IS IT TRUE the ink is barely dry on the resolution crafted to vote to borrow the money to proceed with the City of Evansville’s incentive for the IU Medical School and the first questions are coming up regarding the amount that will be borrowed?…the headline number for the incentive was an eye popping $35 Million for the highest cost and highest incentive of the four bids?…the question that must be answered now is why does this resolution call for a borrowing limit of $57 Million instead of the $35 Million headline figure?…that is a full $22 Million more than the headline number that got all of the “downtown or nothing” crowd weak in the knees?…the answer to the missing $22 Million is probably somewhere in the acquisition and preparation of the 6 blocks of land pledged by the City of Evansville?…it will be very interesting to observe the spending on land and who gets the big checks?… it will be even more interesting to see just how much the people or businesses who cash these checks fork over to politicans in next year’s election cycle?…there may even be some of this money scrubbed through the system in time to grease a candidate or two this year?
IS IT TRUE with this debt which can carry an interest rate of up to 7% over a 25 year period and the $20 Million that will be borrowed to hand to HCW for the downtown convention hotel the borrowing to subsidize 8 blocks will be $77 Million?…the payment of for this debt will be $6.53 Million per year with a total interest over the life of the loan of $86.3 Million making the City of Evansville’s total contribution of taxpayer dollars to these two projects equal to $163.3 Million?…one wonders why there needs to be an interest rate of 7% authorized if the good faith and credit of the City of Evansville is in good shape?…the $6.53 Million per year will strain the limits of the TIF collections and the often pledged and tapped “boat money”?…that must be why the County Option Income Taxes (COIT) are pledged to pay off these notes in Section 8 of the resolution?…Evansville seems to be at or even slightly above it’s ability to pay off this note?…THIS IS THE POINT OF NO RETURN?
IS IT TRUE that there is a tentative agreement to fix the Green River road pavement issue between the construction companies and the county that will be finalized in May of this year and repairs will take two months to complete?…that this is substantially the same proposal that the companies proposed back in September of 2013 and was rejected by then Commissioner president Marsha Abell?… that two of the County Councilmen had to intervene in the process to try to persuade the hold out Commissioner that this agreement was a good deal for the county?…that the results of the out of town engineering evaluation were inconclusive as to the cause or who was at fault and indicated the most probable cause was deep surface settling cause by a drought of nature?…that if the agreement was accepted eight months ago it would have been fixed by Christmas of last year and the residents would not have had to drive on an uneven and unsafe road for this year?…the contractors acting in good faith have agreed to fix the problem at their cost and guarantee the fix for a period of 4 plus years and we can only ask why wasn’t this done last year?
IS IT TRUE that the Vanderburgh County web site indicates the duties of the County Commissioners are to “Prepare the part of the county budget over which the commissioners have direct control†and to “Supervise construction and maintenance of roads and bridges”?…that Vanderburgh County Commissioner Marsha Abell asked in a meeting “What are we doing wrong?†with regard to roads?…that the County Engineer indicated that “our standards are nowhere near what we are finding in other placesâ€?…the Commissioners solution to the problem was to hire yet another outside engineering company to help with road maintenance?…the real solution SHOULD BE for the Commissioners to upgrade our standards for roads and allocate more funds to repair and maintain roads before they deteriorate and quit spending money on consultants, ball parks and renaming of county buildings.
IS IT TRUE the resolution to borrow $57 Million is on the following link?
IU Medical School Bond Authorization
Spot on IIT CCO. Marsha-Marsha-Marsha.
So, for 100 new Health Sciences students, we’re paying $570,000 per student, before interest.
It looks like the “Downtown or nothing crowd” may have finally done Evansville in. Of course, they can “Take the Money and Run” to someplace with a more agreeable climate and the “urban lifestyle” they seem to crave.
I keep seeing people claim that essentially no new students or jobs will be the result of this facility. What is the number of medical students currently in Evansville, and what is the total number that will be at the new facility? Is the claim by those on this website that the new facility will simply be consolidating current students and faculty, with only a paltry net gain?
While we were waiting for the IU Board of Trustees to make their announcement, the concensus was that the IU med school is a good thing for our community regardless of where it is located. Now that it has been decided that it will be in a location that the CCO followers do not like, the IU med school has zero net value to our community. It’s funny how a group of people can be so consistently inconsistent. The randomness of the discernment of the Evansville malcontents is noteworthy. There are more climbs, drops, twists and hairpins in the position of the CAVEs than the best rollercoaster at Cedar Point.
The vast majority of the Health Sciences students are nursing students. Both Ivy Tech and UE will transfer all of those students to the new campus, while I understand that USI plans to retain a portion of their classes on their current campus. Existing PTA, PT, and Radiology Tech programs are also going to the new campus from where they are now. The figures seem to be that there are about 1,000 students in those programs and will have their classes transferred to the new campus, and the goal for enrollment there is now listed at 11-1200. I believe the figure for current Family Practice interns attached to the hospitals as interns is between 50 and 70, but I’m not sure how new those numbers are.
It is my understanding that the new students are Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant, MD, and DDS candidates.
By virtue of the relatively few candidates for those fields and the necessity of clincial sites for them, there will initially only be an increase of around a hundred students. It is hoped that over time, there will be more candidates for those programs and more clinical sites open for them. It is also hoped and expected that, as demand for nurses grows, there will be more students in that field, as well. There will, of course, be a necessity for more clinical sites for nursing students if their numbers increase.
Cramming the new campus into such a “tight” and relatively expensive location does not appear to serve the need for more clinical sites.
I think the fact that Deanconess recently donated land adjacent to their downtown campus to Habitat for Humanity speaks volumes of their expectations for development near the downtown site.
Well said and as someone else here has said before, ‘thanks for the numbers’.
I’m wise to this captcha thing now, you just hover a strong magnet over it for a few seconds. It now recognizes me as fully human without any forced typing.
Bandana, The magnet you’re using sorts out the clandestine lead bottoms, as well.
Something else,while zipping round your county we ran across a fellow change some street signs out there in some outlaying subdivisions. The only difference in the signs was the new ones had the block # design printed on”um.
Scheez just like all the mail boxes,and house numbers…..And we thought most of your emergency people would have some kind of a GPS device by now.
We would wonder if its true that those new road corner signs were even required by some archaic thought process due the whole aspect of product redundancy considerations.
Wonder what that cost’em?
One more thing to point out here is that the IUSM is absolutely is a plus for the community, and I am glad we are seeing it come to this county. The one caveat to that statement is “if it doesn’t bankrupt us.”
I just wish that this was being done in a way that is less expensive and offers more potential for growth than it appears the downtown site does. I like a healthy “side” of pragmatism with my progress, and I don’t think that is what is being served in this case.
Much of that money has been spent in the service of trying to lure conventions, something many organizations no longer waste money on. Seems we’ve maxed out our credit card chasing a chimera. Let’s just try to keep the Jehovah’s Witnesses, and of course our casino to fund everything.
No one should be fooled by the artist’s renderings of the med school/hotel/arena area. A drive by will jolt you into reality. Two of the building don’t exist despite our offers to give away the store and the third one has been spinning like a dervish, threatening to take flight and reunite with the mothership. Heaven forfend.
Cheap, off-topic shots at Bruce Ungethiem will do nothing but help his candidacy at this or any other point.
This ‘prove you’re human’ captcha-type thing that recently popped up seems to have some questions about me. I have a picture ID and official looking affidavits. I question its captchahood.
Editor, I agree with you on this we, the people, pay taxes and should have safe roadways. I agree with Bruce Ungethiem’s suggestion made in the C & P on Sunday when he recommends using HACCP to avoid these types of problems. What? HACCP is a FOOD SAFETY protocol that is specific to the food manufacturing & packaging industry? Surely not? A highly trained, well educated and experienced person such as Bruce would know this, right? Well, it’s a cool acronym & it sounds good to the less knowledgeable.
We did not mention anything about any HACCP and I do not subscribe to the CP. You are correct about what HACCP is but I have no way of knowing what context was used in the CP.
Copied & pasted from C & P for your viewing pleasure:
“8. The county is in the middle of costly litigation over the bumps and dips in the widened and elevated portion of North Green River Road between Millersburgh and Lynch roads, and it’s still unclear if one of the companies that designed and built the road will pay for the repairs or if taxpayers will. As a commissioner, what will you do to keep such construction mishaps from happening again?
Ungethiem: This is an ongoing investigation that is not complete at this point. What we do know is that the road surface is settling in various spots and causing an uneven driving surface. What is unclear is why this is occurring. It could be due to poor design that specified the wrong type of fill. It could be because of poor construction techniques in which the soils were not properly compacted. It could be a result of nature as we had a very dry summer followed by a very wet winter. This combination has caused foundation problems for many residents including myself as my 10 year old garage has settled and the brick has cracked. Once the cause is determined then an appropriate fix can be implemented. If elected, I will personally review all future design and construction with a professional engineer’s eye. I will implement a stage gate process with check points to ensure all steps are complete before proceeding to the next phase. I will also require a HACCP (hazard analysis and critical control points) review to identify critical failure points and mitigate those before they occur. These are all standard project management techniques used by private industry.”
According to Ungethiem, HACCP is a project management technique used by private industry.
It may be. Wasn’t his career at Mead Johnson. He may well have managed this protocol for food safety during his career and applied it to many sorts of construction projects or lab management techniques. ISO 9000 is applicable to many things and this may be too. The implementation of a protocol for identifying hazards and mitigating them before they happen may have kept the problems with N. Green River from happening. This or some other quality control protocol merits serious consideration across all government programs.
I would not throw this baby out with the bathwater. That which came from food safety may well be applicable to transportation safety. Afterall baby formula is a chemical mixture just like concrete is. Food packaging has to have certain safety built in just like rebar reinforcement, soils compaction, and guardrails do. Ungenthiem may be offering to bring something to office that is a foreign concept to a typical politician.
I think if there is a debate that critical thinking skills and the appropriate use of advanced analysis should be discussed. My guess is that over 90% of the elected officials nationwide would make a big fat F in both of those subjects. I think Marsha’s husband is a civil engineer. Maybe he could shine some light on the subject of quality control and predictive failure prevention.
Personally, I’d much rather have an engineer overseeing engineering projects like roads and bridges than a Realtor. Especially a Realtor who uses her elected office to try to impede Free Press and wants to boycott a news source for simply publishing her own words…in her own voice.
Ungenthiem’s statement which you have ridiculed is the most articulate and accurate analysis of an engineering problem that I have ever seen from a Vanderburgh County candidate for office. If this is how he thinks this election should be unanimous in his favor. A thinking person in politics is hard to find. Maybe this is why the Ungenthiem led effort to defeat consolidated government won by a 2 to 1 margin despite be outspent by millions. If this election is about competence and experience Marsha is in for a beating she will never forget. If it is about keeping the old by network in power I guess Marsha will win.
Yoda,ole wise one,we must agree.
Phillip and your point is?
Speaking from personal experience, even if the methodology cited is used in food safety, that does not mean you can’t adopt it (and perhaps adapt it) to a different application. PERT charts and the Critical Path Method originated in the military, and those are widely used in projects of all types.
You’re correct. So help me understand how this can be adapted to road construction. HACCP is used in places where a risk of contamination exists in the food industry. For example, if there is a possiblity of metal getting into the food there are magnets at certain points to capture the metal. Furthermore, magnet samples are taken to record how much metal is being collected by the magnets. This was all part of my job at a local food manufacturing facility several years ago. I’m sure there already safety measures and checks that are done during construction projects, how would HACCP fit into this.
Sir you are a *ool for Wayne Parke and the local machine! Get real Bruce is better for the county than Marsha and the local cronies that control her!
I don’t know how this methodology applies to road construction. I’ll I am saying is that a good PM is one who can adapt practices, systems, procedures from other fields and apply them to the project they are managing.
I am trying to say that if Mr. U can adapt food safety techology to road construction, he is probably a good PM, not to mention has gray matter (in serious short supply by current office holders).
Old Wayne Parke is a civil engineer. Maybe we should ask him to give an opinion on quality control of construction projects. Would his former employer have hired Marsha to manage a construction project?
VYP,BTW hybrids rule, we fully understand the methodology in MR U. referred to as,well. 😉
Also our blasted phase drive is acting up in certain Earth GPS indicators,basically the ninth phase in the elemental conversion processor,just in case that problem comes up for you’all we’re thinking some of the recent meteor incursions over ocean regulars could have been some highly conductive elemental incursions. Might be some new additional rare earths……
Seems to have an drawn affect on the ninth.So.
The problem comes into play on ninth in phase,its a atmospheric shock wave ,[damned loud booms],of course its not sonic and they’ll not find any wave form incursions but it does blow the hell outta any soft troposphere exits,wacks the southern polar ozone balance,as well as,drags the unintended shock wave clean up to the mesosphere.
As you must know,all of their Taguchi’s show they screwed that up enough already just trying to be “cool”. Ole Genichi is Hybrid as well some others,why do think his daddy named’em that way! 🙂
Comrade VitR,
The Central Committee at Organizing for Idiocy must remind you that the goal of our work for Comrade President Obama is the production of USEFUL idiots, not babbling ones. Any more such incoherent outbursts on your part that discredit the progressive movement will result in the termination of your $0.03 payment per post and revocation of your indolence pay.
J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
Maximum Co-coordinator
Organizing for Idiocy
Evansville Cell
I believe you are doing a disservice to Marsha by nitpicking immaterial objections to Bruce.
It appears you are blindly supporting the incumbent rather than encouraging competition for the best ideas.
Let the candidates debate the issues and may the best person win. After all, they are both Republicans.
If he is a Republican, why did he threaten to run as a Democrat? If he is a Republican, how come the last time that he ran was against one of the most popular Republican in recent local political history? He is a carpetbagger looking to make a name for himself.
Did you just call Bruce U a carpet bagger? HA! He’s lived and worked in Evansville for most of his life as far as I know, and retired from Mead Johnson, were he worked as a process engineer, meaning he made sure their production lines functioned efficiently. Basically if a company’s production isn’t efficient, they are losing money.
And if he can make a production line work efficiently, I’m pretty sure he can make our roads more efficient and resistant to decay. Given the state of them currently, I’d say Marsha’s efforts in that area are laughable at best.
Marsha was born and went to school in Kentucky. That would make her a Kentuckian. LOL.
Bruce was born and went to school in Evansville. That would make him homegrown.
Since everyone wants to play childish games and act like they can’t understand “carpetbagger” in the context that would be consistent with the rest of my statement, let me clarify. The term “carpetbagger” can also be used to descibe someone that is opportunistic and infiltrates an area for their own personal gain. Since, Bruce Ungethiem has no history of involvement or support of the party, this word fits him well.
Bruce is exactly what our local politics needs. A private citizen with experience he can use to improve the area, and *has* a long track record of quality work in his field.
In short, he’s a new face, and hasn’t been dug in like an Alabama tick sucking a living off the taxpayers through out his working life.
He doesn’t need the position he’s running for prestige or personal gain. He’s a quite comfortably retired engineer, who knows how to make things work.
Or we could keep reelected the same group of Realtors that only seem interesting in making sure they and their supporters profit from tax dollars.
After all, They’re doing a bang up job of that, while the rest of the city and it’s citizens are basically told to go pack sand. There is alot more to this city than Downtown, and it’s being neglected to get high dollar, minimal impact project shoved through so The “right” people get paid. and we need to make sure our elected leadership know that.
Carpetbagger doesn’t describe Bruce Ungethiem at all. Not even close. No number of your serial perversions of our language will ever make it so. No level of tortured explanations will help or ever make you right.
The Hildebeast is a carpetbagger. Scott Brown is a carpetbagger and (was?) a stripper. William Clark was a carpetbagger, now a dead one. Bruce Ungethiem is not a carpetbagger.
It’s a shame what folks will do to the language to try to make words fit their agenda. Facts matter not to these wordsmiths, apparently words don’t either. It’s even worse the extent they’ll go to in making themselves believe they are right.
Bruce Ungethiem apparently is considered an outsider to the current good ol’ boy politicians, but he has deep community ties and has lived in Evansville his entire life.
In today’s global economy, a community cannot afford a reputation for being run by good ol’ boy politics.
Your inference that he is running for public office to loot and plunder is inappropriate.
Let’s debate issues and qualifications. Who will best serve the county in economic development and jobs growth? Who has the skills needed to advance the community to a higher level?
‘HACCP is believed to stem from a production process monitoring used during World War II because traditional “end of the pipe” testing on artillery shell’s firing mechanisms could not be performed, and a large percent of the artillery shells made at the time were either duds or misfiring. HACCP itself was conceived in the 1960s when the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) asked Pillsbury to design and manufacture the first foods for space flights…..hence, HACCP has been increasingly applied to industries other than food,…’. ~~ Wiki
Looks like HACCP, by whatever name, was originally used for arms testing and when Pillsbury had put out enough bad boxed cake mixes they turned to NASA to buy their toothpaste tube cuisine and aped and brought the convenient acronym with them. While its focus is now mainly on food safety, the words that comprise it, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, are not food specific and can and are used in other industries.
Wherever it started, that is not what it is used for now. In today’s society, HACCP is a food safety protocol. We’re not talking about the historical context or how it originated because he was not either. He said that it is used (not was used) by private industry for project management. Present tense. Good job of skipping over the first sentence of the material that you quoted, which confirmed what I said. I’m through with this today.
HACCP can obviously be used in other industries as well. That’s how it got started, or can’t you read at all?
The material I quoted did not ratify what you said, quite the opposite.
Does the CP know you’re pasting their articles in here? Do you even know it?
If you actually bothered to read up about its seven principles there is no reason to object. Just a cursory search would show you HACCP is used in;
Habitat Control; http://www.habitat.noaa.gov/pdf/HACCP%20Training%20Slides.pdf
Water Quality Control;
River road grading control;
You just can’t stand that perhaps Mr. Ungethiem with an engineering degree has far better understanding about HACCP than you and is a far better candidate for that position than a Realtor.
This swine really appreciates the pearls you just cast before me, fellow swine. I’m having issues proving I’m human, too.
I know how much you hate Christianity, so let me clarify the “pearls before swine” comment. It is a quote from the Holy Bible that is a metaphor for offering something of value to something that can not understand the value of the item.
Why don’t you stop personally attacking her, bully? I’d think as big a fool as you made of yourself yesterday doing it, courting libel suits and all, you might have actually learned something. (I didn’t really think that).
You are hilarious. I really need to meet you one day. You don’t even pretend to be objective with your rants. LKB, has posted multiple times about my education, place of residence and my children’s school, but I’m the one going into personal matters. That’s a good one.
Careful, that august caster of pearls will bog this thing down like he did yesterday. He’s hanging it on the old reliable HACCP peg this time. Steer clear, nothing to be gained. Willful and wrong is best left alone.
‘… and from the dust arose…’. Nope not gonna do it.
I don’t “hate Christianity”, either. I just don’t subscribe to it. I know the Bible very well, as I read it several times, attempting to find something I could believe.
Now, I’m going to leave the silliness alone. There are too many good things here to discuss.
Bandana: The Lil’fellas tried to help you and EKB out a tad with the Phoenix. We concluded we might have sent the wrong program criteria when they energized they got {this thing!}
Must of needed more specifics due elemental mass balances. Benevolence is always the rule with them they’d only send’em someplace with a similar boon to an location that would enhance his dispensation per the return to the CCO comments as once vowed.
Told them to focus around the facebook bounces maybe they won’t miss next time…
The price tag for the med school is out of control and beyond being ridiculous. WHEN is the first council member going to ask why not buy the lot half owned by the county? Could you imagine part of this money going into the county gov’t instead of a car dealer?
As for the CCO’s statement about Green River. Agreed that the ball fields are a waste, but if you’re counter proposal is to stick into roads like a $26 million green river widening that has done nothing but promote sprawl, you’re better off taking all that money and lighting it on fire.
Another thing about The Proposed IU Med Center site… It’s going to cut Walnut off, a street which easily serves as the quickest route into Downtown. Kinda like the Civic center did with Main street, and slowly strangled this city’s once thriving Commercial and Retail district.
Now that it’s starting to bounce back, they’re gonna choke it out again. That location makes zero sense for easy of travel Downtown, and ease of travel is key to any area that wants to develop economically. That’s one of the reasons why Industry and business in this city has been dying off for the past 30 years. Other places are better set up to handle business travel and shipping. And cheaper to operate in to boot.
The $22 million is just the beginning for the land involved, if there are the environmental problems I expect they will find. That is, unless its bad enough to qualify as a Superfund site, like the old Plating Works did. In that case, it will just take a decade or two to get it cleaned up to the point it can be used.
Look at the renderings. Walnut is intact.
Really? Because the proposed site I saw had the med center sitting right smack dab on top of Walnut.
Honestly, I hope you’re right. I wouldn’t think our city leadership could be that willfully stupid about Urban planning.
P.S. You got a link?
That green overlay would sure indicate as such.
He did say ‘Walnut is intact’. You risk arguing over the definition of that for the rest of the day if you dispute it. The green overlay is good enough for me.
The actual part of the complex that will house the buildings is going on one lot and one lot only. And that lot is the open used car lot directly across from the great phantom hotel with a golden shovel still sitting in the ground with no one around.
If you watch the great tour video Winnecke gave to the C&P he admits the Dpat building will be a parking lot, the radio building will be a parking lot, and the other Dpat used car lot will be a parking lot. So it’s basically this one lot and the clinic that’s already built.
Basically, we’re going to be Houston in the 70s with all these parking lots…
Oh but it gets better. The current plan for the Old Central lot is to make it a “green” parking lot. What a waste of a valuable lot. Not to mention, the Y already has an overflow parking lot north of their building, there’s a bus station next to it, AND a parking garage catty-corner. This lot isn’t even needed.
The fact that no one has even been able to defend the city purchasing the overpriced Dpat lot just goes to show that we are getting ready to completely waste our TIF for absolutely, positively NOTHING.
Go to my Facebook page. There’s a rendering on there. http://www.facebook.com/evansvillesaysyes
What is going to happen when D-Patrick says they want $23M for their property?
Who says the city needs to pay for it, just enact eminent domain.
Eminent domain is reserved for the average Joes and Janes. It would defeat the purpose when you are paying cronies, who will then reward you.
Good point.
The price has already been negotiated and published. I’m sure that there were signed legal agreements in place to settle the price before the downtown group proceeded with their proposal.
23 million for The old non updated ZOMBIE INFRASTRUCTURE “what a deal”.
Who pays for the upgrades? due,Climate Change actions for viability?
Kinda like you’re decades old CSO mandate take a guess ,whats left of the “living infrastructure” must send they’re strained revenues to allow the worthless ZOMBIE INFRASTRUCTURE to remain standing and productive,moved forward.
Might be a good time for the average family to look for a more balanced and sustainable alternate for a residence moved forward,as well.
You know one that has a usable balanced utilities and throughput infrastructure due you’re daily needs point accesses,where,you shop,and work and those minor life path details.
Your county has some short borders compass wise, do you realize that?
Sweet. http://www.thezombiemudrun.com/
That one that fired up his McCulloch is on the right track.
(Start at around 30 sec.)
Where is the info on how much the DPat lots will cost?
The Facebook page, Evansville Community Information, reported that the cost for Dpat is $8.3 million. According to them, this was taken from the ordinance that John Friend filed with the clerk’s office.
That’s a damn good question. And here’s another question the city needs to answer : they considered four sites, what were the other three? I thought Winnnecke was transparent, no?
Winnnecke is transparent just not in the way he thinks. The other sites were the Promenade, University of Southern Indiana and Warrick county (not sure where).
The city was considering four lots itself. One was the greyhound bus station lot, one was this horrendous plan, and then there were two others. Surely old central was one.
I mean if Marsha Abel thinks her being a realtor is a plus for her being on the commission shouldn’t she have had the talent to flip that lot in order to balance the countys books with no cuts?
Hey CCO I just love you new site design. Job well done.
52 million plus another 5 mil is unreal! Should put it on the east side. I think all those idiots have lost there minds. What has happen to the old way of doing things –pick the best location at the best price??
I had reason to travel Morgan Ave. from Green River to Boeke and Boeke to Washington this afternoon. John Montrastelle has the area loaded with very large yard signs. It was 6 Montrastelles to 1 Swaim. Only 1 was the ordinary small sign, out of the 6. I wonder who’s financing that.
The same area has 2 Ungetheims and 1 Marsha. I’m seeing a lot more McNeil signs than I would expect, too. It’s beginning to look like this year is going to be rough on incumbents. It would be wild if McNeil takes Buschon out, but I don’t see that happening.
I am through coming on here and warning about things and then watching as this city government, both executive and legislative, do just exactly the wrong thing. I will no longer waste my time in this manner.
It has been nice meeting some of you on here who have also tried to get these “politicians” to do the right thing, and supported your arguments with facts.
I am convinced that Evansville is on the road to bankruptcy and that the convention hotel and this IU Med Center will seal Evansville’s fate.
Good luck Ron and Joe. I wish you all the best. I have come to realize that life is to short to keep beating your head against a stone wall.
Bankruptcy will be an excellent opportunity to increase property tax to 2%.
I agree that Press makes excellent contributions to the discourse here, even when we don’t agree. Now is the time when we need all of the sane people left in this town who are interested in government to stand together, though. If we don’t inform those who are not so interested in politics and get them to the polls, we are “circling the drain.”
I urge you to take a deep breath, steel your will, and keep offering the good facts that you have. I walked away from the Courier, but that is already a lost cause. It is the past, and CCO is the future, I hope.
100% Agree.
Press if you’re reading this you’ve enlightened me about many issues.
Your attention to detail and civic conscientiousness is much appreciated.
We need you.
PS I like how you just expressed concern for your city instead of placing blame.
Editor;EKB; Just to let You know when one really wants to control processes in the business industry one must know the controls,and,the the points where they begin to “affect” process.
Something we think Mr.U would certainly understand. “Statistical process control.”
Any organization or person that doesn’t see where this would be relevant to a media outlets directed influences’s on public opinion is not at an level of awareness that most educated people must maintain for ongoing forward successful daily productivity.
That’s with regards to the “cause and Affect” we all must deal with in our life’s pathways or given productive operation of any said venture.
We’ve been applying the very methodology to your daily media,and the other sources we observe,as well.
Even the use of the published comments sections and the information that offers per subject and that “said affect per comment” or that as an “perceived control point” for “affects”
Like any other process control study, when done with the correct scientific methodology, the data returns useful information that can then show its true balance towards sustainable planning to have improved process control due the productive operation of affected balances, as observed.
Our data has been recovered over quite some time,believe us,you have an affect on the subjects you take on with the CCO inputs,most notably in relation to how the OTHER media sets its informational balance to the rest of the public’s sight comprehension ,or hearing cognition.
Nobody leaves the area. I’m often in disagreement with you but I also tend to view you as I do John Blair and others who have fought long-term for what they believe in. You make your opinions clear without bile, repetition or getting involved in online arguments. The times I’ve seen you snipe at people personally I could count on one hand. Probably one finger, guess which one? Whether they agree with you or not folks should admire your persistence and sincerity in trying to see sane public policy enacted and enforced.
Disengaging sets a terrible example for the next generation of those who would carry a message much like the one you’ve spent years advocating. Some of these folks have already had a taste of how things work around here, they might just figure…what the hell and throw their hands up too. The brakes now barely function, we could soon be looking back at right now as an era of good city government. That should jolt people into activism not out of it.
Evansville presents a strange set of challenges right now. Surrender to a power structure is a poor option that should never be excercised.
Press give me a call and lets do lunch.
Press lets add up how we have taken on the establishment over a period of years that made a positive difference for the good people of this community.
1) Forced the politicians to reversed the Homestead Tax Credit deal that saved the taxpayers of this community millions of dollars.
2) Saved the taxpayers of this community about $20 million dollar on the proposed downtown hotel.
3) Forced our elected officials to make major financial (millions of dollars) cuts in the Johnson Control new water meters installations project for City of Evansville.
4) On Monday the Evansville City Council will resend the $4.8 million loan to Earthcare, Inc.
5) With help of City Council we were able to defer the proposed funding $10 million dollars for Robert’s Park.
6) Etc-Etc-Etc.
Press, get a good night sleep because a new battle looms. Forward we shall go to force and encourage good public policy!
You’re a valuable asset of the CCO “Good Public Policy” team!
The CCO started the charge to keep Vectren from passing $32 Million in costs for those dense pack devices straight through to the ratepayers too.
And the ballfields at Roberts they wanted to build at upmteen million a peice.
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