IS IT TRUE that according to one of the “CCO’ WATER AND SEWER MOLES” the Indiana Utility Regulatory and the State Board of Accounts is about ready to be placed on notice concerning the alleged unlawful requisition of $2.5 million dollars from the Evansville Water & Sewer Utility and deposited into the City Evansville General Fund?

IS IT TRUE that without this unapproved $2.5 million dollar requisition from the Evansville Water and Sewer department to the City of Evansville General Fund this fund would have ended the year with a negative  balance?

IS IT TRUE that the State Board of Account audited financial statement concerning the Utility released on February 13, 2015 discloses missing CASH of nearly $400,000 and the Winnecke Administration simply states that the State Board of Accounts does not know how to audit?  …we must remember that  the SBOA exit conference disclosed that the City of Evansville would be receiving a not so clean report and then magically the official audit report was released to the public as clean as a new born babe’s behind? …all we can say about this is “WOW”?

IS IT TRUE that City Councilman John Friend, CPA recently sent City Councilman Budget Chairman  Conor O’Daniel an alarming e-mail concerning unauthorized  transfer of funds from the Evansville Water and Sewer department to the City of Evansville General Fund?  …we have attached a copy of the Mr. Friend e-mail to Conor O’Daniel?

IS IT TRUE this e-mail stated “when I was analyzing the changes in fund balance of the water and sewer at the December 31, 2014 year end, I noticed that the utility fund balances had declined by nearly $2.5 million of dollars which prompted me to drill down into the numbers.  I discovered that the Winnecke Administration transferred $2,455,410.64 of money from the Evansville Water and Sewer Utility department to the City of Evansville General Fund in the month of December 2014.  Apparently, this flies in the face of the 2014 budget that was approved by the City Council and the Department of Local Government Finance.  If you recall that during the Water and Sewer Utility department exit conference, I mentioned to City Controller Russ Lloyd,  Jr my concerns that  the City hasn’t repaid the Water and Sewer Utility department the approximate $2.5 million dollars loan they owe to the Utility department.  I stressed to Russ he should repay this unauthorized loan back to the Water and Sewer Utility department soon as possible.   Conner, as the Finance Chair for City Council you need to be aware of this unauthorized transfer of City of Evansville Water and Sewer  Utility department to the City of Evansville General Fund should report it to the State Board of Accounts soon as possible”?

Please let me know if you have any questions.

John Friend CPA

5th Ward City Councilman

IS IT TRUE the CCO are putting our readers on notice that 2015 shall be known as the year for major water and sewer  and property tax increases?  …it looks like the over spending habits and bad business decisions of some of our tax and spend elected officials have finally caught up with us?



  1. Doesn’t matter. Local media won’t cover it and nobody reads this thing except for a handful of malcontents. They’ll continue their thievery as long as they had protection from our republican state govt.

  2. THANK GOD THE RFRA LAW FIASCO IS OVER, and the bad guys lost. But the far-right religious bigots have done there damage. This from the WASHINGTON POST this weekend:

    “Lately, the quiet heartland State of Indiana best known for corn and car racing has become a bulls-eye for American judgment, a magnet for boycotts, a punching bag for late-night comics. Insults have proliferated across the Internet: “Now entering Indiana,” read one viral meme. “Please turn back your clocks 200 years.” “I love Indiana. I was born in Indiana. All my friends are in Indiana,” native son David Letterman quipped on the “Late Show.” “But I think Indiana’s gone nuts.”

    As all of us know, of course, the stereotypes about all Indiana residents being a state of bigots is not true. But holy cow! Look what some mean-spirited bigots can do in a short amount of time…..

    • Yep. After enough time has gone by we’ll see some estimates on what our tealiban governor and pack of nuts in the state house cost us in $.

      • Ghost,
        Last week you told us more traditional folks, rebels to moveon, that we had lost the culture war. I posed the following questions and I’m really interested in your reply. What say you?

        Ghost, I must agree. It appears we have lost the culture war but please tell me how it is preferable for a culture for child molestation to be rampant? Why is it better for prepubescent girls to become so sexualized that they’ve come to believe if you are not sexy, you have no value? How is culture enhanced when 70% of black children are born out of wedlock and have no strong male presence in their lives? Is it a sign of a superior culture when people are not expected to take care of themselves and their families? Respect for authority and for other people is a thing of the past but how is that an improvement for the culture? How does it elevate a culture to have no respect for human life? I know black lives matter but someone should tell blacks that as the vast majority of murders among the black population are committed by other blacks. The idea of, “I want it and I’m taking it” whether it be money, someone’s identity, sex, or someone’s life, is so pervasive it’s as if any semblance or morality and civility have been cast away. Is that really for the best?

        • You lost me at implying liberals are pro child molestation. Not responding after that crap.

          • I’m not talking about liberals, I’m talking about a decaying culture with no signs of putting on the brakes.

          • Well that’s certainly taking the easy way out. You saw something you didn’t like so you refuse to discuss the rest. You are a piece of work Ghost.

          • Look, I agree these are all worthwhile problems to be addressed and are important to solve. Accountability is EQUALLY important for everyone.

            I DON’T quite understand what these things have to do with the waste of time, RFRA law, and the bigots who promoted the passage of the thing……

          • mega dittos did not imply anything………… sharpie says little tom toad has a guilty conscience………………..and rightly so……………so without a doubt anyone that has a guilty conscience there is hope……………..God bless all a new day is dawning…………………………

          • QD – this has nothing to do with the RFRA but rather the decline in our culture and It was in response to Ghost’s statement that the culture war is over.

          • MD…..noted, and thanks for clarification. I agree with all you said, the family unit is so important, the oil that makes everything else run more smoothly.

    • The bigots won. Indiana will now be known as the state that does not honor freedom of religion. Gail Reicken does not believe the citizens of Evansville have a right to the information released by the SBOA and she also voted against the citizens of Indiana to practice their religious freedom rights. Liberal democrats are the most intolerant people in the world. Stalin was right, liberals are useful idiots. The divide is growing bigger, Christians need to pushback.

  3. Does anyone know how much the City paid Johnson Controls in 2014 and so far in 2015?

    • EVANSVILLE’ s politicos apparently can do anything they want with neither conscience nor Law or— the Citizenry standing in their way.

      • unfortunately I have to agree with you Crash. If I lived in the city I’d be looking to move ASAP. This city is not what it appears IMHO.

  4. CCO Editor: I am not seeing the e-mail from Friend to O’Daniel. Please post.

    Also, Friend and O’Daniel laid down their weapons and allowed the changed audit opinion for 2012 (the SBR audio recording of State Board exit conference) to occur. Why would they now come in and challenge a $ 2.5 Million transfer from Utility to City which propped up the General Fund at 12/31/14 ?

    Back in 2013 it was the Wild West, with transfers from City to Utilities of over $ 7 Million to rationalize plugged bank recs at 12/31/12. Why no outrage by Friend/O’Daniel at that time ???

    • Because John Friend wasn’t on Gail Reicken’s election committee back then, and had mayoral ambitions of his own, along with his own budgetary skeletons to bury.

    • Councilman Friend:

      Why not go back and retrieve the $ 7 MIllion transfer made from City to Utilities in 2013, which was for the purpose of “explaining” the Utilities 2012 bank recs ? If Utilities transfers that bogus $ 7 Million back to City, our General Fund per Capita goes way up !

  5. Needs some focus, the city council should resend the hotel deal out, or someone’s liable to sop that up, as well. Wonder how the bond rating is doing now? Meanwhile the planet moves forward with climate migration and this week your rivers going up and there’s a heck of allot of precipitation going straight shot into the old combined sewers in the Evansville’s core utilities.

    Now because the rivers at the levees the ESWU you all have, gets the privilege to pump the Overflowed sewage right into the river again. The other choice is far nastier it would just fill up the low spots around town with toxic waste from a combination of sources. Pretty messed up, and leaving that in that present state of Mandated violations is just beyond ridiculous. Everyone that has to clean up a CSO mess on their property should write a letter to the EPA, and copy a law firm of choice, speak with a good attorney, and a good plumber, those conditions are really unhealthy especially if the living space is a closed building HVAC environment….. “What’s in your basement”…. same stuff going up the ducting and being distributed around the entire structure. Keep those sump pumps in good order, from the forecast they’ll be needed this week.

    “Ædificate climate”

  6. Why does John Friend do his saber-rattling on CCO, then sit like a bump-on-a-log at the Council meetings? John, we dare you to call out the Mayor, Russ and Allen Mounts at the next council meeting, and ask these questions.

    • John lets the cat out of the bag and then expects others to try to catch the cat while he sits back and enjoys a glass of ice cold beer on his boat. Maybe he wants to do right but is fearful of the repercussions so he tries to get others to do the dirty work?

    • Another reason may be that the Media is not on John Friend’s side and they could make anyone look bad if they tried. Look at what the Evansville Courier and Press, Channel 25 new TV and Channel 14 news TV did to SBR when she recorded the SBOA Evansville 2014 Exit Interview on her smart phone. Remember the photograph of SBR that the Photo Editor from the EC&P chose to put in the paper with that article criticizing SBR. It’s no wonder SBR and John Friend are not running again. Is the EC&P and the two other local TV stations in on the scams. Are they getting kick backs to put pro Whinny Stories on TV and in the Paper and to without any story that make the Mayor look Bad. Does the EC&P practice journalism like the Rolling Stone’s Magazine or Faux Noise TV?

  7. Where is the $3 mandate fee going? Is it being kept in a account to fix the sewer? I do not know if the county is being billed this but all together the EWSU have about 50,000 customers. That is a lot of money going some where.

  8. This financial problem will not be fixed. This problem has been years in the making. The financial obligations of the city are greater than the income. Most of the city/county employees are democrats so there’s little going to happen to decrease the number of employees. Either Winnecke will come clean or be the fall guy when Gail takes office and outs him. Makes no difference who becomes mayor the financial results will be the same. If Gail becomes mayor she will be given a break because it’s not nice to attack women or butterflies, so the problem will fester for another 4 years. If this city is drawing or borrowing funds 4-6 months before payday it should be obvious there’s a big problem. Where is the money going/where has the money gone, is the question, all else is BS. I think the CCO is being remiss in getting the real details and giving us a figure we can work with. By item area what is the total output, what is the total income regardless of source, then the problem and answer become obvious. This thing between Russ and John is nothing but child’s play, not worthy of time or much thought. What we are seeing is 8 years of self serving democrat control of the city of Evansville by the mayor and CC. The democrats are getting theirs and we know what the people of Evansville are getting.

    • POV, They need a nice big tax increase. In the past nothing has made the city politicos feel good like more money to spend.

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