Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE APRIL 3, 2017



IS IT TRUE because of the Sustained Effort Incentive Fee Account agreement, it allowed the City of Evansville either advanced, loaned or gave VenueWorks/VW Sports, LLC $200,000 of the $225,000 that Venue Works/VW Sports, LLC  needed to acquire the SPHL franchise?  …when Addendum #6 was executed between VenueWorks/VW Sports, LLC and the City the $200,000 was disbursed to Venue Works/VW Sports, LLC?

IS IT TRUE its been alleged that the Executive Director of VenueWorks-Ford Center was on the negotiating team when the ERC negotiated the renewal of a 5 year contract with the Evansville IceMen?  …if this allegation is true you now know why some people feel that the renewal of the 5 year contract with the Evansville IceMen was not negotiated in good faith because an employee of the owner of the Evansville Thunderbolts was a party to these negotiations?

IS IT TRUE it looks like the taxpayers of Evansville are now investors in the Evansville Thunderbolt Hockey team?  …that the newest investors (taxpayers of Evansville) of the Evansville Thunderbolts better get ready to open their checkbooks because we are hearing that they are spending a lot more money than they are taking in?

IS IT TRUE last week Evansville Thunderbolts lost in Columbus, Georgia 3 to 2 and their record is now 13 wins and 40 losses destined to end up in 10 th place out of 10 teams with only a couple games left in the season?

IS IT TRUE we are waiting for Mayor Winnecke to give us a detailed explanation why he felt it was a wise investment to spend our hard earned tax dollars to financially bail out the Evansville Thunderbolt Hockey team?

IS IT TRUE we wonder why City Council Finance Chairman Dan McGinn and President Missy Mosby hasn’t ask the Mayor and the City Controller to do a “Forensic Audit” of the VenueWorks business activities of the Ford Center?

IS IT TRUE that after closing their restaurant and tasting room suddenly a few weeks ago the owners of the Tin Man Brewery were adamant that the brewery itself was going to continue to do business in Evansville?…the reality that came out over the weekend is that the Tin Man Brewery in Evansville is “available”?…that is a nice way to say that the Tin Man is “For Sale”?…the asking price for the Tin Man is $2.39 Million?…that may be essentially an asset sale because a restaurant that is closed is worth absolutely nothing as a going business?…we hope to see a new owner step forward and resurrect the craft brewery on West Franklin Street?

IS IT TRUE that Democrat Senator Joe Donnelly of Indiana has jumped on the Trump Train and announced that he be voting to confirm Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court of the United States?…Senator Donnelly took the next step and endorsed Gorsuch to join the court?…this makes 3 Democrat Senators who,have announced their intention to vote to confirm Judge Gorsuch?…that means 55 of the 60 votes needed to confirm Judge Gorsuch are secured?…should 5 more Democrats come forward to support Judge Gorsuch, the quixotic philibuster being launched by New York Senator Chuck Schumer will become more of a fool’s errand than it already is?…Judge Gorsuch will be confirmed with or without 60 vote as the path to a straight up,or down majority was established by Senator Harry Reid several years ago when Democrat egos were of the opinion they would be in control in perpetuity?…surely a fellow like Senator Schumer who scored a perfect 1,600 on his SAT has enough common sense to understand the reality that his willingness to bang his head against the wall will do,to the near future of the Supreme Court?…he may not realize this because blind and committed hatred often obscure one’s analytical capacity?

IS IT TRUE we are looking in the local paper to see if Commissioner Musgrave and Shoulders have decided to be transparent and advertise the now vacant position of Director of Burdette Park?  …by doing so they may be able to convince the taxpayers and voters of Vanderburgh County that they aren’t really “backroom political  wheelers and dealers”?

Todays “READERS POLL” question is: Do feel that the taxpayers of Evansville should cover the financial losses generated by the Thunderbolts

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  1. Why would anybody wonder ..have we all forgotten the fiasco namely “Earthcare” remember the $200,000 loaned to those clowns ..is this what we can continually expect from a Mayor with a Drama degree under his belt? How can we be critical of Geary should he decide to take legal action against the City (namely Winnecke & Co) under the “Unfair Business Practice” statutes?

    • Last night’s episode of Billions hit very close to home when they were discussing local government “leadership”. Thus far, Evansville has managed to survive its foibles, but the debt keeps mounting. They are just one more ill conceived project away from the whole thing collapsing like a house cards. How this city gets away with overstepping its statutory debt limits by farming that debt out to city controlled agencies like the Evansville Redevelopment Commission, whose Redevelopment Authority holds the debt on the Ford Center, is beyond the comprehension of most people’s understanding of how local government should operate. It seems like the slick dealings of the Establishment controlled city government is always in conflict with the common sense of the taxpayers who are tagged with paying for their questionable projects.

  2. When it comes to Butterfly McGinn and the woman in Yellow the only thing you will hear is “Crickets”

  3. First EarthCare, now VenueWorks/VW Sports. Great investigative reporting by the CCO.

  4. rice rice baby…………………..there is without a doubt a kenyan in the woodpile…………..this is going to get good……….very good……..President Trump Law And Order For All…………2017 And Beyond………………..

  5. Maybe God will intervene at Evansville’s next Mayoral election and give us a Donald Trump style Mayor, as he gave Donald Trump to America. Then, only then, Evansville will be great again.

    • Watching from afar, (as V used to say), I’m not quite sure Evansville’s quality of life will be enhanced by having two pussy grabbers on board at the same time, BUT, one thing I’m pretty sure of;

      God would want to take a rain check on your suggestion until He gets it approved by the too Corinthians.

      Believe me….

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