IS IT TRUE? April 4, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? April 4, 2011

IS IT TRUE that certain individuals who are running in the Democratic primary are considering not paying their political party assessment fee levied on them by the Democratic Party Central Committee?

IS IT TRUE that CCO “MOLE # 3” is hearing that certain political types would like to see present Assistant Police Chief, Rob Hahn to be named the next Chief?

IS IT TRUE that the key political ingredient for 6th Ward candidate Al Lindsey winning the Democratic primary depends on a new political boss of that Ward? ….that he is none other than the newly elected Perry Township Trustee, Rick Riney?

IS IT TRUE that the names of Mike Humphrey and Shawn Oglesby are being touted as the next Evansville Fire Chief beginning January-2012?

IS IT TRUE that the race between Rick Davis and Troy Tornatta for Mayor of Evansville is becoming a real political barn burner?

IS IT TRUE that word in the political street is that a large number of Republicans are voting in the Democratic primary?

IS IT TRUE that Sandy Deig is the eyes and ears of the Vanderburgh County Council? ,,,,the City County Observer would like to also say that Sandy does an outstanding job serving members of the County Council and the tax payers of Vanderburgh County?

IS IT TRUE that 9 members of the City County Observer “MOLE SQUAD” are beginning to work on their political predictions in the upcoming City of Evansville primaries? …that all eyes are waiting for the predictions of “MOLE # 3” since he predicted all but one winner in last year County and State elections?


  1. Rick Riney is one of those guys who would give you the shirt off his back….. I’m glad he’s our trustee…. My legs don’t move like they use too but I made sure I got out and voted for him last year…

    • The problem with Trustees is that they don’t give you the shirt of their back. They tax the public, take their shirts and give them to someone else. If they do a good job (and how do you define a good job) they help a little. If they do a poor job you kill fire departments and go to jail.

  2. Is it true that if there is “a new political boss” for the 6th Ward, that he or she should live in the 6th Ward and not somewhere out in the unincorporated area of Perry Township? Or is it true that residency in the 6th Ward no longer matters with regard to 6th Ward leaders and elected representatives?

    • Is it true that the soon to be newly elected 6th Ward City Councilman has lived in the 6th Ward for 35 years and that the present 6th Ward City Councilman is a carpetbagger from Scottsburg In.

      • The issue here is the Democrat 6th Ward leader, which by the way is appointed by the Democrat central committee chairman, and not determined or designated by the winner of the 6th Ward city council race.

  3. I hope Davis and Tornatta aren’t counting on those Republican crossover votes to win this or any other election.
    Voters in primaries are mostly hard core Democrat or Republican. Both sides have primary battles. With the teaparty having a canidate for mayor, there will be no crossover from them. Both sides say they will crossover but very few ever do.

    • Yes, neither local party can risk what might result from party loyalists crossing over and leaving their strongest candidates susceptible to the embarrassment of the weakest candidate on their ticket enjoying a strong showing … especially when there’s a few real wackos on each ticket!

    • When I worked the polls last primary, I noticed a good chunk of voters didn’t even know if they wanted to vote Dem or Rep when they came in the door. Wouldn’t surprise me if that turns out to be the case again.

      I could also see a lot of Reps voting for Tornatta as Dems. That would sure make it a whole lot easier for Winnecke in November.

  4. “certain political types would like to see present Assistant Police Chief, Rob Hahn to be named the next Chief?”

    How could this NOT be true? Rob Hahn should be wanted as Chief by ALL political types, not just certain political types!!! He’s a dose of reality that this city really needs!

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