IS IT TRUE that we are most pleased to have discovered and to publish the fact that the resolution of the Evansville City Council to rescind the $4.8 Million loan approval made under duress in favor of Earthcare Energy LLC back in March of 2012 has NINE SPONSORS?…what this means is that the vote on May 12th to rescind this loan approval is in all likelihood going to pass by a unanimous vote of 9 – 0?…it took a while and the learning curve was steep but it seems that the 5 members of the City Council who voted in favor of this nonsensical approval have finally taken the time to understand what the other four members of the City Council and the City County Observer understood 2 years and 30 days ago?…even though the Office of the Mayor, GAGE President Debbie Dewey, and City Attorney Ted Ziemer have supported keeping the loan approval alive sanity is about to prevail?…May 12th, 2014 will be a day worth celebrating in the City of Evansville and the CCO commends the entire council for taking the time to think this through and reaching the right decision unanimously?
IS IT TRUE it has been brought to the attention of the CCO that the old Safe House where our government spent nearly $8 Million to refurbish 33 apartments is already showing signs of heading down the path toward squalor?…after being open for less than a year and costing taxpayers at least $7 Million more than it is worth to refurbish the tenants have turned much of the place into the unkempt mess that is often associated with public housing projects?…that which starts out as a boondoggle as this overpriced and ill advised project did always seem to end with filth, resident inflicted damage, and wasted taxpayer dollars?…as we opined 4 years ago, “to spend $8 Million on something that could be bought on the open market for less than $1 Million is just plain stupid”?…we are sure that if we have someone check out some of the other wasteful projects touted as great deals by out of touch politicians we will find the same thing?…”projects” as such things were called in the late 60’s when the Johnson Administration launched it’s war on poverty, were not cost effective then and they aren’t now?…government housing does not seem to have been a cost competitive solution anywhere even when some good tenants can be found who do not tear the places up?…this is a perfect example of something the government should have stayed out of period?…for the price that was spent on a single unit in the old Safe House one could have bought a 4 bedroom home with a pool on the east side?
IS IT TRUE a miraculous plan to get in front of the dilapidated road problem in unincorporated Vanderburgh County is being tossed about a scant 2 weeks before the Republican primary for County Commissioner?…this epiphany that preventative maintenance and predictive planning is needed even comes with a forthcoming settlement announcement for the dippety-dip problems associated with the North Green River Road project?…the timing of these announcements certainly have a hollow political ring to them?…if the people of any City or County want to have engineering expertise on elected bodies like the County Commissioners or even the City Council then they need to start voting for engineers or project managers who understand engineering?…with the amount of dollars that elected bodies dispense over projects like roads, sewers, etc. it probably should be a requirement that such office holders demonstrate a competence in engineering?…of course that would require a calculus test?…according to Quantuum Progress only 13% of the human race ever take so much as one calculus class and less than 5% of adults can do a simple derivative and explain what it means?… many would be eliminated from eligibility if the fundamental basis of engineering were a requirement to be elected to preside over what is essentially one big engineering project?
IS IT TRUE one would think there would be job descriptions and basic requirements associated with holding office but there are NONE?…until there is we can expect to continue spending $8 Million on a $1 Million apartment building, $700 for hammers, and have incumbents spouting off about inventing the concept of “preventative maintenance”?…we are relieved that no local politician has claimed to have invented the internet as once upon a time a Vice President did?
IS IT TRUE the City County Observer would like to thank our readers for their patience as we have migrated to a new presentation platform?…just like the Obama Administration we seem to have botched the launch on Sunday but two days later things are coming together quite well?…contrary to what some have been rumoring we are not shutting down, have seen a continual increase in traffic, and have added advertisers as we continue to strive to be better every day?
What about the 200k? Are they still making payments?
Yes. It is interest only at a ridiculously low rate of 2.25%. Payments are about $380 per month. It will be interesting to see if they continue to pay that when the chance for $4.8 Million is gone.
I predict council votes 7-2 to rescind EarthCare loans with Weaver and Mosby voting no.
The roll out of the site upgrade has been smoother than most.
I have mixed feelings about the apparent imminent rescission of the ‘right to dole’ as it relates to the Haney loan. Watching it unfold, with the nose-thumbing perps virtually disappearing after making an easy $200,000 score, has been enlightening and fun to comment on. The reality of it is ugly. What is says about the gullibility of our city administration is almost scary.
It seems that Winnecke, Dewey and Ziemer need constant oversight and should only be ‘trusted’ with small amounts of public money at a time. I would like to hear their latest excuse for not going after the $180,000 that circling conman still owes. That is actual money, it is not some piddling amount that the grantors/suckers think can be easily swept under the rug and forgotten altogether under the weight of their next showing of monumental ineptitude.
Last I heard letting Haney keep that money had something to do with affecting the siting of the medical school. They’ve had plenty of time to come up with a believable excuse but it looks like that isn’t going to happen. Very insulting to the residents of Evansville. Disband GAGE, it has done enough for Evansville for the time being.
GAGE needs to go! If the voters aren’t finally completely fed up with public officials poking their thumbs in the eye of the electorate by now, I suppose we are getting what we deserve.
The administrations attempt to link the Earthcare money to where the medical school will go is insulting.
A lot of what the Administration does is insulting. The voters need to wake up or give up!
Democrat voters in this city need to wake up. All of the negative issues we are currently facing to include the mayor were created by democrats. How do I know, it’s self evident. We are or will become a mirror imagine of all cities in this country controlled by democrats. We are Detroit on a smaller scale.
Give me a break. Party affiliation means little at the local level. You’re in the club or you’re not. Your childish images in your head of Jonathan Weaver rubbing elbows with Obama are stupid. I’m sure our local “democrats” hate Obama, Pelosi, etc as much as any republican does.
Why haven’t the county commissioners acted on your article:
(Fr: City/County Observer)
$80 Million was spread around the City of Evansville by the Weinzapfel Administration for sewage treatment on the West Side and the South Side and the North Side who is still stuck with the bill got nothing?…whether or not the City of Evansville’s 35% surcharge is proved to be legal or not, the actions that lead to it were sneaky and the use of funds was changed?…the people of the County were once again screwed by the City in what could easily qualify as a flim-flam scheme worthy of a three card monty dealer in the streets of New York City?
I never did tell the CCO editors congrats on the new expanded format so congratulations.
It appears to me that the Earthcare loan is being rescinded mainly because of the awareness raised by CCO. Congratulations on a job well done.
The former Safe House situation needs to have the light shone on it, too. Public housing is a dilema and has been for decades. Some thirty years ago, it was explained to me that the plan was for EHA to get out of the “landlord business.” It was hoped that greatly successful Section 8 and Scattered Site Housing programs would make it unnecessary for the Housing Projects to continue to exist as public-owned facilities. The idea was to sell them to private operators, who would profit from collecting rent subsidies from EHA. The only functions of EHA were supposed to be, by now, determining applicant eligibility and amount of subsidy to be offered to landlords. Costly maintenance would no longer be carried out by EHA.
I’d find it interesting to see if there is any correlation between amounts paid to property owners through Section 8 and those property owners’ political contributions. It would be even more interesting to see what areas of town those landlord/donors concentrate on and what happens to property values and crime rates in those areas.
Is it a coincidence that Bruce Ungethiem’s largest donor shares the same last name as the owners of the company that is being sued to fix the road that they did a sub-par job of in the first place? In fact, Steve Blankenberger, who made the $4000 donation, is one of the titular Blankenberger borthers that founded the company. I know that he no longer has an ownership stake, but this is a questionable donation. Two things stand out on this to me: First, the Blankenberger brothers do not normally make political donations. I’ll rescind my statement and make a public apology if anyone can find a total of $4,000 of political donations made by them in the last 10 years. Second, this flies in the face of Ungethiem’s response to the CCO’s question where he responded about taking political donations from those that do business with the county. I know some people may cherry pick and say that Steve is no longer with the company so it’s okay to exploit that loophole or some may say that he said “if elected”, but any person that stays objective knows that this is an issue. I don’t expect much to be said here since the same report shows that he spent $600 with CCO on advertising.
Did you say ‘titular’ ? Editor, recommend removal for foul languish.
Phyllip: how much were you paid by Marsha to write this post ? Ribbittt, said the Toad.
‘Titular’, misused the Phoenix.
The word is not missed at all. When he was part of the company, he was one of the title brothers. Now since he is no longer there, his reference is titular or empty. That’s beside the point. Your chosen one. Your honest and open savior is taking major donation from the family that does business with the county (which he said he wouldn’t do) and is being sued by the county. Of cousre, the focus goes on the messenger because you have no substance to prove that this is ethical. When you can’t compete with the facts, go after vocabulary, education, etc. Whatever fits the bill for distraction. I’m not being paid by anyone to say anything. I got a copy of his report because I wanted to see who was helping to fund his campaign. It was really ironic that I was practically reading the Blankenberger name when I heard about the lawsuit being discussed by the County Commissioners yesterday. Before I wrote the first post, I knew that I was casting pearls before swine because the only thing consistent on this website is the lack of objectivity. If Marsha had taken $4,000 from them, you would have tried to have her lynched on the courthouse lawn.
There is no lawn at the Courthouse, so there can be no lynching.
Not too late to add a gallows at Roberts Park ?
Let’s not mention lynchings in such a flippant way OK?
(To Bird),
‘In fact, Steve Blankenberger, who made the $4000 donation, is one of the titular Blankenberger borthers [sic] that founded the company’. ~ The Phoenix
You misused the word. It generally means in name only. He’s still a Blankenberger, not in name only. With a little more work you too could be a Blankenberger.
‘I’m not being paid by anyone to say anything’. ~~ The Phoenix
Now that I believe. I also believe your cavalier use of ‘lynching’ is disgusting.
“Before I wrote the first post, I knew that I was casting pearls before swine…”
Not so much, Phyllip. I don’t think you know a “pearl” from a plastic bead, but the next time you get all riled up and declare yourself to have “won” a discussion here, maybe you should remember that you wrote this, unless you are finally claiming a “loss.”
do you really want to go down the road of questionable donations and who has done what regarding advertising? Opening that can of worms does your argument no good.
Is Mr. Ungethiem associations clean as a whistle? Probably not. Or for that matter is Abell, the Mayor, everyone in his administration or Mr. Parke? Definitely not. The point; you or anyone will be extremely hard pressed to find anyone to serve as a public servant who is squeaky clean. The real question is what will they do or have done serving that position.
You do realize that Ron and Joe aren’t going to sell their souls, especially not for $600 in advertising, don’t you? It makes me wonder why such an idea would occur to you.
I don’t think The Feen does realize that.
He doesn’t mind name-calling, either. Unless, of course it is aimed at him. Then it’s proof he “won”, whatever he thinks winning is.
However he defines it, he does a lot of it. Just ask him. All those pearls he’s cast before the swine (me I think for sure, maybe everybody) have addled him. Rising from Colorado ashes in a purloined ashtray’ll do that. He’s a rare bird.
I thought he swore off this room except under extreme circumstances, like when his wisdom is really needed or when Wayne orders him in.
You do realize that I speak to Ron & Joe through other media, right. We speak via phone and email and we always have open and respectful conversations. I believe that we share a cordial relationship and have mutual respect for each other. I believe that they put question #11 in there for a reason. I also believe that if they admit it publicly or not, they would have an issue with this. My “loss” is not that my comment or opinion is incorrect or invalid. My “loss” is holding out hope that people on this site can look beyond names and look at issues on a factual lesson. I laugh at the people that are offended by the word, lynch. Lynching is just another form of capital punishment that we have used in this country. That word is no more offensive than electrocution, lethal injection or firing squad, unless they’re playing the race card on this. Which would be weird since I’m black.
You seem to have brought your whole crew with you today. Plenty of backup, good thinking.
‘…unless they’re playing the race card on this’. ~~ Ph…
Thanks, I had a $20 bet that you’d come in with that phrase (I got 5-1 on the money for the exact phrasing stipulation) before high noon. I knew when you said the highly charged word lynched I was going to win the $100. Thanks again.
Hilarious. You libs and your bad, offensive words. How is a word “highly charged”? Lynching, or hanging, is a method of execution that was done legally by many states in our country and is still an option in three states. Lynching is normally used when speaking of a mob mentality, which has been proven clearly on here by the pack mentality that you and others have shown by attacking me personally for bringing up a very valid point about a campaign donation.
Do you really want to play the “fact” game Phyllip? There are plenty of those that can be thrown at those you support, most of which are not positive facts.
“You do realize that I speak to Ron & Joe through other media, right. We speak via phone and email and we always have open and respectful conversations. I believe that we share a cordial relationship and have mutual respect for each other.”
So, you show “mutual respect” by implying that they are sellouts for a lousy $600 worth of advertising. Do you think you are the only poster here who has a relationship with Ron and/or Joe?
So you freely admit that Steve Blankenberger is a private citizen with no ownership stake in the construction company that bears his last name, and then claim it to be a politically motivated donation. Are you nuts. Your claim makes about as much sense as Marsha getting called a crook for taking a donation from you because Davis Brothers Trucking has hauled a few things for the county.
You are correct. That would be the same if I were a former owner of Davis Brothers and I donated to her campaign when I have never made a political donation to anyone else and it was after her opponent had filed a lawsuit (against the company that I used to own but my brothers still own) on behalf of the people.
There’s no story here. A private citizen (that has no history of campaign donations of this magnitude) donated about 20 times more than most of the others donors and about four times more than the second-highest donor.
Phyllip I never heard you complain when watts brothers company did a bunch of work for the city several years ago
Our city concil president was b.j. Watts
This is off-topic, but I wanted to give you some good information. Just because you want your kids to go to a “certain school” is no reason why you need to remain in German Township. I verified that, once a child has attended a school for a semester, he/she may remain there regardless of their address. So, you’re free to move downtown! You can get a lot more housing “bang” for your buck than in German Twp. I’m sure the rest of the “in-crowd” will welcome you with open arms, and probably support you to run for 4th Ward City Councilman.
Thank you so much for the information. I had thought what you found was true, but I had not had the time to verify it, with work and family and all. I’ll consider it. It must be great to enjoy the freedoms of retirement where it gives you the idle time to look up things that do not concern you. While you were researching that, did you get a chance to visit Monster or Careerbuilder? I’m sure that it would be relatively easy for you to find part-time employment so you can work on paying the citizens of Evansville back the $50,000 loan that you defaulted on.
I hope you understand that this is libel, and it’s actionable. I suggest you get on the phone with that cordial relationship you have with Ron and Joe and ask that this be taken down.
This has been reported in the newspaper counselor..if you could make that case it would only be in Vanderburgh County.
Elkaybee can defend herself and has explained what happened in a most satisfactory way on this forum before on several occasions. I think Elkaybee has showed class in dealing with this issue.
Pursue it, counselor. I have proof that what I said is factual.
Times must be tough if you’re trolling CCO post looking for business. Sort of like ambulance chasing.
Brinkerhoff is an attorney? Davis is surely a fool but I think the incident to ehich he’s referring is factual.
Nah, Steph. You’re the one that asks them to take stuff down. Remember?
Really? Are you actually going to assert a persons retirement status has a bearing on this discussion and such status negates their opinion? Phyllip, Phyllip, Phyllip, I really did expect better from you.
He’s just bitter about having an Associate Degree from the University of Phoenix. I don’t know why he put it on LinkedIn, if he’s ashamed of it.
I just surprise he would even think to use retirement status as an argument point. It sounds eerily familiar. As in Wayne ignoring any anonymous posts, Abell thinking the tech people contribute zero to the economy and the Mayor still thinking Earthcare is a really good investment.
I to am retired (Air Force) and a tech guy from way back, thinks Earthcare is nothing but a Mr. Haney (ala Green Acres) scam and use a moniker that does not exactly represent my true name. So according to Phyllip and his lot that makes three strikes for me… game over. Cue the death sound from Pac-man.
I’m not ashamed of anything. You should be ashamed that a lowly U of P associate’s grad can so handily wipe the floor with you that the only retort that you can come up with is childish mockery of a degree from an online university that must be below your high standards. Several of the world’s best thinkers were autodidacts, including our greatest President, Abe Lincoln.
Her idle time in retirement affords her the time to worry about my children’s educational needs and my location of residence. For some reason, she has this obsession with me to the point that she calls other people by my name, she looks up my profile on social media (and comments on it endlessly and she sends me private messages on Facebook. Nothing against being retired. That’s usually earned and I commend people that have the foresight to successfully plan for their retirement. My comment is directed at her having too much idle time.
Do you have proof Phyllip? Do you possess certified, trial ready, admissible documents that prove your exact written allegation- that ELK owes the city of Evansville $50k right now? Or if you were sued, would you have to determine where even to send a subpoena and then pray that the documents exist to prove your allegation? I suspect you have nothing more than a newspaper article and rumor. Neither of which is admissible or proves anything.
I posted here today, not to look for work. I have more than I can do. But I am tired of you and your condescension. What a place the world would be if we had to go back more than 25 years to find everyone’s last bad act. Was your last 25 years so perfect?
There’s no condescension here. I just call out people on their hypocrisy. Someone that was a political appointee and received a loan from the people of Evansville should not be the loudest voice speaking out against someone else that does it. That would be like you speaking out against another member of council searching for and releasing details about your debt issues. Did you use that same 25 years logic when you were looking up Missy’s records? And yes, I still have copies with your name on them as the person that initiated the query. Oops, your hypocrisy is showing.
Stop threatening the non-existent libel case against me. You sound like one of those cops from the movies that are trying to coerce a confession. Civil law is more likely than not and I can easily prove that what I typed is true. If you feel so strongly about it, represent her pro bono. I’d love to try my legal chops against you pro se in the court of law.
I’d say PD’s mouth has overdrafted his account.
Same for RacySharpie and the others too.
I didn’t have to research it at all, I know two situations where it is happening now. I just hadn’t thought about it when you gave your reason for not living downtown.
As for your suggestion for me, Stephanie is right. That debt you falsely accuse me of owing is not on the books, so you really should watch what you post. I do have some attorneys in the family, but I wouldn’t want to bother them for a small amount of money!
I too now call on you to cease attacking Elkaybee with a reckless disregard for the truth. She is not a public figure ripe for your childish personal attacks.
Your contemptible scrambling around now is indicative of a Phoenix that has typed itself up a tree and knows it.
Incidentally, you’re no Abe Lincoln.
Oh…you too call on me to… Give me a second while I file that in my “who do they think they are” file. Please help me understand something, since I’m a lowly Phoenix grad that is clearly no Lincoln. How does a phoenix type itself up a tree? Your post sounds like the phoenix becomes trapped when it’s there. I thought the Phoenix was a mythical bird that is immortal, your post sounds like a phoenix is a type of kitty cat. You’re funny, Bandana.
PD, glad to have you back. No one on this site can win a debate with you. Most end up name calling, back biting and doing child play. But with Marsha, she was there during the homestead exemption thing and I’ll let that stand for all else. She did stand up to D. Clemens and the HRC which needs to go so that is a plus for her.
The reason that I respect and support Marsha is because she’s honest and open regardless of any heat that she may get for speaking her mind. Love her or hate her, she’s honest and you know where she stands. To me, this is just the latest example of Ungethiem saying one thing and doing another.
Titular: holding or constituting a purely formal position or title without any real authority.
“the queen is titular head of the Church of England”
Yes, you do indeed have no idea how to use this word. I guess you are not so didactic.
Phillip why don’t you ask your buddy Wayne Parke if he approached yet another CCO advertiser last week to take down the ad they are presently running in the CCO?
Hey Phillip please look in todays Courier and Press and you will see a Bruce Ungethiem for County Commissioner ad. Whats your point about Mr. Ungethiem advertising in the CCO? Who cares? Write about something important please.
I won’t pay for the rag anymore, but I’ll bet there’s a “Marsha” ad in it, too. I guess she gave up on getting votes from the CCO crowd.
Looks like Wayne has sent a flawed play flying in by messenger. Nothing there except maybe poorly veiled desperation.
Internals must show Marsha in trouble.
That’s what they get for gazing at their bellybutton lint.
BTW Editor; How about a preview post function?
I know you are probably pretty proud of your new site. But I’m just gonna say it. It’s pretty remedial 1998 design. Pretty much no one does so many giant oversized graphics, did you notice how the GAGE logo got way pixelized when you blew it up in size? Your banner could be waaaaay shorter. With my computer on a set zoom level I can see 12 stories on Reddit. On the “new” CCO I can see the tops of 3 and one of them is a day old. This is like scrolling through a football field now.
Now that I know that the full bottom half of the page is just filler old random stories from 2-3 years ago, I won’t bother scrolling all the waaaay down. This doesn’t serve those who buy ads down there.
Indeed, my thoughts exactly.
I think they’ll get it worked out. It’s only been a few days. That long scroll does need to be rectified and some of the graphics need work. It’ll be ok though.
Do you use HTML tags to put those italics and bold type in some of your posts?
HTML tags, yep, gotta love em or hate em.
Bandana,I said that a year ago. Gage is useless paying Dewey 100 thousand a year is a waste of money . Send her back to Ky Where she came from
I think some lady got caught embezzling some money from GAGE a couple of years ago. Best I remember it was typical of those types of cases. Usual penalty would include restitution, etc. but probably no significant jail time. Dewey appeared in court to argue for executed prison time for the miscreant. The judge ignored her mean spirited pleas and issued a more standard sentence (restitution/probation) for that level of crime.
GAGE gets 40% of its funding from the city and county.
~~ “We had that employee terminated within 24 hours of me finding this. We also felt that we need to be good stewards of the money that’s been given to GAGE, so we want to do what we can to make sure this doesn’t happen again to another business or organization, so we really felt we need to prosecute.” – D.Dewey. ~~
Prosecution is the province of the prosecutor’s office. Dewey was under no obligation to show up beating the prison time drum.
Look at what appears to be a press release for GAGE, under that big pixelated logo on the front page of the CCO today. I got the feeling I read a lot of air. Just nothing there. At least they weren’t shameless enough to still claim to be good stewards of public money in light of the Haney deal. The mayor said he had confidence in the technology because Debbie Dewey went out there and ‘put her eyes on it’ and pronounced it workable.
I heard the former GAGE employee did pay back $20,000 per Courts Order.
I don’t doubt she complied with the judge’s order but I thought I remembered the amount she took was around $10,000 strung out over a period of time. I could easily be wrong about that.
Well, I should have clicked your link before responding. That pretty well tells it.
Anybody know the status on the audit report? It must be pretty bad with no word on it coming from the circus office downtown. Maybe that report will scare the Med center out of downtown to the east side. Could be?.??
I’ve been wondering how long we should wait before raising the “hue and cry” on this. The SBOA needs to be called out for not posting it, so we know what we need to call Russie and the gang out for. If the SBOA starts getting calls on this and so does everyone up the chain of command all the way to the Governor.
Again, I wish we could “edit.”
What I meant to say is that we should start calling the SBOA and everybody else in relation to this issue, in hopes of getting a response. I suspect time is of the essence here. If too much comes out, the toadies may try to back out of the downtown siting of IUMS.
I agree, an edit function was sorely overlooked by the editor.
We have SBR on this site, surely she knows what the problem is? Come on Stephanie, tell us, we know you know. Why can’t we get an accurate audit. Give us a little hint. Is our financial situation in this city like the man in a swimming pool full poop up to his lower lip screaming, don’t make a wave?
I wish I could answer that one. I was in the Exit Conference, but I believe we are still bound to silence until the report is released. Also, I have not seen the City’s response to the report discussed in the Exit Conference. It should be included in the final report. I have not been told anything as to why we are still waiting. The Exit Conference seemed very cut and dried to me, but it was my first one. I don’t have anything for which to compare it. Maybe there’s a lot of eye-rolling in all of them.
If the audit were clean it would have been posted by now and Winnecke would have done another chicken fat dance to celebrate it. Rest assured, there is trouble in paradise again.
Phillip what do you think about Bob Dillow giving Marsha Abell $4,000 towards her campaign? Isn’t Bob Dillow and Associates the group that got the no bid County insurance contract for last 3 years?
How about the County Attorney Joe Harrison Jr. giving Marsha thousands of dollars? Didn’t he get appointed to this position with without a bid? Mr. Davis I can’t wait to hear you answers.
Don’t blame me. I’m just holding the candidate to what HE said in response to CCO’s question:
Ungethiem Responds To CCO political survey questions
11) Do you feel that candidates running for public office should or shouldn’t accept political donations from those doing business with the County?
I believe this to be a conflict of interest and should not be allowed in government. If elected I will not accept donations to my committee from a company conducting business with the county.
You guys are killing the messenger here. What you are mentioning is probably the reason for the question in the first place.
Bruce said if elected he will not accept. Has he been elected? Nope.
I’ll only take those type of contributions until I’m elected. Sounds believable.
Well if your going to peg him for that before he is elected then you need to seriously look at the past history of those you support before they got elected.
When can we expect your next vow of silence? After ELK sues you or before? We might want to plan a going away party. Some balloons and maybe a kick in the a$$?
I can’t believe you read one campaign finance report and decided Blankenburger was not acting as his normal self?! Do you know him? Have you read all of the campaign finance reports for the last ten years? Of course not. Someone told you this story and you are just being your typical, run of the mill sycophant.
T911, prove me wrong. I said that if anyone can prove it, I’ll apologize. My vow of silence was initiated by myself and I can go against it as I see fit. It’s none of your business. Since you’re offering kicks, why don’t you give me one the next time that you see me?
This no bid contact thing is shameful.
Scott Danks probably didn’t submit a lowest bid to be the City Council Attorney. The City Council hired their choice of attorney for the going rate they pay. Mr. Danks is an excellent attorney and the City Council is very well served. The same probably applies for the County Attorney Joe Harrison who works for the going rate the County pays. Low prices are great for providers of the same off the shelf products. I get the lowest prices at Ruler or Aldis for comparable products. I’m not looking for the cheapest mechanic, dentist, doctor or, god forbid, lawyer.
I concur. Attorneys and insurance providers are not the areas where you want to go for the low-cost provider. It will always cost you more in the long run. You don’t buy the cheapest gun, smoke alarm, or fire extinguisher, why would you cheap out on other protective services?
“This has been reported in the newspaper counselor..if you could make that case it would only be in Vanderburgh County.
Elkaybee can defend herself and has explained what happened in a most satisfactory way on this forum before on several occasions. I think Elkaybee has showed class in dealing with this issue.”
I appreciate the compliment on the way I have handled this, but nearly thirty years ago when this was “news” it was true. It no longer is, so Stephanie is right and I am grateful for her defense.
Somewhere in Arizona one of the world’s major universities is considering an emergency council meeting to consider rescinding an utterly mis-granted Associate Degree in PopOffery.
That’s awesome.
Good news on Tesla for greater Palm Springs. Three people called me a puppet master when I walked into my office this morning.
Wow! I’m impressed. Six thousand decent-paying jobs would be a huge boost to the CA economy. The showroom is happening and it looks like the plant will, too.
That’s really something. It looks good all the way around. Jobs, cool efficient product, Nikola-named. And strange to our ears around here: ‘Tesla has pledged $2 billion in direct investment’.
It seems likely there will be technologies developed as the manufacturing process matures that will be transferrable to other industries. Same could also enable them to get that lower priced model out quicker.
‘Tesla owners will be able to hook into a computer to diagnose technical problems…’.
Can’t beat that. But, at least in my case there would still have to be a wrench-wielder standing nearby.
PuppetMeister to least favored employee, ‘I’ve been meaning to talk to you about your lack of full articulation’.
When titular was used it meant in relation with the corporation, not with the family. Yes, some will go to any length to “win” their point, no matter how stupid their point is to thinking people.
Yes they will. You for instance. Phoenix for another. He flat misused that word.
I’ve been using titular or a truncated form of it since a day or so after being born, Thinkeroo.
Either way, it was wrong. Corporations don’t have titular heads. The Queen is the titular head of England. Unless this Blankenberger brother retains an important a title at the company that lacks any power, he’s not titular. PD or VD, as I like to call him, specifically stated that he knew Blankenberger had divested himself of any interest in the company. This is what happens when stupid people try to use big words.
Thanks, that’s about what I thought. I don’t doubt he knows the meaning of the word, he just misused it trying to show off his massive vocabulary. If he’d try reading what he wrote without the extra word it makes a lot more sense. His other problems won’t be so easily solved.
Tell us more about how County Attorney Joe Harrison, Jr and County insurance provider got approved for contractual county work without submitting any formal bids. Is this legal?
Today’s IIT had some things in it that offered a good opportunity for worthwhile discussion. It sadly way hijacked by one person with an agenda that truly didn’t amount to a lot, in most posters’ minds.
I apologize for my role in allowing the hijacking to happen, and hereby vow not to “feed the troll” again!
“was”, not “way”.
Phyllip Davis
April 23, 2014 at 10:10 pm
Nah, Steph. You’re the one that asks them to take stuff down. Remember?
You know, you got a big mouth, you know? ~ Rocky Balboa
I prefer the Night Shift references, but that’s just me.
Here’s an idea. Feed mayonnaise to live tuna.
Neh, neh, nana nana nana Neh neh ,neh
Jumpin’ jack flash It’s a gas, gas gas
Pork barrel venders are people who give a candidate money and receives a no-bid contract . Wonder how much Bob Dillow and Joe Harrison, Jr. gave Marsha Abell in her re-election cycle? Marsha pass the pork please.
Just got a phone call from a friend and she told me that campaign reports show that County Attorney Joe Harrison. Jr. and Insurance Executive Bob Dillow pumped a bunch of money in Marsha Abell’s campaign. Looks like Ms. Abell has sold her political sole to the highest bidders. Sad state of affairs.
Sadly this is the common case in today’s political arena.
Campaign Contributions(aka bribes) to politicians and political parties are a standard procedure!
In 1997-2000 when I was dealing with Warrick County politics it was suggested that I contribute funds to the local political party that was in power at the time. I refused to be a part of this bribery for fear of retribution by these same politicians.
Needless to say, I was offered no respect!
“Politics makes strange bedfellows” but in my estimation they are mostly crooks and almost all are liars!
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