IS IT TRUE? August 15, 2011 Special Evening Edition


IS IT TRUE? August 15, 2011 Special Evening Edition

IS IT TRUE that the author of Gulliver’s Travels, Jonathan Swift has a very famous quote attributed to him regarding the recognition of people who are considered to be geniuses?…that this quote follows and is particularly relevant in this modern day when our political leaders ignore the will of the people and seek to oppress those who speak out against them?

“When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign: that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.”
— Jonathan Swift

IS IT TRUE that it has been suggested to the City County Observer that the City of Evansville has been playing the role of a battered spouse for many years?…that the battered spouse is one who tolerates abuse, eventually accepts some responsibility for having been abused, and eventually either lashes out at the batterer and is liberated or resigns to accept victimization for the remainder of life?…that maybe Evansville is at the fork in the road and needs to make that decisions?…that when we asked who the battering spouse of the City of Evansville is that the response was a long succession of dictatorial Mayors?…that this is good seed for thought as all of our last 50 years of Mayors have not been remembered as dictatorial strongmen?…that many have?

IS IT TRUE that in staying true to the theme of a company that could tabulate tangible financial benefits by purchasing the naming rights to the new Arena the name Ameriqual was suggested?…that having a captive audience to sell MRE’s to at full retail price plus an Arena premium could really put some bucks in the coffers of Ameriqual?…that a whole new retail food source would be made available to the population of Evansville with the MRE Bistro as the concessions operator for the Arena?…that we do not believe that there is any other headquarters in town that makes its living providing food?…that if the Yum Center is any indicator that soon we may have an announcement regarding the Ameriqual Arena?

IS IT TRUE that the meeting of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission scheduled for tomorrow morning published an agenda today?…that there is no line item published in the agenda that mentions or alludes to the downtown Convention Hotel, any premium seating in the Arena, Arena naming or sponsorship rights, or the McCurdy Hotel?…that it really is still too early for the hotel vetting to be complete?…that the rest of these issues should be on and ERC Agenda soon?

IS IT TRUE that the ideal weather of the past weekend was a great opportunity to get out of the house and do something?…that the crowd at Ellis Park was capacity as times of old?…that Evansville and Henderson are very fortunate to still have live horse racing in late summer to enjoy?…that it seems like in 2011 that July had August weather and that August is having July weather?…that we would love to see four more weeks of weather like last week?


  1. I believe I know of a battering spouse…

    Nobody wants to hear it. And definitely nobody wants to think or believe it.

    In this light, aren’t we worse than a battered spouse? We also either lack the ability to open our eyes to see the abuse, we lack the guts to speak it, or we lack the critical thinking ability to comprehend the idea of abuse?


    Selling MRE’s at our new stadium? I hope you are kidding. (Would that come with a side of meth?)

  2. The famous Jonathan Swift quote appears in the blockbuster novel A Confederacy of Dunces. Sounds alot like our Mayor and his toadies on the City Council to me!

    • With any luck the City Council will have a large turn over soon!

      Why did the Evansville City Council members, (Missy Mosby and fellow Democrats), pass an ordnance giving ERC, (Evansville Redevelopment Commission), the power to handle the arena matters? Plausible deniability maybe?
      Given the opportunity, I will introduce the ordinance that would pull the ERC, (Evansville Redevelopment Commission), authority back to where it belongs… in an elected body, (City Council), that conducts its business in the open. On the other hand, I should say will be done in the open in the future, because I believe too many deal have been done behind closed doors.

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