative non-profit corporation?…in a world where journalists are routinely fired for so much as making contributions to political campaigns it is astonishing that the publisher of a Scripps-Howard newspaper would pay $10,000 for a membership in a behind the scenes operation that contributes to political movements  that they deem to be part of whatever agenda they have?…this also flies in the face of promoting a free press and wreaks of a press that is for sale to the highest bidder or the most clever manipulator?…that a couple of our readers think the outing of  the membership list in the ERBC is the most important outing that the CCO has ever broken?…that would mean that this is more important than exposing the sneaky ways of Mayor Weinzapfel in paying Tom Barnett, the attempt to take away the Homestead Tax Credit, or even the underhanded way that the Johnson Controls deal was hoisted upon the City of Evansville?
IS IT TRUE since memberships in the ERBC are offered for an annual fee of $10,000 we wonder if the City County Observer, News 25, and WFIE 14 could join this exclusive cabal?…if we were to get a call from Ed Hafer offering to sell the CCO a membership that we would gladly cough up the bucks on the condition that we could report on the discussions held at the meetings in a transparent manner?…we do not however wish to participate in any initiation rituals as we think such things are for juvenile delinquents and fraternities?…we might consent to a secret handshake or a water buffalo hat?
IS IT TRUE that the propaganda campaign of manipulation for the affirmative votes of the Evansville City Council for the downtown hotel project began in earnest today?…City Council members had their mailboxes flooded with letters  supposedly sent by consenting citizens to all arrive on the same day?…we wonder who stuffed the envelopes and who paid the postage as the probability of this happening without a letter mill is pretty close to ZERO? …we are seeking a couple of these letters to analyze the handwriting to see if the same person signed the letters too?
IS IT TRUE that in 2007 the City of Fort Wayne handed out a pile of money about $25 Million bucks deep to get a Courtyard Inn built in downtown Fort Wayne to help them compete for convention business?…all of the same cases and promises that are being made in Evansville now were made in Fort Wayne then?…contrary to what was promised the overall occupancy rate in Fort Wayne decreased immediately after their welfare hotel was built?…the culmination of the Fort Wayne effort happened when the first Marriot in Fort Wayne file for bankruptcy in 2012?…this Marriot of coarse was located away from the downtown?…one of the reasons for the bankruptcy is said by many to have been because they lost business to the hotel that the City of Fort Wayne handed the bag of money to?…we can be assured if something like that happens in Evansville in a few years that the lawsuits will fly and the people who voted for taking from existing businesses to fund a competitor will be toast in their next election?
IS IT TRUE we wonder why so many people who hold a law license left volunteer positions in the Vanderburgh County Republic Party a couple of years ago?…this is something that has us quite curious?
The Fort Wayne example is a cautionary tale the Evansville City Council should heed.
In other news, I’ve decided if I remain in this City through the next election cycle, I will be running against Dan McGinn for his seat in Ward 1. According to the C&P article I read, he’s already decided to vote for this despicable project along with Mosby and Weaver. For me, this is the last straw. His votes have made him vulnerable in a Republican Ward and I know full well how to knock on doors and communicate exactly how he has damaged this City with his voting record.
Go get ’em Brad!
I hope others step up and run for the remaining City Council posts.
The ” Snakes in the Grass” have held sway in Evansville’s Government for far too long…
Thanks to You and the CCO for Outing the Puppet Master Elitists,–AKA as the ERBC!
–and I will contribute to your campaign fund.
Fort Wayne’s convention business is doing great. This year they are expected to have 55 conventions up from 35 last year. They are having a record year. Check it out.
If Dan votes yes for the hotel, it will help him get re-elected—not hurt him. Those who vote no– will get hammered by labor.
Dan is not in a “labor” Ward. He’s in a Republican Ward, and I know how to knock on doors. What I lack in money, I’ll make up for in country boy, charm. 😉
You will have to lose your arrogance!
Agreed. I do tend to be overly forceful with my views at times. I’m working on it. I have two modes – battle mode and friend mode. Unfortunately, I’ve had to be in battle mode more often than not.
and one less Marriott because the downtown welfare hotel cannibalized the business and killed it.
Conventions being up do not necessarily help anyone outside of the hotel attached.
How many of Fort Wayne’s conventions are a direct result of our last nit-wit mayor deciding to tear down the only convention hotel in downtown Evansville (attached to The Centre) without having a new deal inked? How many of them will come back to Evansville – and how many of them will stick with Fort Wayne? Our current and last two mayors make the captains of The Titanic and The Hindenburgh look like WWII “Ace In A Day” pilots!
Out of curiosity… Why has the “Evansville Illuminati” article disappeared? Did they finally get to Ron?
Obviously it has not disappeared.
That comment was made shortly after midnight. I was being silly. I noticed the article had disappeared and there were errors all over the site. I thought perhaps “they” had gotten to Ron. 🙂
Apparently he was just moving the article back to the top of the page and something broke.
Why is there not more outrage over our filthy police department?
Can anyone explain why the ERBC gave over $21,000 in 2008 to EVSC for Support of Superintendent?
I am thinking you probably have the answer. Would you care to share it with the readers?
Another interesting is “Local government reform”, almost $4700?
Here is what was going on in 2008 according to the C&P:
Likewise, public discussion should begin in earnest in 2008 on Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corp. Superintendent Vincent Bertram’s recommendations for sweeping changes in local public education. Among his many recommendations, he wants to build a new high school/middle school, switch some schools from K-5 to K-8, open early learning centers, and institute programs that close the learning gap while elevating academic performance throughout the system.
* * * * * * * * * *
Maybe they gave him a little up-front money so he could contract with Grey Loon and get the ball rolling. Obviously the ERBC was in full support of spending $145.million in taxpayer dollars that would be serviced with local property taxes.
All of this just goes to prove beyond doubt that the Evansville Regional Business Committee is nothing more than a Political Action Committee (PAC), and as such is not allowed tax exempt status!
The next step would be to file a complaint with some state agency, I guess. But who? Anyone know?
IRS Regional Office
They are currently too busy investigating other 501C(4) corporations with the words tea party or conservative appearing in their name to be bothered with looking into why the Evansville Regional Business Commission gave Vincent Bertram $21,000. in 2008.
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I’ll be on WNIN All Things Considered at 5:00pm today talking about the Hunden Report and the Hotel.
Taken down because post was off message and personal.
Why do you not out yourself?
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