IS IT TRUEÂ the most bizarre NCAA basketball tournament that we can remember has finally come to a conclusion with the Connecticut Huskies defeating the Kentucky Wildcats in a game that symbolized the value of experience?…the Wildcats were the first team since the Michigan Fab Five of over 20 years ago to start 5 freshmen in the final?…Kentucky had seven high school All-Americans while UConn had exactly ZERO players who had been branded with the “hyper talented and future NBA star” label?…both teams made unexpected runs through the tournament with UK relying on raw talent and last second 3 point shots to defeat four teams that were expected to compete for the title?…UConn used knowledge, teamwork, and tenacity to leverage team playing and hard work to reach the title game after having been humiliated by Louisville 81 – 48 just three weeks ago?…it is interesting to note that the largest athletic budgets in the Final Four were Wisconsin and Florida in that order with Wisconsin the highest by 30% over the second biggest spending Gators?…the semifinals dispensed of both of the big spenders?…the smallest budget by roughly 30% goes to the national champion UConn Huskies who spend only half of what the Big Ten Badgers spend on sports?…this was truly a March Madness where committee seedings were meaningless, money was not the ticket to victory, and humble hard work trumped talent?…it was fun to watch but the final came down to the fundamentals of shooting (especially free throws), defense, and patience?…the CCO would like to offer congratulations to both Kentucky and UConn for their most unlikely trips to the finals?
IS IT TRUE the Courier and Press dodged a bullet in their Hoops Hysteria contest?…CCO editor Joe Wallace entered the contest using the CCO Mole as his avatar and finished 5th locally out of 1,342 entrants and 183rd nationally out of 82,556?…the only thing separating Joe from that 1st Place 60 inch TV was incorrectly picking Florida to defeat UConn in the semi-finals?…it would have been interesting to see the folks at the CP crating up that big prize for a trip to California for installation in the home of the CCO editor?…5th pays the same as 1,342nd which is exactly nothing but it was fun to compete to be the best picker?
IS IT TRUE yesterday’s column which addressed the ugly situation of the editor of the Courier and Press calling out a private businessman for not submitting to the will of local government and taking a substantial revenue hit laying down, provoked much disappointment and disbelief among our readership?…the Hunden study that was paid for by the City of Evansville to understand the market for a downtown convention hotel explicitly states that a large number of the room nights in a new hotel will come at the expense of existing hotels?…when you use the numbers of the Hunden Study it is easy to conclude that Dunn Hospitality is facing a revenue shortfall of at least a MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR to some future downtown hotel?…the new hotel is being subsidized by $34 Million in public dollars all of which is being contributed or arranged for by local government?…a million bucks in revenue to Dunn Hospitality’s Evansville based properties could mean the difference in being profitable and not being profitable?…as evidenced by the decline and bankruptcy of the old Executive Inn and the McCurdy the people of Evansville have all witnessed what happens when a business model gets disrupted in a way that makes it unprofitable?…we have to ask the Communist driven collectivist thinkers the question “would you take it laying down if your beloved local government subsidized the wages of someone you work with that resulted in a big pay cut for you”?…if you answer yes then  you are a Communist, but if you answer no you must be a schmuck or a fool?
IS IT TRUE the answer to this “made in Branson” dilemma is simple and they all know it?…the easiest answer is for the downtown hotel to be branded as something other than a Hilton so the Hilton Awards customer base stays with existing Hilton franchisees?…we are sure that Sheraton, Marriott, or Hyatt would be happy to sell a franchise to HCW assuming they actually meet all of the criteria for approval?…since there is an 80 day delay in place while Hilton does a market study and the Mayor is unjustifiably and blatantly politically blaming John Dunn for the delay, why doesn’t he put on his thinking cap and suggest another brand?…if HCW goes with another brand and makes an application for the franchise right now most of the self created delay can be recovered?…we are sure that Sheraton, Marriott, and Hyatt do not want to see there brands fail so they will VET this deal just like Hilton is doing now?…alas those VETTING notes will remain private as they should in a free enterprise system,that the Gulag on MLK known as the Civic Center seems bound and determined to destroy in Evansville’s hospitality market?
Anyone else see the article on 14wfie web site about Dunn benefiting from the new ball fields?
Yes I did ,Boob Warren sounded pissed cause they weren’t getting any of the action…
our city government shouldn’t be involved in real estate business ,for they can’t even balance the books
the Feds need to come to vand/eville and do a complete forensic audit (do not call or any advance warning ,just show up and take over the books)if any wrong doings are found then appropriate action should be taken and the guilty people dealt with
The feds can’t make a website to sell 4 products work for a billion dollars in 3 years. Do you think such a collective of fools can conduct an audit? The federal government under the Bush/Obama cartel has become completely impotent. Hell man, the Evansville Controller’s office is more in touch with reality than the feds nowadays.
My point is we need someone who has nothing to gain,an ousider
Of course he will as most of the hotels and restaurants on the east side will. May I ask, what other ball fields will be facing competition for revenue from these new ball fields? The answer is of course none. That is the difference in ball fields that may benefit all businesses while hurting none, and the hotel subsidy which is mostly just to benefit HCW but hurts all local innkeepers. 14WFIE is desperate to find something to make Dunn look bad. The ball field thing has no traction except to imbeciles trying to justify public subsidies for a private business. You do realize that Audra Levy who was the public mouthpiece for Weinzapfel is now working for 14WFIE don’t you? How convenient to have an embedded propaganda expert for the Weiney-Winnie mafia in local TV. Only in little Moscow.
I was only pointing it out.
Audra also worked at WFIE before she worked for Weinzapfel.
If they had opted to put the fields at Kleymeyer Park, downtown hotels would get some of the benefit, but they didn’t do that, now did they?
Downtown hotels in place are all associated with the casino. Not exactly the kind of place for little league players to hang out between games now is it. The same will go for the new downtown hotel with it walking access to Hammerheads, the Main Gate, and the projects. Only an unfit parent would put a bunch of kids in downtown Evansville.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say “unfit.” I would think it would require careful vigilance on the parent’s part.
My point was that as long as the CVB is living in a fantasy world, they could have served the downtown hotel fantasy by using land that the City already owns, and at the same time helped to revitalize the Jacobsville and First Ave and Diamond areas business areas.
They chose to put the ball field on a flood plain that somebody sold at a good profit. They’re just angry that they couldn’t have it both ways.
For years many soccer tournament attendees stayed at the Executive Inn. They would often have a dance/get together for the kids on Saturday.
You can have kids downtown without introducing them to gambling.
All that being said, the East side is the right place for ball fields. Food, hotels, shopping, entertainment… all those are helpful for parents with kids for a weekend and it’s in abundance on the East side.
Kleymeyer is centrally located. There’s plenty of suburbia style restaurants down First & Diamond. Not to mention it is two streets (First and Lloyd from the glorious east side just like the Roberts lot was).
You forgot Turoni’s, Dileggi’s, Hickory Pit, Milano’s/Angelino’s, and Major Munch just to name a few.
There’s no excuse for why Kleymeyer wasn’t chosen. Nor is there any excuse for why both papers turned the other way during the process.
It’s almost as if these people think this is funny or some kind of game. It’s not. The ECVB/city just plucked up an entire district for decades all because they’d rather be someone’s buddy than actually put together a comprehensive plan.
Now they are hinting at Kleymeyer closing once these boondoggle fields open up. Closing inner city fields just because you’re scared of your glorious travelling team fields having attention taken away from them? If that’s not wrong what is? Why would a watchdog organization not fight back against something like that? Why would the city sycophants not fight that? Just doesn’t make sense.
Agree the one really bad thing about Kleymeyer is that it is hard to get in and out of there as there is no stop light or left turn lane there.
Boondoggle is right.
Newburgh already has some nice fields and they get about 6-8 tournements a year that’s it. Boonville has a couple of tournaments too.
The idea that Evansville will get 40-50 tournaments a year is just laughable.
PLUS when there are tournaments the parents all stay in eastside E-ville Hotels and eat on the east side.
What do you bet they end up cannabilizing some of the Newburgh/Boonville tournaments and then bragging about the “increase” to tourism. Blah, blah, blah.
♪ Same as it ever was ♫
Jimtown. Kleymeyer sits in the heart of Evansville commercial and residential blight. Pretty easy to see.
Eh, parking wouldn’t have been a problem at all. With the ped bridge (which was in the parks master plan), most of the traffic would have/could have parked in Garvin or Bosse and not have been on that side in the first place.
For those that did, a light would have been put in just like the three light setups around Red Bank/Lloyd and Burkhardt/Lloyd among many others. My opinion is/was that the football field should be picked up and the EYFL moved to Old North’s field anyways since that’s the only area in a flood plain. Doesn’t make sense not to play at Old North.
The parks dept still needs to reach out to Mattingly and MLB’s grants programs and get funding for these fields so that inner city and neighborhood youth can use them. This idea that every field in the area has to be picked up bc of the almighty evcb project is garbage. We still have soccer fields you know.
I’ve noticed Monastrelle hasn’t appeared on the CCO in a while. I sure hope the CCO keeps it that way. Pete Swaim came to the Roberts Stadium Task Force subcommittee I was on and did everything he could to help put together a reuse plan (which we did, the city just decided to cheat). Monastrelle has put his claim to success behind a ball fields project that couldn’t have been handled any worse than it was. I don’t support that.
@ Makes Sense
Goebel sits in the middle of Noah’s Ark. Pretty easy to see…
Kleymeyer sits next to the third oldest active ball park with plenty of amenities in all directions of it.
Closing Kleymeyer would be just awful. It should be there for the Jacobsville/Jimtown neighborhoods. It’s disgraceful that such a thing would be considered.
RR: Rails if you actually look at the conditionals today,like this afternoon you can clearly see the difference. The hypocrisy demonstrated by the usual media is also,clear.
The Tristatehomepage sports an article about the Gateway sites for the Med school being in a flood plain,while the 14news site shows the expanding sinkhole cave in at Sycamore and MLK (also a flood plain,technically[ie 1937]) and the crews are working on the old zombie sewer infrastructure downtown right in front of the proposed hotel site today as well. Heck,the sink hole its growing from either the failed water mains or the CSO backwash from the old downtown zombie property sewer system. They have marked the street for two blocks for patch repairs.
Pigeon creek at the proposed ball park site is backing along North green river as the river raises,however,key issue is at Kleymeyer where the creek passes under Diamond and upstream the water is still running to the river.So one “clearly”can see the most applicable site for the Med center due infrastructure cost per the storm sewers CSO projecting,its the Gateway and USI sites, Basically downtown is lower on the system and the levee and its pumps sustain that, What if it rains two inches tonight?
(Planet,trumps pumps.) clearly the answer to your questions about the Ball park projects,as well.
The blame if there is any should go to those who have avoided the infrastructure upgrades throughout the years that the EPA mandates have called them out. As seen from afar, and probably,the EPA,the addition of any more incremental load would be best cost per Tax payer where its going to actually not affect the already out of control issue. The Promenade/Warrick Gateway.or The USI sites. Face it thats where the new “Southwestern Indiana gateway is”,with the I-69 interstate passageway as set forward.
The slop bucket recovery of investments on now “approaching Zombie Properties” downtown is a stain on your metros other businesss infrastructures. I mean look at the McCurdy,and some others,why should the projected cost be bonded or attached in anyway, to the local tax base to actually set forward, for somebodies lack of savvy and foresight due their investment skills as supported by every failed downtown revitalization attempt to date.
You all took the turn towards unrecoverable loss with the foolish arena location next to the first mistake,the Gulag looking building.
Not that an sports complex was all bad downtown,you just put it in,and over the wrong location. That should have been overlooking the river on an new utilities infrastructure. Clearly.
And the city hasn’t learned a thing from that mistake..yet.
Ædificate climate*
build for climate change
No, I did not see it but THANK YOU GOD someone finally called that out. I get so sick and tired of hearing the woes of how unfair the hotel is while the ball fields blunder couldn’t have been any more unfair and tilted towards the east side yet NOT A WORD about that? How is THAT not hypocritical?
What we’re seeing from both sides is basically bully vs bully. East vs Downtown. And if you want to inject political theories into the equation, one side is showing why capitalism ALWAYS fails while the other is showing why communism & socialism ALWAYS fails. I say shame on both sides here.
Now what I don’t understand is why all these city sycophants are going after John Dunn without including David Dunn. I didn’t see John at the ECVB going to Biaggis. I didn’t see John throwing a fit and calling it a witch hunt.
If the city wants to be mad at anyone, be mad at him. I don’t like that John keeps building hotel after hotel in the land of sprawl but at least he’s being respectable and doing what he thinks is the right thing for better or worse.
He’s also helping the Freedom Heritage Museum which has a great working relationship with the LST. That’s not really the person I’d “Let him know I’m mad.”
If John Dunn decides to file a lawsuit against the C & P, and wants to establish a pattern of character and personal attacks by the C&P against foes of the City Administration, I would be happy to serve as a witness.
I served the City Council for one year doing bank reconciliation compliance work. The City Administration must not have wanted anyone taking a peek. They first submitted an ‘anonymous tip’ to the Indiana Public Licensing Agency, claiming I misrepresented myself as a CPA; while at the same time contacting the C&P (Eric Bradner–Indianapolis office) to advise them of the IPLA action. That “investigation” lasted about 12 seconds, as the IPLA found no grounds whatsoever for the ‘tip’. When the IPLA closed the case, rather than saying “Garrett falsely accused . . . ” or the like, the C&P dutifully reported “State won’t penalize Garrett”–as if there was discretion on the State’s part !
Later, the City Administration rolled out its favorite son, Jonathan Weaver, to claim that I “wasn’t doing my job” but getting paid. When Weaver got the work order to go on TV to trumpet my lack of work, his handlers at City Hall forgot to tell him that it took the City Controller’s office over 120 days to provide the bank recs information . . . and I had only received the documents 21 days prior to Weaver getting in front of the camera to make his claims. I confronted Weaver on this ruse at a City Council meeting in June 2013, and he would not even look up at me or the TV cameras but instead stammered something like ” I didn’t ask to go on TV !”. Yeah, we know–you were just following orders.
My attorney did file a lawsuit against the IPLA, but stopped short of including the C&P. It’s my hope Mr. Dunn goes all the way.
CCO: please reprint a 1970’s era article you previously published by a guy–something like J.C. Kerlin, which talked about a “newspaper which was compromised”.
The mention of J.C. Kerlin is a “blast from the past.” He knew what he was talking about, but what is going on now makes what he was speaking of pale by comparison. At least then, there was some pretense about unbiased reporting. That is no longer the case.
GARRETT, good to read your comment. …
I’d like to read the lawsuit you filed. Which court was it in and what are the parties named on the lawsuit?
What a crock of shit. I have to pay to use the Indiana court search functions?
And I have to sign up to get 6 searches per month free? What kind of two bit operation is Indiana running? I know for a fact that other States and Cites do not limit your searches and you DON”T have to create an account.
Thank you Mr Garrett not only for your time trying to sort out the city books (by providing oversight) and also by posting here on the CCO, confirming what many of us have thought and believed for a very long time.
I thought when Mr Friend recommended you that maybe he was just trowing you into the fires of hell, we are all happy you survived the trial by fire and have the courage to tell your story, I for one and I’m sure many more of us would like to hear more of your ordeal, maybe you can contact the CCO (or they can contact you…hint hint) and have them publish it?
Thanks again…
You mean this:
PLEASE READ THIS DOCUMENT, which dveatch has linked to above. It is a fascinating 5 minute read, from someone who used to be on the radio in Evansville, J.C. Kerlin. The document is dated May 16, 1973, at the height of the Watergate scandal.
Mr. Kerlin makes the point that even local governments have their Watergates. A few excerpts:
“For a third term, Benjamin Bosse was fighting for his political life. His police department had become involved in illegal liquor business and scores of his henchmen were called befoe the federal grand jury. Hounding his heels was the Evansville Courier. (Bosse) threw the Courier off his track simply by BUYING THE NEWSPAPER” (I trust he meant the entire company, not that day’s edition).
On page 5, “Benjamin Bosse connived his way out of difficulties by political maneuvering and the stifling of criticism by pulling strings. A newspaper was compromised, and a community intimidated by a parasitical element that destroyed a political party . . .”.
On page 5, a prescient statement:
” In all the watergates, both big and small, it seems to me there is one ingredient-that the offenders are brought to account, not by the established authority, the official procedures, but by other politicians. In other words, a black kettle is called so by a black pot”.
This is what happens when a City lacks a newspaper which reports the truth.
You nailed it! Thanks to dveatch for the link, too.
It makes me sick to think the rag that survives on obituarties, and “Readers Choice Awards” calls itself a newspaper.
The whole “Readers Choice” thing amounts to little less than fraud.
Kudos to the City-County Observer for it’s Courageous Journalism that is the foundation it has been built on since day one of it’s inception.
Kudos to you dveatch for this link via the City-County Observer.
The stock of unsavory politicians runs deep and reinforces the lack of trust in Politicians at every turn, from the locals, to Congress, and the White house.–One wonders if it can ever be over come, even in this modern era.
Considering the Thug-types that seek to control Evansville today, the prospects sadly look dim.
“All Politics is Local” is the old truism, –and in Evansville they reek more than Bee Slough.
Yup, that sounds like the Jonathan Weaver I know.
David, as far as I can tell this is the letter the IPLA sent you regarding their decision about the false claims by the C&P, please correct me if wrong;
The meat and taters of it all;
“Sometime after February 9, 2013, your attorney submitted your resume to the
IPLA that you had previously provided to the Council prior to the Council’s decision to retain your services. You provide the IPLA quickly realized that it had made a mistake and closed the case because there were no findings to support the complaint that had been filed.
The investigation into the complaint has been closed, no violations were found, and the Board has no intent of pursuing any disciplinary action against you.”
Evansville politics reeks.
You might want to take a look at this and drill down into data a little farther:
It looks like the last executed trade for the Branson Landing bonds was in early February for the original issue bonds priced for a 5.25% yield has fallen enough to yield 11.66% in after market trades. Geez, if you bought $100,000 of these things you would only be able to liquidate for $50,000 if you could sell them at all. That is not an encouraging sign.
My guess is that the cash stream to service the debt has been negatively impacted. So if the cost of debt on the Branson deal is 11.66% how will the debt on an Evansville project cash flow even with a $34 Million subsidy. The interest cost on the $37 million debt that HCW needs to float will be about $4 Million per year. Houston, we think we have found the problem.
BINGO!!!! I wonder how many E-town “movers and shakers” know this? I expect most do, but they’re doing whatever is necessary to keep it out of the Courier.
EKB,brighten your day with this hoot. Houston’s heard it,as well. 🙂
Theory might need some more contact via Com/126.22hz kinda like the underworlds of your local balance of media sources.
@ V/R:
Maybe we’re going to see some apocalyptic stuff happen by Friday, between the announcement of the location of the Med School and the SBOA audit information coming out.
Actualy the last trade was in 2012 and bonds sold for around 95% of par on average technical default might have been resolved by now.
It seems apparent that a person of average intelligence, with a cheap home computer, can vet these proposed municipal projects better than all the hired guns in Evansville.
Says a lot about this current and recent administrations.
It says even more about what those administrations think of the electorate that chose them. The Civic Center thugs surely know all of this. If they don’t, they would probably be able to retire on disability.
It says even more when a person needs to do thesis level research just to find out what is really going on, most don’t have that gumption. Hopefully the CCO can shed more light on these vampires of tax dollars.
In the 1870s, yes, right here in Evansville, it was the railroad companies that were looting local government treasuries, and the taxpayers, by selling stock and then taking the company into bankruptcy, to be bought up at bargain basement prices by the monied elite back east.
Nowadays, the products being sold may be different, but the class of people behind the deals has not changed one damned bit!
I’m with Mr. Garrett on this one. His day of telling is when the 2012 City Audit is finally released. I bet once the facts are made public the people of this fine community shall finally give him credit for a job well done.
What does athletic budgets have to do with making the Final Four and winning it all? Does UConn have the same number of teams competing at the same level as Florida, Kentucky, and Wisconsin? Are they consistently in the upper tier of athletics and are the enrollments equal? I didn’t care for any of the Final Four, but I won’t be throwing red herrings out to denigrate any of them.
I was thrilled to see Kentucky go down to defeat in the Final Four.
The whole State of Kentucky nothing but criminals.
I want Kentucky to lose every game they play.
I will be the first to say I do not agree with the “one and done”. But, it’s one thing to be happy about Kentucky getting beat in the Championship game. Another to say the whole State of Kentucky is nothing but criminals. You never cease to show your lack of intelligence.
Maybe a little jealousy that IU did not make the tournament, and with Crean as coach, you see no light at the end of the tunnel? Sour grapes.
…I stand by my comment. The whole State of Kentucky is nothing but criminals. The Kentucky basketball team is a bunch of criminals. Kyle Macy is a criminal too.
Oh yes, I’ll take IU Basketball any day compared to the criminals in Kentucky.
Gotta say it like it is.
Kyle Macy is a criminal? You mean Richie Farmer d.a.
The Commonwealth has sent a team to the championship game each of the past three seasons- winning 2 of those 3. And hopefully, Lexington or Louisville will host again next year.
That has sparked a rage of jealousy like no other from Loosier fans who will never so much as sniff the championship game for quite some time. Stan Levco has even come out of the doldrums to remind us all why we did the right thing in voting for Nick Hermann.
College basketball in Indiana is dead. And that’s a good thing. Basketball above high school in this state is inferior. Hell, div II looks great to the state now.
And of the three regional teams, which one is the last to be on probation? Remember this guy?…
Well, I’ll agree with one thing. When playing Kentucky, I’m for Louisville. I’m even for Purdue when they play Kentucky, same for UNLV, Kentucky State Penitentiary Intramural Team, Francisco High School, even the American Taliban All-Star Team. Because while they are all criminal teams, they don’t hold a candle to the criminals who play at Kentucky.
You must have forgot Bob knights prison term in Puerto Rico. Didn’t he say he’d rather spend three days there than one day in poseyville?
Indiana, Purdue, Notre Dame, and UE are all over rated, arrogant, elitist junk that are a fraction as good as they think they are. Indiana State and Valparaiso are irrelevant. I only pull for Butler because I’m fascinated with their field house.
Kentucky has three to four quality teams year in and year out. Hopefully one gets back to the championship game.
I know. It just pisses me off.
But you know, if you cheer for UK, that means you’re a criminal.
“I only pull for Butler because I’m fascinated with their field house.”
Mitch McConnell is a big Duke fan but likes Butler’s field house also.
But he’s not much on the s__t house he found himself in……….
I’m impressed R & R.
Obvious troll remark.
Weinz is a criminal.
Wait! I’m not from Kentucky….
The CP editor is on a roll.
I think Scripps Howard wrote the CP off a while ago. Probably before they called Mizell in on us. Installing Ethridge was to be the coup de grâce but instead we see an institution many of us grew up with, to borrow a Watergate phrase, ‘twisting slowly, slowly in the wind’. Bobby Ellis saw the writing on the wall. They have become an embarrassment. They need a wiser person writing their editorials. Take away that man’s Gatorade, keyboard, football bat and Red Bull if applicable.
In an effort to stop him before he editorializes again several of the remaining staffers down there are planning to slow roll a big softball out of the joint towards Walnut St. They are hoping the editor answers the call, as a true sportsman/editor would, and instinctively follows as it rolls.
I kind of thought the place would fold when Bobby retired. It probably cut their circulation by 20% or so.
I just checked in on the big Facebook “Mad at John Dunn” page. It has burgeoned to 38 “likes.” Hell, if I only had 38 people mad at me at any one time, I’d feel like I was letting the community down.
It seems as though the people who support the shout down of John Dunn are as small in numbers as they are in freedom from oppression. I am relieved. I was beginning to fear that the People’s Republic of Evanspatch actually had some support. This is refreshing. Every town has a handful of closet communists and we are no exception.
I like your powers of recognition.
It would sure be a blowout if someone was to create a facebook page in support of
John Dunn , if I knew how I would do it in a heartbeat.
Start your own Facebook page. Takes about 10 minutes.
Send Friend invites to everyone you know and also has their own FB page. It make take a few days to get your invites back
In the meantime
Click on “Create Group”
Name your group.
Invite your friends to join the group.
If you start the group you will be the administrator and you will get to decide if the group is open, closed or secret and who gets to join and who stays.
Bob Warren says the new softball/baseball fields will bring in $13-$16M/ year.
So how many tournaments would the need to achieve that number?
20 teams per tournament X 10 players/tournament = 200 families
(Teams from Carmi, Mount Carmel, Henderson, Gibson County, Warrick Posey County etc are not going to stay overnight)
Family of four spends $15/meal three meals per day
for weekend or two days
4 people X $15/meal X 3 meals X 2 Days = $360 per tournament
Family of four 2 night hotel stay = $150/night or $300
Hotel plus meals equals $660 per family per tournament.
200 families times $660 per tournament spending =
$132,000 per tournament in total spending
$13,000,000 divided by $132,000 is about 98.5
They will have to have about 100 tournaments a year just to hit the low number!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If any of my assumptions are faulty or my math is wrong I apologize but this looks insane.
Didn’t bother to check your math but is sounds like an, erm, um ballpark figure. Even if your off by two, three or four times still doesn’t add up. The boy must be channeling his inner tourism muse to get millions.
Why no article on another EPD black eye? You’d think an officer almost killing a man with his camera off would make the local news!
I’d been wondering about that. I was a little concerned about what went on there. It sounded a little iffy to me.
CCO is in love with Bolin though. The guy that was shot doesn’t sound like an exemplary citizen (he might have been if we could end Nixon and Reagan’s failed drug war) but it’s weird how Cullum went out of his way to overcompensate and explain why the camera was off.
Any guy that drove 100 mph on evansvilles crumby streets and made it,ought to be shot,or given a trophy, sounds like a damned, accidental jedi.
AAAAAAaaaaaHHHHHHhhhhh God Love Texas!!!!
and the 1%…………
It is pretty amazing that he made it far enough to get shot, instead of having a wreck. He couldn’t have managed that if he hadn’t been “under the influence.”
In all seriousness, this sounds like a reasonable call on the part of the officer involved. Mr. Fingers likely thought he had the gun on him, from the description of his behavior. I guess he bailed out of the car too fast to get it.
Just Fingers off on another hoopla. If EPD wanted him dead, he’d have been gone years ago.
Regulator says:
April 8, 2014 at 7:45 pm
“I only pull for Butler because I’m fascinated with their field house.â€
Mitch McConnell is a big Duke fan but likes Butler’s field house also.
But he’s not much on the s__t house he found himself in……….
LOL you have a ver unique since off humor.
Latest poll shows Alison in a dead heat with McTurtle.
It’s not shaping up to be a good D election year,
We will see.
Oops “very” and “sense”. That’s what I get for typing so fast.
“LOL you have a ver unique since off humor.”
No apologie needed.
Your French is perfect!
Gotta go see a man about a dog that sniffs out rattlesnakes.
as Brains would say
38.75/hr no limit 1-888-nos-nake call now!
1-888-607-6253…. 😛 disclaimer 😉
But wait!
Rebate available on invasive species..http://m5.paperblog.com/i/19/194573/dogs-sniff-out-snakes-rather-than-bombs-T-ZUs0Iv.jpeg
I sure hope there’s going to be and is it true in tomorrow’s edition about the white police officer who shot an intoxicated black man who was unarmed and laying on the ground. Why didn’t the civilian get “tazed” instead of shot with a gun? And the police officer was issued a camera but conveniently was not on during the shooting. And our police department exonerates the activity. Amazing.
If I was black in this town I’d be terrified of EPD. Bolin and his thug squad must be reigned in. No, you won’t see the cco report on it.
Also this will be another huge settlement the taxpayers are now on the hook for.
CCO now censoring me for calling them out as hacks. Same as the CP unfortunately.
Shut up cry baby. Go post on the CP. I read your insulting post and agree that it should be taken down.
Gee, one would think that “Ghost” had a beef with the EVPD or something.
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