IS IT TRUE April 4, 2014
IS IT TRUE that it is odd that the audit of the City of Evansville has not been release yet since it has been well over the 10 days that the City had to respond to any issues that the Indiana State Board of Accounts may have found and raised questions about?…we are certain that City Controller Russ Lloyd responded on time as he is required to do and that he put his best foot forward?…30 days after the exit interview is when the SBOA typically posts the results of the audit on the state website for all interested members of the public to see?…that day just happens to be April 11, 2014 which coincides exactly with the day that Indiana University is scheduled to announce its choice for the location of the new medical school?…April 11 is certainly going to be a memorable day for Southwest Indiana and may be a day to remember for the “fight like the dickens†crowd that is in downtown or bust mode?…as for the audit, if it were completely clean with no disclaimer opinions associated with it you can bet that the Mayor’s Office would have already released it and done a touchdown dance?…the longer we have to wait is likely an indicator of how many disclaimers and tough questions are associated with the 2012 audit that is just being completed a full 15 months after the end of the audit period?
IS IT TRUE that yesterday was another one of those days when the rain just keeps coming and the combined sewers don’t have a prayer of processing everything that is put into them?…that means that much of south Evansville and that good old Bee Slough are selectively littered with raw sewage today?…it will ripen soon and may even have the downtown smelling for the April 11th medical school announcement day?…if the Mayors and City Councils of Evansville for the last 50 years would have done their job and been good stewards of infrastructure a new medical school would not be seen as the savior of the downtown, it would simply be another substantial feature in a growing town of over a quarter of a million people?…the fetish with fun and games coupled with the shallowness of five decades of leadership is what has landed this once growing progressive town near the bottom of every well being or miserable index study that has been done recently?…we know the medical school is coming to Southwest Indiana and we know it will benefit everyone positively no matter which location is chosen?…we hope that everyone realizes that when only one winner is chosen?
IS IT TRUE there is a fellow in Tell City that makes chicken dancing and delusions of rooftop martinis look like rocket science?…this dude constructed a moonshine still and put a picture of it on Facebook under his own name?…such a stunt ranks up there with one of the dumbest things since a convenience store robber left a trail to his home with pistachio shells?…this stupid stunt should be in the next movie in the Dumb and Dumberer series?
IS IT TRUE that the trailing month from March 4th to April 3rd was the first month that the internet traffic for the CCO exceeded both 200,000 pageviews and 40,000 unique viewers ever?…perhaps that is why in spite of the political boycott of the CCO launched by the Republican Central Committee that today we have more ads and higher revenue than we had a week ago when the Republicans launched their boycott?…this boycott has done more to drive traffic and money to the CCO since the Evansville City Council gathered together at a bar for a boozefest paid for by a lobbyist from Indianapolis?
Did the CCO see the terrible ranking Smart Growth America gave Evansville? I think the mayor should be making youtube videos and going on Brad Byrd about that poll if any poll to try to do damage control on. I think the CCO should really hot the admins feet to the fire on this poll too.
After all, if you solve the sprawl poll, you solve the obesity poll and make a pretty big dent in the miserable poll as well ( still need to solve the chicago style politics).
Look at what city-data has ranked Evansville. Some good, most bad…
#1 on the list of “Top 101 cities with largest percentage of females working in industry: Warehousing and storage (population 50,000+)”
#2 on the list of “Top 101 cities with largest percentage of males working in industry: Electrical equipment, appliances, and components (population 50,000+)”
#3 on the list of “Top 101 cities with largest percentage of males working in industry: Plastics and rubber products (population 50,000+)”
#4 on the list of “Top 101 cities with largest percentage of males working in industry: Vending machine operators (population 50,000+)”
#6 on the list of “Top 101 cities with largest percentage of females working in industry: Plastics and rubber products (population 50,000+)”
#8 on the list of “Top 101 cities with largest percentage of males working in industry: Warehousing and storage (population 50,000+)”
#12 on the list of “Top 101 cities with the largest percentage of people in mental (psychiatric) hospitals or wards (population 50,000+)”
#23 on the list of “Top 101 cities with the largest wind speed differences during a year (population 50,000+)”
#36 on the list of “Top 101 cities with the highest number of police officers in 2006 per 1000 residents (population 50,000+)”
#24 on the list of “Top 101 cities with the highest number of arson incidents in 2006 per 10,000 residents, excludes tourist destinations and others with a lot of outsiders visiting based on city industries data (population 50,000+)”
#26 on the list of “Top 101 cities with the largest percentage of people in nursing homes (population 50,000+)”
#36 on the list of “Top 101 cities with the highest percentage of residents living in poverty in 2007”
#41 on the list of “Top 101 cities with the largest percentage of people in homes for the mentally retarded (population 50,000+)”
#42 on the list of “Top 101 cities with the largest percentage of people in halfway houses”
#46 on the list of “Top 101 cities with the largest percentage of people in other hospitals or wards for chronically ill (population 50,000+)”
#50 on the list of “Top 101 cities with the most local government spending on current operations of parks and recreation per resident in 2004 in $ (population 50,000+)”
#50 on the list of “Top 101 cities that people commute into (largest positive percentage daily daytime population change due to commuting) (population 50,000+)”
#51 on the list of “Top 101 cities with the largest percentage of people in orthopedic wards and institutions for the physically handicapped”
#53 on the list of “Top 100 cities with declining populations from 2000 to 2008 (pop. 50,000+)”
#55 on the list of “Top 101 cities with largest percentage of females in occupations: Sales and related occupations: (population 5,000+)”
#43 on the list of “Top 101 counties with the highest Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Annual air pollution readings in 2005 (µg/m3)”
#59 on the list of “Top 101 counties with the highest lead air pollution readings in 2005 (µg/m3)”
#59 on the list of “Top 101 counties with the highest Particulate Matter (PM2.5) 24-hour air pollution readings in 2005 (µg/m3)”
#85 on the list of “Top 101 counties with the highest Particulate Matter (PM10) Annual air pollution readings in 2005 (µg/m3)”
#89 on the list of “Top 101 counties with the highest Sulfur Oxides Annual air pollution readings in 2005 (µg/m3)”
Here’s the two that stick out to me the most:
#50 on the list of “Top 101 cities with the most local government spending on current operations of parks and recreation per resident in 2004 in $ (population 50,000+)”
#53 on the list of “Top 100 cities with declining populations from 2000 to 2008 (pop. 50,000+)â€
All that money spent on the parks and yet things are getting worse not better.
RR: Parks? Umm. Had to check my models early today Rails: We Thought you and the guys at the CCO might keep an eye on this stuff locally,ground breaking’s in some locations there,might require more than a pair of dress shoes,and a shovel..”o”..mud.
RR: This concept,would’a been a knock out at Roberts,as well.
Someone else once floated the idea we were told,but that was before the wiped the place out.
That was the one that caught my eye to. I live by one of the city parks. When they do show up they are in there trucks more then in the park. The people who live around the park are picking up the trash every day so the kids have a nice place to play. does not seem we are getting much bang for our buck.
Value per cost? Apparently not,as a child some of my fondest memories with the Family there,were sometimes centered in the reunions in some of those legacy city park places. Like other places, what people can refer too,as a towns nice features. Passing through now what is common is the neighborhoods that surround them are equally,boned out,by comparison. It has an easy fix though,cheap too.
The act of looking vs the act of suggesting,first maybe,second, “not so much”.
This is 2014 now and the population has been going up since 2010. What happened in 2008 does not matter.
Expanding yes, growing no. The last census was 2010. The next won’t be until 2020. The 2012 figure was just an estimate and basically accounts for the recent expansion in knight. The last growth was 1960, iirc, when the population rose above 141,000. Today it hovers around 117,000 with much wider borders.
If you annex to Indianapolis you might eventually start growing.
R & R, you seem to be an intelligent person. It is a shame that so much energy is spent on negative polls/posts about our Home. Have you entertained running for elected office, thereby channeling energy into making positive changes to such a miserable place? Just sayin……Have a great day!
I know this may sound like a cop out but most of the time a person who is perceived to be negative about this town is generally telling the truth. I mean, we’ve seen poll after poll on the obesity, miserable, yada yada issues but when you have an organization like City-Data that compiles these type of things without any bias whatsoever and 16/17 of their 25 rankings are bad, chances are you’re not heading in the right direction.
I admit that I have no use for the current direction the city is heading in. And there’s no doubt I have a subconscious confirmation bias built in me just like the people who are trying to sell some of these moves the city has made. But at the same time, it’s important to understand these polls. The urban sprawl situation here is nothing short of a disaster, and it’s my opinion the whole city and county should be up in arms about it more so than any of the other polls. Yet they aren’t, and that’s the main part of the problem here.
99% of the time someone is seen as negative it’s usually because they have broken away from “this is who you should be supporting” or “this is how things are done here”. When a political machine is exposed or beat, it’s their last tactic to try to pin someone down as negative when they don’t go along with whatever they’re doing it. We are seeing this front and center with the Winnecke administration.
As for running for office, to do that you have to do two things: 1) Declare a party 2) Have a fair amount of money or at least be connected to people who have or can get you a fair amount of money.
I fit neither of those criteria. Not to mention, I have a much stronger impact on breaking apart the machine as an activist than a politician. Politicians build careers, activists build cities. The only time I’d be interested in a position would be if I could somehow pull off becoming the first independent whether it was council, mayor, or something else. But that’s not possible at this point in time so for the foreseeable future I’m content on helping other people get in office.
Thanks for the comments though!
Rails the way you follow thru on projects I think you’d be successful at anything you attempt
“I know this may sound like a cop out but most of the time a person who is perceived to be negative about this town is generally telling the truth.”
“99% of the time someone is seen as negative it’s usually because they have broken away from “this is who you should be supporting†or “this is how things are done here.”
My head is spinning; which one is it?
You are very honest about your disdain towards the Winnie administration, something I cannot argue.It becomes more of a joke everyday. But, in hind sight, do you have the same disdain towards Weinzapfel?
A wise man once said “sewers before stadiums.”
They are fixing the sewers! Where has you brain been?
Has there been an approval from the EPA on a plan to proceed with? No, there has not. They are not fixing the sewers and they don’t yet even know what they will be required to fix. It is just like the hotel, just one more bullshit photo op for a narcissist.
They are fixing the sewers. Where has your brain been? All people do in Evansville cry and complain!
It will be ok phyllis
Just think, in the republican dream deregulation no epa anarchy land we could just dump shit in the river permanently and not have to worry about it.
Exactly. Those who live near the river wouldn’t even need indoor plumbing. They could just scramble down the bank and make a “direct deposit.”
You and Joad don’t know what you are talking about. The EPA was launched by Nixon in 1970. He was a Republican. It was a good and worthy undertaking. It is Obama that perverted the EPA into a judicial authority with selective enforcement. Even the greenies think the EPA has been corrupted beyond repair at this point.
Nixon launched the EPA for administrative reasons and to throw a bone to the left he was hardly an evironmentalist or conservationist.
The EPA’s budget has been cut from a teenie tiny $10B/year to less than $8B.
It’s budget probably ought to be tripled.
BTW we’re coming up on the one year anniversary of the West Texas chemical explosion that killed 16 people.
How many investigations has Issa made on this?
Oh yeah ZERO!!!
How many has Rick Perry made??
Oh yeah ZERO!!!
EKB: Last night during that heavy rain there wasn’t any need to scramble down the bank. Stay inside and dry, CSO lets you make your deposit to the drainage basin of choice. Depending on where your thrones location sends the “affects”. Gets to be a bit of an social issue if the “affects” end up in the neighbors basement or front yard, first,While,on its way to the Ohio River drainage basin. Here’s how one guy would tell’em their priorities . “azzbackwards”
“Artifex plurium subjecta,”
“An artist of many mediums”
Here’s a tip for those who found a few turds afloat in their basements. After you get the “goodies” pumped out, put down several layers of newspaper for a few hours before you start the dis-infecting. It soaks up a lot of the smell, for some reason, and it makes the scrubbing easier.
I learned that years ago, when we came home from a weekend at the lake to a sewage-filled basement. It the best use I can think of for the local paper, too.
Me too! ,Then take back too’em for recycling.
But to be technically correct the looney bin Ayn worshipper from Texicus and his curly top looney son says the downstream land owners and citizens are supposed to make a class action lawsuit against the megacorps, AFTER THE FACT, ie after your air and water is permanently polluted.
Of course Megacorp already knows the corrupt corporate loving SCOTUS has their back will just declare their class invalid like they did for Wally World and if that doesn’t work just declare bankruptcy!!
Worked for Bain, Mitt and “Freedome Industries”
A lot of people seem to be moving to Texas so it can be all that bad especially thru El Paso. Of course, I don’t see any concern about the enviromental impact of China. We all want clean air and water but gutting clean coal tech and other anti competitive measures only is just a EPA wealth transfer that causes grandma too choose between having a warm house or eating. The Chinese are too busy buying our bonds and creating a middle class to worry about regulating cow farting and CO2 emissions. We keep it we won’t have worry about the middle class, CO2 or the Chinese buying our bonds.
I believe little tom toad by his comments has to be one of the EPA human rats that they are testing deadly pollutants on….just sayin…http://dailycaller.com/2014/04/02/report-epa-tested-deadly-pollutants-on-humans-to-push-obama-admins-agenda/
Come on. Get REAL sources.
Do we not all drink the same water? Why on earth would we want to poison the water that we drink? That defies logic. But then again, liberalism is the absense of logic and reason. Its’ very essence is comprised of emotional responses, name calling, and inane statements such as it is the republican dream to dump sewage into the water supply. Oya vey. Spewing idle words for no other reason than to disparage. Not good policy or good politics.
“this dude constructed a moonshine still and put a picture of it on Facebook under his own name?” = 🙂
May it was just Billy Bob and Bubba doing there thing?
Can a still explode like a meth lab?
Oh & Thanks R&R. I noticed the Bruce U sign last late last night in my front yard.
No problem! Glad it survived last night’s monsoon.
I know the stuff is highly flammable, but I don’t think it is the risk that meth is.
This story just goes to show the truth in my contention that Indiana is the “outstretched middle finger of the Deep South.” Just take a look at the map of the US, and see what the red states resemble.
I think most times explosions are from steam pressures exceeding the containers abilities. Grain alcohol doesn’t have the same vapor levels as something like gasoline but if concentrations are high enough sure, it can explode.
Back in the days that my father, who would be 100 years old, if he were alive, was a KY State Trooper. He also was the favorite nephew of a well-known political figure. It was his duty to transport the “shine” from Golden Pond to the homes of his fellow officers and political figures.
We really need a way to “edit” comments!
For people like me! Yes!
Editor! Pay attention! I’d settle for a 5 minute edit time limit.
dveatch: Sometimes chemistry,thermodynamics and the mix is best left in the textbooks.
Tough way to learn the difference in “volitale” while “volition” might have been the answer sought,suppose that can be applied to politics,as well.
Yes they will. They require constant attention. That is why moonshiners do there business way out in the woods. Well one of the reasons. I once had some home made wine blow up on me I had in a closet. Ruined my winter coats.
Were you stoned & dreaming? 🙂
probably it was 1968.
The wine probably wasn’t combustion but rather co2 under too high of pressure.
Ghost; That wasn’t “combustion” or it would have ruined more than the coats,probably was the gases you mentioned what it is would be “expansion” in a container that failed from weakness or over pressure. You would think the cork would go first though,maybe the bottle had some crazing from heat or something,sounds like a mess however.
I’ve made a batch or two of homebrew. These are known as “bottle bombs.” It comes from incomplete fermentation before bottling or over priming. Different than a still exploding.
This makes me think of ole Hawkeye from M.A.S.H.
I dont think the “Swamp” ever had an explosion and I know thats not wine!
The bottle did not break. But when the top blew there was enough pressure to send the fermented blackberries to the ceiling.
As we enter the final countdown to a choice for the Med School location, it is ironic that downtown may stink both literally and figuratively.
I have some hope that the board making the choice recognizes the “fight like the dickens” crowd for the charicatures many of them are. I base that on the tactful way they were told that those making the choice were not going to accept invitations to be “wined and dined” by interested parties. On the other hand, Evansville did elect these Bozos to lead it. That speaks well for a Warrick County choice, like it or not.
They’ve hired some crop dusters to perfume the area.
They’ll fly like the dickens in case it’s sited downtown and short-straw-drawing news people unaccustomed to the area’s peculiarities converge.
The Blue Angels couldn’t fix the intractable systemic problems that are in our goofy governance’s DNA. I hope they don’t exhume the ‘sewers before stadium’ mantra long enough to justify building an expensive moat around the arena.
If they do build the moat, we can hype the city as the “Venice of the US”, and there could be a lot of jobs for gondoliers and street food concession created. You may be onto something, ‘dana!!
Off-topic observation:
Apparently the GOP has not put the “ix-nay on the omments-cay in the Ourier-cay” for Phyllip Davis. If Wayne is posting there, it is under a screen name, but I haven’t seen anything that sounds like him.
At any rate, PD is playing in the mud (or whatever that brown gooey stuff is) on the thread accompanying his “Letter to the Editor” yesterday. Someone (I wonder who) brought up the subject of the financing for the hotel possibly not being in place by the deadline. He isn’t replying to that. The Courier hasn’t published a word about it, either.
They’ve got worse problems than that. The North Carolinian Dan Coats is said to be wandering in and out of various cubicles down there. Grinning, shaking hands, looking for a meeting. Any meeting. Ethridge layed some high school sports scores on him but he still wouldn’t leave. They’re gonna try sending Missy in next to get him out of there.
That should do the job! LOL!
Bandana: I’ll tell’ya,We’d give’um a damn meeting if he wanted to fix any of the real issues that place is living in to climate change forward. Somehow,We think he never hears those things from your local political menageries.
BD,I had models in Southeastern Illinois rack up over 8″ of rain per/24hrs last night by 3:00am,they worked fine throughout the copious rainfall,as did the ones in Kentucky,and your own county. We almost thought the one close by Howell on your southwest was going to go fail at one point for a short period that thing took over 3.28″ of sudden burst type events, one,after the other. Never failed and maintained good function throughout,however at that model location it was real close.
The small model in the evansville downtown never was challenged but the storm sewers did back up for a bit,just east of town in Warrick the system model handled that excessive rainfall,as well.
The Agri-sites in the northern county were outstanding and took some extreme bursts of rain rate timing.
Thing is the planets changed climate thermodynamic conditionals are reloaded “both barrels” and on the way for arrival Sunday night from the looks of it.
Monday might be due cause for some rain gear downtown. Again.
Ædificate climate*
“Build for climate change”
Check this out ,geezzzz!
Speaking of confused, didn’t you vote for him in the primary? 🙂
If Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel was able to hand control of the City of Evansville over to Mayor Winnecke with the financial ledgers of the city out of balance, and suffer no consequences for doing so, even though it was a clear violation of existing Indiana statute, then what, realistically speaking, do you expect to come of this current Indiana State Board of Accounts Financial Compliance Audit?
The problem is there is no sheriff. These people are never taken before any governing body and held liable for their actions. It amounts to selective enforcement of Indiana statute.
I do not think that it is an accident that the financial reporting in this city is so shoddy. When there are no repercussions for violating statute, then, using the Socratic method, what TYPE of government are we living under here in Evansville?
I would appreciate some answers from critical thinkers.
In reality, it would have to be a law-enforcement agency from outside the county to do a credible investigation.
The “system” is set up for a downward spiral to ensue from any “inside” investigation, because the “old boy (and girl) network” trumps party affiliations.
I have my doubts about the AG’s office doing a proper investigation. Besides, Zoeller’s really busy fighting marriage equality.
Do we have recourse to the FBI, US Marshall’s, etc.?? I’m not certain, but I think a lot of these pols belong behind bars, and I am bi-partisan in my nominees for prison.
+ infinity
The Sheriff’s name is overlapping debt. The city is supposedly near its debt limit, and its ability to borrow will be hampered once nearly a billion dollars of new Waterworks debt is issued. On a per capita basis, the city’s debt will be high, especially when compared to per capita and median income. The fact that Waterworks debt is revenue bond debt is not a mitigant. This will limit the ability of the city to borrow for anymore projects, especially since the TIF that supports the Ford Center can not support a wet cocktail napkin.
You are right when you suggest you get what you pay for with a governmental accounting / cost accounting system. What we have today is sort of like designed obsolescence. The more opaque the system the better. There is no coincidence that Waterworks revenue was commingleld for years with general fund revenue. The starting point to restore confidence is to produce a CAFR. If Hendo can do it, price is not an issue. It is simply a will and desire to be more transparent. That is lacking regardless of who is steering the helm.
I heard that General Sherman who has supposedly earned his CPA since his famous march to the sea and his boss met with Russ earlier this week. Russ said that the people performing the audit were not CPA’s and were extremely incompetent. They even call the lead auditor Airhead. Russ believes that he has the CPA’s convinced that the auditors on site did a really poor job. Russ also told me that his response is being held until the “re-do” is complete.
Anyone want to set the line on what happens if you piss off the auditor that things are likely not going to be very good from a opinion standpoint.
Hans M.,
No offense, but your conjecture is not plausible.
The Exit Conference was held a month ago. You claim that R. Lloyd met with the auditor-in-charge + his boss from State Board of Accounts; Lloyd claimed that the SBOA auditors were incompetent; and that there will be a “re-do” of the Auditors opinion; and that Russ will withhold his comments until he gets an Audit Report more to his liking.
That sounds like something that would only happen on Enron, not with a small city in Indiana. Also, take note: the guys/ladies Russ was complaining to would have been the ones with OVERSIGHT responsibilities for the auditors on the engagement. Highly unlikely those bosses would say ” you know, you’re right; let us get you a more favorable opinion. Hard to get good help these days”.
Sorry, not buying.
Is it true that the investigation of the West Fertilizer explosion falls under the jurisdiction of the Texas State Fire Marshal at the state level?
Is it true that the Texas State Fire Marshal was appointed by the Texas State Insurance Commissioner, who in turn was appointed by governor Rick Perry?
Is it true that the office of the Texas State Fire Marshal immediately launched an investigation and has posted updates on its progress and causes that have been ruled out?
Is it true that anyone with a functioning mind except a brains-in-his-behind liberal could easily find this information? (http://www.tdi.texas.gov/news/resource.html)
Is it true that anyone except a liberal ignoramus with his brain bent on discrediting himself could easily discover that West Fertilizer explosion investigation came under the Committee on Homeland Security in the US House of Representatives, and that the record of hearings held by its relevant subcommittee is readily available? (http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CHRG-113hhrg86244/pdf/CHRG-113hhrg86244.pdf)
Is it true that, yet again, a yapping liberal low-info chihuahua has demonstrated why friends don’t let friends take liberals seriously?
Fact: The company admitted to having 1600 times the legal limit of ammonium nitrate on the property and
ZERO indictments have been handed down but you clowns are still yapping Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.
Fact: Barbara Boxer and President Obama both ordered reviews by federal agencies
Zippity do da has been done on the GOOPer side becuase rich republicans were involved and not Muslims or BHO or Hillary
Game. Set. Match.
Drop, clean, flush.
Today. Geez,its getting tough to stay an centrist. That flush would be an direct deposit to your local Bee slough for sure.So.
Incrementally,I suppose, the social economic range of the subjects your all fussing about would apply. Someplace.
Ædificate climate*
Build for climate change.
No need to Government Motors issue though.
1) The responsible office in Texas, led by an appointee of an appointee of Governor Rick Perry immediately began and continues an investigation. This is contrary to what Brains-in-his-behind asserted.
2) The responsible committee in the US House of Representatives has held hearings and continued investigations. The West explosion was not under the jurisdiction of Mr. Issa’s Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. It is therefore not surprising, except perhaps to a yapping liberal low-info chihuahua, that his committee did not investigate it?
3) Once again, Brains-in-his-behind, caught in the act of his usual ignorance and distortion, has discredited himself.
Poor little Toad. What passes for his mind has been so discombobulated by his god-emperor No-Hopey’s endless lies, half-truths, and fantasies that he is no longer able to detect even easily debunked claims made by the Brains-in-their-behinds liberal small fry.
Where are the charges then? Big business killed 16 people and they won’t have to pay one dime. Had this been done by muslims we’d already be occupying another middle east country right now. Since it was done by “job creators” nobody will lift a finger.
Paying a small fine is the worst that will happen to them.
He!! there hasn’t even been an indictment.
If Obama had any done anything remotely associated with this they wouldn’t have just wanted him impeached they would want him roasting on a spit.
The West, Texas tragedy could have been so much worse. The “job-creator” who owned the fertilizer plant was very enterprising. He built apartments and a nursing home close-by, and sold off land for a school and single-family houses. I’m amazed more people weren’t killed or maimed.
Where I grew up, some would call that lack of direction. Others would call it freaking clueless.
Where’s the justice for the victims’ families?
Just drove past the “promenade” location and it’s under water. What will happen when you add in buildings, sidewalks, parking lots, etc? I’m sure there will be a retention pond in the plans but it will meed to be a big one I’d think.
Ghost: We noted that at an “variation of timing” during the excessive rain event did leave some sheet water draining off today.
The drainage features there at Promenade now “are easily expandable” through detention/retention planning,which incrementally does deal with that site very effectively.
Just one of the viable reasons behind our assessment of the statement released by Ms.Cheryl Musgrave the other day.
Not overly costly either. I’m sure, that from previous discussion on this CCO site,the concept was explained. The plan abstracts the put in the offer do cover the run off drainage applications as, moved forward.
The problem seen through observations of the all proposed sites now was very predictable with rain rates as delivered planet driven per event.
The condition is simple, the Bee slough area is back filling faster today than the Ohio was rising,a continued heading southwest along I-164 to the Veterans parkway would have confirmed that through observation,Bee slough is over burdened and well beyond capacity. So,its backing around the east side SW facility at the levee discharges.
Incrementally speaking it demonstrates just why the addition sewer loading closer to the outlet is likely incrementally worse case in its application control costing,environmentally,also.
As we’ve observed today your river had not equalized its hydrology in rise rate with the drainage backing,per lower basin,the upper basins,and Pigeon creek.
However,where the runoff is draining into the creek along the county line and north the water was rapidly running downstream,when that balance is met downstream with the river it will back flow to standing back water low points unless its blocked by structure, or pumped at a rate to meet the sustainable input/output balance.
Climate change driven thermodynamics held in the atmospheric conditions due water vapor levels will only increase as arctic sublimation increases as is observed,as well.
[“Long”,sorry, and short of it. Planet,trumps pumps],
So does site preparation construction cost projections moved forward to effectively control such events in the perceived and scientifically observed future trending seeking environmentally balanced sustainability*.
Basically using common incremental “affect balancing” for rain off controls sustainability,its very apparent the sites along the upper drainage basin are Geographically set in location more viable for best cost application runoff controls.
The downtown location unfortunately is sitting on old combined infrastructure ,that, at times like these relies on overflows,and pumping to move the water out. Which it doesn’t do at today’s cyclonic tempest type rain rates,so it backs to low points throughout the basin and goes into CSO events management.
Mandate hits. To build into that without real actual,approved and effective control,is a slap in face,to the reasoning per the original mandate issued,(Nationally)=(Federally)
Additional load into that system,will only increase those standing CSO problems,puts it “underwater from the get go” so to speak,as well as, the areas from basin discharges back ups, until equalization is achieved and drainage starts to the river again.
We could work any RFP plan with ours,however, the outlaying sites would offer the best cost and best overall environmental balancing for the entire metro revenues involved,in both counties,Warrick and Vanderburgh.
“Ædificate climate”
“Build for climate change.”
The petulant stamping of tiny liberal feet is not going to change the fact that Brains-in-his-behind made false or irrelevant claims, and when incontrovertibly refuted, changed the subject. This behavior is quite typical for graduates of the Acme Graduate School of Economics, Finance, and Hair Design, and one of the few things Miss Wanda, the professor of shampoo and conditioner studies, can pound into their thick noggins.
The sad thing here is that while reasonable people of whatever ideological stripe support investigations into such disasters and compensation for victims’ families if negligence or criminality is shown, the mom’s-basement-dweller-liberals here think that the murder of an American diplomat by terrorists is just peachy keen, and the coverup engineered by Hillary, her stooges, and No-Hopey an accomplishment to boast about. There is a pustulent rottenness in the souls of contemporary American liberals that makes one fear for the future of the country.
There’s a big rumor going around my office that the Winnecke,Abell camp conducted a poll and it showed Ungethiem up 3-4%. Can anyone confirm this?
The Mole Nation tells us it is currently a 7% gap.
Those figures don’t even include those of us who will “cross over” to vote in the Republican primary so they can vote for Mr. U. That should be another percentage point or two.
I still want the CCO to list who pulled their ads over Marsha. I’ve heard Dillow, Bacon, and Harrison. Can the CCO verify this list so I can start my boycott?
You list is correct. Please do no boycott these businesses as they have been long time friends who will see the light and return when the psychosis of the primary season has passed. We do not abandon friends over the whims of politics. They were driven by threats and fear both of which will dissipate in time.
Editor; We’ve started market analogies worksheet on innovating a way to recycle the old newspaper,as recovered,for a more environmentally suitable method per the climate carbon sequestration impacts and those balances.
Our thinking is the process alone would have a “market in place” today as we must run down and sequester climate change impacts.
As you should know in California and Southwest the processes that are required to clean up recycled news print isn’t exactly the best method for recapturing the old used paper resource availability’s,as,its effects to Clean Water supplies nationally,and globally.
Per/the Clean Water Act. Some of the less advanced processing sites can be less than positive for Affected Clean Water Resources. The sequestration of live forest resources for effective balance in greenhouse gases through natural cycles would come in incrementally,as well.
In the area surrounding the distribution points of some local newspapers setting up an focused collection point for “certain print type” for active new conceptual process focus might if successful enough. Having defined return rate per/lb of “certain types and branding thereof” the printed media,more bang for your buck so too speak.
In other words the methodology would actually focus on “certain print media” for best application for Carbon Sequestration. Kinda like a Tri-cycled supply chain that “improves the end result media” as pertaining to the viability of the finished and distributed next stage print media.
What this can do is offer an resource of recycled paper,that can move forward in many aspects.
The supplier who returns the eventual pulp media as again recycled print media of “certain type” could possibly receive an premium payback per pound for “certain pulp media.”
(Key.) For those that can recognize how to let the direct competition for media advertising space supply, your,Incrementally Best use and Carbon Sequestered printed media. In short start printing,your news and advertising on their old pre-read and discarded/recycled pulp media.
Your competition would help drive your more “Environmentally Balanced” end point media for defined advantages for you,and the planet, as well.
It would be kinda neat if your CCO was printed locally for distribution and recovery forward,printed media is another fair balance point for actual “Advertising Product Profits,moved forward.”
Processing the competitions original resource,forward,for an better Carbon Sequestered Product in more than one “presentation” of overall printed media supplies.
After some conceptual bright site discussions..Well,we think we already know just how to create test and approve and apply the processes. New conceptually, however the operational equipment technology isn’t new,the process would be. Gotta get it “printed up on some paper” then send off for licensing. Like other projects we consult on we would offer an cooperative licensing contact for applied processes moved forward to the recoverable resource customer.
Join them and beat them like a drum. CCO grand slam! RRRR Read,Regrind,Reapply,Recover.
Several New jobs and career pathways might be available,at all levels including franchising globally.
Found,Ground,and bound,for rebuttal purposes only. 🙂
hesterna ipsum est vitae sapien id arcu.
yesterdays news is today’s news
What a first class response from the CCO Editor. Thanks for taking the high road.
Sorry, I cannot Vote for Ron Bacon again, as there is no telling when he might “wilt” again. My whole family is disappointed that he is not the stand up guy we thought he was.
Another beaming review. heck evansville Ky. the same place?
Breaking News: Just in. The polling results between Marsha Abell and Bruce Ungethiem shows Marsha leading Bruce by a 71% to 20% margin. This poll was paid for by Mayor Winnenke campaign committee, County Commission attorney Joe Harrison, Jr., Bob Dillow insurance agency. The official results were certified by Wayne Parke Vanderburgh County Republican Chairmen.
Aye, certified by the fox watching the hen house.
JUST IN—-New poll finds Mayor has 99.9% favorable approval rating. Disclaimer-Poll was paid for by Wayne Parke, Bob Dillow, Attorney Joe Harrison, Jr., GOP Central Committee, Friends From Old National Bank-Tucker Realty Group and Vectren.
The Winnie administration becomes more laughable everyday, but some people have too much time on their hands. So many comedians out of work…………………..
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