IS IT TRUE April 26, 2013
IT IS TRUE home invasion burglars are not having a very prosperous year here in Vanderburgh County, Indiana?…this week two more wannabe thieves were held at gunpoint by a homeowner while waiting for the police to come and haul them to jail?…while raising the danger level the Tri-State should embrace it’s growing image as a place where homeowners are independent enough to own a gun and courageous enough to protect their homes with those guns?…if more thugs and crack heads who think it is just fine to break into people’s homes were shot or held at gunpoint by homeowners waiting for a ride to jail incidences of home invasion burglary would most likely fall?…the opposite has been proven to happen by the dimwitted City of Chicago that saw violent crime rise by double digits last year after banning guns?…while Chicago may be earning a reputation as the “Murder Capital of Americaâ€, Evansville is becoming the “Homeowner Protection Capitalâ€?…for these reasons the CCO commends the local residents who stand up for their families by facing down these thugs and furthermore thanks and celebrates the rapid response of local law enforcement to situations where they assume control of the situation after the homeowners have done their jobs to protect their homes?
IS IT TRUE that there is also good news on the economic front nationwide in the form of consumer spending increasing during the first quarter of 2013?…it seems as though the official annualized growth rate of consumer spending was 2.5% for the first quarter?…many Americans will be confused by this number because it is annualized?…what this really means is that consumer spending really increased by 0.625% (one-fourth of 2.5%) during Q1 and not the full 2.5%?…this is a welcome surprise that was probably driven by unrequested increases in credit card limits?…after 4 years of seeing credit limits cut for no good reason that stifled consumer spending there are now widespread reports of people opening their bills to discover a credit limit increase?…businesses are also seeing orders increase and are beginning to hire people?…raises of 3% and above are also making their way back into the annual review cycle for prosperous businesses that have survived the Great Recession?…a visible contradiction to such good things during the past week has been Fiskar Motors that is yet another case of a stimulus backed company closing their doors?…the subtitles of many articles about this increase in spending are “despite government spending drop consumer spending risesâ€?
IS IT TRUE there may just be a lesson to be learned from an economy that finally seems to be getting up off of its butt since government spending has slowed?…all government spending happens as a result of either taxing earnings and activities, borrowing against future taxes, or printing money?…none of these things except in rare cases actually stimulates economic activity broadly?…when the government takes $700 from a taxpayer and spends it on a hammer only a handful of government workers who process the paperwork and the guy that sold the hammer benefit?…then a taxpayer spends $700 at a variety of places many people in the private economy benefit and that $700 multiplies?…maybe the right approach to the Great Recession would have been to contract government spending back in 2008 when the $%^# hit the fan?…we hope that the people and the leaders of this country learn from this new prosperity and that it continues?
IS IT TRUE that in 2012 California Governor Jerry Brown eliminated all Redevelopment Commissions in the state?…that sounds like a strange and unexpected action for a Governor who has a life history of progressive politics?…even Jerry Brown came to the realization that local government through Redevelopment Commissions were bankrupting the state and themselves by using the RDA as a slush fund for building temples to sport, dog parks, and even bocce ball courts with borrowed money?…those days are over for now in California?…local leaders howled like smashed cats and one even threw up at the news but a year later things are dramatically better making this look like the right thing to have done?…California often leads the nation in new things and the abolishment of Redevelopment Commissions may just turn out to be the work of genius?…we wonder if Evansville is watching and learning from this?
How can we be having all of these home invasion burglaries – I mean we’ve got a TANK and all patrolling our streets to make us feel safe and all.
Holder is a disgrace. Instead of enforcing the law, he totally ignores it and launches into his one version made up out of whole cloth!
Holder is nothing short of a dangerous outlaw who should never be allowed to hold the position he does. His speech is gibberish for the uneducated.
Put a sign in you front yard “Nothing in the house is worth dying for ” maybe they the (home invasion) guys will take the hint..
Obama = incompetent = Holder = disgrace.
United States Department of Homeland Security
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Agency overview
Formed November 25, 2002
Jurisdiction United States of America
Headquarters Nebraska Avenue Complex
Washington, D.C., United States
38°56′17″N 77°4′56″WCoordinates: 38°56′17″N 77°4′56″W
Employees 240,000
Annual budget US $60.8 bllion (FY 2013)
Agency executives Janet Napolitano, Secretary[1]
Jane Holl Lute, Deputy Secretary[2]
Child agencies United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Federal Emergency Management Agency
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Transportation Security Administration
United States Coast Guard
National Protection and Programs Directorate
United States Secret Service
The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is a cabinet department of the United States federal government, created in response to the September 11 attacks, and with the primary responsibilities of protecting the United States of America and U.S. territories (including Protectorates) from and responding to terrorist attacks, man-made accidents, and natural disasters. Despite the Department of the Interior’s name, DHS is the equivalent to the Interior ministries of other countries, not the Department of the Interior. In fiscal year 2011, DHS was allocated a budget of $98.8 billion and spent, net, $66.4 billion.
Where the Department of Defense is charged with military actions abroad, the Department of Homeland Security works in the civilian sphere to protect the United States within, at, and outside its borders. Its stated goal is to prepare for, prevent, and respond to domestic emergencies, particularly terrorism.[3] On March 1, 2003, DHS absorbed the Immigration and Naturalization Service and assumed its duties. In doing so, it divided the enforcement and services functions into two separate and new agencies: Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Citizenship and Immigration Services. The investigative divisions and intelligence gathering units of the INS and Customs Service were merged forming Homeland Security Investigations. Additionally, the border enforcement functions of the INS, including the U.S. Border Patrol, the U.S. Customs Service, and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service were consolidated into a new agency under DHS: U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The Federal Protective Service falls under the National Protection and Programs Directorate.
With more than 200,000 employees, DHS is the third largest Cabinet department, after the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs.[4] Homeland security policy is coordinated at the White House by the Homeland Security Council. Other agencies with significant homeland security responsibilities include the Departments of Health and Human Services, Justice, and Energy.
According to the Homeland Security Research Corporation, the combined financial year 2010 state and local HLS markets, which employ more than 2.2 million first responders, totaled $16.5 billion, whereas the DHS HLS market totaled $13 billion.[5] According to the Washington Post, “DHS has given $31 billion in grants since 2003 to state and local governments for homeland security and to improve their ability to find and protect against terrorists, including $3.8 billion in 2010.”[6]
According to Peter Andreas, a border theorist, the creation of DHS constituted the most significant government reorganization since the Cold War,[7] and the most substantial reorganization of federal agencies since the National Security Act of 1947, which placed the different military departments under a secretary of defense and created the National Security Council and Central Intelligence Agency. DHS also constitutes the most diverse merger of federal functions and responsibilities, incorporating 22 government agencies into a single organization.[8]
Homeland Security Statutory Authorities:
I wonder which “conservative” created all that waste?
Hey, did you CCO folks see the three articles in the Courier today trying to deny and sugarcoat the miserable city award that Evansville got. You ought to unload on the fat, dumb, and happy propaganda machine the next chance you get.
Did the Department of Homeland Security fail in its mission, and if so, why and how did it fail?:
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Homeland Security Act of 2002
Title I – Department of Homeland Security
Sec. 101. Executive Department; Mission
(a) Establishment. – “There is established a Department of Homeland Security, as an executive department of the United States within the meaning of title 5, United States Code.
(b) Mission
(1) In General. – The primary mission of the Department is to
(A) prevent terrorist attacks within the United States;
(B) reduce the vulnerability of the United States to terrorism; and
(C) minimize the damage, and assist in the recovery, from terrorist attacks that do occur within the United States.”
* * * * * *
Should the ethnic Chechens, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, have even been allowed in this country?
Why didn’t Homeland Security act to PREVENT this terrorist bombing?
Russians Caught Bombing Suspects On Wiretap
Former St. Joseph County Indiana Democratic party Chairman Butch Morgan Jr. Convicted: facing 22 years
In 2008, both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton got on the ballot illegally in the presidential primary in Indiana. On Thursday, two Democratic political operatives were convicted on all counts relating to the scheme.
Former St. Joseph County Democratic party Chairman Butch Morgan Jr. was found guilty of felony conspiracy counts to commit petition fraud and forgery, and former county Board of Elections worker Dustin Blythe was found guilty of felony forgery counts and falsely making a petition. It was apparently a plan hatched by Morgan, who told Democratic officials and workers to fake the names and signatures on petitions so Obama and Clinton would be eligible for the state ballot. Blythe forged scores of names on the petitions.
Former Board of Registration worker Lucas Burkett was originally part of the scheme but then quit; he waited three years before he came clean with the plan. Meanwhile, Obama and Clinton, who both could have been thrown off the ballot if the petitions had been challenged, marched merrily on.
In Indiana, presidential candidates need 500 signatures from each of the state’s nine congressional districts to qualify for the ballot. With the help of the illegal plot, both candidates managed to garner enough signatures in St. Joseph County, which is the 2nd Congressional district; Obama netted 534 signatures, Clinton, 704.
An Indiana State Police investigator said the police perused the Obama petitions and, “selected names at random from each of the petition pages and contacted those people directly. We found at least one person (and often multiple people) from each page who confirmed that they had not signed petitions or given consent for their name and/or signature to appear.” The audacity of the forgers was so great that they even forged the signature of Joe Kernan, a former governor of the state.
Democrats cheating? Shocking! That could never happen here.
Yes, because a Republican never cheated on anything.
Yes–Republicans never cheat at the polls. Thanks for bringing that out into the open.
I got one word for Evansville democrats cheating at the ballot box. WeeeeeZeeeee! The tragedy is that every powerful democrat in town knows it and doesn’t do a thing but keep a good job in play. Absentee ballots are just to tempting.
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