IS IT TRUE April 5, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE April 5, 2012

IS IT TRUE that late yesterday the Detroit City Council grudgingly and by a single vote margin consented to move forward with a financial “save the city” plan?…that this action was taken less than 24 hours before the Governor of Michigan was set to take all authority from the Council and the Mayor and put an emergency manager into place with powers to negate existing contracts much like a bankruptcy trustee does when people or private businesses find themselves in over their head?…that to succeed the City of Detroit will have to do the same things that the emergency manager would have done or else they will be taken over in the future?…that these actions include but are not limited to tearing up union contracts and imposing terms that are consistent with a balanced budget, outsourcing work to lower cost providers, restructuring the over $13 Billion in bonded debt, cutting back on services, and revisiting the retirement plan for all workers and city retirees?…that the failure to remain competitive in world markets, continued tolerance of corruption, and a shrinking population base are the factors that lead to this point in history for Detroit?…that every city and town in America needs to learn as much as they can about the fall of Detroit and take actions that will avoid a similar fate?

IS IT TRUE that just in the last 10 years Detroit has borrowed money for a baseball stadium, a football stadium, the Renaissance Center, and has granted favorable tax an operating status to the waterfront casino?…that in spite of these things a city that once had nearly 2 Million people shrank by two Evansville’s in only 10 years to about 750,000?…that when people flee any city whether it is to escape oppressive taxation, crime, or a stagnant economy the city slowly dies?…that in the 1950’s Detroit had it all, failed to adapt, and now is the poster child for abject failure as a city?…that cities out there including Evansville who are still mimicking some of Detroit’s gimmicks had better wise up before it is too late?

IS IT TRUE that companies that offer or have offered the Langson Energy gas pressure letdown device keep coming out of the woodwork?…that just yesterday we were made aware of a company in Sacramento called California Energy Systems that has a website touting the same video that Earthcare Energy has?…that the phones are disconnected and the website is not being kept current?…that Helix Power Generators of Houston, TX also has a website that touts their status as an authorized dealer for the Langson Energy device?…that the CCO has learned that Helix Power that is in Houston just like Earthcare Energy has never heard of Earthcare Energy?…that Trans Pacific Enviro Energy of Alberta, Canada is advertising a gas pressure letdown energy recovery device that is from Electratherm, a company that Mr. Langson founded?…that the claims made for the product sound quite familiar?…that this has our count up to nearly 10 competitors in a field that supposedly has no competition?…that the chickens seem to be getting much closer to the roost for those who can recognize a chicken?

IS IT TRUE that it is about time that the documentation and plans that GAGE and the City Council used to make this loan decision are made available is now?…that it has been 5 days since the CCO asked some simple questions of Ms Dewey without a response?…that City Councilman John Friend has also been snubbed by GAGE and received limited insufficient responses to his list of questions?…that keeping people and especially elected official intentionally ignorant is not an acceptable way to run any city?


  1. Knock GAGE and the Mayor’s teeth down their throat with a FOIA and force the issue. Those smug suckers will not give it up without a fight.

    • Are you surprised? I’m not…we ALL knew a vote for Winnecke would be a vote for more of the same. Glad to not be let down.

      • The yellow shirts tried to tell you, over and over.

        Somewhere Rick Davis and his team are laughing at the stupidity of the citizens in this community who voted for more of the same.

        • Come on: Rick ain’t exactly the brightest bulb on the tree, not by a long shot. And he is not exactly loved by those who have worked for him, either.

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