IS IT TRUE at last night City Council meeting Evansville City Council member John Friend CPA dropped a  political bombshell on Evansville City Controller, Russ Lloyd Jr?  …Mr. Friend  stated that Mr. Lloyd didn’t post that the City currently has a $4 million dollar unpaid liability for outstanding Health Care cost reimbursements?  …Mr. Friend stated that the City presently has less $800,000 dollars in their General Operating Fund? …we also have been told we have a mere $3 million dollars saved up in our “Rainey Day Fund”?  ...we have been  posting for a couple of weeks about the looming financial crisis facing the City of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE the  Courier and Press, Channel 25, Channel 14 and Channel 44 should spend some  time doing investigative journalism concerning the financial crisis facing the city employees and the taxpayers of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE  some City Council members that are running for re-election didn’t realize that you campaign while in office not when you’re running for re-election?

IS IT TRUE that Pastor Steve Ary attended City Council meeting and ask a series of pointed questions?  … members of the Winnecke Administration and local media have dubbed him “The CCO “IS IT TRUE” Preacher”? … we like hearing that because we need all the “divine guidance” we can get?

IS IT TRUE we are waiting for 3rd Ward City Council candidate Anna Hargis to present us with detailed documentations concerning her alleged $13 Million Dollar loss of revenue because of the delay in building the downtown Convention Hotel?   ….we expect her to breakdown the loss of wages, County and City Hotel taxes, property taxes, food and beverage taxes?

IS IT TRUE we are glad to hear that people are beginning to question the wisdom of spending $15 million dollars on the North Main “Pork Barrel” bike trail project?


  1. Is it true that the last competent Mayor that the City of Evansville had was Frank, Jr.? Since that time Evansville has been burdened with incompetent, ignorant, moronic, poser, wanta’ be’s.
    Or course Frank, Jr. has always been pretty good about reading the handwriting on the wall (bailed from Integra & EMC2 before their collapse).
    It’s a shame we can’t get Frank, Jr., SBR, and Cheryl M. to run as a package; I bet they could clean up the mess that Lloyd/Weinzapfel/Winnecke have created and are going to leave the next administration to deal with.

  2. Fiscal collapse for Evansville seems inevitable—and all we going to hear from those Politicos who were supposed to look after the Community’s best interest will be:
    “I don’t know what happened”,— it’s,–it’s —“Not Me’s” fault!

  3. I am still wondering if any of this is doing any good. I just honestly don’t think enough people care and the major media outlets are in the tank for Winnicke. Most people are too preoccupied taking selfies and playing candy crush to care if the city goes broke or not. I suppose we’ll know come election night, but I’d love to be gone by then anyway.

  4. It’s good that Winnecke’s house of cards seems poised to tumble in advance of the city election. It is bad that the people of Evansville will bear the brunt of his malfeasance and even worse that they already are.

    He is the worst mayor in memory, not a single accomplishment to point to. Re-installing the little cipher into the mayor’s office would strongly indicate an electorate that is as dumb as a block of ordnance gelatin. Winnecke has bled this city white with nothing to show for it except a bunch of court dates pending. He has managed to alienate the 7th Circuit, driving them to language seldom seen in appellate rulings. It won’t get better, just more expensive.

    Winnecke has a handpicked slate of council candidates ready to ride into office with him. Yee ha. The people are semi-comatose and unlikely to be roused by things they cannot understand.

    • When it comes to financial issues, bandana, what makes you think Riecken would be any different? Maybe worse?

      • You long ago plopped yourself squarely and proudly in the Winnecke column. Pretending to distance yourself from hizzoner fools no one. He will need your vote.

        Questions like the one you asked are disingenuous, repetitive and the answers self-evident. Gail’s positions on the city’s finances are not a mystery. She has made them quite clear. If you don’t read what she writes, preferring to keep asking ‘what would Gail do’, no one can help you. I could read her stuff back to you but I can’t understand it for you.

        Mimicking a skipping record is a poor substitute for an informed electorate.

      • If you are really concerned about it, you should take a look that the things that will be showing up on the Riecken for Mayor Facebook page. If asking that is just your last chance at excusing yourself for voting for Winnecke, just give it up and admit that you’re voting for continued incompetence and corruption.

  5. borrowed post from ‘GreenLight’:

    My sources tell me that Mr. Lloyd spent $ 200,000 or so with the CPA firm, Umbaugh and Associates, exploring moving to a full-blown GAAP system, even calling on that beefcake Big Dan to evangelize to the City Council for such a change. I heard that was going to be a ruse for why they couldn’t balance the books in 2012: not only changing to a new computer system (old excuse), but now a whole new way of accounting (new excuse). They ended up just twisting the Guv’s arm.

    So If Mr. Lloyd has spent $ 200,000 researching such a move, he didn’t understand the principle of recognizing unpaid bills ? Really ? Ms. Riecken should call for his immediate resignation . . . actually, skip that, Russ Lloyd is giving her plenty of “material” for the election !

  6. I am moving the business I run in CA to a full GAAP right now for similar reasons that were put into place in the past. It is taking 3 months and costing less than $10k. It is a smaller budget but the accounts and entries are the same.

  7. Following the stock market crash of 1929, the U.S. government sought ways to regulate the practices of publicly traded companies and other major market participants. Authority to set standards on accounting practices was granted to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC decided to delegate this responsibility to the private sector auditing community, and in 1939, the American Institute of Accountants (precursor to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) created the Committee on Accounting Procedure (CAP).

    CAP was replaced by the Accounting Principles Board (APB) 20 years later. The APB began issuing opinions about major accounting topics to be adopted by business accountants, which could then be imposed on publicly traded companies by the SEC. In 1973, the APB gave way to the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB).

    The FASB has been the major policymaking body about acceptable accounting practices ever since. Other governmental and non-governmental organizations influence FASB decisions, but the FASB is responsible for issuing opinions and rendering judgments. The collective decisions passed down from the APB and FASB form the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

    GAAP represent objectives and guidelines for financial statements and reporting calculations. There are three major sets of rules covered in GAAP: basic accounting principles and guidelines, detailed standards of the FASB and APB, and generally accepted industry practices.

    Within the confines established by GAAP, auditors attempt to establish uniformity among the financial reports of publicly traded companies, although private companies often use GAAP as well. Through GAAP, investors can more easily compare and understand the financial health of different businesses. This uniformity also has ancillary benefits for regulators, lenders, corporate managers and the accounting community.

    So if GAAP was first designed and released in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s, why in the hell is Evansville not already using it? Like Joe is doing, the vast majority of corporate entities have used GAAP for decades. If Evansville had been using GAAP none of the current financial shenanigans would be happening.


    SECTION 54950-54963

    54950. In enacting this chapter, the Legislature finds and declares
    that the public commissions, boards and councils and the other
    public agencies in this State exist to aid in the conduct of the
    people’s business. It is the intent of the law that their actions be
    taken openly and that their deliberations be conducted openly.
    The people of this State do not yield their sovereignty to the
    agencies which serve them. The people, in delegating authority, do
    not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for
    the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people
    insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over the
    instruments they have created.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Codes without ENFORCEMENT are useless. California has had three major chartered cities file bankruptcy!

    In Evansville’s case the offending party, the city of Evansville, was even able to enlist the help the help of the very agency that should have exposed the violations, the State Board of Accounts, in covering up the violations!

    Mayor Winnecke should never have accepted the City’s financial ledgers from Mayor Weinzapfel in the condition they were in at the time. Instead, he should have made a very formal and public request for the books to be audited so he could have some sort of accurate information on where the City stood financially.

    What in the hell is the matter with these people? They have jobs but they do not do them. It is like one giant cluster f…! Where is the oversight? Where are the agencies we thought were there to protect taxpayers from the leeches that ARE BLEEDING THIS CITY DRY?

    • Press,
      There are no agencies to protect us; there is not oversight. There are only leeches as there have always been here. The same basic people or their families or the businesses that control but do not care. That is where the stench comes from. Here we were thinking it was the sewers. Nope. The subtle activities, underground hand-offs, the wink and nod and another deal is done. And it is so common-place here that people have become numb to it all. I have no answers. Just feeble hopes that people will get off their asses and take control of their lives and homes. Maybe this will be the year. In many many ways it had better be. And it will be a hell of a job for the honorable folks who have to fight to dig this city out of the crater it is in now. The sad truth is that money always plays a huge part in who will survive the these elections. And I see lots of money on the greedy side. I only hope I live through the collapse and the regeneration of Evansville and just hope it takes all the tri-state area with it on the upward growth process on the other side. So many of the little towns around us depend on Evansville to survive.
      I just reread this and god! How depressing!

  9. Somebody remind me who all was at the party at Biaggi’s when the local appointed cronies to whatever BS board it was ran up the big tab on the taxpayer dime? Was Coures in attendance at that “let them eat cake” fleecing of the peasants? Schaeffer? I’m just curious if anyone at that incident had worked their way back into high paying taxpayer funded jobs.

    • Neither of those guys were there. It was the board of directors of the CVB at the time and a couple of their hangers on. If you search the archives of the CCO the article that I wrote about that Bacchnalian fest is there.



      Fire the morons

      Saginaw, MI

      #1 Nov 4, 2010
      Mr. Ferguson doesn’t need a new road to the airport. He needs to fire Joe Vezzoso. That man has been a wart on the ass of the French Lick Resort casino since he darkened their doorstep. It’s a crying shame that the Cook group is disillusioned by the actions of a few morons that bring the whole place down. Dale Nachreiner, Chris Leininger, Brian Marsh, and Jay “Freund” in German must mean snake in the grass.

      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

      North Salem, IN

      #2 Nov 29, 2010
      I agree, I am unsure why Mr. V and Tom Oconner were hired in the first place after the damage they did where they were last employeed. Neither have the listening skills or integrity to be successful managers.

      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

      Orland Park, IL

      #3 Dec 3, 2010
      Yes, it is a shame that such a nice place is being run by such an incompetent lot. At least the people in Evansville are happy to have gotten rid of their bad apple.


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