IS IT TRUE that Jay Carter, co-owner of Shaggy’s Towing and a member of the City of Evansville Redevelopment Commission, may not have a “Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement” on file with the City of Evansville regarding his desire for his towing business?… Shaggy’s Towing, to obtain the City of Evansville towing contract was represented by Mr. Carter when he appeared and spoke to the Evansville Safety Board about the city towing contract in January of 2012?…we wonder if Mr. Carter failed to file his “Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement” when he spoke to the Evansville Safety Board? …we wonder does he now have one on file?
IS IT TRUE that on April 25, 2012, the City of Evansville Safety Board voted 2 to 1 to award the City of Evansville towing contract to the partnership of Tri-State Towing and Shaggy’s Towing?…right after this vote the Mayor forced the President of the Evansville Safety Board to resign her position with the board?
IS IT TRUE that the owner of Tri-State Towing was recently quoted as saying that Shaggy’s Towing never received any tow runs after Tri-State Towing and Shaggy’s Towing were awarded the City towing contract in April of 2012?… that Jay Carter, co-owner of Shaggy’s Towing, was quoted in September of 2012 that Shaggy’s Towing responds to 12-18 calls a day, many of them on Highway 41?… these 2 versions of the towing runs by Shaggy’s Towing seems to be inconsistent?
IS IT TRUE it has been reported that one of the selling points that was made to Tri-State Towing for partnering with Shaggy’s Towing was that this partnership could take advantage of the Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) status that Shaggy’s Towing enjoyed?…if Shaggy’s was just a front to enable Tri-State Towing to present themselves as a Minority Owned Business that such a SNEGAL (sneaky but legal) trick is an abuse of the intentions of the MBE & WBE programs?…such sneakiness puts these programs in jeopardy and hurts legitimate MBEs and WBEs who can certainly benefit from these programs?…this would not be the first time that someone has successfully benefitted from these programs by SNEGAL tactics?…this is reminiscent of the dolled-up lady with nine inch nails who claimed to make a living pouring concrete but had soft hands, long nails, and a tanning bed tan (orange like Congressman Boehner) as opposed to a real work outside and get dirty tan?
IS IT TRUE that we wonder if the Federal Authorities have contacted the Mayor or his appointed administrators to see if they were involved in allegedly pushing members of the Evansville Safety Board to make the decision to award the city towing contract to Tri-State Towing and Shaggy’s Towing in April of 2012?
IS IT TRUE that there is a website that looks like a USI website dedicated to political activism that openly denigrates Vanderburgh County Commissioner Marsha Abell?…regardless of where one stands on political issues of any kind it is quite bold and crosses many people’s lines in the sand when a publicly funded institution of higher learning openly denigrates or looks the other way when an elected official that is supportive of them is denigrated?…the page on the USI Safe Zone Initiative site where Commissioner Abell is bashed is on the following link?…if this is a student owned and managed website that receives no financial support from USI then this is simply free speech and the students running it are within their rights to bash whomever they wish?…if there are taxpayer dollars that were paid for education funneled into this website then this is an inappropriate use of that taxpayer funding?…if a public institution that enjoys 501c3 status uses money to push political agendas it could easily be interpreted as lobbying?…a 501c3 cannot lobby by law?…doing so puts such and entities tax exempt status at risk?
The cronies are going to start feeling the heat from the backroom deals!! Hopefully with Weinzapfel and Jenny being the targets! Lrt us hope for a bullseye!
Amen! It’s about time that they get their indictments too. How in the world would you hire a non-CPA to be Controller of Indiana’s third largest City and then turn around at the end of your term and create a Utility CFO position for her? The answer is if you take care of Jenny then Jenny won’t talk.
It’d be different if she had done such a great job that she was a valuable asset, but she failed miserably at a large software conversion and ran the City’s books into the ground and failed to balance the books monthly, which is a violation of State law. It cost the City hundreds of thousands of dollars to fix her mess. Heck, she failed to do the IT Project 101 step of running the old and new systems in parallel until the new system is proven stable. Even never-get-anything-right losers like Weaver and Mosby know you run software in parallel.
I agree. She should be promptly terminated (from office, not life)
I understand that if she survives as a city employee beyond December 2013, she will be entitled to a city pension for life.
Here’s a bigger question. Why was she picked by the C-n-P to be a Top 20 Under 40 in 2011? http://www.courierpress.com/photos/galleries/2011/sep/22/class-2011-20-under-40/23613/
No way the C-n-P can claim their selections aren’t political.
Are you wanting to terminate her from her job because she does a poor job or because she is going to receive a pension when she is fully vested?
What is Jenny NOT GOING TO TALK about?????
Alright boys, let’s meet at the end of Main St. and the mob can round up these two “backroom dealing cronies” and we will drag them to the town square and lench them at high noon!!! I’m sure that the “rumors” are right, who needs “FACTS”, just fire Jenny because she will get a pension if she lasts til December 2013. I think that John Friend should run for Mayor and Connie Robinson should be the City Controller, what a DUO!!!!!!!! OH, no wait, John Friend for Mayor and Garrett for his City Controller!!!!! What a LAUGH!!!!!
“IS IT TRUE that the owner of Tri-State Towing was recently quoted as saying that Shaggy’s Towing never received any tow runs after Tri-State Towing and Shaggy’s Towing were awarded the City towing contract in April of 2012?… that Jay Carter, co-owner of Shaggy’s Towing, was quoted in September of 2012 that Shaggy’s Towing responds to 12-18 calls a day, many of them on Highway 41?… these 2 versions of the towing runs by Shaggy’s Towing seems to be inconsistent? ”
Wow, the CCO Editors nailed it. The Courier’s Sept. 2012 article was very specific that Jay Carter was co-owner of Shaggy’s Towing and the 12-18 daily calls they responded to. Tri-State Towing now claims that Shaggy’s never had any tow runs? Zero tow runs by Shaggy’s 3 tow trucks? It would be very interesting to know if anyone disputed the accuracy of the Courier article when published back in Sept. 2012? Agreed CCO, these 2 versions of the Shaggy towing runs seems to be a little bit inconsistent.
Lying sure seems to be the normal around evansville/
Is it legal to run a towing company from a house in the City?
There was a picture in The Evansville Courier & Press recently showing a Shaggy’s Towing wrecker in front of a residence, presumably the home of the owner, Jay Carter.
Has this business been operating in violation of the zoning laws of Vanderburgh County? I know there are restrictions as to what business activities can be conducted from homes zoned as residential.
Does Shaggy’s conform to the zoning requirements? If not, have they been cited by the proper authorities?
You may need to contact someone on the Evansville Redevelopment Commission.
I looked up Mr. Carter’s home on the Vanderburgh Assessor’s Site.
According to the site, he bought his home from the Reverend Billy D. Garrett.
Seems to me, I remember the Rev. being cited for zoning issues such as orphaning vehicles on concrete blocks in his driveway.
How long did it take for Connie Robinson to file her conflict of interest statement? YEARS AND YEARS after she had her conflict of interest firmly dug into the taxpayer’s neck like a tick on a hound. But nobody’s going to do anything about it so who cares right?
Nobody ever wants to expose her fully. You could write pages on the corruption with that name on it alone.
I think that they should indict Umbaugh’s Big Dan. He sold software that he knew that the employees of the City Controller’s Office were too incompetent to handle so that he can come in and play fire fighter and charge $200+ an hour. Big Dan loves to use all them fancy accounting words and likes to fascinate others with his fancy spreadsheets that it has been heavily rumored and confirmed that he plugs numbers to get them to work.
Using the same audit firms for decades borders on the insane if you care anything about ethics and public trust. It is about time to tell some of these people that there time is up and we need a fresh set of eyes on the books!
BTW, John Friend, of all people, should know what I just stated is true. The best thing he has done in that regard since he has been finance chair of the city councils was to bring in David Garrett to look at the city’s ledgers.
Pressanykey, Agreed. Wasn’t the Weaver and Mosby brain trust the main opposition to Mr. Garrett’s review of the City ledgers?
Removed by editor for offensive innuendo
I have very little respect for Friend as a City Councilman, but I suggest that this posting be removed as not being worthy of the CCO.
Sorry this is off topic, but did anyone else see this?
Indiana advances first-in-nation proposal to require arming school officials
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/04/04/indiana-advances-first-in-nation-bill-to-require-arming-school-officials/#ixzz2PY9S1zzL
In regards to “IS IT TRUE that there is a website that looks like a USI website dedicated to political activism that openly denigrates Vanderburgh County Commissioner Marsha Abell?”
I’m not exactly sure why you think this web site “bashed” Abell? There is a photo of people holding signs outside the Centre with the caption Community Protest in Support of the HRC, while the signs the protesters are holding read “Shame on You Marsha Abell” That is certainly not bashing by the group that runs the web site. Links on that page that lead to the transcripts of the two meetings and one story in the Courier are the only other mention of Abell.
And if you scrolled to the bottom of the page you would see that tristatesafezone.org is hosted on GoDaddy.com and not USI.edu servers.
Even searching on USI.edu you find no direct links to this web site.
But Thanks City-Countyobserver.com for directing traffic to the site to remind people of the shameful actions of Commissioner Abell.
I’ve been trying to find what all this is really about. What did she do/say?
Lou Dobbs mentioned the Indiana Law last night(Thursday) on his show. I have mixed feelings. If the gun is accessible to a military veteran with gun safety training that is fine. If it is available to the ass clowns who can’t even maintain discipline during a pep rally then I really have to stop and pause…
It’s hard to find knowledgeable people in this particular subject, but you sound like you know what you’re
talking about! Thanks
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