IS IT TRUE? April 8, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? April 8, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the first thing to change everyone in Indiana’s day today as a result of the looming government shutdown has already happened?…that President Obama has cancelled his trip to Indianapolis to stay in Washington DC and do his job?…that perhaps the Urbana Democratic Indiana state legislators should take the President’s example in staying in his work location when important matters need his attention?…that today is the day that these former prodigal elected officials are supposed to start arranging to pay their fines for their flight to Illinois?…that President Obama is doing the right thing by staying in Washington to continue working with Congressman Boehner even if he does not particularly like the task at hand?

IS IT TRUE that a candidate for Democratic nomination for the Mayor of Evansville had a “GALA” political fundraiser at Western Ribeye Restaurant yesterday? …..that this event attracted an interesting group of political “mover and shakers”? ….that one of the “CCO “MOLES” was taken back by Mayoral Candidate Rick Davis improvement in his poise, command of the “KINGS ENGLISH”, delivery of his political speech and most of all was the passion he display in talking about where he wants to take EVANSVILLE if elected the next Mayor of Evansville? ….that our “MOLES” reported that this event surpassed its fund raising goal?

IS IT TRUE that CCO “MOLE # 3” reports the 2nd Ward “MEGA PREACHER” has made his decision on which candidate he shall publically recommend to be elected as the Democratic primary candidate for the 2nd WARD City Council seat? ….that CCO “MOLE # 3” predicts whomever the “MEGA PREACHER” supports shall win this hotly contested 2nd Ward City Council battle?

IS IT TRUE CCO “MOLE #3” predicts that the 3rd spot for the AT LARGE City Council seat in the Democratic primary is to close? …..that CCO “MOLE # 3” hears that Dr. Dan Adams looks like a slam dunk to win one of the three primary seats in this primary? ….CCO “MOLE #3” is also hearing the name of one Sonya Kates Nixon as a serious contender to take one of the two remaining seats in this low key Democratic primary? …..that “At Large” Democratic candidate Steve Smith is making head way to be elected as part of this ticket? ….that CCO “MOLE #3” shall make an early prediction whom shall be elected to the one of the two remaining “At Large” seats in the upcoming Democratic primary on this coming Monday?

IS IT TRUE that local leadership is going to be required if there is to ever be worker protection laws in Indiana with respect to smoking?…that our Indiana state legislature bungled it up so much with exemptions that even the cancer prevention societies basically said DON’T BOTHER?…that the only restaurant that is within easy walking distance of Roberts Stadium is sporting a new message on its marquee on Boeke Road?…that Kipplie’s is now SMOKEFREE?…that Kipplie’s is to be thanked and congratulated?…that at least one person that has been on a boycott of restaurants that allow smoking will be visiting Kipplie’s for a good stromboli again now that they have seen the light and banned the lighter?…that we wonder since Kipplie’s is older than Roberts Stadium if the stadium was put there because of the Kipplie’s?…that in its 54 years of hosting entertainment that Roberts Stadium has inspired exactly ZERO new entertainment venues to locate within walking distance of its parking lot?…that local government is surely expecting different results with the downtown arena?…that now that Kipplie’s is non smoking that it will be a great place to stop before an Evansville Icemen game at the new downtown arena?

IS IT TRUE that ROBBERY WEEK in Evansville rages on?…that it is easy to lose count when the news is now reporting multiple robberies in a single article?…that the Singapore model of a good whipping with a cane may just deter this street crime?…that it certainly does deter crime in Singapore?…that Singapore is clean and basically crime free?…that repeat offenses are rare after having one three stroke encounter with the civil servant whose title is “flogger”?…that a government shut down on FLOGGING DAY would be noticed immediately as the floggings are publicized so as to deter others from doing things that may lead them to the flogger?


  1. IS IT TRUE that Sonya Kates Nixon is the wife of the David Nixon who ran for mayor against Weinzapfel?

    Does anyone know what her qualifications for this position are? She started a “Boom Squad” seven or eight years ago. What has she been doing since?

  2. “IS IT TRUE that the first thing to change everyone in Indiana’s day today as a result of the looming government shutdown has already happened?…that President Obama has cancelled his trip to Indianapolis to stay in Washington DC and do his job?…”

    I think you’ll find that it isn’t true, our illustrious president is taking yet another well deserved vacation (on the taxpayers dime) this weekend.,0,6881733.story

    If only it were true, but it seems no one from the top down cares about anything anymore except personal gratification… least the longer he’s on vacation and the government is shut down they can’t do much more damage.

  3. having been to most of Rick’s fundraisers I can safely say that they have all surpassed their fundraising goals. His next family friendly fundraiser is April 14 from 5 to 7 pm at the Howell Park miniature golf course.

    • The CCO earlier reported Mr. Davis was provided with a professional recommendation for the “A new broom sweeps clean” campaign message. Does Mr. Davis plan on using this very effective campain message?

  4. If it is true that Vanderburgh County has passed a semi-comprehensive smoking ordinance, why then was I greeted by the smell of burning tobbacco and the sight of employees smoking at their desks when I recently had business to deal with at a certain county office housed in a white building on Morgan Ave? If the county wants to police the bars and restaurants, shouldn’t they clean their own glass house first?

    • Yes, they most certainly should. Even the City of Evansville where that building is has smokefree workplace laws in effect for offices. Sounds like some supervisor is not doing their job and that some civil disobedience may be going on. Inexcusable if you are correct in your assertion.

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