Home Breaking News IS IT TRUE APRIL 8, 2016



IS IT TRUE the candidates running in the May 3, 2016 Republican primary who were not endorsed by Republican political party boss Wayne Parke chances of being elected may have been enhanced ?  …we would also like to point out some Mr. Parkes political endorsements may also reflect Mayor Winnecke’s views?

IS IT TRUE the rumor that former City Councilman John Friend CPA business was a candidate for bankruptcy is laughable?  …the real truth since Mr. Friend got off City Council his accounting practice has improved by leaps and bounds?

IS IT TRUE  a member of our staff attended Cheryl Musgrave’s 58th birthday political fundraiser event last night?  …we were impressed by how many political movers and shakers attended this will organized event?

IS IT TRUE we wonder why members of the Vanderburgh County Commission don’t realize that they are facing a major political storm about the decision they made concerning the employees retirement investment funds? …it would be wise that they revisit their decision concerning moving county employees investment funds and allow public discussion and also seek input from county employees?

IS IT TRUE we hear that a sports writer wants to interview Icemen owner Ron Geary concerning the ordeal he was put through by the City and Venuworks during the negotiations  of the renewal of his Hockey team 5 year contract?  …we wonder why in the world would Mr. Geary allow himself to be put through with any additional negative spin crafted by a local media outlet?

IS IT TRUE  Governor Pence  signing bills has turned into a media event?  …Its time the Governor stops playing public relations politics and start being a full time Executive addressing real issues facing our State?

IS IT TRUE we predict that the race for Democratic District 77 State Representative seat will be a political barnburner?  …don’t be surprised that political endorsements will mean very little in this hotly contested race?  …we predict that absentee ballots may not have any serious impact of the final results in who wins this race?  …the key who wins this election shall be determined by the voters of the Center City?

FOOTNOTE: Our next “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Monday?

Please take time and read our newest feature article entitled “HOT JOBS” posted in this section are from Evansville proper.

If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com.

Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that the Vanderburgh County GOP Chairman Wayne Parke should publicly endorse candidates running in the Republican primary?



    • I truly wanted to be there, but had to send my regrets due to a health crisis my oldest and dearest friend is facing. Vanderburgh County is lucky to have a candidate of Cheryl’s caliber, especially when you look at the dismal candidates she is facing.

  1. My dog read this Is It True this morning and she thought:
    “I think that Wayne…bacon….needs to stop…bacon…sing Cheryl Happy….bacon….and Pence
    should…bacon…and Laura Bl was… bacon. Bacon.”

  2. ……..allow public discussion and also seek input from county employees…..Why should the public be involved? This is solely county employees contributions to their retirement, nothing to do with the public. Question – why isn’t there a board of county employees administering the fund?….County Commissioners should butt out.

  3. Cheryl Musgrave is the person NEEDED for this position. Beyond a doubt. She is intelligent, qualified, and fair. None of the others even come close.

  4. CCO is correct. Pence needs to stop show-boating. He also needs to grow up and leave women’s medicine to doctors. I see no MD degree on his wall nor on the walls of the state senate and house members. How much is this abortion law that was recently passed going to cost the state in court fees, businesses hesitating to settle in Indiana, and just plain embarrassment for our backwoods stupidity and lack of compassion for women and families going through a very tough and personally devastating time. 1950s here we come again. I am not sure why this is so difficult for Indiana to get beyond but it must.
    There is an organization whose members are made up of lobbyists from the biggest of the big corporations, and federal senators and reps. This group gets together behind closed doors and writes up laws and sends them out to be brought up on the state level. A classic example is the right to farm and ranch amendment to state constitution’s that was defeated in IN thankfully but was last I heard still being pushed in other states. People, a lot of this stuff that is put before our legislature does not originate in our state or is even an issue in our state before it is sold to our senate or house. It is from the largest of corporations – the big multinational guys who are basically in charge of our government. Let’s work to take back our country and our state from all of the behind the scenes inside control on every level of government before it is too late to be retrieved.

    • Abortion is “medicine” with the sole purpose of killing unborn humans. Perhaps that is stylish and modern for the big city elites, but I am glad to be a country bumpkin with enough common sense to value life like it was valued in the 1950s.

      • IE,
        This particular legislation is not allowing the woman to chose to abort a fetus that in extremely high likelihood will be unable to survive in or in its very very early life. The child in question, if it does survive, will end up needing constant care, institutionalization, and more. Interestingly the state congress refused to pass a bill to help fund the care of these very ill children for however long they might live and they refused because it might cost the state too much money. So all the care would apparently fall to the parents or the single parent and whatever insurance or medicaid help they could get. Single parents would definitely not have the where-with-all to be at home with the child, if the child could be cared in the home, because they would need to go to work. Lastly some women and families are not mentally equipped to care for a seriously ill child and know that about themselves. It has torn many homes apart.
        This hits very close to home. My mother was pregnant with a child that had spina bifida which is now known to be caused by a deficiency in diet but at that time the cause was not known and means to test the child in utero did not exist. This child died during birth because the deformed spinal area was cervical. My mother was devastated about that the rest of her life. She was also nursing her dying father during her pregnancy. I honestly believe that if she had known that the baby had no chance of survival or a even minimal existence she would have chosen abortion so that she, dad, and her baby she was carrying did not suffer. As I grew into adulthood during the 1960s I knew that if I chose to have children (which I did not) and that if I became pregnant with a child with severe birth defects, I would without a doubt have an abortion. Just because you do not think this is good, please remember that you are not a woman. Also you to not speak for the majority of women, or men for that matter. Do not pretend to know the heartache in involved with making the choice either to abort or not to abort because you cannot unless you have been there. Never judge people in this manner. There are too many factors in play that you do not know.

        • While I am sympathetic to those concerns, it simply does not justify the preemptive killing of a child. There are many stories where abortion was suggested and the child turned out to be a blessing. My daughter recently had a child. Her sister-in-law was also expecting, but knew the child had markers for downs syndrome. They were going to give the child up for adoption, but when she held my daughters child, she knew she could love her child as he is. It somehow always works out.

          Thank you for sharing about your mother. I will leave comments alone out of respect for her and you. I am sure it was a difficult time, and there will be other chances to bust your chops. haha.

          Seriously, we need to respect voices like your’s which are concerned about the consequences. Have a great weekend.

        • You hit the nail squarely on the head. When I worked in welfare I saw a lot of lovely families who had fallen apart under the burden of a child with a terrible birth defect. Around the clock care for one child robs the others of the parental supervision, the physical and emotional exhaustion of parents often breaks a marriage, and no matter how educated and hardworking the parents were, they had no chance of ever getting out of debt. On top of all that, they often have to watch their child suffer horribly.
          You’re also right that IE has never had to decide whether or not to have an abortion. I don’t believe I could have ever done it, except in the case of an extremely severely disabled fetus.
          I would like to see laws that reduce the number of abortions, but not by banning them. I want good people to be able to adopt without an huge outlay of cash and I want to see a strong social support system in place for single mothers. Most social conservatives just want to shame unwed mothers and kick their babies around so that their lives are ruined by the time they are teenagers, though.

          • Republicans sure do care about that fetus. That is until it is born. After that not so much.

          • Thanks Laura. I appreciate what you have to say. I know you have been in the trenches with people who do not have perfect health or perfects lives and who are struggling every day. There are too many of these people out there and lots of folks just want to hide their eyes to such societal conditions and pretend they do not exist. That is very wrong-headed and does not address solutions; it only perpetuates the problems.

          • How do you call people who do not believe killing an unborn person because the person might be a burden society “wrong headed” and “hiding their eyes?”

            How do you make such a brash judgment that those who care about unborn life do not care about those living? Have people like me not been in the trenches? Are we less caring than LKB because we believe loving others as they are born is a better solution than killing them before they are born?

            Could it not be you hiding your eyes? LKB says we need to reduce abortions. If abortion is safe, legal, moral, and a viable solution, then why work to reduce it? Why not increase it? And yet as logical as that statement is, it most likely will have no affect on your views. Your eyes glaze over, your ears close, and your heart to it. You convince yourself that people like you are caring ad people like me just hate ad wat to control others.

            I will never understand how killing the ubr is a sluti t anything, ad you will ever be able to explain it because there is no ethical or logical defense to abortion.

    • BTW, I predict that the court will strike down this law. Not because it is actually unconstitutional, but because RvW was the first case of creative jurisprudence which departed from sound Constitutional context. One can hardly vail, nor should we, that the intent is to reduce abortions.

  5. Pence is an embarrassment who will likely beat John Gregg, unless the voters can forgive Gregg for the cornball commercials he did the last time he ran. Gregg isn’t the buffoon he made himself out to be, but it’s going to be a hard sell.

    • All Gregg has is cornball or a platform that does not play well with Hoosiers. But then we can always hope that Pence is anchored well to Winnecke. Pence leaves a flavor of the GOP that I have not found very palatable of lately.

  6. So why is it not a conflict when city council members employed by property management companies take the lead in changing the Good Neighbor Ordinance that regulates landlords and property managers and ultimately they vote on the ordinance? Seems like other companies would have a problem with that, as well as all those who sniff out conflict of interest. I’m just sayin’.

    • You have a good point. It does seem that those who are employed in real estate should abstain from voting on such an ordinance.

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