IS IT TRUE? April 6, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? April 6, 2011

IS IT TRUE that it seems to have been raining 4’ x 8’ signs with Tornatta for Mayor emblazoned on them last weekend?…that it is hard to drive anywhere in Evansville without seeing one of these giant signs?…that one of the City County Observer Moles tells us that something on the order of 700 signs were planted recently by the Tornatta campaign?…that some new and creative tactics may be forthcoming from Team Troy?…that these tactics (if implemented) will be recommended by a CAMPAIGN CONSULTANT whose home base of operations is WASHINGTON DC?…that the next four weeks from the Democratic nomination perspective should be quite interesting?

IS IT TRUE that it has been a full week since the City County Observer offered the major candidates for Mayor of Evansville the opportunity to publish a position paper on their views on the consolidation?…that we have not had any acceptances from the candidates yet?…that the real hot button issue is threshold rejection?…that we reiterate our offer to the Mayoral candidates that we will publish their position papers without edit or bias on the topic of consolidation?…that the editor of the Community Observer will be issuing and in one case reissuing an invitation to participate in an e-debate specifically geared to the primaries?

IS IT TRUE that the Courier and Press has made an offer of their own to the candidates to respond to written questions?…that we congratulate them on offering to publish the well thought out responses to specific questions of relevance and interest?…that the questions that the Courier and Press have asked the candidates to respond to are limited to 60 words and deal with the issues of consolidation, sewer rate equalization, smoking ban, the future of Roberts Stadium, dilapidated housing, and job creation?…that a comprehensive answer to questions like these cannot possibly be answered with any substance in a 60 word sound bite?

IS IT TRUE that the written word in full essay form is a much more revealing way to learn how a candidates cognitive thought properties function?…that relying on sound bites to state positions has put not only our city but the entire country into a situation where the most important attribute to be elected is ACTING?…that many of the best performing leaders of history were not good actors but were very good thinkers and writers?…that an ACTORS JOB is to trick you into thinking that fantasy is reality?…that if most modern politicians were to join a union that the only union that would adequately represent them would be the SCREEN ACTORS GUILD?

IS IT TRUE that for that the City County Observer believes that it is time for the ACTING to stop and it is time for DEMONSTRATING COGNITIVE THOUGHT PROCESS as a prerequisite to be elected to public office?…that to promote that we will not impose any word limit on any position paper submitted by candidates for this year’s City of Evansville election?….that the Capital One commercial where an ACTOR assures the PILOT of a commercial aircraft that “everything is fine that he has played a pilot before” is reminiscent of MODERN ELECTED OFFICIALS?…that the higher up the ticket that one migrates the more like an ACTOR our government officials become?…that ONLY written answers with unlimited content will help to solve this issue?

IS IT TRUE that we are running a poll with respect to the Mayor of Evansville on our sister publication at

IS IT TRUE that currently in Indiana there are no health insurance companies accepting child only policies? ….that that the Indiana Comprehensive Health Insurance Association (ICHIA) will not accept only healthy children either? ….that that it’s time that our locally elected state law makers look into this situation soon as possible?


    • I do not recall ever opining on Troy’s level of support. 700 signs are an indication of having $14,000 to buy the signs and getting them put up. That could be the investment and work of one person or of 700 people.

    • Those 4′ x 8′ monsters need some attention after wind storms. Troy needs a follow-up crew for blow-out support.

  1. Voter threshold is only ONE of many “hot button” issues, but the news
    media chose to select this one feature of the Plan as “THE” issue. How about the other objections; term limits, Mayoral power, no checks and balances, law enforcement, number of Council members, voting districts, spreading the city’s debt onto county residents, higher taxes, no long range plans? The Plan as written is beyond comprehension, and should be rejected,not altered,by both City Council and County Commissioners. We keep you informed on our web site:on our web site;

  2. Voter threshold is only ONE of many “hot button” issues, but the news
    media chose to select this one feature of the Plan as “THE” issue. How about the other objections; term limits, Mayoral power, no checks and balances, law enforcement, number of Council members, voting districts, spreading the city’s debt onto county residents, higher taxes, no long range plans? The Plan as written is beyond comprehension, and should be rejected,not altered,by both City Council and County Commissioners. We keep you informed on our web site:

    • WSAA: Thank you for duplication of services … errr, I mean duplication of posted information.

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