IS IT TRUE April 24, 2013
IT IS TRUE that Evansville City Council Finance Chairman John Friend, during last evening’s City Council meeting, disclosed that the exit conference concerning the audit on the Ford Center project performed by the State Board of Accounts was held last week?…this evening, Mayor Winnecke’s statement regarding the Council’s additional procedures, i.e. the engagement of the Forensic Specialists, in fact, is posturing to deflect what we may anticipate to be disturbing findings?…should those forensic accountants determine the level of smoke, so great, to declare fire?…if that turns out to be the case, the Winnecke Administration stated they will be supportive of the Council, but, without the assistances of City personnel?… this is code for “we’re behind ya, so long as you have your own resourcesâ€?…upon any negative report resulting from the forensic procedure, this administration has the moral obligation to follow the recommendations of those experts, i.e. if this administration embraces transparency?
IS IT TRUE gasoline prices across the country have fallen something like 25% since the highs of last winter?…some places are even flirting with $3.00 per gallon after the painful $5.00 per gallon price was pierced last winter in some large cities like Chicago?…the CCO hope this level of pricing will stay where it is or fall even lower through the summer travel season?…that is allot to hope for as there always seems to be some trumped up emergency that is used to drive prices up during the summer especially around the 4th of July when families are taking vacations?
IS IT TRUE while we and the rest of the country continue to be confused and grieving over the tragedy at the Boston Marathon the CCO is more concerned that the fertilizer plant explosion that killed many more people near Waco, Texas has vanished from the headlines?…there are literally thousands of fertilizer plants in the United States that have the kinds of chemicals on site to explode in a similar manner?…the fact that no one from OSHA had set foot in the plant that exploded for over 20 years is absolutely cause for concern?…if we are going to support occupational health and safety inspections with our tax dollars then they should be showing up on a more frequent basis than every 20 years or if people die from an explosion?…it may be a miracle that with many thousands of such plants in the country that only one has had a massive explosion?…we may have just been rolling the dice too long and if all of the plants have gone without inspection our lucky streak may have just run out?
IS IT TRUE that this writer in spite of the furlough of air traffic controllers took three flights across the country without being so much as a minute late on a departure or arrival?…there were indeed some delays as there always are but overall the airport experiences were normal?…seeing the news reports of stranded travelers yet having travelled on that very day through 4 airports, I wonder where these news reports were filmed?…what passes muster for news nowadays including the young anchorman getting fired for saying a curse word on air is mystifying?…mainstream media seems to have a planning department for crying wolf to keep people from hearing the important things that are going on in this country?
I am hearing in the Civic Center that the State Board auditor had a health setback over the weekend because of the City’s gross incompetence. They act like a bunch of little kids. I’m also hearing that another one of the State Board auditors that has been assigned to the City is doing whatever she can to get out of the audit.
Yep, but in Boston 3 were killed in the name of Allah (allegedly.) In Waco, 15 or more were killed in the name of big business. Who are the real terrorists? Sadly, they’ll suffer no consequences as they are “job creators” and good men, I’m sure.
What a vicious circle you describe. Mainstream media worships the Obama Administration who worships big business that worships money that does not worship at all while the bomber boys kill in the name of Allah who if exists would never approve of any of this nonsense.
Evansville Redevelopment Commission, Minutes, Wednesday, November 5, 2008
For many years to come we will be feeling the heavy debt burden placed on us by Jonathan Weinzapfel’s complete disregard for saddling the citizens of Evansville with debt on top of debt through his skillful use and manipulation of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission. The ground work for the debt was laid under the public’s radar through the ERC and many times the ink was dry on the contracts before the public ever found out about the financial implications.
The redevelopment commission in Evansville is no different than the redevelopment commissions that were bankrupting the State of California to the point that Governor Jerry Brown was forced to abolish the commissions in an attempt to return responsible government to elected officials.
The same thing needs to happen right here in river city! Abolish the Evansville Redevelopment Commission and boot the chamber of commerce out of city hall! Return government to elected officials that can be shown the door if they misbehave.
McCurdy Investments LLC
CARMEL , IN 46032
Principals(name, address, city, state, zip – when provided)
This Limited Liability Company Does Not Have Managers.
Date Filed Effective Date Type
11/09/2005 11/09/2005 Articles of Organization
03/23/2009 03/23/2009 Change of Principal Address
04/13/2009 04/13/2009 Articles of Amendment
06/22/2010 06/22/2010 Change of Principal Address
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Centre City Properties LLC
CARMEL , IN 46032
Principals(name, address, city, state, zip – when provided)
This Limited Liability Company Does Not Have Managers.
Date Filed Effective Date Type
11/09/2005 11/09/2005 Articles of Organization
03/23/2009 03/23/2009 Change of Principal Address
04/13/2009 04/13/2009 Articles of Amendment
06/22/2010 06/22/2010 Change of Principal Address
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Approval of Single Accounts Payable Voucher
McCurdy: Closing
An Accounts Payable Voucher was presented to authorize funds
for a previously approved Capital Development Project
located at 101 SE First St.(McCurdy) in the amount of $800,000
to McCurdy Investments,Inc.
Mr. Brad Salmon stated that the voucher is payable to McCurdy
Investments rather than City Centre LLC for tax purposes.
The $800,000 is to be drawn on two separate checks for
$400,000 each.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
HUH??? Which entity actually had a contract with the city at the time?
Pressanykey, great information. Keep up the good work.
Jenny Collins. Either she knows something or proves the theory of it’s not who you know it’s who you fill in the blank with a rhyming word.
dough ?
Could it be the present tense of blew
$2,500 for a forensic audit? That is like buying a tube of caulk to stop a leak in Hoover Dam. Why not $25,000 and get the job done correctly??? After all, we can spend $40 million for a hotel, so what is another couple of thousand.
Is it true that a rumor floating around the Civic Center is that Jenny Collins just got another salary increase? If this is true, her annual salary should now be over a $100,000 a year.
Anybody in CCO land know if this rumor is true?
I can’t imagine ol’ Rumplebeancounter going along with Ginny making more than him, but he could use a raise to pay for a roll-away bed in his office or a dry cleaner for his slept-in suits.
It is true! Why shouldn’t she make more than $100k per year? She does a fine job at every place that she works. I am hearing that the Utilities don’t reconcile and haven’t since she became their CFO.
It’s a shame and a farce that we don’t have a mayor and city council with the guts to get rid of the ERC and clean up the city hall financial mess or at best tell us why they don’t want to do it.What is it going to take to instil a sense of responsibility in these elected people?
A question on the next ballot?
If OSHA is anything like the Federal Trade Commission, don’t expect them to show up, let alone even acknowledge the explosion. Let the state conduct the investigation. The accident will probably be contributed to something as simple as static electricity or using a steel tool over brass or aluminum.
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