IS IT TRUE MAY 4, 2017


IS IT TRUE it looks like were being forced to file a Freedom of Information Request with the city to find out how much are the yearly utilities costs at the Ford Center?  …we shall also ask the powers that be who is responsible for paying for the utilities at the Ford Center?

IS IT TRUE we wonder if corporate citizen Vectren could help the Evansville Park and Recreation Department  to replace the damaged and obsolete lighting bollards along the downtown riverfront walkway?

IS IT TRUE that this week in Indianapolis Indiana Senate Bill 309 was passed into law?…this law essentially establishes a timeline for changes to net metering practices for electricity in the State of Indiana?…net metering is one of two tools used in states that are concerned with consumers being able generate their own electricity through solar panels or with wind power?…passing this bill follows other jurisdictions in the United States but some believe it signals that the State of Indiana is dedicated to the proposition that all monopolies are created equal and that they have nothing to fear from residents who are interested in making investments in renewable energy on their own properties?…that some believe this is a short-sighted piece of legislation that will blunt the returns of people interested in minimizing their carbon footprint with solar energy for a while yet supporters of the bill believe it provides certainty for those wanting to invest in private generation as they will be grandfathered and receive a very favorable compensation rate for the power they generate for 30 years?…when battery storage prices come down as solar panels have, Hoosiers will have options to decouple from the grid completely?…that customers interested in installing private generation have the next five years to connect their devices and still be grandfathered, like existing net metering customers, at the favorable compensation rate?…. and for those who install after five years will be paid a compensation rate that is a premium price of 25% above the wholesale price for energy?…customers who are considering net metering should act now…the clock is ticking?

 IS IT TRUE that on the heels of having a regulated utility governed by the Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission, Vectren is also asking for permission to bill their customers for over $500 Million in capital investments in grid improvement technology?…the price increases associated with this $500 Million increase will come in the form of annual increases in fixed charges over a number of years?…this means if you turn your power off and maintain a connection to Vectren’s grid that you shall not escape the fees?…it is important to realize that the fees will amount to roughly half of what the Billion dollar fix to the Combined Sewer Overflow problem will cost?…between these two increases, one of which is a federal EPA mandate and the other which is has been proposed as system upgrades to ensure reliable electric service, living life in Evansville and its immediate Indiana surroundings is going to be costing several dollars more per month for the average homeowner?…that rising utility costs, healthcare costs, the recently passed gasoline tax and other cost of living pressures will be a challenge for Hoosiers, many of whom are not seeing their monthly incomes keep pace with inflation?

IS IT TRUE we have been told by reliable sources that former County Councilman Ed Bassemier is going to run as a Democratic in the upcoming City Council race?  …over the years Mr. Bassemier has proven to be an extremely popular vote getter?  …last year Mr. Bassemier lost re-election to the County Council by only a few votes?  …the main reason why he was defeated was because Republicans running on the national and state ballots had long political coat tails which contributed to his unexpected defeat?  …Mr. Bassemier will be running as a Democrat on the At-Large primary ballot for City Council?  …we would highly recommend that the two (2) At-Large Democratic council members presently serving on City Council beware of a well known political figure named Ed Bassemier?

IS IT TRUE another person that shall be running in the At-Large Democratic primary is a highly educated female with good moral compass?…she’s telling people the main reason why she is running for the City Council At-Large seat is to send Jonathan Weaver packing because she feels he lacks the moral compass to serve another term of council?

IS IT TRUE we are pleased to hear that the newly elected Democratic party Chairmen of Vanderburgh County, Scott Dank’s just announced that he shall not endorse any political candidates running in the Democratic primary?  …we say; “three cheers for Chairman Dank’s for doing the right thing”?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that some disgruntled voters of the 3rd Ward are looking for a replacement for City Councilwoman Ann Hargis- CPA?  …she promised the 3rd Ward voters if elected to Council she had the educational skills to be a fiscal watchdog for the people of the that area?  …so far she has proven to be a political lap dog for the Mayor and not a fiscal watchdog for the voters of the 3rd Ward?

IS IT TRUE Democrat Missy Mosby won her last primary re-election campaign by a mere 12 votes over a little known opponent? …we can’t wait to see how she does against a well funded and known political opponent?  …it looks like Ms. Mosby wii be experiencing the biggest political battle of her career?

FOOTNOTES: TODAYS “READERS POLL” question is: Are you disappointed in the Evansville City Council for not being more concerned with the contract between Thunderbolts/VenuWorks and the City?

We urge you to take time and click the section we have reserved for the daily recaps of the activities of our local Law Enforcement professionals. This section is located on the upper right side of our publication.

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  1. What about hiring a full-time internal auditor with a CPA that reports to the Council? This would give the best transparency of all. That’s where a former SBOA employee would give the best service to the taxpayers of Evansville. I heard that one has just been named the Controller of the Utilities.

    • With what we have witnessed historically from the Indiana SBOA in the way of timely disclosure to the public of their audit discoveries, I do not think them well suited to achieve the goals most taxpayers are interested in.

      It doesn’t look like Evansville is ever going to get a handle on its spending. It seems the goal is to keep taxpayers in a continual state of servitude.

  2. First item: Why should all Vectren customers subsidize the installation of alternate power sources done by a very few Vectren customers? If their goal is to leave a “smaller carbon footprint”, who’s stopping them? And they can disconnect from Vectren at any time they wish, isn’t it true? Also, how long is the IURC going to allow Vectren to “upgrade” every other year? Are their past “upgrades” insufficient or just not competently done?

    Second item: Ed Bassemier is known as the candidate with no allegiance to anything other than his own benefit. He’s a nice guy, but he is one reason there is no delineation between local political parties.

    Third item: Who is the lady setting her sights on removing Weaver from office? We need to know who to send the check to. Sending Weaver and Mosby permantly back to their cubicles at Carol’s place will go far in bettering the city. Although, they’ll probably be discarded once they loose any value to the Mayor.

    • Why should Vectren receive free power from those that produce it? If Vectren uses power fom another utility. They have to pay for it. If a home owner produces a surplus, it helps extensive by making it less likely to have to add on to their production capacity. I believe the law still caps the amount of power that Vectren has to pay for from individuals. So if you produce a 100 kilowatt surplus, Vectren only has to pay for 10 kilowatts. Sounds fair to me?

      • They will be buying power from solar owners for about a nickel per kWhr and selling it to the next door neighbor for 16 cents. That is just a paltry gross margin of 70%. I hope they survive.

      • So, explain why I have to subsidize my neighbors power, a neighbor with enough money to install solar panels or windmills with inverters and converters, plus a grid connector. You didn’t get that part of my post, did you? Perhaps, I should have spelled it out better.

        • What makes you think you would be subsidizing your neighbor who would be paying for the system. Vectren would benefit from your neighbors over production by buying from your neighbor and selling to you at a giant premium.

          If enough people put in solar it may keep Vectren from needing to add capacity which will benefit you. The way billing is there transmission is part of the fee which your neighbor will continue to pay even if he produces all of his power.

    • Sure wish our local water and sewer had upgraded a little more often. Who has the better management?

  3. About the lighting along the riverfront promenade. The electrical feed for lighting is there in the ground and that takes care of a lot of the cost right there. Why not hire a lighting engineer to design a new system of promenade lighting that uses the current feed and appearance locations to give the area a new look? And while you are at it, see if you can find a buyer for the existing bollard fixtures, preferably by a public auction, after they are removed.

  4. Was anyone else greatly offended by the classless act of the Courier and Press suing to unseal the Warrick County murder charges. The poor victims family is still shocked and grieving, while the thoughtless editors of the Courier and Press sue to publish the sordid details of this senseless crime to try to sell a few more newspapers. Shame on the thoughtless and cruel Courier and Press. Shame on them.

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