IS IT TRUE? August 16, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? August 16, 2011

IS IT TRUE that it has been reported to the City County Observer that the locally owned pharmacies are more than willing to sign up for the meth materials data base where purchases of PSE materials are reported to law enforcement?…that we are also being told that some locally owned pharmacies are even considering taking these products off of the shelf altogether as the pain is not worth the gain?…that multiple moles tell us that it is the big national chains that are not enthused to start to report the sales of such materials to law enforcement?…that the big national chains that operate on what seems like every corner in town or in big box retail stores are booking big profits on the sale of PSE materials to people who do not buy them for a cold?…that it has been reported that on any Friday night in Evansville that the meth heads among us recognized by their gaunt physiques, oversized clothing, bad teeth, and pick marks on their faces can be seen lining up in these stores to buy the biggest box that they can without being reported?…that stopping this supply chain by whatever means is necessary will go a long way toward minimizing the meth problem?…that once again MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO tactics will work?…that the Evansville Monkeys need to look to Oregon for a very effective solution?… that then the Evansville Monkeys will need to DO?

IS IT TRUE that the statewide smoking ban is gathering headlines again?…that Governor Daniels thinks that there if a chance for this to pass in the 2012 legislative session?…that there is always a chance but it has been very low so far but that the Governor and state representative Charlie Brown will push things a little further again?…that last year that the Indiana legislator added exemptions for nearly everything in the state except Kindergarten classes and weakened the bill to the point that even the American Cancer Society rejected the piece of garbage that was concocted?…that by almost any measure the City of Evansville will be dramatically strengthening the smoking ban in 2012?…that going ward by ward and with nearly any combination of at large results the 5+ votes needed to pass a smoking ban will be there?…that the 5th Ward contest may be instrumental in whether the ban will include Casino Aztar or not?

IS IT TRUE that we are sorry to learn of the decisions by the owner/managers to close two well know and locally owned retail businesses last week?…that nearly everyone in Evansville has shopped at Baumberger’s Furniture on Morgan Avenue?…that for a number of reasons including the growth of the Green River and Burkhardt retail centers the Baumberger family has decided to close the store and concentrate on their mattress outlet?…that there are probably a few more guaranteed lowest price opportunities to be had during the Baumberger’s close out sale?…that Henderson also is losing a long time business to the economy or maybe just to retirement time?…that Henderson Paint and Glass is ceasing business after 64 years of serving the community?…that the new business model of large orders and trying to compete against big box retailers has taken its toll on Main Street America and the personal way of life that many of us over 40 still appreciate and are willing to pay a little extra for?…that we will miss these two businesses and wish the owners well in their future lives?

IS IT TRUE that we really hope that there are no shenanigans pulled at the ERC meeting this morning under the guise of “other business”?…that big items like the Arena, the hotel, and the McCurdy need to be announced and published so that the public is well informed about actions that are taken regarding forwarding these projects?


  1. There will be no funny business at ERC today. This is an august tribunal, hand picked for their independence and outside-the-box thinking. There will be no under-the-table deals or preferential treatment give to anyone from this organization, no hidden agendas, they play it down the middle of the fairway, yadayadayada

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