IS IT TRUE? April 5, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? April 5, 2011

IS IT TRUE that when the City County Observer and the Community Observer has e-debates that it is expected that the participants answer the questions on their own?…that the purpose for e-debates is for people with lesser face-to-face debating skills to take their time and to think through their answers before writing them down and submitting them?…that one of the best thinkers in the history of the United States was lethal with the pen but not so much so with the spoken word?…that the person who was much better with the pen than with the mouth was Thomas Jefferson?…that in an e-debate Thomas Jefferson would have answered the questions himself and won every format of that nature that he was ever entered into?…that vocal debates favor those who are charismatic, good looking (or pretty as Mohammed Ali would say), and those who have invested in a fine wardrobe?…that we trust those who agree to participate in e-debates to do the honorable thing and answer their own questions to the best of their knowledge?…that an essay on positions says much more about someone’s cognitive skills than a live debate ever will?…that the silver tongued devil often can win a vocal debate but is often challenged when faced with the need to think and communicate via the written word?

IS IT TRUE that CCO “MOLE # 3” keep saying that political signs don’t vote? ….the next time you see political signs along the road side please see if they are located on the public right away, on dilapidated rental property, in a vacant lot or located in a multi unit apartment complex? …..if the political signs are located on any of the above locations it highly probable that these signs don’t represent a person who shall be voting? ….the placement of political signs are use to create a “band wagon” approach to encourage voters to join their campaign? ….a great example of signs in locations that doesn’t represent a vote is located in the 6th Ward?

IS IT TRUE that “MOLE # 3” predicts that the highly regarded and politically connected 2nd Ward “MEGA PREACHER” shall be making a public endorsement of whom he feels who would be the best person that should be elected to the Evansville City Council seat in that ward? ….that his endorsement shall have a major impact on who shall be elected to the 2nd Ward City Council seat? ….that CCO “MOLE # 3” Already knows the answer to this question? ….when you least expect it the CCO “MOLE # 3” shall announce the “MEGA PREACHER” decision any day now?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO is extremely impressed that our newly elected Vanderburgh County Prosecutor, Nick Hermann is working hand in hand with our local law enforcement professional in tracking down and prosecuting sex offenders? …we are extremely proud of Mr. Hermann and local law enforcement fighting to keep our city safe from these offenders?

IS IT TRUE we wonder why Vanderburgh County Republican party Chairman, Wayne Parke has been so quiet lately? … could because he is busy figuring ways to get Republicans to take not only control of the Mayor’s office but also Evansville City Council?

IS IT TRUE we wonder what going on with our Vanderburgh County Clerk lately? ….we bet Susan Kirk is extremely busy planning that the upcoming general election shall run like a fine turned engine?

IS IT TRUE the CCO would like to thank Evansville City Councilman, John Friend for asking some hard budgetary questions concerning New Downtown Arena costs?

IS IT TRUE that the “dean of local politics” is retiring after serving 20 years in local elected offices? ….that Evansville City Councilmen Curt John has served us with class, dignity and honor during this time? …..we ask our readers to wish him well and congratulate him for a job well done when they see him?


  1. I don’t understand the purpose of content like the following:

    “IS IT TRUE we wonder why Vanderburgh County Republican party Chairman, Wayne Parke has been so quiet lately? … could because he is busy figuring ways to get Republicans to take not only control of the Mayor’s office but also Evansville City Council?

    IS IT TRUE we wonder what [IS] going on with our Vanderburgh County Clerk lately? ….we bet Susan Kirk is extremely busy planning that the upcoming general election shall run like a fine turned engine?”

    There’s no context or opinion to backup the purpose of these statmements/questions? So basically you are asking if these people are doing their jobs?

  2. Can someone please contact Mr. Rick Davis to read Mole #3s wise observation that yard signs don’t vote. The CCO earlier reported that Mr. Davis was provided with a brilliant professional campaign theme of “A new broom sweeps clean”. Mr. Davis should start using this very effective message in his campaign ads BEFORE the primary election.

  3. I agree with the CCO on yard signs at rental properties. Is it true that a stretch along Morgan Ave has 3 renegade candidate signs along 4 or 5 houses in one section owned CCO publisher Ron Cosby or those connected to him?

  4. I always thought the purpose of yard signs and mini billboards simply is to build name recognition. As such, I always put them out for my candidates any daggone place I could find! Most made it thru the campaign. Some disappeared. But all of them gave the candidate some name exposure because I never placed on in a low traffic location.

    • ^^^ This. When I worked for the King County GOP, they gave me 150 yard signs to put in my car and go through the suburbs of Renton, Bellevue, and Kenmore just placing them anywhere I could legally. The candidate I was working for was behind when we started but ended up winning by a landslide so who knows if the sign pays off or not.

      I agree that I seriously doubt anyone drives by those yard signs and says I will vote for him/her bc they have a sign. Rather, if you see those signs all over the place it makes it look like the popular thing to do and it’s brain repitition of the candidates name in the voters mind.

      • Correct.

        Cheap advertising and commands as much attention as most billboards really, since the placards are right on the street at eye level.

        Here’s something I don’t understand though: You can get 2 corplast signs double sided 3′ x 5′ with grommets for the price of one 4′ x 8′ and the larger signs bend and bow out in the wind. The 3′ x 5′ signs stay tight and are just a visible.

        Plus, the 4′ x 8′ signs come on material that is see-thru in bright sunlight, and the 3′ x 5′ signs come on material that has a sandwiched light blocking inner core.

        Yet local candidates and their advisors continue to buy the more expensive and lower quality 4′ x 8′ signs simply because Hostettler won two campaigns using those ugly monsters. Hey, dudes, that is so yesterday. Get with it.

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