IS IT TRUE we are hearing that crossover Republicans, union members and select Democrats are being told to vote for only one candidate in the At Large democratic primary? …the name of the At Large democratic candidate is none other than Jonathon Weaver? …there are 4 Democrats running in the upcoming primary but only 3 will be elected to run in the General election as Democrats? …Wayne Parke, the Republican Party Chairman has endorsed Weaver and encouraged party faithful to single vote Weaver, just like the Union Bosses and Winnecke Democrats?

IS IT TRUE the reason why the $2.5 million dollar advancement that was given to the City by the Evansville Water and Sewer Department in December , 2014 wasn’t on the agenda is because it was allegedly put on the agenda as a Consent item? …the stated rational why this request was not on the official agenda but as a Consent item is because the Water and Sewer Department books it on the accrual basis?  …strangely enough, when one City Council Member went to the Utility Department yesterday to seek a copy of the consent agenda, within minutes Chief of Staff to Mayor Winnecke Steve Schaeffer appeared to indicate the Consent Agenda was not available and refused to produce it?  …the day before City Controller said this transfer was made only after board approval, but NONE in the Utility department could produce one sheet of paper confirming this approval?  … did the Board ever really make this approval?   …where is the official record of the approval? …why was Schaeffer called down to the Utility Department out of breath and giving the explanation for the lack of approval?  … do we have our very own “Consentgate”?

IS IT TRUE that ERC Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave expressed concern regarding the City of Evansville’s ability to afford the hotel at the ERC meeting on Tuesday? …that her concern was the cash flow coverage of bond allocations and the available revenues were not enough? …that when compared to the 2015 budget for expenditures for the City, coverage is way below even 1%? …that any person with a budget and some common sense who saw this would concur there is a high likelihood of no money in the bank?   …the City’s own Financial Consultant admitted “It will be very tight”?

IS IT TRUE that Mayoral appointee Schopmeyer condemned Ms. Musgrave for asking valid questions for the funding of the downtown Hotel and IU Medical School? ….that instead of Mayor Winnecke or his City Controller attending the meeting on such an important position Mr. Coures was sent to take the hits on this important financial issue? ….that after the meeting Mr. Coures then also proceeded to attack Ms. Musgrave for asking poignant questions? …. that the theme of the Winnecke administration seems to be one of arrogance and forcing this project down the throats of those that will have to pay for it?

IS IT TRUE that 6th Ward City Councilman Al Lindsay and his opponent Jim Brinkmeyer have both accepted invitations to appear on Tri State Voices in an upcoming show?  …this will be the only opportunity for both candidates to appear on a televised show and give the viewer’s their positions on the issues? …this is a very highly contested race and should be an excellent program?



  1. Is It not True that it was mention yesterday’s in the “feature article” that the CCO “bosses” will give a list
    of endorsed candidates which is intended to be held bound by?

    When will we also see the chamber of commerce “bosses” vote list as well?

    • what do you see as the difference between the C&P and the CCO endorsing candidates? They both accept advertising from candidates.

      • Just because my friends vote for one particular candidate doesn’t mean that I have to vote for that person. We all have different needs and wants and each candidate should be judged individually. Just because the Courier and Press endorses a candidate doesn’t mean that I or anyone else for that matter has to vote for them too. Don’t let other’s influence your vote. Do your own research before getting out and voting. The key component in these upcoming elections is to get out to vote.

  2. Today marks the sesquicentennial of General Lee surrendering to General Grant in Virginia.

  3. “Consentgate” is just a part of “Winkigate”

    When will our third branch of government known as the judicial system get involved with your city government?

    • Arm
      That will never happen, they are also deep in the pockets of local citizens. They have mandated a lot of unnecessary programs over the years, they like to empire build at the tax payers expense. Most of them are democrats so professional courtesy is a big thing with them. The only ones unhappy with the local government of this city are people who work and own homes. The rest can leave or move at will. The only hope I see for the future is the continued deterioration of the democrat party. The real change agent could be the Prosecutor but that position has never been filled with a crusader who has a real interest in Evansville. The real indicator of the direction this city is headed is 10,000 abandon or empty houses.

  4. Did Steve Schaefer sprint down the stairs from 3rd floor to head off the inquisitive City Council member? Or did he take the freakin’ elevator ? Needless to say, when you have to summon Dr. Coverup from the 3rd Floor to do some hiding re: the consent for a prepayment of $ 2.5 Million, then Councilman Friend has indeed hit PAYDIRT (emphasis on the dirt). What does it mean that the Consent Agenda was ‘not available’ ? Was it out having its oil changed and tires rotated ?

    • Maybe it was unavailable due to spending more time with it’s family.

      If the current crew manages to stay in office they’ll eventually have to install an old firehouse pole for Schaefer to do emergency slide downs. Can’t let the truth fester long before sitting on it.

        • He is rumored to have broken in to an involuntary pole dance while responding to a recent emergency. The pole had to be sent away for a good autoclaving.

          • Now THAT is funny !!!! Maybe the Casino could buy an autoclave for 3rd Floor of Civic Center ???

    • Apparently someone scribbled the prepayment request on the back of a lounge napkin and it got thrown away at the end of the night.

      If the approval was not documented in the board minutes, it never happened.

  5. Indiana GOP LARRY BUCSHON and DAN COATS Will Not Step Up on the New RFRA LAW
    Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis
    WASHINGTON – Indiana’s Republican Federal lawmakers don’t want to get involved in the heated national debate over the state’s controversial new law aimed at protecting Hoosiers’ gay community from discrimination and some others who are angry about religious freedom. Asked Monday about the new law, they suggested that’s an issue for state lawmakers to decide. “I followed closely the ongoing efforts of Governor Pence and the General Assembly to reinforce that Indiana is a state that rejects discrimination of same-sex couples and also cares about some of the religious people who are upset,” GOP Sen. Dan Coats said in a statement. But Coats declined to say how that should be done.

    A spokesman for Evansville, Indiana area Rep. Larry Bucshon, R-Newburgh, said the congressman couldn’t comment on RFRA because he was not involved in its creation. “We are still studying this, because we aren’t discriminators and the religious people are mad,” Bucshon said.

    • And who can blame them? No matter what they say it will be “quarked” into something they didn’t (i.e. the original RFRA bill), the mob will tar and feather them based on ignorance of their actual statements (i.e. actual wording of the RFRA bill), and the “debate” will be over.

      • …I think you’re mad at the wrong people COMMONSENSE. Somebody’s paying you no respect…and it’s not the Dems.

  6. Someone on City Counsel at some point (Al Lindsey?) may want to ask if the City has any plans to repair and reopen Mesker Amphitheater? Mesker Amphitheater is a community jewel that is being ignored.

    • Hey Joe. Why don’t you get a petition and try to get signature on it in order to try to save the Amphitheater? You can head up the petition committee.

    • If Mesker could some how be tied to Fire Chief Connelly Lindsey would go after out it with fangs bared.

        • Absolutely not. Lindsey was instrumental in getting a pay-cut for the chief. He also talked to him disrespectfully on several occasions on the Council floor

    • Mesker should be leased or sold to a private enterprise for next to nothing. It would then be restored and then some. At least the City could collect property and food and beverage taxes. The trouble is they don’t want competition for the Ford Center.

  7. Where is the local Prosecutor hiding while all these financial shenanigans are going on in city government? He is going to look pretty damn silly when this city is forced to file for protection from creditors, and he never did a thing to enforce the existing statutes that provide for the protection of taxpaying citizens.

    • They are just as dirty as they were in the 80s. Back when Judge Miller was allowed to sentence people to his own “safehouse”!

  8. Useful editorials here lately. With the primary coming up I’m looking forward to the CCO’s informed endorsements. Some good candidates running and some jim dandies. It is time for Evansville to change course before it’s too late.

    • Bandana

      Is It True you need someone else to tell you who to vote for ? If you know good candidates and jim dandy, then why do you need direction from the CCO, pray tell ?

  9. Weaver is a pox on our community. The City Council members have already fired him from all of his committee posts . . . .why not go the rest of the way and evict him from the Democrat party ???

    I want my religious freedom to include . . . not having wife beaters as City Council members.

    • I’m glad that I’ll be able to vote for Weaver. I wish Missy was running at large so I could vote for her. Ever notice that Weaver and Missy vote with the mayor and then the rest of the CC get their butts handed to them and they follow suit. I don’t know about Weaver being a wife beater, never heard that, maybe you’re making it up, wife beaters normally go to jail and I don’t think Weaver is in jail. Weaver and Missy may well be the most normal everyday people we have on the CC, they’re definitely not partisan politicians like the rest of them.

      • pov, does your current medical coverage include outpatient psych ?

        good, get some !

  10. IU Medical School:

    C & P is reporting that the State has lowered its commitment on the bonds for the Medical School.
    The House had approved $ 36 Million, it has now been lowered to $ 19 Million, which was Pence’s original beg. $ 50 Million was being asked for.

    • City Council should immediately pull its $ 20 Million funding for the Downtown Hotel; and swing that $ 20 Million over to support the IU Medical School.

      Maybe Cheryl Musgrave’s point about the lack of cash flow for the bonds , and this short funding of the IU Med School makes us WAKE UP and get our priorities straight. LET PRIVATE MONEY fund a Downtown Hotel, if the market will bear that after the IU Med School is finished.

      • UFO, Did you see the print edition Mon of the C&P. They feature a weekly bit of history in the area. This week was the ground breaking for the stadium in !955. Part of the story said that a lot of local citizens were howling that we didn’t need something like that. I guess history has the antis all through it.

    • Our group observed that reduction in the funding for the IU medical school extension. Now in order to reload the best RFP site for a rapid site phase in, they should indeed take a look at the other proposed sites again. Either one would save plenty of construction costs. They have the required space, logistical throughput, and advanced infrastructure already. And at far less cost first in both of the others seem to offer more student and staff security as well. So.

      “More bang for the bucks.”


      “Ædificate climate*”

    • Bus, Are you using the IIT format where only part of the story is told ? Isn’t there another $30+ mil requested for it by the three individual schools. Both avenues were pursued. It looks like they are going back to the way it was requested at the start. I didn’t see anything in the C&P today about this. You are looking at an old issue are you ?

      • Bus, I found the article in their web edition. It isn’t very informative except to say they still have to get the House and Senate bills to meet somehow. Maybe the print edition will have more details on 4/10.

        • Cowboy, agree that there is little information in the C&P web edition (per usual). I believe the $ 19 Million the Senate approved represents the SUM of the three individual schools requested funding (i.e., $ 19 Million approved out of $ 50 Million requested to be funded). IU got a separate $ 25 Million, which is all of their needed money.

          I don’t fully understand this–but then again, neither do the C & P reporters !

          • When this first came up at the start of the session i believe the House request was for the 50mil. The Senate version was for 19mil. A lot of people on this site leaped for joy as they thought the funding would be short and the program would crash. What they didn’t mention was the balance of the 50mil was to be requested by all the schools involved. I’m sure there is an accounting reason they would split it up like that.

          • @Cowboy: I’m not sure why anyone would ‘jump for joy’ if the Med. School doesn’t get built. They should be jumping for joy if the Hotel is either killed off or, as Musgrave has suggested, delayed until enough money is available (smart lady).

  11. While off topic, the tolerant & inclusive liberal lefts view of both global warming and vaccinations as explained by Robbert F. Kennedy, Jr, is too important not to be shared

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. one of climate change’s loudest activists, said there should be a law that lets authorities punish skeptics and deniers – those who engage in “selling out the public trust,” he said, in an interview with Climate Depot during New York City’s recent People’s Climate March.

    SACRAMENTO (CBS SF) – As lawmakers at the State Capitol consider a bill that would no longer allow parents to opt out of vaccinating their children over personal beliefs, vaccination critic Robert Kennedy Jr. waded into the debate at a Sacramento appearance.

    Kennedy spoke to a crowd Tuesday screening a film that claims a link between autism in children and thimerosal, an ingredient in vaccines, according to the Sacramento Bee.

    “They get the shot, that night they have a fever of a hundred and three, they go to sleep, and three months later their brain is gone,” Kennedy reportedly told the crowd. “This is a holocaust, what this is doing to our country.”

    • Joe You are an Activist and Robert F. Kennedy is a Genius and far ahead of his time.

    • Thimerosal is a mercury based preservative and mercury is a known toxin (poison) Have you ever heard the term “mad as a hatter”. Well that term came into use when people working with Mercury in the tanning materials used to tan hats went mad. Traces of mercury got into their body and made them ill.

      Mercury also comes out of the smoke stacks of coal fired power plants and then falls to the ground and onto the lakes where the food chain inputs it and concentrates it further up the food chain into fish like Sharks and Tuna.

      Mercury is nothing to mess with.

      The makers of contact lens solutions used Thimerosal in their products to kill any bacteria that might grow in the solutions. If it kills bacteria in small concentrations then in larger concentrations it can do damage to larger organisms. It’s all Dose related.

      Dose= Concentration x Time of exposure or duration of exposure.

      Concentration in ug/dl

      Don’t make fun of Robert Kennedy when you have no clue about what he’s talking about. You should be making fun of yourself instead because he is more likely right than you are.

      • Sometimes we agree with his concerns, like Mesker amphitheater’s abandonment by the city its once served. Joes kind of over the top with all his ranting over Obamas leadership. Twice elected at that. When those diversionary rants jam the page we envision the little puddle of spilt gasoline comparison. Toss a little spark on’em and he lights right up.

  12. Being told how to vote-I know it sounds creepy-yet it happens.
    I always thought adults thought for themselves. I am horrified at the power exerted over some people, to the point that they will go over the cliff to do what they know is wrong.
    They will look good people in the face and lie without flinching-even take money from elderly people who have little to spare, the whole time, lying, lying, lying.
    They will invoke the names of the dead, ridicule, and insinuate themselves at memorial services, to hurt and revile the honored dead, to hurt their families….
    It isn’t politics, it’s too ugly, even for shady politics.
    Millions of dollars wasted-go to any grade school, see what the children there are wearing, how many get enough to eat, how much need there is..
    Hotels don’t seem important when you can’t trust a mayor who seems bent on destroying us, leaving us in debt, and feels no inclination to tell us where OUR money is going?
    Venerated buildings left to ruin, or worse, viable buildings (Jehovah’s Witness summer Conventions brought $$$millions to our local businesses-Robert’s Stadium accommodated them, and now they look for another venue) The Owen block has been rotting since the 80’s-paring down funding for our children, elderly and needy families-only to raise funds for pet projects from their pockets-to what end? Hungrier needy people, pitiful pay (thanks Indiana-raise our taxes, and starve us). Walk in other’s shoes, would you change your priorities? I would hope so, but I never saw people so far gone…..

    • Bootsie, I thought the Jeh. Witnesses have been using the beautiful Ford Center. They may be shopping around for a new place because there isn’t a hotel by the center.

  13. OK here is a great question!!!! State just approved moving Casinos in land 5 min ago to go to Gov. The bill states “moving on land NEAR CURRENT LOCATION”. what is the true definition of “NEAR CURRENT LOCATION”? is 4 1/2 blocks near current location? if it is, why not give Tropicana the land across from Ford, they buy a little more next to it and they build a new hotel, and Casino? City not out a dime, have your cake and eat it too. Why not investigate this hole in the bill as a solution. I am sure somebody will cry about leaving current hotel, but i would rather have that empty than an empty lot. Interesting option!

    • That is what I have been thinking. Sad to say but a casino probably would be the most honest thing in that area.

    • Yao, We will leave it to you to tell Trop. that after they make all that investment in the new property they will be thought of highly for taking the losses on their old property.


    The Evansville Casino along the Riverfront complains about the weather having a negative effect on his gross income.

    But what about the stupid pot holed filled and bouncy road that transports visitors and tourist to the Casino. Can’t the city pave those roads and smooth them out. What kind of impression are we sending to visitors with the roadway in such bad condition. What would it cost to pave Riverside Dr. From Canal Street to the Lloyd Expressway along South Fulton Avenue?

  15. It gets worse for Obama and Kerry, now their new buddy the Ayatollah accuses them of lying. They must be saying darn those rascally radical Iranian Jihadists, couldn’t they have stayed quiet until the 2016 elections were over:

    “Ayatollah Khamenei Accuses WH of ‘Lying,’ Being ‘Deceptive,’ and Having ‘Devilish’ Intentions”

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