IS IT TRUE April 5, 2013


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE that owner of Shaggy’s Towing approached owners of Hamrick’s Towing and ask them to partner up with them to put in a bid for the 2012 City of Evansville towing contract?…that the owners of Hamrick Towing declined the Shaggy Towing company offer?…between trying to partner with Hamrick’s and eventually finding a willing partner in Tri-State Towing 20/20 hindsight would lead to the conclusion that Shaggy’s Towing was not capable of handling the City of Evansville Towing contract and knew it?…it is possible through the lens of 20/20 hindsight that Shaggy’s Towing simply wanted to leverage its status as a minority owned business to get in on a few taxpayer dollars while continuing its existing operation as usual?…it has been reported that Shaggy’s Towing was operated out of a residence?…this may be a first in the country to have a towing business run out of a house?…we wonder just how in the dickens a home based business permit was obtained to operate a towing business out of a private home?…in the event that there was no permit or permission granted to run a towing business out of a home we wonder how a bunch of tow trucks coming and going was able to happen under the radar?…the City of Evansville may have a code enforcement arm that can spot a contractor installing a front door without a permit from a mile away but can’t spot tow trucks?…the probability that Shaggy’s Towing was operating out of a residence without the knowledge of City official is just about ZERO?…the application to be the towing provider must have had an address on it?…whomever did the VETTING of Shaggy’s Towing for the City of Evansville must have also been doing the VETTING for the Earthcare Energy deal?…willful ignorance and looking the other way is no way to run anything much less a city of over 100,000 people?

IS IT TRUE that during the Safety Board Hearing back in February/March of 2012, the owner of Tri-State Towing entered testimony before the Board that they were going to mentor Mr. Carter’s Shaggy’s Towing as a MBE [minority based entity] in order to gain the City’s towing contract? …that reliable sources indicate that the Mayor requested the then president of the board Jayne Manis’ resignation a month or so later without any reason given to her?

IS IT TRUE that it is looking like Indiana is really going to become the first state to put guns in public schools for protection?…as many of our readers know the CCO is a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution that grants us the right to bear arms?…even though we support the 2nd Amendment it is sad that the day has come that guns are a necessary part of a day in school?…when most of us were young it was not even something anyone thought about and this writer does not recall any school shootings in K-12 during our “wonder years”?…what we did have in schools to keep the piece when bullying, stealing, fighting, or a whole other host of misbehaving happened was the now banned PADDLE?…many of us this writer included felt the sting of a PADDLE ACROSS THE BUTT when we got out of line?…one thing that a paddling did was stop the misbehaving immediately?…not only did it stop the one who was paddled from acting up, it stopped the whole classroom?…the sound of another kid getting his AZZ BUSTED was sufficient to improve the behavior of everyone within hearing distance?…perhaps if the school administrators would have found a way to keep the paddle as a discipline tool we would not be having all of these discussions about guns in the schools now?…to sit back and think about the paradox of banning paddles but mandating guns is just mind boggling?…we wonder just how much further American society will have to slide before our lawmakers return to techniques for maintaining order that had been proven for centuries as opposed to new age methods which clearly are aiding the creation of a more violent society?

Spare the rod and spoil the country!


  1. Sometimes I think writing these things in all questions is hard to follow. It borders on incoherent rambling at times. I do like trying to expose corruption, though. This format just seems a little weird.

  2. If anyone wants criminal negligence is a crime! Not reconciling the books for almost two years falls under criminal negligence. Everyone needs to forward this audit report to the Indiana Attorney General’s Office and sit back and watch Jenny and Rumplebeancounter become the next City officials to be indicted.

    • “Overdrawn Cash Balances”

      Can there be any clearer example of the city’s total lack of respect for the taxpayers? If you looked for an explanation of deficit spending, you could not find a better example than the financial records of the City of Evansville for 2011-2012.

      These people running Evansville city government are CLEARLY not up to the task!


  3. I agree with the mandate of armed security in schools today. The Editor is right that it’s sad, but it also might be prudent. If school shootings are a concern, and I think we can all agree they have become one, mandating at least one faculty member be armed seems like a no-brainer. As things now stand every potential shooter knows that schools are a place where a maximum kill number can be achieved to create whatever effect or outrage they are going for and no one there is allowed to be armed, hence no one can fire back at them for at least 5-10 minutes while police scramble to get there.

    I’m sure we can all agree an armed conflict or altercation at a school is our worst nightmare, especially those of us with kids. No one wants that. But what is preferable here? What’s the lesser evil? Having a person who is mandated and background checked and trained to carry and trained in crisis management returning fire on a lunatic shooter, or that same lunatic going room to room, methodically killing our kids one by one while they cower helplessly under desks?

    Even if there was one accidental death per year in the U.S. as a result of every school having armed personnel, a level of accident rate I have no reason to think would ever arise, we would still be ahead of the status quo in terms of deaths by guns in schools over the last 20 years. Just the Sandy Hook shooter alone saw to that, not counting any of the others.

    We can decry this sad state of affairs all we like and point fingers at the parents and the society and video games and the gun culture or lack of paddles or whatever, but none of that is going to stop a determined nutcase who wants to go on a shoot-em-up style rampage.

    So that said, I think this legislation would be a good thing, but I would want to be assured that carriers are concealed and their identities remain concealed, that they be required to take annual or bi-annual training in proper crisis management, perhaps training with local police, that full background checks be taken on anyone carrying and anyone with any history of mental problems including depression be disqualified, that the mandate of one gun does not preclude other qualified faculty from from taking the required steps to be licensed to carry in the school.

    Training is the key here. You don’t want a situation where a common schoolyard fight ends in a teacher drawing a weapon on a student. There needs to be a standard – the same standard police are required to follow.

    • EXTRA, EXTRA, read all about it!!!! Troll patrol actually agrees with MR. Linzy! Wow miracles actually do happen.

  4. Jenny should never have been hired. The position she is currently occupying was created specifically for her. No wonder our water and sewer bills are skyrocketing.

    But who is going to tfire ger? Certainly not Lloyd Winnecke. She is too close to being eligible for a lifetime pension.

    • What does this have to do with the topic of this article????? Are you CRYING “Pogo”, because she is going to receive a pension when she is vested, like anyother city or county employee??? IS THIS WHY YOU WANT HER FIRED!!!!! Our water and sewer bills are rising JUST LIKE our food, gas, housing and other items in life are rising. NOT BECAUSE JENNY COLLINS HAS A JOB IN THAT DEPARTMENT!! I am so SICK of all the CRYING ABOUT JENNY COLLINS BEING THE ONLY PERSON THAT IS RESPONSIABLE FOR THIS CITY OR COUNTY OWES!!! Lets check on JOHN FRIEND, CONNIE ROBINSON, MISSY MOSBY, MIKE DUCKWORTH, SHAUN SHORT, MARSHA ABLE or ANY OTHER CITY OR COUNTY EMPLOYEE!!!!!

  5. There is no way that Shaggy’s Towing could have even gotten close to obtaining that contract without the assistance of Evansville’s one-time welfare queen, Connie the Paper Plate Queen Robinson. The sooner she and her relatives leave the public square the better off we all will be!

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