IS IT TRUE the U.S. economy slowed in the first quarter to one of the weakest paces of the five-year recovery as the frigid winter appeared to curtailed business investment and weakness overseas hurt exports?…gross domestic product, the broadest measure of goods and services produced across the economy, advanced at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 0.1% in the first quarter, the Commerce Department said Wednesday?…economists surveyed by The Wall Street Journal had forecast growth at a 1.1% pace for the quarter?…the second quarter has started out as a flatliner with neither upward growth or hiring making news?…the good news is that there is not any bad news either?…we seem to be trying to run in place economically despite a need for growth to absorb the 6% of the population that has given up even looking for work or found ways to survive off the grid and outside of the brotherhood of taxpayers?
IS IT TRUE we are pleased this morning to see that at least one other news outlet is noticing the fact that the 2012 audit of the City of Evansville and the Sewer and Water Department have not yet been released by the State Board of Accounts?…as we stated Monday we do have it on high authority that both of these audits will be ADVERSE OPINIONS which are basically the worst opinion that an audit can possibly be?…as details emerge we will publish them whether the State of Indiana releases this information that the taxpayers paid for and have a right to see?…it would be highly irregular for even a word to be changed in an audit that was completed through the exit interview phase nearly two months ago so there is no justifiable reason for the SBOA to withhold it from the public?…one of the STATEHOUSE MOLES tells us that problems have been identified in the areas of payroll and pensions and that the books do not reconcile through this audit period?…this is counter to the words that have come from the Civic Center?…one might even say it is an ADVERSE OPINION?
IS IT TRUE a retired couple named Alvin and Pam Harris have opened a non-profit fresh produce store in Evansville’s inner city?…lack of access to fresh produce has been identified as one of the key reasons that obesity has grown among the nation’s poor at an alarming rate during the last 30 years?…the CCO commends this couple and would like to do our part to help them along the road to success by donating an ad in the CCO to them for their first year of operation?…if anyone knows how to put us into touch with these good people please leave us a message in the comment section and we will take it from there?
IS IT TRUE on the national scene after the launch and last minute sign up frenzy for the ACA, President Obama’s approval rating has swung up and down but has seemed to settle in a range that is in the 41% – 43% range for nearly 2 full months?…the disapproval rating has similarly settled in to the low 50’s according to the Real Clear Politics averages of 9 polls?…of course the only reason people are interested in the President’s ratings as he can’t run again are to try to predict what the outcome of the Senate election is likely to be?…the range of non-partisan predictions now is that the Republicans will be picking up from 4 to 7 seats?…that will point to either an equal split in the Senate or a thin Republican majority which would alter the balance of power that the Democrats have enjoyed for 6 years now?…there is much water left to go under the bridge and we are sure that several candidates will find a way to destroy their own candidacy between now and November?
IS IT TRUE that we were reminded yesterday in an email from a close friend of George Orwell’s famous quote on journalism?…this quote is “Journalism is publishing what someone else does not want published. Everything else is just public relations.”?…the City County Observer has been willing to “fight like the dickens” to do that for the past four years?…as long as we possess the courage to do this it is this writers belief that growth will continue and respect will be gained?…should we waver from this fundamental principle we will have little reason to exist?
Just checked and there is nothing on the SBOA website regarding the City of Evansville audits.
Editor; Our own DOE kinda makes clear trending for an after 5/6/14 release date on that SBOA stuff you all are concerned with. One of my Virginia/beltway regulars is confident enough to call a prediction. However I and some other team members are still looking at the data returns.
Really this morning all the water under the bridge we’re concerned with is down south where one site took a 23.7″/24hr rain rate event,repetitive sheet layering rainfall far worse than anything previously recorded. In other words extreme concentration of atmospheric Water Vapor energy.
Changed Climate,like the winds in Cali,its not the normal.So We’ve also conversed on the affect felt by the economic drivers from this,and that sports relative to the November election’s across the country.
Focused trending indicators on national commerce infrastructure balances due the changing climate conditionals per region of affect forward.
We told’em so,have been for a couple of years.
Extreme water vapor energy,pictorial.
Ice=solid,and somewhat stablized,liquid transformation to sea levels,warming climate,transforming water through increased evaporation rates = increasing vapor energy balances held in an Warming Climate globally thermal energy transformation though condensing pathways create by weather events. Its all contained in one conditional state or another, in one vessel=atmospheric balance,same, as it always was.
It all “boils”down to a small blue planet that is changing its always held H2o water molecule balances through global warming,pick an cause,and,that doesn’t really matter now.
Its happening now and ones human infrastructures best be built to adapt, or ones social economic brow “sweat” continues to increase as ones personal sustainable balances*,as well.
“Forecasters figured that the rain in Pensacola set a record, but they could not be sure because a suspected lightning strike knocked out the National Weather Service reporting station there.”
“Gotta watch that lightning stuff they(NWS)say so in all the breifs.”
Hey, V/R, I caught a whiff of nastiness in the Oakhill – Lynch area a little while ago, and thought of you! No offense intended, just remembered your mention of the same thing earlier this week.
So far, my relatives in Mobile and the panhandle are okay physically. Some of their possessions are worse for the wear, though.
EKB, Good to hear your people down there are ok,that weather was relentless,our data shows the layering well. One of our senors farther north west of there was in a debris field they had a an F-2 or close, about 750 yards away from the site itself.
The Oak hill Lynch CSO noxious smell is a standing problem its been like that for a long time. North side gateway prep for intro to the cities core, we’ve guessed,same problem, sewers,that one up there probably is a CSO dumpout to Pigeon creek which is also Metro Ohio basin accountable.
The problem is a metro issue,that’s why the thing should be fixed with a plan that covers that with the correct incremental steps.
The Old downtown fix first is a short ended approach to a massive problem.
You people need an effective plan for this,and one that solves the metro issue as an unit. Cost effectively with sustainable balances for the entire metro population.
“there is much water left to go under the bridge and we are sure that several candidates will find a way to destroy their own candidacy between now and November?”
Bing-O, CCO. I just heard Mitch McConnell’s “positive rating” across the river has sunk to 8%. The irony here is that the TP now likes him better than the mainstream Republicans do. His “sharp right turn”, coupled with the ineptitude of his primary opponent, is going to carry him through the May. It’s going to be nearly impossible for him to careen back toward the center convincingly, though.
It is far too early to predict what will take place in November, especially considering how quickly information is spread today. There is no telling who will be caught in a compromising situation or get indicted by then.
Like Gov.Edwin Edwards said in Louisiana (before things went south for him and he went to prison): ‘The only thing that can cost me this election is getting caught in bed with a dead woman or live boy’.
IIT that Obamacare is more popular in KY than Senator McConell?
IIT that nearly 400,000 Kentuckians, 10% of the KY population is now covered by ACA compliant health insurance plans or expanded Medicaid?
IIT that Sen Rand Paul defeated D Jack Conway by 160,000 votes in a banner R year
IIT true Dem operatives are planning to confront Senator McConnell every where he goes in KY this summer and fall with KY residents who got health insurance through the ACA but they are waiting for D candidate Alison Grimes to give the go ahead?
IIT that R Senate candidates are already being confronted by citizens who have gotten health insurance for the first time?
IIT that this poster may just have to travel to Henderson or Owensboro to see the flop sweat break out on Senator McConnell’s face when confronted by constituents?
IIT that Governor Steve Beshear enjoys a 56% approval rating while being a full throated supporter of the ACA?
IIT that Governor Beshears smartest moves was to not call KY exchange Obamacare or mention that they were the same thing.
IIT that the individual provisions in the ACA are wildly popular but that Obamarcare is not?
IIT that the Affordable Care Act polls much better than Obamacare
IIT that a Democratic pollster found the current generic Congressional ballot to be 50-50 between D’s and R’s but if you remind voters that the R’s voted 50 times to repeal the ACA OR they were responsible for the government shutdown that the D’s end up retaking the House of Representatives?
I think it is definitely true that those Democrats who are running away from ACA will be wheeling around and running toward it by July. The longer people have to experience the benefits, the harder it will be for the right to justify repealing ACA.
The reprehensible lies propigated by the radical right about microchips and death panels are being debunked, and a lot of people will resent them too much to vote that way again any time soon.
The more stories that come out about people who are alive because of ACA, the stronger the Democratic candidates are going to be.
And yet Laura, how can you so conveniently disregard the unarguable fact that the ACA was foisted on the nation by a pair of oft repeated, knowingly calculated LIES ! “You can keep your plan” and “You can keep your Doctor” ! PERIOD ! Time after time, after time, after time etc. What? SOME 30 TIMES + ???
If you have ever NOT wanted to answer to a challenge launched your way, Please deny that tact of ducking and running and answer this blatant fact of history !!!
Your messiah and his minions knowingly and with forethought saw it imminently necessary to LIE to advance their agenda.
The simplest fact is that the whole fiasco could not, by THEIR calculations, stand on it’s own merits ! Admit it !!!
Ridiculous comment.
1) Obama let people stay on their silly discount card/ripoff plans. Obama was supposed to hit the campaign trail saying you could keep your plan if the insurer kept your contract word for word? Ridiculous. The ACA did allow for grandfathering of those old plans, so you’re badly misinformed, as usual.
2) Millions got their policies cancelled annually anyway before the ACA for technical reasons because the insurers got out of that market, changes in costs etc.
3) People who lost their doctor probably did because their plans changed.
The ACA was designed to create a group plan for the people who fell through the cracks of Medicare/Medicaid and employment based plans.
Regarding that goal, it succeeded wildly.
Your charge of the ACA being built on lies is ridiculous and illinformed.
Read Charles Gaba’s blog at ACAsignups about the cancelled plans and maybe you will learn something.
Good post. The polling for aca vs obamacare just proves the difference is hatred for obama and more proof of idiocy among republican voters.
Still no info on the demographic breakdown of enrolled or the number of 1st month paid enrolled from HHS. We have heard that less than 50% of GA enrolled have paid the 1st payment. Still have yet to hear also how many enrolled previously had coverage? I guess if you think you have coverage the you have not paid for yet in KY you are a fan of the Governor. If he news were good you can bet the President would be talking about it and helping all those Dem Senators about to lose their seats.
You heard WRONG…… AGAIN.
What kind of a person(Ralph Hudgens) does everything in their power to prevent people from getting access to healthcare?
I will tell you… a vindictive, sadistic, psychopath that’s who.
Palin, Nugent, Zimmerman, Bundy, Cruz. Man who guys really know how to pick ’em don’t ya?
Only brain dead cowards cancel reply on their posts !
I think the final paragraph of IIT is spot-on. I also think today’s endorsement of a candidate in a County Council race might have not been the best decision, and seems out of character for the atmosphere you have created here.
I’m not sure I oppose endorsements in a general election, but I don’t think that stirring discord among the readers over a primary is worth it.
Re: the late Audit Report–how can an ‘Exit Conference’ be held (signifying the audit has concluded); and then a subsequent request to see additional payroll and pension information ??
World Trade Federation is going on ?
(sniff, sniff) Did someone leave something on the burner ?
Doesn’t look right to me, unless it is to refer the whole mess for a legal investigation. Maybe they just can’t believe they saw what they think they saw.
I think they squatted and left a pile on the floor!
Btw, CCO, bravo for recognizing the Harrises. As soon as you find out where their market is located, please let us know. Their endeavor is worthy of community support.
Hopefully The SBOA is delaying release of the audit so the State Department can prepare indictments.
As for the weather, CSO and all related Nastiness, Only getting worse, was looking at a site down by the river yesterday. The Ohio, she’s angry.
And as Papa Animal once told me, “yeah, she’s pretty, but she’ll kill ya if you give her half a chance.”
I imagine there were some pretty impressive rollers where The Ohio turns south after Horseshoe bend.
With much water, that whipped up, and moving as fast as the current is now, I’d bet safe money that some farmers will bottoms land are watching their acreage, to see what falls in the river right now.
We’ve got a solid decade of this type of weather ahead of us ahead of us. The time to start seriously thinking about erosion and flood control was 20 years ago, so I’d say we need to get to work.
C & P article about the State Audit: was published on Tuesday, 4/29 at 6:40 PM. It has already been removed from the front page, and I found it on the ‘Local’ tab.
As a possible indicator of the type of posters who now inhabit the C & P (subscription required) . . . there was one (1) comment !!!!!
Flash! A scoop,and a half! We’ve heard from afar the C&P short people have gone and hired a new downtown action reporter to go out and round up “a” new comments poster to combat the CCOs rising numbers in its readership.
Is it true that the cco hack writers chicken little lies about ACA have not come true? Is it true that eliminating fear of medical bankruptcy would boost any economy? Is it true that countries with growing middle classes have single payer healthcare?
What else do you expect with Airhead and her crew on the audit? Sheldon Cooper spent the entire time speaking Klingon to Russ. Now that the Southern-Indiana-hating General Sherman is in charge, I am sure that he is looking at their work and thinking, WTF. That’s not the way that things are supposed to be done. On the other hand, I will also say that I have caught Russ in several lies in my dealings with the Controller’s Office. Why is audit evidence being produced after the exit conference? Shouldn’t that set up some red flags about the City?
@Hans Moleman,
Ditto on catching Russ in lies, I have done so on many occasions as well. Even when you have fully exposed his lie, he keeps trying to push through it (as if that will change the truth).
Regardless of Audit, I hope the smart money at Civic Center realizes an UPGRADE is needed, especially with the mountain of projects coming down the pike.
I have it on good authority that the reason why the report has been delayed is because Russ called the Governor’s Office to have the audit results changed to how he wanted it. He did the exact same thing last year but failed at it last year. I don’t think we need to blame the State Board. Russ has been Controller for 2 1/2 years and the books still don’t reconcile. At some point he’s going to have to stop blaming the prior administration, software, and the auditors!
Is this what most politicians do, blame the past administrations. After four years of Obama, doesn’t he seem to revert back to Bush. You are dead on, after two years and four months, this is Winnecke’s deal, not Weinzapfel’s
If the Governor will cover up this pile of crap, then the City really doesn’t have a chance. I can see how he wouldn’t want LW and crew to look bad, though.
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